Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 360 - Is poisoning

Chapter 360: Is poisoning

The next day, everyone got up early, ancestor worship was a top priority and nobody dared to neglect it.

The winter morning was particularly cold. Xia Chunyu asked Ye Jiayao to put on suede cotton boots and fox fur, and also asked Qiao Xi to fill a hand warmer to hold in her hand. When the whole of her was wrapped like a bear, Xia took her out of the house with satisfaction.

Ye Jiayao obediently let him to hold, glanced at his stern and cold profile face from time to time. It seemed that he had changed a lot on this trip and became more considerate. Even that aspect was gentle and would take her feelings into account, rather than blindly making himself happy.

Eh ... now I was going to worship my ancestors. It seemed not appropriate to think about this. Ye Jiayao took a breath of cold air and let the chill dispel those charming thoughts.

” Why are your face so red? What are you thinking?” He whispered jokingly in her ear.

Ye Jiayao said quickly: ” What? What do you think I am thinking? I’m too hot because what you let me wear. It is hot, ok?”

Xia Chunyu raised his eyebrows and inclined his mouth, expressing deep doubts.

Ye Jiayao bitterly wrinkled her nose and deliberately pulled the hat off her cloak. Xia Chunyu immediately put it on her: ” As I didn’t ask, you don’t have to take off the hat to prove it.”

Ye Jiayao glared at him. His dark eyes clearly contained a triumphant smile. She was discouraged that her ability to keep a straight face seemed to have declined.

No one thought the first person to arrive today was Chunli. It was estimated that he was frightened by the duke’s training these two days and wanted to show it well. The servants were already putting sacrifices, and after a while, the duke and his wife arrived. Because of Chunfeng and Liuli, the third uncle’s family lived so close bur they were very late. The duke let out a cold hum, and was very unhappy.

Liuli only met You and Zhou and turned a blind eye to the others.

Still very proud, Ye Jiayao expressed deep doubts about what Liuli had said that she liked Chunfeng. If she really liked him will be stingy with a smile? The last thing Chunfeng wanted to see was that she was so cold and proud in front of his family.

After worshiped the sky and sacrificed the ancestors, the sky became bright, and had a unexpected good sun. According to custom, this day we should sweep away the dust, close the house and make a general mobilization, and thoroughly sweep inside and outside.

The ancestor worship was done by You, and Jiayao was embarrassed to let You worry about the dust sweep. Chunyu was going to enter the palace to make a job anyway, so she didn’t have to accompany him, and Ye Jiayao was busy after the sacrifice.

Liuli went to Qiao’s house, took a seat for a while and went away. Later Ye jiayao heard the servant said that Liuli went to Zhou’s house and did not come back until half of the day.

To be honest, Ye jiayao was a little afraid of Liuli and Zhou sticking together. It was not a good thing for them to meet each other and didn’t toss about in New Year’s Day again.

Xiaotao came and said Dr. Jiang would go back and come every seven days.

Ye Jiayao thought that the family would need to go back to celebrate the New Year. The little young master had nothing to do with it, so he ordered Qiaoxi to go to the account office and pay Dr. Jiang fifty taels of silver.

In a short time, Qiaoxi returned and brought back thirty taels, said that Dr. Jiang only received so much and refused to take any more points.

Ye Jiayao secretly thought that this Jiang doctor was lofty morals and noble character, and such a person was worthy of trust. She didn’t know if Dr. Jiang has studied women’s studies, the medicine effect of Renhe hall was too slow. It might be different to change a doctor.

” Does he go?” Asked Ye Jiayao.

Qiaoxi replied, ” Not yet. Still packing.”

Ye jiayao immediately stopped her work: ” Qiaoxi, I’m going to see Dr. Jiang now. You should prepare a good gift and deliver it immediately.”

Ye Jiayao came to Dr. Jiang’s room, and Dr. Jiang was talking with the nurse.

” Here’s the medicine for the 7th, once at noon and once at night. Three bowls of water can be fried into a small bowl. Don’t need to drinking it all. It’s good to have a five or six spoons. Big housewives don’t have enough breast milk so goat’s milk is still needed. However, before drinking it, it must be thoroughly heated, otherwise it will be easy to have diarrhoea and other foods should be avoided. Children can’t digest well now and it’s very troublesome if they eat it badly ...”

The nurse wrote it down one by one.

Dr. Jiang thought for a moment and added, “Carry out as little as possible, and don’t go to places with too many people.”

After thinking again, it seemed that there was nothing to add. Dr. Jiang said, ” Let’s do it first. If there is any problem, come to me at any time. I should not go out for medical treatment during the new year.”

He said that and carried the medicine cabinet to go.

” Dr. Jiang ...” Ye Jiayao walked in with a smile and motioned the nurse to step down first.

” Does the second housewife still have any command?” Dr. Jiang always looked pale and moody.

With this kind of person, there was no need to make a detour, just went straight ahead. Ye Jiayao simply said, ” There is something.”

Dr. Jiang did not speak and waited for Ye Jiayao to speak.

” I want to ask Dr. Jiang, can you treat women’s studies?”

Dr. Jiang looked her up for a moment and said, ” Your lips are white and it means your blood is insufficient. Is your period accurate?”

He put down the medicine cabinet, opened it and took out a pulse pillow.

Ye Jiayao thought, there was a way out.

Quickly to sat down and stretched out hand to give her pulse.

Dr. Jiang was unlike the doctor of Renhe Tang, narrowed their eyes and pulled their beard and set up for a long time. He just took for a while and said, ” You have cold poison in your body and it has accumulated for many years, I think ... at least for four or five years, it is chronic poison. If I think well, it had happened for two years.”

Ye Jiayao’s brain was shocked. Didn’t it say that the cold is coming into the body? She thought it was the root of the disease that because of floated down overnight in Yanxia Lake. How did it become chronic cold poison? Four or five years, it was still at home!

” Are you going to hurt to death every month when you are in period? Like intestines were twisted together?” asked Dr. Jiang.

Ye Jiayao nodded in surprise: ” Yes, it starts in April last year.”

Dr. Jiang said, ” That’s right. Fortunately, you came to me today. In a few months, I can’t help it. You can’t want any children in your life.”

Ye Jiayao was at a loss. This is too scary.

” However, the previous doctors said that I was just cold and had been drinking medicine to recuperate.”

Dr. Jiang snorted a slight sneer at his nose: ” You are poisoned, not cold, and it is useless to recuperate.”

” You think about it yourself. Did you always eat something in the last few years?”

In the past few years, it was all the memories of the original owners. Ye Jiayao didn’t explore the memories of the original owners very much. To be precise, she didn’t take the initiative to explore them, so she rarely thought about the past. Now Dr. Jiang reminded Ye Jiayao to think carefully, as if it were true.

It should be the winter when she was thirteen years old, she quarreled with Jinrong, as if Jinrong had abused her mother, she was angry and then returned to her lips. As a result, she was punished by Ning to knee in the yard, and the snow like goose feather was freezing her into a snowman. No matter how did Sue’s mother cry and beg, Ning just didn’t let her up. Later, she was ill and had a fever and was dying. Ye Binghuai just said a few words about Ning. Ning invited her a doctor. Later, the doctor gave her a pill and said she would take one pill every day. After eating it for about half a year, she felt trouble so didn’t take it any more. Would that pill have some problem?

Dr. Jiang had already sat down to write a prescription and sighed with emotion: ” Bad medical skill does harm human life. If you follow my prescription, seven patches of medicine would be enough if you found it early. Now, you should take at least half a month. In addition, I’ll prescribe you a dose for soaking, once every three days, every time for an hour, the water should be as hot as possible to let the pores of the body fully open so that the medicine can penetrate into it better. Both of these will surely remove cold poison in the body.”

Ye Jiayao took the prescription, Jiang’s medical skill was trustworthy, and Jiang said it was so certain, but the discovery was shocking and shocked her a bit.

Qiaoxi just delivered the gift box.

Ye Jiayao got up and said gently, ” Thanks to you, Dr. Jiang, I don’t know how to thank you this time. You won’t ask for more money. You must accept this gift box.”

” I don’t need this kind of thing,” said Dr. Jiang lightly. ” You’d better keep it for someone else.”

He closed the medicine cabinet and left.

Ye Jiayao was shocked. This Dr. Jiang’s temper was too strange. It was incumbent on him to heal the sick and save the sick, but it was also normal for the family members of the patients to express their gratitude. They did not steal or rob, and there were still people in the world that didn’t live with the money?

Qiaoxi said, ” Dr. Jiang has such a temper and she doesn’t want the big housewife to send her the dress material, but if she is willing to receive money, she would have made a fortune and already opened hospital.”

Ye Jiayao’s mind moved: ” Is there no hospital in her family?”

” No, in this way, all the money she earned was used for medicine application. She is a famous good man from far and near.”

Ye Jiayao was awed by this kind of person, who was too great. Compared with this, Ye Jiayao felt too bad about herself, she made so much money and also wanted to do good work. But she still earned more and gave less.

She had an idea in her heart. She just knocked a sum of money from Zuo Qingyun. She thought it would be better to open a charity hall to help those who can’t go to see a doctor because they had no money. She believe Dr. Jiang would be happy to do it.

When looked at the two prescriptions on her hand, Ye Jiayao’s heart was blocked up with panic. After so long, it turned out to be poisoning. The medicine for the half of the year has been consumed in vain. The most depressing thing was that those pills were gone, otherwise, let Dr. Jiang verify them. But the doctor should still be there. What was his last name?

Ye Jiayao recalled half a ring before he remembered that he was surnamed Gu.

This matter must be investigated clearly.

In fact, she didn’t need to check to know that it was done by Ning. Jinrong was only twelve years old at that time, and she wouldn’t have such a mind, but she liked to speak with facts.

Xia Chunyu came back from his job and looked at all the places in the house clean and refreshed, but with fewer red lanterns and beaming windows, he lacked the flavor of the year.

After asking the servant, the servant said that the second mistress was in the room, and Xia Chunyu returned to the room directly.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw her sitting on the bed staring blankly.

Xia Chunyu took off his cloak and Qiaoxi took it and hung it on a chicken wing hanger and went out to make tea.

” What are you thinking? So preoccupied?” Xia Chunyu walked over and pinched her nose.

Ye Jiayao was short of interest, too lazy to move or hide, and let him a pinch.

” Chunyu, you sit down and I have something to tell you.” Ye Jiayao patted the edge of the bed.

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