Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 336 - Go for wool and come back shorn

Chapter 336: Go for wool and come back shorn

Ye Jiayao returned to Ning He Palace, but before she entered the palace gate, she saw a palace moths come up and said in a panic, ” Madam Xia, the crown princess are looking for you everywhere! ”

When the princess got the news, she asked, ” Where have you been? I looking for you everywhere. ”

This was not the place to talk. Ye Jiayao winked at thecrown princess. Thecrown princess understood and took Ye Jiayao directly to the queen.

Princess Yide was also there. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Ye Jiayao come back safe and sound.

” I heard someone falsely claimed that the queen’s imperial decree had taken you away, but it scared everyone.” said Yide.After Ye Jiayao adjusting her mindfor a while,she told the truth of what had happened before.

When the three women heard this, their faces were allturned pale.

This tactic was very cruel. If the traitor succeeds, the prince and Jing’ an marquis house would be disgraced.

Ye Jiayao comforted everyone: ” Fortunately, there was no danger and got good from the misfortune this time.”

” It’s very sinister to find out who is behind this.” the princess said angrily.

Ye Jiayao said,” It’s very clear that who will be benefit from puttingdown the crown prince because all the world’s bustle is for profit and all the world’s tumult is for profit. But now I can’t make it public. The emperor already believes that the prince summoned me andwe should not cause anymore trouble now. I believe that the people behind these would be scare at the moment.”

The queen mused, ” Jinxuan said that since the emperor has already believed that it was the crown prince who summoned you. Now, it is time for the emperor to be sensitive, we should be calm and patient. Let these clowns plays their trick ,we need to be careful. ”

Yide said with anxious, ” I’m afraid . Today they are made trouble of Jinxuan. Fortunately, Jinxuan is alert and has defused the crisis. I don’t know what will happen next time.”

The queen called a palace moths came by and said to Ye Jiayao, ” Her name is Wanyu. If I want to see you later, I will send her to summon you, and you need not to care about any summonation with the exception of her.”

Ye Jiayao committed Wanyu’s appearance to her memory and nodded her head to accept her promise. The queen thought of this layer and made such an arrangement, which reassured her that other concubines summoned her and she was no need to go, but once the queen summoned her and she had to come, just like today, although she had doubts, she still had to follow.

At this time, in the palace of Chaohua,concubine Shu glared at Concubine Mo with a face of frost, and Concubine Mo bowed her head in fear.

” It is no wonder that old four can’t get into the eyes of the emperor because of such asmall matter is not well done.” Concubine Shu said with a cold voice.

Concubine Mo was the mother of the fourth princes. Originally, she gave birth to a prince and was able to make another promotion. However, the queen did not like her, so she was still a Concubine Mo.

Mo Jieyu said with chagrin, ” It is only because the prince and Ye Jinxuan who are so cunning that they not only convince the emperor of their words, but also win the emperor’s favor.”

Concubine Shu became more and more stuffy. The queen mother, the old fucking dead woman setted her a trick even though she was dead. She wouldn’t let her wear mourning for her also calculate. She even wanted to exclude King Yu. If it weren’t for fame, who the fuck want to wear mourning for you old fucking dead woman ?

Fortunately, the emperor still remembered the old lover and didn’t listen to the old woman’s words. otherwise, King Yu would have to be criticized, with his spine poked and this stain on his back, and he would not have any chance to compete for the position of crown prince.

There was also the assassination last time, which was clearly framed, but there was no evidence and almost destroyed everything she had worked hard for many years.

She could not swallow this tone at all.

It heard that the crown princess and Ye jinxuan took the same carriage last night. It seem that Jing’ an marquis house have completely fallen to the prince’s side, and originally she wanted to woo her. Since this was not necessary, then couldn’t blame her for wanting to wipe out all of them sooner or later.

Unfortunately, they still handled the problem this time, go for wool and come back shorn, which made concubine Shu very annoyed.

” The prince claimed that he had specially summoned Xia Ye . Old Fourth knew it was a lie, but he couldn’t puncture it. Once it was punctured, he would have to reveal himself,”Concubine Mo said gloomily.

” Now, the queen must also know about it, if the queen asks ...” Concubine Mo worries.

“Anything need to worry about? ” There was a chill in concubine Shu’s eyes.” If she checked, wouldn’t she say that the crown prince lied in front of the emperor? Don’t worry, she won’t check or dare to check. ”

” No matter whether the investigation is carried out or not, the queen will definitely doubt the old four, even if she would be more hated the old four.” Concubine Mo still could not help worrying and murmured in a low voice.

Concubine Shu gave her a glance and sneered repeatedly: ” She doesn’t like you and your son. Don’t forget that the crown prince was nearly drowned in the lotus pond because of old four. Although old four was careless and that was just an accident, she wouldn’t think so. If we waiting her son sat in the dragon chair, there would be no place for you and your son to live in this world. There is still a way to fight back or await for your doom when we sits there. What are you afraid of? ”

In fact, she had already figured this out, otherwise she would not have acted as concubine Shu’s helper. The battle in the palace was always cruel, either you die or I live, but it was just a matter that feeling terrified for imminent danger .

” However, we still have to be cautious. If one move fails, they must be on guard. Wait for some day. There will always be opportunities. I don’t believe that she can’t be defeated.” Concubine Shu grit her teeth.

Perhaps that admonition from the crown princess did worked. Ye Jiayao could not help thinking deeply when she saw that Mrs. Yongning and A Ruan had a meeting of eyes or a smile.

Originally,A Ruan and they were on the same side, but they were forcefully pushed to the opposite side. Fortunately A Ruan had always assumed an attitude of no matter the world, and King Yu’s relationship with her was not far away or near. At this stage, A Ruan can still stay out of the way now, Butwhat can she do when the situationturned white-hot and inevitable.

She still had so many friends, relatives can discuss, but what did A Ruan have In Jinling?Besides her only friend herself, who else can A Ruan find?

Thought about it and felt sorry for Ruan.

And Zhao Qixuan, if his position and his family were in disagreement, it was also a very painful matter. Helped the prince, it may be harmful to his family and help the King Yu , which was tantamount to standing on the opposite side of his friends. Other friends were good to say, but what should Su Yi do? Su’s family was loyal... Ah!

It was true that every family had a hard book to read and everyone had their own troubles.

After leaving the palace, Ye Jiayao endured fatigue and went to visit his ancestors at Helian Mansion.

Little Jing was’t there, she was called by the crown prince.

Ye Jiayao pondered that the crown prince was reused, and he wouldn’t avoid his relatives.

The ancestor didn’t lie on the bed. He actually meditated in the Buddhist temple to chant Buddhism. Ye Jiayao waited for a while. The ancestor did not get up until he finished reading the scriptures.

” Jinxuan ,you’re here ! ” The old ancestor came out trembling, and Ye Jiayao hurried forward to assist him.

” I heard that you are not feeling well, and crown princess was worried and let me have a look at you specially.” Ye Jiayao helped Ancestor to sit down and took the Lu ‘an melon slice handed by the servant and put it at the hand of Ancestor.

The old grandmother smiled: ” Yide is , she didn’t know I wasn’t ill, she didn’t tell you, and she hurt you.”

Ah? Ye Jiayao consternation, you did not get sick?

The ancestor sighed, ” I can’t stand the atmosphere there. If I stay any longer, I will be sick.”

Grandfather saw her face was not good and said, ” Look at you, your face is so ugly. You should also pay more attention to it. Don’t cry so hard and be lazy if you can. You are a wise people and don’t need the guidance of Grandfather. ”

Ye Jiayao smiled wryly: ” I’ve been lazy enough, and I’ll be found if I lazy again.”

The ancestor kept Ye Jiayao stay for dinner. Ye Jiayao thought that she was also ate alone when she back home. Her eldest sister-in-law was accompanied by her eldest brother, so she stayed and told Qiao Xi to go back and say something. If someone wanted to find her for something, let Qiao Xi get back to ask for it and report it back.

Ye wanted to make some delicious food for her ancestor personally. But the ancestor did not allow her to work hard and forced her to lie down in the guest room for a while before calling her after dinner.

Ye Jiayao couldn’t obey him,but was really inconvenience to the guest room, so she took a nap on the couch in the ancestor’s room.

In a daze, she heard Little Jing coming back and talking to ancestor.

” The emperor handed over all funeral services to the prince, who was praised for his good work.”

” Oh? Didn’t the emperor arrange everything by himself? ”

” This is also thanks to the Yaoyao. Today, someone wants to set up the prince and deceive Yaoyao to ... Ha ha, that’s a mistake. Yaoyao is not so easy calculating. Go for wool and come back shorn, they’re fuck up.”

Ye Jiayao was awake and closed her eyes to continue pretending to sleep when she heard that Little Jing was preaching her merit.

” Ah, it’s really a dilemma for the child. Now listen to the light, happy, and relaxed mood, but how dangerous the situation was at that time. One careless move is to lose her’s reputation. You go to the palace tomorrow to find your mother and say I told her to sent someone forJinxuan, to follow her from time to time. Jinxuan are not familiar with people in the palace and thingsand may be trick for it.” said the ancestor.

” Well, I’ll talk to my mother tomorrow.”

Ye Jiayao felt a warm current in her heart for the ancestor really loved her.

” The crown prince asked you to help him to do thing this time, you shouldtry your best , and you can’t disgraced me and Helian Mansion. The crown prince will be a benevolent gentleman in the future, and we can’t hide anything,be loyal to the emperor and assisting the crown prince. It is ok to have a clear conscience in all things, ” sighed the old ancestor.

” Yes, I will remember your word.”

” Your eldest brother still has no news yet? ”

” Yes, the secret report just arrived today. The eldest brother has already gone to Taiyuan and announced that he is seriously ill and cannot continue his journey. He will arrive in Jinling in a few days.”

Old ancestress mused, ” The defenders of Taiyuan Prefecture are your father’s old subordinates. It is a wise choice for your brother to go there.”

” To say, the emperor is also too unkind. When the war is over, he wants to slaughter the donkey after it has done its job at the mill.” Little Jing was can’t put up with his unreasonableness.

Old Ancestor chided, ” You can talk about this with me. Don’t talk nonsense outside. Be careful, out of the mouth comes evil.”

Little Jingsaid: ” I won’t say it outside.”

The maid came in to report that dinner was ready.

Grandfather turned to look at the back room and said, ” Jinxuan is tired and sleeps as soon as she touches the pillow. Keep the food stay hot ,let her sleep for a while.”

” Old ancestress, why don’t you eat first? I’ll accompany Yaoyao later.”

” I’m not hungry now,just wait! ”

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