An Exclusive love

Chapter 44 - A Friend?

New Year's Eve ended with Ying Qingcang and Lele snatching a piece of pork rib in Xin Qing's bowl.

Early next morning, when Xin Qing went downstairs, there were hot porridge and soup on the table, but Ying Qingcang was not there. Xin Qing walked around the house but didn't find him, just as she was hesitating whether she should eat first, she saw Ying Qingcang push open the door and enter, his entire body was covered in white.

"Is it snowing?"

"Yes, heavily." Ying Qingcang took off his jacket, walked over and sat down, and said: "Eat more, you'll have an intravenous drip later on."

In the afternoon, after Xin Qing finished the drip, she found that there's no more dog food. Since the snow had stopped outside, Ying Qingcang suggested that they go to the supermarket. Exiting the house, Xin Qing discovered that there was an ugly snowman standing in the garden, with a carrot stuck in it.

"Haha!" She stood in front of the snowman and laughed out loud. Ying Qingcang pretended to know nothing and asked innocently: "Whose kid made such a snowman in my yard?"

Xin Qing turned her head and stared at him for a long time, Ying Qingcang felt goosebumps all over his body.

"This kid is really amazing. He's even wearing a diamond watch!" She picked up a golden watch from the snow. The diamonds on the dial could be seen clearly even under a layer of snow.

... Ying Qingcang took the watch, turned silently and went to start the car.

On the way, no one spoke a word. Ying Qingcang just stared straight at the steering wheel. Suddenly, Lele appeared on his right side, waving its claws at him, Xin Qing's voice came from behind.

"Thank you for the snowman. My mom said she likes it!"

Your mother? Ying Qingcang had been confused for a second. Oh! It was Xin Qing.

"It's great that you like it. I'm not good at it for the first time. I'll make a more beautiful one for you later on." Ying Qingcang turned his head and smiled at Xin Qing, but Xin Qing immediately lowered her head. So Ying Qingcang continued to drive, but his heart had sunk.

Xin Qing blushed and grumbled in her heart: how could his smile be so charming?

They lived in a villa at the top of the mountain. There was a large shopping mall at the foot of the mountain and a large supermarket underneath. As it was the first day of the new year, there were not many people in the supermarket, so Xin Qing decided to let Lele off the leash.

"What do you like to eat?" She wheeled the cart to the fresh area.

"I hate sweet food," Ying Qingcang replied. He even frowned as he spoke.

"As much as hate women?" Xin Qing suddenly wanted to tease him.

Ying Qingcang immediately said seriously, "I used to hate all women, but now I don't hate you." He silently added in his heart: Not only do I not hate you, I actually like you very much!

"Then let's buy mutton, tomatoes..." Xin Qing muttered to herself as she picked vegetables, and naturally, Ying Qingcang took the cart over from her hands. Seeing Xin Qing picking the vegetables, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. He even felt that coming to the supermarket every day was a happy thing.

It was a pity that his happiness had been ruined by dog barking...

Lele barked as it rushed over and kept picking up a toy ball on the ground.

"Lele?" Xin Qing brought the toy over, and then she heard sound of high heels hitting the ground: A charming woman wearing a short skirt and wrapped in fur was walking towards them.

"Sorry, that dog toy is mine." Although she said sorry, but she didn't look embarrassed at all and was very aggressive.

Lele barked at the woman in Xin Qing's arms. The beautiful woman sized Xin Qing up, then sneered: "Truly, dogs are like their owners."

"Yeah, so you don't need a dog. You only need to look in the mirror." Ying Qingcang walked out from behind with the shopping cart, and his eyes were full of fierce light.

The face of the beauty darkened immediately. However, when she saw Ying Qingcang clearly, her face had changed in a second again.

"Boss Ying! You are doing shopping too! "

Xin Qing was stunned and speechless by the woman's face-changing speed; she couldn't make any response to it.

Ying Qingcang ignored the woman, lowered his head and asked Xin Qing: "Have you found what you want? Let's go over there! "

Xin Qing nodded, she had been wondering why this woman looked so familiar. As they turned to leave, the woman's face didn't look very good, but she didn't dare to say anything. At that moment, another man came over and greeted Ying Qingcang flirtatiously.

"What a coincidence to meet you here."

Ying Qingcang looked at him expressionlessly: "So Young Master Li also go shopping."

"Accompany a woman!" The fur-clad woman was already cuddling in his arms and giggling. Young Master Li looked at Xin Qing and spoke to Ying Qingcang meaningfully, "I've heard that you don't like women. It is clearly a rumor. Is this...?"

Ying Qingcang hided Xin Qing behind him and coldly spat out a word, "A friend." Then, he pulled Xin Qing away. The woman in Young Master Li's embrace gloated at Xin Qing's back and said softly, "I thought she was Boss Ying's girlfriend! But she was just a friend. "

"Darling, you are too innocent. In my opinion, she's more like a friend on his bed!"

Xin Qing who was walking far away suddenly stopped moving, Ying Qingcang was startled and asked: "What's wrong?"

"I remember who that woman was!" Xin Qing's eyes lit up. "She's the female star in the movie Perfect Lover!"

Ying Qingcang acknowledged as he continued pushing the cart. He really didn't understand girls. Xin Qing should like stars at her age! Should I hold a ball and call them all over to let Xin Qing be happy … …

Just as he was thinking, he heard Xin Qing say, "I've seen her picture once on Mimi's computer. She doesn't look as beautiful as in the pictures."

"Do you like celebrities?" Ying Qingcang decided to confirm it.

Xin Qing shook her head: "Not really. I saw them on TV occasionally." Then Xin Qing's eyes widened, "Furthermore, look at her rude attitude just now."

"Mm, it's good if you don't like them." Ying Qingcang was relieved, because he suddenly remembered that there were male stars also.

On the way back, Ying Qingcang felt that Xin Qing's mood was a little down. He thought that it was still because of that female celebrity, but he didn't know that Xin Qing was feeling uncomfortable because he had told others that she was his friend.

"How about letting that girl play supporting roles forever!" Ying Qingcang suddenly said something, causing Xin Qing to be unable to react, "What?"

Ying Qingcang said in an unconcerned tone, "She won't be a celebrity anymore very soon."

"Ah, you want to take revenge on her?" Xin Qing opened her mouth. She felt that Ying Qingcang's previous harsh attitude towards her wasn't really anything; this man was ferocious and cruel to the bones.

"Okay?" Ying Qingcang, who did not know that he had already been labeled as a beast, was still asking for advice.

Xin Qing caressed Lele and said, "Forget it, it's fine, there's no need to destroy her."

Then teach her a lesson! Ying Qingcang did not say that out loud.

In the evening, Xin Qing cooked a few dishes and a mutton soup. Seeing Ying Qingcang eat a mouthful of food with a serious face, she was a little confused.

"Doesn't it taste good?"

Ying Qingcang's eyes were brighter than usual, "Delicious!" He took another big bite.

Then why are you so serious. Xin Qing scooped a bowl of soup for him, "I can only cook these few simple dishes that my mother used to cook for me. But I can cook different soups, which I learned when my mom was sick in the hospital. "

Ying Qingcang, who was thinking of eating the food made by Xin Qing as important, slowed down his pace. He looked at the little lady opposite him and did not say a word. Only after finishing the soup did he say, "It's very delicious. Help me fill another bowl!"

Early next morning, Ying Qingcang called for the doctor to give Xin Qing a drip. Doctor Li checked her up and said that there would be no more drip tomorrow, but she needed to be careful not to catch a cold during this period of time. The doctor also suggested that Xin Qing should take a few sets of traditional Chinese medicine in next spring.

After the doctor left, Ying Qingcang brought Xin Qing out. Xin Qing asked him where they were going but he did not say a word.

"What kind of flowers do you like?"

When Xin Qing saw him park his car in front of a flower shop, she thought he was going to buy her some flowers, so she blurted out, "Bermuda buttercup."

... What kind of strange flower was that? Ying Qingcang had never heard of it before. In fact, the only flowers he knew were roses and chrysanthemums. He intentedly chose a large flower shop, it should have one! Not long after he entered the flower shop, he came out with a large bunch of yellow flowers.

After carefully putting the flowers into Xin Qing's arms, Ying Qingcang started the car and said: "Beautiful flowers."

"Thank you!" Xin Qing lowered her head and smiled.

Ying Qingcang recalled when he asked the shop assistant what this kind of flower meant, he was told that the Bermuda buttercup means courage and bravery, even if no one could see its beauty, it would still blossom with the most beautiful petals, facing the sun. He looked at the girl beside him. Wasn't she just like that!? Never compromise, never admit defeat, yet optimistic.

Xin Qing realized that Ying Qingcang had been glancing at her all the time. She wanted to ask why, but felt embarrassed. After all, this was the first time she had ever received flowers from a man.

Unconsciously, she looked out the window and exclaimed in surprise, "Cemetery!"

"Let's go inside!" Ying Qingcang parked the car, Xin Qing rubbed her eyes and followed behind him. The cemetery was clean, picturesque, like a resort. Tens of thousands of dollars paid a year were not for nothing. Xin Qing placed the flower in front of her mother's grave, then leaned on the tombstone and sat down. Ying Qingcang stood quietly beside her.

Time was forgotten there. When Xin Qing came to her senses again, she realized that her face was wet. Just as she was about to wipe it with her hands, Ying Qingcang handed over a tissue and said, "Don't cry anymore. You were just recovered. Don't get sick again."

Xin Qing took the tissue and stood up, then smiled at the picture of her mother on the tombstone: "Mom, I'm leaving now. I'll come see you again in the future!" On the way back, Xin Qing tugged on Ying Qingcang's sleeve, causing him to tilt his head: "Are you okey? Isn't it too fast? I'll slow it down. "

"Thank you!" Xin Qing smiled at him, "I'm very happy, thank you!"

Because of the trip to the cemetery, the relationship between them had entered a peaceful and warm atmosphere. But after dinner, Xin Qing started to feel that something was wrong with Ying Qingcang, for he kept walking around in the room. At first, Xin Qing did not know the reason, but after looking at the date on the TV, she finally realized.

It was a full moon tonight!

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