Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 361 - Chapter three hundred and seventy-seven

Chapter 361: Chapter three hundred and seventy-seven

Xia Chunyu saw that she was full of worries, stopped teasing and sat down next to her.

” You say.”

” I go to see doctor Jiang today ...”

Xia Chunyu’s heart thumped, and he felt nervous, was it bad news? Otherwise, why did Yaoyao have a serious face?

” How do you say that?” He asked timidly.

Ye Jiayao said sullenly, “She has said I’m not cold but poisoned.”

” Poisoning?” Xia Chunyu was frightened.” Does Liuli do it?”

Xia Chunyu immediately thought of Liuli. Last time Liuli used cordyceps to harm Yaoyao. Would she harm Yaoyao for a second time?

Ye Jiayao gave him a look: ” This time you have wronged Liuli, she hasn’t done it.”

It was no wonder that Chunyu would have such a guess. There were too many bad things done by Liuli. Qualitative thinking would naturally lead everyone to doubt her. For example, this time she was kidnapped and even Chunfeng suspected that Liuli did it.

” Who is that?” Xia Chunyu’s voice was cold.

” I don’t know yet. Doctor Jiang has said that the cold poison in my body has been deposited for at least four or five years, and it only has broken out recently.” Ye Jiayao gave a wry smile. The original owner of this body was really troubled. She took over this body and didn’t inherit the rest, but his bad luck which had always followed her.

” Four or five years ago, you even hasn’t got married!” Xia Chunyu mused.

Ye Jiayao said: “Isn’t this nonsense? I have arrived in Jinan from Yangzhou at the beginning of last year.”

” I suspect Ning has done it. I have been ill at the age of 13, and Ning has been giving me a pill ever since.”

Chunyu depressed. ” Why are you so stupid? Knowing that Ning is not a good person, you still dare to take the medicine she has given you?”

Ye Jiayao was speechless and could not say that she was not the same person as she is now, ok? If she had replaced the original owner earlier, she would not have been so easily countered by Ning. She might have married Wei Liujiang and would not have met Chunyu. All she could say was that everything was doomed.

” Now, of course, I know Ning is not a good person, but she have used to hide deeply.” Ye Jiayao argued that although the original owner was really stupid and cowardly, she still wanted to maintain her former image, or she would have been nagged by Chunyu all her life.

Chunyu thought so too. Yaoyao was only 13 years old at that time. As small as that, it was normal to lack proper understanding and vigilance of the worldly wisdom.

“Since doctor Jiang can diagnose, could she cure you?” Chunyu asked cautiously that he had already prepared for the worst.

Ye Jiayao looked at him with a faint look and pretended to say sadly, ” Chunyu, otherwise, you can take a concubine.”

Xia Chunyu’s heart sank, but his face was smiling: ” You are much for any concubine.”

” But you’re Heir-son Lord, you can’t have a son to succeed your title. Even if you don’t abandon me, father and mother will abandon me. ” Ye Jiayao said even more pitifully.

Xia Chunyu put his arms around her shoulder and took her into his arms. He said lovingly, ” Fool, isn’t it easy to have an heir? If they abandon you, I’ll run away with you. I don’t cherish this title.”

Ye Jiayao was moved to cry: ” Chunyu, why are you so good that I can’t bear to leave you.”

Xia Chunyu was scared, his arms tightened and he was afraid that she would escape. ” Yes, you can’t find a second man like me any more, and you are unique in my heart. Even if you escape, I will catch you back, so don’t move away. Anyway, the result is the same. We will be together until we’re old.”

” Don’t try to give me concubinage to please my parents and me. I don’t like having a third person in our life.”

His tone was still so gentle, but Ye Jiayao could feel he was shaking. She said that deliberately just now, he could accept the fact calmly, but he was afraid as soon as she said she wanted to leave.

She couldn’t play tricks on him any more, or she would suffered.

” Then you swear, no matter whether I can give birth or not, you will not abandon me or leave me behind.” Ye Jiayao asked him solemnly to swear.

Under such circumstances, Xia Chunyu dared not joke and vowed: ” I like you in my life, never abandon you or leave you alone, otherwise I shall not die ...”

Ye Jiayao quickly covered his mouth: “Just swear. Why you has said so seriously that it is not appropriate in New Year’s day.”

Xia Chunyu looked at her, her eyes were beautiful, clear as water, full of tender feelings and deep love, just like his heart in front of her.

Ye Jiayao was shocked, though unlucky she was, she met Chunyu and married such a man, who could be luckier and happier than she was in the world?

The more serious he was, the more skills Ye Jiayao would have to use in her confession.

” In fact, Doctor Jiang has said, it is not impossible to cure. She has already prescribed for me to take it for half a month, but I dare not hope too much. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.”

Xia Chunyu comforted: ” Since Doctor Jiang has said that, you can just try it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s effective. Don’t have any psychological burden.”

Ye Jiayao nodded: ” I listen to you.”

” However, this matter must be checked out. There must have been no pills you have taken in those days, but which doctor has examined you, the doctor must always be there, as well as the old maids who follow Ning’s side must know something.”

Whether or not the poison in Yaoyao could be removed, Xia Chunyu would not let go of the poisoned man. If Ning did it, Ning was dead and it was no use poaching her corpse, but he couldn’t let the unscrupulous doctor continue to harm others. As well as Zuo Qingyun and King Yu, he didn’t care who you were, whether the young leader of Jiangzuo League, or the distinguished King Yu, whoever wanted to harm Yaoyao, he would retaliate and would not tolerate.

Ye Jiayao nodded: ” That’s what I think.”

Xia Chunyu said, ” You don’t have to worry about this. I’ll check it.”

Chunyu took this matter and Ye Jiayao had nothing to worry about. Then she just needed to take medicine and bathe in the hope that Doctor Jiang would work miracles and get rid of the medicine.

” By the way, I has met Little Jing in the palace. Little Jing has said that we will get together at some time tomorrow, and I have already agreed. Thanks to Su Yi and Zhao Qixuan this time, and I also hear that a so-called Ninth Lord also has made great efforts. I have asked Little Jing to call him and thank them face to face. The place is in your dessert house, and it will be good to get some tea and fruit cakes or something.” Xia Chunyu said.

” Well, yes, I’ll make some delicious cakes myself later, and Zhao Qixuan has been thinking about my dessert house for a long time. This time it’s as he has intended, and don’t forget to call Chunfeng.” Ye Jiayao laughed.

Xia Chunyu smiled and wanted to say that but didn’t after thinking. Nanshan’s plan to assassinate was perfect and the effect was better than he had expected. Thanks to her idea, however, she was not allowed to participate in such a dangerous thing in the future.

Outside, Xiangtao came to send a message: “Heir-son Lord, second lady, madam has asked when you will go there.”

Ye Jiayao turned to look at the clock and said, ” Oh, no, it’s time for dinner. I has told mother that I will be there early.”

The two persons hurried to the main courtyard.

Before entering the door, a laugh was heard.

Especially Chunguo and Niuniu, laughed the loudest.

In a look, the two little guys were having fun with the young master.

Ye Jiayao thought of Doctor Jiang’s warning. Now the child was still weak and had no resistance. Everyone grabed his little hand and kissed his little face for a while. In case anyone had a cold, it was still possible to pass it on to the child.

But she could not say this, so she quietly said it to Chunyu. Chunyu nodded, went over to see his little nephew and asked Chunli, ” Eldest Brother, have you made name?”

Chunli smiled: ” Not yet, first we’ll take a nickname and wait for father to name. Just now mother has said to call him Zhuangzhuang, hoping him to be stronger and stronger.”

Well, it was a bit earthy to call Zhuangzhuang, but the intention was pretty good. Zhuangzhuang was a premature infant and weaker than any other children. Now everyone’s greatest hope was that he could grow up safely.

” Well, it’s good, Zhuangzhuang, little Zhuang.” Chunyu smiled and looked at the child’s eyes with special tenderness and kindness.

” By the way, doctor Jiang has told me that he should not be held in crowded places, eldest brother, let’s send the child back first! He’s a premature baby, so we should be more careful!”

On hearing this, Madam You also hastened to say, ” Well, then send him back quickly.”

She handed the child over to the nurse and told her to take good care of it.

Chunguo walked: ” When will my little nephew grow up? I’ll play with him.”

Ye Jiayao said with a smile: “He will soon grow up. You will give him a horse by this time next year.”

Chunguo pouted: ” One more year, forget it, I’d better play with Bao first!”

” Uncle ... you play with me, Niuniu also wants to ride a horse,” Niuniu said in a milky voice, tearing Chunguo’s sleeve.

Chunguo said firmly: ” No, you are a girl and you cannot ride a horse.”

” Uncle is the big bad guy.” Niuniu pursed her mouth angrily and climbed to You’s knee, ignoring Chunguo.

Everyone couldn’t help laughing. Having children at home was hilarious!

Ye Jiayao’s eyes turned and saw Liuli sitting there sipping tea leisurely, with no expression on her face, as if the people and things here had nothing to do with her.

You also saw it, but ignore her. She asked the servant, “Why the marquis and the third lord haven’t come back? Where are they?”

The servant replied, ” I’ve already invited them. They have said they’ll be right there.”

To speak of the devil, they arrived.

However, it was not only the marquis and Chunfeng who came in, but also Qiao, wearing a large cloak and a wipe on her head.

You frowned and said, ” Why do you come here? Before the end of the confinement in childbirth, you will come out to catch the wind. If you fall ill, it will be a lifetime affair.”

Qiao laughed: ” Mother, I can’t lie down at all when the family is reunited today. It’s okay, I’ve covered up all the way here without showing a trace of wind.”

This was really a family reunion.

The servants filled in and set the table.

Chunguo and Niuniu said happily, “For meals, have a feast!”

Ye Jiayao and Chunyu smiled at each other and understood each other’s hearts. They hoped this family could always enjoy harmony and reunion.

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