Adopted Soldier

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Once Kris and Joesph retreated Phil and Marge headed to the switch hidden on the football field . The ground started to shake, and after a few seconds, the ground opened up showing a staircase and a steel door .

Oliver who was carrying the injured Specter was surprised to see something like this underneath the school’s football field .

’When did they have time to build this thing!? They even did it without anyone noticing . I’m sure Emily told me that Alex had placed surveillance cameras all over the school ever since he came here . That would mean Dad and Mom did this before I attended this school, or they somehow changed the footage in Alex’s surveillance cameras . Well either way, this is way too much . ’

Oliver already knew that his parents could be considered something like mad scientists . Still this structure was a surprise to him .

. . .

Phil and Marge headed straight to the steel door, and were about to use their access cards that they created . Yet the moment they looked at the steel door, they noticed that someone had tampered with the system placed on the door .

This meant that someone was already inside waiting for them . Still they had no choice but to go in, there were too many important equipment in this secret base . The two headed inside, and Oliver who was carrying Specter followed .

. . .

Phil who was ahead of the group saw that the lights of the lab were turned on, and he could hear the sound of someone tapping on the table . Phil and the others looked at each other and took out their weapons . Even though both Phil and Marge were scientist, but their skill in battle was not something to brush off . Even if you were not part of the field agents in the Shadow Mercenaries, there was still a minimum strength requirement to join . The strength of a person that wants to join must be at least near the upper limits of an A rank merc .

So both Phil and Marge were at that level, even if skill wise they were the weakest in the organization, but in the outside they were part of the higher echelons . So with Oliver by their side they thought they could handle whoever it was that broke in . Yet the moment they saw the face of the man that was waiting for them, the perpetual smile Phil and Marge had disappeared for a second .

The man in front of them was the most dangerous person they could meet at this point . He was also the person they wanted to avoid at all cost, but as usual fate was really unpredictable .

There in front of them was a man of medium build, that look a bit similar to Oliver and was wearing a black suit with matching black gloves . This man was the uncle of James Bourne, Hektor .

Seeing the group of people he was waiting for, Hektor smiled at them . He then looked at Oliver and that smile of his got even wider .

"Oh, if it isn’t the new leader of the Shadow Mercenaries, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Phil initiated a conversation with his usual smiling face .

"Do I really need a reason to come and see my one and only nephew?" Hektor looked at Oliver and spoke to him . "It’s been a long time James . Look how much you’ve grown, as expected of my nephew . "

Hektor was about to approach the utterly confused Oliver, but Phil and Marge blocked his path . Seeing this made Hektor frown .

"What do you two think you’re doing? It would seem that you two think, I gone soft or something . Daring to block my path, even though I didn’t kill you immediately since you took care of my nephew so well over the years . I’ll give you a chance, apologize now, and move out of the way . "

It was at that moment everyone present could feel a suffocating pressure envelope them . Even Specter who was unconscious was jolted awake by the pressure . Phil and Marge knew that they won’t be able to stop one move from Hektor . This was the guy who was the top of the Shadow Mercenaries, a place where the strong gather to reach their ideals . The only one who was stronger than this guy in the organization would be the man behind the curtain .

Still even knowing this, Phil and Marge didn’t back down . They knew that the moment Hektor reaches Oliver, would spell his death .

"He doesn’t remember anything anymore . He no longer remembers who James Bourne is, and is now Oliver Minx . "

Hearing what Phil said, made Hektor stood in place stunned by the sudden revelation . Using that brief moment of confusion, Marge was about to press a button, but before she could do so was suddenly stabbed by Hektor using his bare hands like a knife .

This move created a hole in Marge’s stomach . Oliver who saw this wanted to move in rage, yet Phil signaled him to stop, while Specter tried to hold him down .

"Do you really think, I won’t notice . I’ve known you fools for a long time, obviously I know the tricks you like to use . So Phil your wife is about to die, how about you say your final goodbye . "

Hektor was about to pull out his hands from Marge’s belly but was stopped as Marge held his hands as tightly as possible . Phil also dashed forward and restrained the surprised Hektor and injected something similar to a tranquilizer . This was something that could even stop a raging bull, but it was only able to restrain Hektor for a bit .

"No need to say a final goodbye since we’ll all be together . " Phil who was restraining Hektor looked at Oliver who was about ready to charge and help .

"STOP!" Hearing the serious look of his dad that usually had a smile on his face, Oliver stood in place .

"Oliver, I know I promise to tell you the truth, but it would seem that’s not going to be possible now . Raphael over there would do that in my stead . "

"What are you saying dad!? Sh*t, we got to help mom now, this is no time for your jokes!" Oliver was about to move forward again, but he felt something stab onto his neck . Specter had just used the same tranquilizer that was used on Hektor . He found it at a nearby table .

Oliver couldn’t move his body as he fell down looking at Phil and Marge, who were smiling at him .

"Thanks Raphael," Specter simply nodded his head in response as he tried to pick up Oliver .

"Oliver thank you for being a spectacular son . . . I love you . "

Marge who was bleeding badly, also said something as she kept that gentle smile on her face . "Oliver honey, remember that no matter what, you can only be you . I love you my wonderful son . "

Oliver was trying his hardest to move, as he cried . He didn’t like what his parents were telling him, since it felt like a goodbye . Oliver wanted to respond as well, he wanted to say I love you too, but his whole body was numb and even his mouth was unable to move, yet Phil and Marge understood even without him saying anything .

"It’s alright son, we know . . . Raphael there is a switch on the right side of that wall, that will open up an escape route . Please bring Oliver with you, the drug we injected Hektor with, is losing its effect . "

Hearing what Phil said, the weakened Specter knew what to do . Even in this situation where Hektor couldn’t move an inch was extremely dangerous . Even if Specter and Oliver try to kill Hektor in this situation, they might not be able to do it, heck the adrenaline Hektor would get in a near death situation might make him overcome the drug instantly . There were too many unsure elements when facing someone like Hektor .

So Specter took Oliver and headed to the escape route Phil was talking about . He saw the switch, which opened up a hole on the floor, making Specter and Oliver fall in .

Phil seeing Oliver fall into the escape hatch, then took out a button . "Marge it has been a fun life hasn’t it . "

"Of course it has been fun, since I’ve been with you . "

"Thank you for everything Marge . "

’Gabriel, Patricia, I have a great story to tell you . Our son James has become a fine man . ’ With that last thought, Phil then pressed the button, and the secret base exploded .

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