After Reincarnating into Ancient Times, She Bound a Express Delivery System

Chapter 229: Marriage Dress Selection

Chapter 229

With these words, Li Shuchen took out a stack of papers from his sleeve, his long fingers quickly flipping through them before unfolding them.

Each sheet was drawn by his own hand.

Qi Huan recognized his brushwork and smiled, her eyes curving with delight. "I love them all!"

"Choose your favorite set to wear for our wedding," Li Shuchen said, tapping her forehead lightly. After a moment's thought, he added, "We'll have the rest made too. You can wear them for me in private later."

"Hmm, does that mean I'll be a bride every night?" she teased.

"...As long as the groom is always me, it's fine," he replied softly.

Qi Huan laughed, amused. After looking through the designs several times, she still had trouble deciding.

Finally, she gave up and said, "Let's draw lots to decide!"

After selecting the wedding dress, they faced a new problem.

"I don't know how to embroider," Qi Huan admitted.

Seeing her face scrunched up in worry, Li Shuchen's handsome features softened with an indulgent smile. "You only need to wear it. Others will do the embroidery."

"Then I want the best embroiderers in the capital to work on it, so I can look beautiful when I marry you."

Hearing her request, Li Shuchen fell silent for a moment.

Then he smiled gently, his smile as refreshing as a cool breeze under the moonlight, his eyes filled with adoration. In a low, husky voice, he simply said, "Alright."

He would have the most beautiful wedding dress embroidered for her.

While Qinghuan Court was filled with romance, the atmosphere in Qianqing Palace was tense.

The Longshun Emperor listened to the Marquis of Xuanping's report with growing irritation, his anger rising.

"How can a group of grown men just disappear? Dig three feet into the ground if you have to, but find them for me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Marquis of Xuanping didn't want to provoke the emperor's wrath further. After receiving the order, he took the opportunity to excuse himself.

If Mo Wangshan hadn't arrived in time, he would have arranged for someone to impersonate Li Yuanshan's subordinates and kill this dog of an emperor.

Then he could have supported his grandson, the Second Prince Li Shuyu, to take the throne.

Li Shuyu was young; at that time, wouldn't he be easily manipulated?

What a pity!

The Marquis of Xuanping walked out of the great hall, looked at the bright sun, and let out a long sigh of frustration.

When he returned, he would have to teach that fool Mo Wangshan a lesson.

As his footsteps faded away, Eunuch Feng sycophantically approached the Longshun Emperor. After flattering him profusely, he cautiously said:

"Your Majesty is blessed by heaven. Just as you faced danger, the Marquis of Xuanping was able to rush to your aid. Truly, heaven protects our Great Li."

The Longshun Emperor gradually sensed something amiss.

He had ordered the Marquis of Xuanping to investigate the missing peace negotiation silver, but the Marquis had been disobedient?

Moreover, if the Marquis, who was a hundred miles away, could arrive in time, it meant he knew about Li Yuanshan's plan beforehand. Why didn't he inform the emperor?

At this moment, Eunuch Feng continued: "Your Majesty is truly blessed, not only having a great general like the Marquis of Xuanping but also an exceptionally talented prince like the Second Prince. This servant has heard that despite his young age, the Second Prince can already wield a great sword, showing hints of the Marquis of Xuanping's bearing. Your Majesty's blessings are yet to come, so why be angered by Prince Shun's faction?"

Hearing the sudden mention of the Second Prince, the Longshun Emperor's pupils dilated in shock.


The Marquis of Xuanping was Shuyu's maternal grandfather!

He didn't come to save the emperor, but to fish in troubled waters! To kill him and support Shuyu!

The Longshun Emperor gritted his teeth, snorting heavily through his nostrils. He wanted nothing more than to execute the Marquis of Xuanping on the spot.

But he wasn't foolish enough to do that.

The Marquis of Xuanping commanded several hundred thousand troops. Pushing him too far would bring no benefits.

He owed thanks to that Mo fellow. If he hadn't hastened the end of the battle, the Marquis of Xuanping might have found the opportunity to assassinate him.

He should also thank Li Yuanshan.

He had brought the entire court of officials with him, so the Marquis of Xuanping wouldn't dare to directly attempt regicide if he had any face left.

Thinking of Li Yuanshan reminded the Longshun Emperor of Li Yuanxiu.

His money bag had actually escaped!

But this wasn't Li Yuanxiu's fault.

Li Yuanxiu had been determined to join his brother's cause, but he had been drugged and sent out of the Great Li.

On the journey, Ru Yin had taken care of him attentively, mixing a certain dose of sleeping draught into the water and porridge she fed him.

The Crown Prince had instructed that if he succeeded, he would send people to catch up with them and bring them back to the capital.

If no one came after them, they were to continue westward to the Jin Kingdom and live quietly under assumed names.

All of Prince Shun's assets in the capital had also been transferred out.

The Longshun Emperor was left with nothing.

Furious, he threw another paperweight.

Porcelain was fragile and expensive. Paperweights were relatively more durable.

Without Li Yuanxiu, he began to calculate carefully.

"Little Yun, what do you think I should reward Mo Wangshan with?"

Eunuch Feng studied the emperor's expression, and seeing that he was sincerely asking rather than testing him, he carefully chose his words and answered, "Your Majesty, General Mo is a rough man who spends all day in military camps wielding weapons. Perhaps what he loves most are swords and staffs?"

Swords and staffs are good! They're not expensive!

The Longshun Emperor clapped his hands, his face lighting up with joy. "Good idea! Pass down the order to select a few fine swords from the treasury as a reward for him!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Eunuch Feng bowed, lowering his head. He was about to leave when he paused, his expression conflicted as he reminded the emperor, "Your Majesty, the Marquis of Xuanping also contributed to saving you. Should Your Majesty reward him as well?"

The Longshun Emperor's smile froze.

He began to worry about what to give the Marquis of Xuanping.

Unwilling to part with gold, silver, or beauties, he decided to treat them equally and reward both with precious swords and famous spears.

Eunuch Feng spoke again, "Your Majesty, this servant has something to say, but I'm not sure if I should."


"Earlier, the Marquis of Xuanping asked this servant about the remnants of the West Mountain Camp. This servant thought, if Your Majesty were to hand over all of Prince Shun's troops to the Marquis of Xuanping, he would surely be delighted!"

"Outrageous!" The Longshun Emperor flew into a rage.

"When did I ever need to please him?"

"I've already given him several hundred thousand troops, and he still dares to covet Prince Shun's remnants? What are his intentions?"

The Longshun Emperor's neck veins bulged, his face red with anger. "I'll do the opposite of what he wants."

"Come, draft an imperial edict!"

"Mo Wangshan has rendered meritorious service in saving the emperor. He is hereby granted the title of Marquis of Mingen and given command of the West Mountain Camp."

The Longshun Emperor still felt uneasy.

For a long time afterward, he continued to find ways to gradually transfer troops from under the Marquis of Xuanping's command to Mo Wangshan, supporting him to create a balance of power with the Marquis of Xuanping.

While the Longshun Emperor was exerting all his efforts to maintain this balance, Li Shuchen had already fulfilled his wish to "be completely honest" with Qi Huan.


After Li Shuchen had physically demonstrated the legend of the dragon to Qi Huan, he spoke about the current situation.

The capital was like a murky pond; with the fall of Prince Shun's mansion, it had returned to a state of apparent calm.

No matter how the undercurrents surged, at least on the surface, it was once again filled with songs and dances as before.

"Ah Huan, I have to go back now. As for Fu Guang you mentioned, I've already sent people to rescue her and take her to Doctor Shen."

Qi Huan's tired almond eyes suddenly brightened, and she planted a quick kiss on Li Shuchen's cheek.

"Thank you, Ah Shu."

Fu Guang was Tao Su's sister. Tao Su had held back from rescuing her immediately for fear of alerting their enemies, but she had always been worried about her.

Qi Huan was always generous with kindness towards her own people.

However, she had another concern.

"Princess Dowager Mei went to great lengths to raise a false emperor and put him on the throne. Was it really just to throw the country into chaos? Could she have left some forces behind, hoping to restore their nation?"

Li Shuchen was entirely focused on applying medicine to her wounds. Hearing this, he replied carelessly without looking up, "You're overestimating her."

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