After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 230: Visiting the Floating Light

Chapter 230

"After Princess Dowager Mei rescued the fake emperor, if she had planned carefully, she might have been able to overthrow the empire. However, she was consumed by past resentments and focused solely on harming the common people, ultimately leading to her downfall."

"Back then, her plan with the remnants was to give birth to a prince with royal bloodline and put him on the throne."

"But your grandfather, Qi Yu, proposed the idea of smallpox inoculation. When the emperor learned of this, he wanted to implement it widely, but faced numerous obstacles."

"Ordinary examples were not enough to convince the people."

"Left with no choice, the emperor selected the third prince, Princess Dowager Mei's son, telling her it would benefit both the people and the country. He assured her that successful trials had already been conducted on others."

"He also promised that after the success, he would not only elevate her from Noble Lady Mei to Princess Mei but also grant the third prince the most fertile fief."

"Princess Dowager Mei was tempted, but unexpectedly, the third prince didn't survive."

"She hated the emperor and the people he cared so much about."

"So, she began to scheme to corrupt the fake emperor she had previously rescued. Using him, she intended to make the people of the country accompany the third prince in death, bringing ruin to Li Country, which the emperor cherished most..."

As Li Shuchen explained, he meticulously dressed Qi Huan.

Raising his eyelashes, his deep gaze moved from her bright, dark eyes to her moist, rosy lips.

Her red lips, like delicate flowers after rain, tempted one to ravish them again.

In fact, Li Shuchen did just that, pressing his lips to hers once more, kneading and sucking.

Then, covering her watery eyes, he said in a husky voice, "If Ah Huan keeps looking at me like this, I won't be able to leave..."

Qi Huan immediately understood and obediently closed her eyes.

Gazing at her trembling eyelashes, Li Shuchen let out an almost inaudible chuckle and bent down to kiss her forehead.

"Next time, I'll be gentler..."

"You said that last time too."

Qi Huan angrily pinched him, "Tao Su was right, you can't trust what men say in bed."

Li Shuchen was taken aback. After getting out of bed, he repeated his promise.

Qi Huan was dumbfounded.

Was this a new tactic?

Seeing her confused and adorable expression, the smile in Li Shuchen's phoenix eyes was almost overflowing. He reached out and gently stroked her hair.

"Ah Huan, I might be quite busy in the coming days. If you miss me, come find me at the prince's mansion."

"I won't go! Only dogs would go."

Qi Huan, still sore, rejected him without hesitation.

Afterwards, she slept until dawn.

The next day.

She called for Tao Su and went to Xinglin Hall.

The sky changed from cloudy to clear, with sunlight appearing intermittently.

Pale yellow light streamed into the hall, casting a soft glow on Shen Jueming's gentle features.

Hearing their footsteps, Shen Jueming looked up from his medical book, revealing a clear, gentle smile. "Are you here to see Miss Fu Guang?"

The foolish guard of "Master Chen" had already told him that Fu Guang was Tao Su's sister, Tao Su was Miss Qi's maid, and Miss Qi was "Master Chen's" fiancée...

He didn't understand why Yanwu had told him so much, but he regarded Miss Qi as a good friend to exchange medical books with, and thus paid extra attention to Fu Guang.

"Fu Guang's throat can be cured. I've already prescribed medicine, but her voice might not return to its former state and could be a bit hoarse. Also..."

As a physician, he had few reservations.

Shen Jueming cleared his throat and continued, "Additionally, her venereal disease is in its early stages and can still be controlled. However, for a complete cure, I'm afraid I'll need to research further..."

Seeing that his eyes remained clear when mentioning the venereal disease, without a trace of contempt, Tao Su felt somewhat relieved.

She took out a banknote from her purse and handed it over. "Thank you for your trouble, Doctor Shen. This is for my sister's food, lodging, and medical fees for these past two days. Please accept it."

Shen Jueming waved his hand, not accepting it.

"Someone had already paid when she was brought here."

Tao Su thought for a moment, then turned to Qi Huan with the banknote: "County Lady, it must have been the young master who paid. Let me repay you on behalf of my sister."

After all, Master Li and the County Lady would soon be family, so it didn't matter who received the money.

However, Qi Huan didn't accept it. "Thanks to your sister's embroidered handkerchief, we were able to find the right person so quickly. The money isn't necessary. Go see her now."

"Thank you, County Lady."

Tao Su never disobeyed her. After putting away the banknote, she obediently went to find Fu Guang.

After watching her walk away, Qi Huan turned her gaze to Shen Jueming. "How is the antidote for the cold poison coming along? If you're missing any herbs, just let me know. I can help look for them too."

Seeing her concern and anxiety, Shen Jueming smiled gently.

Miss Qi really cared about "Master Chen"...

Therefore, he spoke as reassuringly as possible: "Don't worry, Miss Qi. I've already concocted a medicine that can suppress the toxicity. As long as 'Master Chen' doesn't use his inner energy, he'll be fine for now. But I'm afraid I'm not capable of completely curing the poison yet; it's still in the research stage..."

"However, Miss Qi needn't worry. My junior apprentice sister has been away for quite some time and should be returning soon. When she does, I'll certainly inquire about the poison's composition and treat it accordingly, aiming to completely cure Master Chen as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your efforts," Qi Huan said solemnly.

At this point, Shen Jueming excitedly added, "The tuberculosis medicine Miss Qi provided earlier has been very effective. I wonder if you have any more of it?"

"Of course!" Qi Huan's eyes sparkled as she replied, "After I return, I'll have a guard deliver some for consignment sale."

After they finished discussing business, Tao Su emerged with Fu Guang.

"County Lady, my sister has been imposing on Doctor Shen at Xinglin Hall for too long. I'd like to move her out and buy a small house for her."

She then held up two pouches.

"These are embroidered by my sister. She wants to give them to you as thanks for your care of me and your help to her."

Qi Huan accepted the pouches and took a close look, finding them extraordinarily beautiful.

The butterflies and flowers on the fabric were lifelike and vivid. She hadn't expected Fu Guang to possess such skill.

After a moment of contemplation, she looked up at Fu Guang and asked, "Would you be willing to take on some private embroidery work?"

Fu Guang shook her head in bewilderment.

She felt tainted.

Sensing her insecurity, Shen Jueming said gently, "Miss Fu Guang, there's no need to belittle yourself. Your embroidery is very beautiful."

"Your needlework is fine."

His gaze was as warm and gentle as the spring sun.

Fu Guang understood that he meant her embroidery was not a problem and wouldn't spread disease.

She had gestured to ask about this before, otherwise she wouldn't have rashly given pouches to her sister and Qi Huan.

Qi Huan naturally understood this as well.

Venereal diseases are typically transmitted through sexual intercourse, blood, or from mother to child.

With Fu Guang wearing a mask, the items she embroidered wouldn't be an issue.

Although her past might not be accepted by society, doing some private embroidery work shouldn't be a problem. The key was that her embroidery skills were exceptional, and she could certainly create garments that would make a clothing shop famous in the capital.

Qi Huan looked directly into her beautiful eyes and persuaded gently:

"Fu Guang, your embroidery skills are excellent. You should carefully consider whether you want to make a living from it."

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