Adopted Soldier

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

Oliver who was being carried by Specter, still couldn’t move an inch, as the two were now in an underground path . While Specter was walking with Oliver on his back, the two of them felt a sudden tremor . Specter could also hear the sound of explosions from up above . With that he could guess what had happened .

Oliver heard the explosions too, and could guess what had happened as well . Still he denied it, he denied it with all his heart . No matter what his mind says, it must be false . He wouldn’t, he couldn’t accept what was happening .

Specter knew that it was possible that even with that kind of explosion, Hektor will still be alive, that’s just how powerful he was . Also that suit he was wearing wasn’t just an ordinary suit, it was the strongest shield of the Shadow Mercenaries, only the leader gets to wear it . Of course during the fight for the position, Gabriel wasn’t wearing it .

Still Specter had no time to think about these things . He needed to get as far away as possible . If Hektor was somehow able to recover quickly and chase them, then it would be over . There was only a one percent chance of that happening . Still as long as it’s not zero percent Specter didn’t want to risk it .

He was already injured and Oliver was quite heavy so the progress of their escape was slow . Still Specter kept on going, even as he felt the pain of his injuries burning his body . He kept on going, he kept on walking forward .

Specter wasn’t going to allow his friend to die a second time . He would protect him, even if his friend didn’t want him to . Since Oliver was the only friend he ever had, that made his place in Specter’s heart irreplaceable . Not only that, he told Phil he would do it . Even though he never liked that guy, Specter was still filled with respect for him and Marge . Until the end they stayed true to their friends wishes, and protected Oliver .

. . .

After a few more minutes, Specter was finally reaching his limit, but he still needed to move forward . He clenched his teeth and continued to walk . As his wounds started to hurt even more, the weight suddenly lightened .

Oliver could finally move, and he looked at Specter with a look of mixed emotions . There was anger, despair, as well as gratitude mixed in .

"Why?" Oliver softly whispered as he looked at the wounded Specter .

"There was nothing more we could have done . " The moment Specter said this, Oliver couldn’t contain himself anymore and punched the wounded Specter . Due to the drug that was injected into him, Oliver’s punch wasn’t as powerful as it usually was, but it was still enough to blow away the wounded Specter .

"What! Nothing we could have done!? Are you f*cking with me?! There was a lot of things we could have done! But you f*cking drugged me! You made me unable to even say I love you to my parents! We could have beaten that guy, who was unable to move, and my parents were holding him down . We could’ve done a sh*tload of things!"

The pain, the sorrow in Oliver’s voice had so much weight in it . Specter stood up and wobbled a little as he stared at the enraged Oliver . He might sound angry and menacing, but Specter couldn’t really take him that seriously, since he could only see a little boy crying for his parents .

Oliver was crying so much, his manly face was actually tearing up and snot was coming out of his nose . It was a weird look to have for someone as big and muscular as Oliver .

"Tell me! Why did you leave them there!" Oliver screamed at Specter, who looked at Oliver as if he was looking at a whinny baby .

"Heh, do you think I wouldn’t help those two beat Hektor if we could? Don’t be stupid, didn’t you hear what your parents said they wanted you to escape! They knew from the start we wouldn’t be able to take down Hektor! So stop f*cking whining and telling me that we could have done something, when you don’t even know and understand how strong the opponent was!"

Hearing what Specter said Oliver knew he was right, but he still couldn’t accept it . What kind of child would accept such a thing!

"Tell me who was that . . . Tell me the truth about me . . . Tell me everything . " Oliver’s voice went down an octave as he asked this . Hearing him speak like this made Specter tremble in fear . He didn’t really want to talk about this while they were escaping, since Hektor might suddenly appear . Still hearing Oliver sound this serious, and that look he was giving him made it seem like he had no choice in the matter .

Specter tried to check his jacket to see if he had a cigarette, but unfortunately he didn’t find one . They must’ve fallen off when he was fighting Joseph . Specter could only sigh at how unlucky he was . Specter then started to explain, who Oliver truly was . Who his father was, who he was before his memories were erased . Who Phil and Marge truly were, and who Hektor truly was .

Oliver who was listening silently, was grinding his teeth, as he heard more of Specter’s explanation . The main thing he understood about the whole story was that Hektor his b*stard of an uncle, has killed his biological father, and even . . . Oliver shook his head as he tried to not think about that .

"Then I truly am James Bourne . . . Specter . . . No, Raphael, do you know how to unlock my memories . Can you tell me how to regain my old memories?"

"How about we retreat first, then talk about this . Staying here isn’t really safe, and I’m not sure when Hektor will come for us . "

"Fine let’s get out of here first, and head back to my house . " Specter nodded in agreement . The two then started running towards the exit . As they were running, Oliver couldn’t help but look back and thought .

’Hektor I will kill you!’

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