Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 337 - Not ordinary bad

Chapter 337: Not ordinary bad

Ye Jiayao did not dare to let the ancestor hungry. She yawned and got up when Little Jing said he would change his clothes.

After supper, Qiao Xi came back to pick her up. The ancestor asked the servant to pack five boxes of colla corii asini: “the other day, Yide got me a tonic and asked her to get this. You see you are so thin; it must be a deficiency of both qi and blood. This colla corii asini is best for invigorating qi and nourishing blood.”

Ye Jiayao was deeply moved. Ancestor loved her better than her own grandmother.

After sending the ancestor and Little Jing, Ye Jiayao went home. Qiao Xi told her on the way that Zhong Xiang had asked his brothers in Heavenly Residence, they all agreed to stay and learn cooking. Since last month, two people had been sent to work at night, and the big water tank in the backyard was full of water to reassure the second lady.

Ye Jiayao nodded, that was so well.

“Also, Master Zhongyuan replied, but the letter was at home, I did not bring it.”

“Forth Master and Master Minrui also returned from imperial academy today, saying they had a holiday earlier this year because of the national mourning.”

“Zhao steward also came back and asked the second lady to tell him what to do next, he is resting in the mansion.”

Ye Jiayao was pleased, Zhao Steward came back, she had one more helper, said, “Go back and tell Zhao Steward to go to Heavenly Residence tomorrow and ask accountant to calculate the year-end bonus for me to have a look at. In addition, ask him to help Zhong Steward with the mansion affairs first, and make arrangements until I am not so busy.”

Qiao Xi wrote down one by one and hesitated to say, “The first lady and the first master quarreled with each other today. It was said that the first master brought Cuiyan outside and was known by the first lady. The quarrel was fierce and everything in the house was smashed ...”

Ye jiayao couldn’t help frowning when she heard this. Eldest brother was too unreasonable.

“When I came over, the mother of the house next to the first lady also came, please see first lady after you return to the office.” Qiao Xi looked at the reaction of the second lady and stammered, “The mother of the house said that the first lady had already wanted to die, and now she is afraid no one beside her and watch closely.”

Ye Jiayao’s eyebrows tightened.

She was almost too busy to break her breath, and the family still had such a shitty thing, that was so tired!

“Where is first master?”

“The first lady got angry and he ran away.”

Er ... this bastard ran after a disaster and asked others to clean up his mess. Ye Jiayao also got angry and told the driver to hurry up.

As soon as she returned home, Ye Jiayao headed straight to the courtyard of the elder room.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, she heard the sound of crying from the inside of the house and Auntie Wei’s voice.

“Why do you think so? It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. You see the Lord has also married two concubine rooms. You are pregnant, chunli is not easy. Isn’t it normal to find a woman? Women, will be generous, if you are virtuous, give him a concubine room early, everything will be fine. Since everything has happened, it’s no use crying. It’s better to lift a sedan chair and bring people back to the end. You are the oldest; Cuiyan has to listen to you?”

Ye jiayao suddenly became very angry and lifted the cotton curtain and went in.

“Shut up, what is a man with three wives and four concubines normal? What is eldest sister-in-law pregnant, eldest brother is not easy? Who is not easy? To endure all kinds of discomfort during pregnancy, we should also take care of the embroidery workshop and housework, take care of the small ones and serve the big one. Who is really not easy?” Ye Jiayao easily refrained from swearing, and now she couldn’t bear it. She couldn’t listen to this kind of self-effacing speech.

Ye Jiayao’s face was like ice and her tone was not good, which shocked Auntie Wei.

Qiao was extremely angry and wronged. Auntie Wei also said that she was not virtuous. Now someone had finally come forward to say a few words of justice. Qiao was so moved. At that moment, the second sister-in-law was her own sister.

“Eldest brother doesn’t care about things in the home, eldest sister-in-law is pregnant, now it is the time she needs eldest brother most, however, he wants to comfort other women, how dare you to say such words, are you goddamn stupid?” Ye Jiayao showed no mercy. She didnn’t like concubines like this. What’s more, a maid like Auntie Wei who climbed the bed of her master only lifts the stuff of concubines and was even more disgusting.

“Not that I didn’t warn you, madam hates concubinage most, if she knew you said such a thing, you`ll be in trouble, also, you don’t forget that it is now a national funeral, if this thing comes out, elder brother would definitely lost his officer, sometime even a felony! You don’t have any eyesight, but still want to be a peacemaker. Just stay in your own room, don’t mix up with others and add to the confusion, send the guest out.”

Auntie Wei was scolded and dizzy, and forgot to argue, saying that second lady of the Family was a severe one, which was also a little too severe.

The mother of the room also had a cold face and said stiffly, “Auntie Wei, please!”

If it weren’t for the fact that auntie Wei was the birth mother of first master, she would have been unable to bear it. The second lady`s scold really worked off her anger.

Auntie Wei did not dare to challenge the majesty of Ye Jiayao, walked out of the door and thought about it. Madam did not like her, but never pointed at her nose like this. Today, she was forced to go by a younger generation. It was really pissing her off. Auntie Wei turned to stare at the curtain and spat at the ground.

The curtain was lifted, Qiao Xi came out and stared blankly at auntie Wei, who hurried away.

Ye Jiayao sent out all the servants before she sat down and said to Qiao, “Don’t cry. Auntie Wei is right that it’s no use crying. Will the eldest brother still love dearly? If you cry, he can change it? Think about how to solve this problem.”

Not to say that she couldn’t cry. When people were sad, it was necessary to cry out, but Qiao’s eyes were swollen like walnuts. Besides, she still had children in her stomach, and crying over her head would hurt her body.

Qiao sobbed, but she stopped crying slowly and choked out: “I don’t know what to do now, only you can help me to say a few words.”

Ye Jiayao said, “You don’t say that. If her mother was there, she wouldn’t have allowed this kind of thing to happen. Otherwise, Cuiyan would have carried her aunt. It’s not that her mother didn’t nod her head and drove people out, but she got entangled again.”

She had heard about this matter before and heard that Cuiyan had misbehaved and was always trying to seduce first master.

Qiao agreed. Cuiyan was sent away by her mother – in – law, and her heart was better.

“But, what should I do? It’s no use trying to persuade her not to listen to her. father and mother are not here again. I will never allow that bitch to enter the room. “Qiao gnashed her teeth.

“He also kept telling me that he didn’t make much money playing with stones and bought stones for all he earned. Now I know that he has set up a house outside and invited several servants to serve that bitch.”

“I hate it. I’ve been married for nearly five years. How much money did he get from me? I was almost finished by him, but it turned out that it was all for the bitch. What did you say I worked so hard to?” Qiao said and came to grief.

Ye Jiayao was speechless. Chunli was not normal bad!

If you had the ability to raise a small one, you would dare to pay your wife’s bottom to raise a small one, you would be ashamed of yourself.

“Don’t worry, she can’t get into this door,” Ye Jiayao said firmly. Chunli couldn’t be allowed to start this bad behavior, saving the two brothers from learning bad things.

“What should I do? Let him keep outside?” Qiao startled.

“Of course not. Don’t say it’s a national funeral. Even in normal times, it’s not allowed. Don’t worry, there will always be ways. Let me think about it.” Ye Jiayao said.

Qiao’s sullen way: “Second sister-in-law, I just count on you.”

Ye Jiayao said helplessly, “You can’t all count on me. You have to rely on yourself after this threshold. Eldest brother, you can’t treat him too well and depend on him too much. Husband and wife should have respected each other and loved each other, but it also depends. Some people like to treat politeness as a blessing and took it for granted.”

Qiao nodded: “You’re right, Chunli is an ungrateful person.”

“You know, the husband is just like the child, also need discipline, slowly set – up! You rest first, don’t think much, the child will soon be born. You be sad and angry at this time, and the child will know that he will also be upset.” Ye Jiayao told her again, and then got up to leave.

When the mother of the room sent her out, Ye Jiayao asked, “How did first lady know about Cuiyan?”

The mother replied, “It was the boy around the first master.”

“And... had first lady been there?”

The mother of the room said angrily, “Yes, first lady went as soon as she got the news. The first master and the bitch were making love in the house. The first lady wanted to beat Cuiyan, and the first master stopped ...”

Ye Jiayao sank her face: “It’s nonsense. How did you guys work? Don’t know the first lady is giving birth soon? What if she is out of breath, or if she fought and hurt her child?”

The mother of the room was not able to lift her head after being trained. She was also dizzy and didn’t think so much. Now think about it, she was really scared.

“This happened, you won’t tell me first? Can’t wait a day? You are an old man in the mansion, and you have no discretion in doing things.”

“Yes, it was me who was thoughtless, and I knew wrong.” The mother of the room repeatedly apologized.

“This is the only time, not for example. You should watch and encourage the first lady and not let her get so excited.”

“Yes, I must be bullish on the first lady.”

Ye Jiayao sighed, did not return to her yard, but went to the front office and called the Zhong steward.

“If anyone can’t control his mouth, don’t blame me for not showing mercy.” Ye Jiayao said in a low voice.

This kind of thing was nothing in normal times, but it was a very special time now. If it was passed out, things would be complex.

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