Absolute Resonance

Chapter 1147: Power of Teamwork

Chapter 1147: Power of Teamwork

When the second Black Coffin Carrier fell over, everyone on the battlefield was startled. Not only were the students from both colleges staring in disbelief, the faces of those in the vicious Murderous Ghost Horde changed drastically too. Everyone glanced over at that corner of the battlefield, where a young lad stood upright with his sword resting on the ground. He commanded an impressive presence with the nine Heavenly Pearls rotating and absorbing worldly natural energy behind him.

Nine Heavenly Pearls.

This brat was only at the Heavenly Pearl Tier! How could a nine-pearl win against two Greater Heavenly Resonance opponents?! 

It was unbelievable!

One could argue that the first Black Coffin Carrier had been caught off guard and lost because he had failed to use his Other Transformation. However, the second guy had lost in a face-to-face confrontation at full power.

Due to his immense battle experience, Li Luo had acted with much cunning. In the end, the second Black Coffin Carrier was outwitted. Nonetheless, this was to be expected. It was amazing that the second Black Coffin Carrier could retain some of his sanity after fusing with the Other. It would be too much to ask for him to come up with a clever and detailed strategy, much less think up countermeasures. It was also too late to talk about this as well. After all, the two Black Coffin Carriers were dead.

This was particularly impactful considering the chaotic situation. With Li Luo taking the lead in kills, the morale on their side had risen tremendously. 

For the moment, it seemed like they had managed to defend against the pincer attack of the Evil Spirits and the Murderous Ghost Horde.

Li Luo let out a long breath and tightened his grip on the Dragon Elephant Blade. Slowly, the surging resonant power in his body began to calm down. 

The temporarily enhanced senses that were a result of his breakthrough gradually subsided.

The previous two fights had taken a great toll not just on his resonant power, but also his mental strength. The gap in their strength was undeniable, and he had to admit that he had won mainly due to clever tricks. However, who would worry about having an open and fair fight when one's life was on the line?

"I have spent seventy to eighty percent of my resonant power." Li Luo frowned. His record was spectacular, but he had used up too much energy in this fight. He would not be able to change the overall situation after this.

Their morale had indeed improved, but the overall situation hadn't shifted all that much.

There was still a tremendous amount of pressure bearing down upon Wang Kong, Yue Zhiyu, and Li Hongyou. They were holding back around ten Greater Evil Spirits. Although Wang Kong seemed like an impenetrable wall, it was largely due to the assistance from the other two. Once their assistance wore off, even he would be overwhelmed. They would lose control of the whole situation then. Meanwhile, Feng Lingyuan, Wei Chonglou, and Duan Mu were at a stalemate in their fight against the Blood Coffin Carrier. Even with the three of them working together, they were hardly able to gain any advantages. Instead, they ended up in disadvantageous situations from time to time due to his strange and unexpected attacks. The other groups were also fighting fiercely.

The situation was hardly optimistic. However, it would take time to recover his resonant power. No matter how anxious he was, Li Luo had no choice but to sit and recuperate quietly.

"Li Luo!"

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice calling from behind. He turned around and saw a group of people running down the street.

There were a few familiar faces among them—Lu Ming, Jing Taixu, and Sun Dasheng.

These were the students who had gotten cursed and turned into human skin lanterns earlier.

They were slowly recovering from the curse. Although they still looked a little odd, they had run towards the battlefield hoping to help out.

Lu Ming's cute face was a little pale. She shouted towards Li Luo, "Come over here. We'll replenish your resonant power!"

Looking at the group of people with slightly rotund appearances, Li Luo felt a warm feeling in his heart. The college had really thought it through when they arranged for these lower star hall students to participate in the mission. At the very least, Li Luo felt like they seemed pretty adorable when they referred to themselves as energy batteries.

With that, he grabbed his sword and dashed forward.

He landed in front of Lu Ming and the group with indomitable vigor. That imposing aura he carried due to killing the two Black Coffin Carriers was still present. When he landed, some of the students could not help but take a few steps back, afraid that Li Luo would raise his blade against them.

Then they gave embarrassed smiles before approaching him yet again. With a mysterious rune shining on the backs of their hands, they lightly placed them on Li Luo.

In the next instant, Li Luo could feel an extremely pure form of energy flowing into his body. It was like a rejuvenating rain had fallen upon his three resonant palaces. His resonant power recovered at an astonishing rate.

Li Luo let out a sigh as resonant power surged within his body. The pulses of resonant power inside him grew stronger yet again.

It seemed like the energy batteries were even more reliable than Greater Heavenly Resonance teammates during specific critical junctures.

In just a few moments, the resonant power that Li Luo had depleted was replenished. However, some of the students continued to transfer their resonant power.

As such, Li Luo began to feel a bit of pain, as if his body was being stretched to the point of bursting.

The nine Heavenly Pearls behind him grew even brighter.

When Lu Ming and the rest sensed that Li Luo's resonant power had recovered, they gradually stopped as well.

However, a light flashed through Li Luo's eyes at this moment.

He turned towards the crowd and told them, "Don't stop, please. Can you continue to transfer resonant power over to me?"

Lu Ming and the others were puzzled and quickly replied, "If we do that, your body will not be able to take it."

Although they were quite a few tiers lower than Li Luo, the Ancient Spirit Leaves possessed a certain amplification element. With the sheer number of students here, adding it all up would result in an enormous amount of energy. It was unlikely he would be able to withstand it. In that case, the energy could very well cause his body to explode, and that would be no laughing matter.

Li Luo thought about it for a moment. He responded in a serious tone, "I understand the risks. However, we need someone stronger to break through and upend the stalemate. I may have finished off two of the Black Coffin Carriers, but this will not really affect the overall situation. But if my idea works out, we may be able to turn things around."

He had regained his resonant power, but he would at best be able to finish off a few more Black Coffin Carriers or Greater Evil Spirits if he rejoined the battle in this state. That would not improve their situation by much. At best, they would gain a slight advantage.

If he wanted to end this battle, Li Luo would need to find a proper turning point.

He scanned the surroundings and paused on the spot where Feng Lingyuan and the group were fighting the Blood Coffin Carrier.

That was where the scales would be tipped in their favor.

However, the Blood Coffin Carrier was far too strong. He was nearly at the pinnacle of the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier. It seemed like only Wu Changkong would be capable of fighting him individually.

Even with his nine-pearl strength and the Great Sanguine Poison Art, Li Luo was unable to injure the Blood Coffin Carrier.

Therefore, he wanted to find another way to help, and the energy transfer from the Ancient Spirit Leaf had given him another idea. 

After seeing his serious expression, the students looked at each other. Li Luo's idea was really bold.

With the amplification from the Ancient Spirit Leaves, the group had enough energy to fully replenish someone at the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier. If they poured such an enormous amount of energy into Li Luo, it would surely lead to a dangerous situation if they were not careful.

However, they could also see how desperate the situation on the battlefield was. If things did not change, they would slowly fall into a disadvantage. At that time, their casualties would be many times worse.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Then shall we try transferring a little bit at a time and see how things develop? If things go wrong, we can stop," Lu Ming said hesitantly.

"Special times call for special measures. It's a bit risky. But if Li Luo says so, he must feel confident about it," Jing Taixu said.

Hearing this, the others did not hesitate anymore. They placed their hands on Li Luo once again, and the Ancient Spirit Leaves on the backs of their hands glowed brightly. Pure, concentrated energy flowed continuously into Li Luo's body.

The pain from his body expanding returned.

His three resonant palaces began to ring out vigorously.

At the same time, the nine Heavenly Pearls behind his back grew brighter and brighter. They were so bright that it seemed like a miniature sun had appeared him his back.

Cracks began to appear on his body and blood began to ooze out.

Everyone was shocked to see this and wanted to stop.

However, Li Luo told them to continue with his eyes. At the next moment, he activated the True Dragon Pill.

True Dragon Pill: Dragonification! Roar!

In the blink of an eye, an ancient draconic roar resounded in Li Luo's body.

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