Absolute Resonance

Chapter 1146: Did You Really Think It's All Luck?

Chapter 1146: Did You Really Think It's All Luck?

With the Black Coffin Carrier's death, the violent shaking of the black coffin slowly calmed down. Then it fell onto the ground with a loud thud, and sharp, shrill cry suddenly came from the creature inside.


Cracks appeared all over the black coffin, then it completely shattered.

Pitch-black flesh and blood pooled around the pieces. The end result was a horrifying soup of muck and eyeballs.

However, the vicious eyeballs were disintegrating at an alarming rate. Just a few moments later, they completely broke down. The remaining flesh laid completely motionless before simply turning into dust as well.

The Black Coffin Carrier, an enemy at the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier, had been slain.

Everyone was shocked.

Zong Sha and Jiang Wanyu were dumbfounded as they stared at Li Luo. They had been worried about him ever since his fight started. They never would've guessed that he was capable of finishing off one of the Black Coffin Carriers with so much ease.

It was a Greater Heavenly Resonance opponent!

Although Li Luo had shown them how he could instantly kill a Greater Evil Spirit, it was largely thanks to the poisonous arrow that also inflicted grievous injuries upon him. But he had finished his opponent off with his own strength now.

Was the nine-pearl tier so perverse that it could rival the Greater Heavenly Resonance Tier?! 

It was indeed hard to reach it, but it was not like they had never seen it. Nine-pearls were nowhere near this formidable, right?

As everyone stared at him in disbelief, Li Luo grasped the Dragon Elephant Blade and let out a long sigh. The surging resonant power in his body slowly began to calm down.

His sudden blitz had achieved his desired outcome.

Most importantly, he had managed to catch one of his opponents by surprise and finished him off.

He stretched out his hand. The black plaque on the coffin's lid flew back into his palm. He rubbed it with a smile on his face.

The Heavenly Emperor's Writ was really useful.

He just wanted to test things out, to see if the terrifying aura from the plaque could possibly restrict his opponent's coffin.

The effect was better than he had thought. The plaque had prevented the Black Coffin Carrier from fusing with his Other. Otherwise, he would have managed to complete the Other Transformation, and Li Luo's Twin Dragon Duke Art might not have been enough to kill him.

Although the Heavenly Emperor's Writ did not contain any offensive prowess of its own, it was certainly better than a triple violet-eye treasured artifact if one knew how to use it well.

Li Luo thought about it. Suddenly, he sensed some vibrations coming from the Ancient Spirit Leaf on the back of his hand. He focused his mind to check the incoming message.

A Merit obtained. He was delighted. The Black Coffin Carriers were considered for the scoreboard as well.

"Not bad... not bad indeed."

He beamed happily and looked over at the other Black Coffin Carrier greedily.

At this point, the Black Coffin Carrier's expression was extremely dark. The sudden attack from Li Luo was too ferocious. They had clearly let their guards down. After all, it was two Greater Heavenly Resonance cultivators against one Heavenly Pearl cultivator. Even though Li Luo was a nine-pearl, common sense dictated they had an overwhelming advantage.

He thought that his comrade could have easily handled it, especially with Li Luo charging up towards him directly. Who would have expected that Li Luo's frenetic outburst of strikes would result in such a deadly conclusion?

Most importantly, his comrade had failed to activate the Other Transformation.

"It must jave been the work of the plaque on the coffin's lid. What in the blazes is that thing? Did it forcefully prevent the Other from coming out?" The Black Coffin Carrier shot Li Luo a suspicious look. It was the first time he had experienced something like this.

That brat had a lot of strange methods up his sleeves. The face of the Black Coffin Carrier changed again, and he tapped on the lid of his coffin decisively. In the next moment, the lid shifted aside and the seals changed.

"Other Transformation!"

Pitch-black flesh reached out of the black coffin. It was an extremely disgusting and unnerving creature covered in countless eyeballs.

The black flesh wriggled and crawled into the Black Coffin Carrier's body directly.

Then his body began to expand. A few moments later, he turned into a black giant that was dozens of feet tall.

His body was riddled with black cysts, just like a toad. The end result was a fiendish creature that instilled fear in all who saw him.

Although it was extremely hideous, the waves of resonant power he was emitting were nothing to scoff at. They instantly swept across the field like a raging tsunami.

His eyes were filled with madness and killing intent.

Clearly, this fellow had learned from his partner's mistake. He was afraid Li Luo would seal up his coffin with the plaque, so he had decided to use the Other Transformation immediately to prevent any complications.

The Black Coffin Carrier let out a deafening roar. He picked up his coffin with his giant, black hand and swung it down towards Li Luo like a hammer.

The nine Heavenly Pearls behind Li Luo spun at maximum speed. They absorbed all the worldly natural energy from the surroundings and passed it on to Li Luo.

At the same time, enormous amounts of energy flowed into the Dragon Elephant Blade. Li Luo slashed back in retaliation.


Outbursts of energy exploded in the air. Li Luo could feel excruciating pain in both of his arms as he was sent flying back dozens of feet. His feet dragged across the ground, leaving behind two deep trails.

Without a doubt, this Black Coffin Carrier had greatly strengthened after the Other Transformation.

At this moment, Li Luo really missed Senior Hongyou. If he could receive another blessing from her, he would definitely have the strength to directly clash with this strange man in his Other Transformation state. It was a pity that she had to help out Wang Kong and Yue Zhiyu at this moment as the pressure on that side of the field was significantly more intense. It was impossible for her to come over and assist.

In fact, all the students from the two ancient colleges had their hands full at this moment. No one would be able to come to his aid.

Li Luo relaxed his grip on his blade. He whispered to himself as he tried to sooth the stinging pain that coursed through his arms, "It seems like I'll have to depend on myself."

The Black Coffin Carrier was strong after the Other Transformation, but Li Luo was no pushover either. He had many tricks up his sleeves.

Unfortunately, the Black Coffin Carrier was very decisive. He did not give Li Luo a moment to catch his breath—he quickly sprung forward for the next strike. The majestic amounts of resonant power rippling off him gave one a suffocating feeling as well.


He grabbed his coffin once again with both hands and smashed it down on Li Luo. Like a hammer falling from the sky, the relentless stream of attacks had those watching feeling a little overwhelmed.

Li Luo kept dodging his attacks. Like a leaf floating amidst the waves, he would swing out his Dragon Elephant Blade to parry from time to time when it was impossible to dodge.


Everytime they clashed, Li Luo felt his arms trembling. If his Dragon Elephant Blade wasn't a precious triple violet-eye treasured artifact, he would probably have been flattened by the Black Coffin Carrier by now.

"Little brat, weren't you all arrogant earlier?!" As the Black Coffin Carrier continued his incessant attacks, his laughter grew increasingly vicious and mad.


They clashed again and again, and Li Luo was sent flying back. He had to suppress the turbulent blood and energy within his body as he slashed down with his Dragon Elephant Blade once more.

The void split open, and shocking energy gushed out of the crack.


A familiar draconic roar rang out. At the next moment, two dragons flew out of the void. It was the Underworld River's Black Dragon Banner and the Heavenly Judgment's Silver Dragon Banner.

Intimidating energy shockwaves pulsated from the dragons as they charged towards the Black Coffin Carrier.


The dragons clashed with the coffin, resulting in a wild energy storm that blew the Black Coffin Carrier away a dozen feet, leaving a gash in the ground.

However, the Black Coffin Carrier was not seriously injured.

"You only managed to kill my comrade earlier because he had not used the Other Transformation. Did you seriously think the situation would turn out the same way?" The Black Coffin Carrier chuckled.

Li Luo's face remained calm, and he made new seals.

The two dragons let out deafening roars, and two streams of dragonbreath flew out from their maws.

One was pitch-black, just like the water of the Underworld River. The other one was silver, like a stream of heavenly lightning.

When the Black Coffin Carrier saw this, a line split open between his brows. There was some wriggling movement before an eyeball full of veins emerged from it.

"Black Eye Beam!"

A grayish-black beam shot out of the eyeball. It radiated the chilly aura of death, as if it would erode the lifeforce of anything that came into contact with it.

The beam shot forward and forcibly halted the two dragonbreaths from spreading any further. At the same time, it eroded the dragonbreaths into nothingness.

In just a few moments, there was nothing left.

However, it was then that Li Luo launched his surprise attack.

When the dragonbreaths dissipated, two black rays shot through them. There was a stinging smell in the air that was so noxious that anyone who breathed it in would turn dizzy. Clearly, some kind of terrifying poison was at work here.

It was the poison from Li Luo's Great Sanguine Poison Art!

The poison was extremely tyrannical. It completely reversed the situation and eroded the grayish-black beam coming from the Black Coffin Carrier, allowing it to fly towards him unimpeded.

When the poison landed on the body of the Black Coffin Carrier, it began to rot. His giant body full of cysts began to melt before everyone's eyes.

His face turned ugly. He could sense how dangerous the poison was. He let out a cry, and his body full of cysts began to wriggle. Soon, multiple eyeballs emerged and shot out black rays, trying to prevent the poison from completely destroying his body.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

The Black Coffin Carrier was ultimately able to suppress the poison with his persistent regeneration and tenacious lifeforce, though he was left in a rather pitiful state.

"What a tricky brat. Once I get rid of the poison, I will strike with full strength. I have to finish him as soon as possible to prevent any unnecessary trouble!" he thought to himself angrily as he focused on dealing with the poison.

However, he suddenly sensed another change while he was thinking about how to deal with Li Luo. While he was focused on dealing with the poison, a light filled with unparalleled sharpness suddenly appeared.

The Black Coffin Carrier was startled.

Something wasn't right. Something else was hidden within the poison!

Incomparably sharp blade energy flew out of the black poison. It was like a python hidden in the dark, lying in wait to deliver a deadly strike.

It was the blade energy from the Myriad Resonances Dragon Fang Sword Formation! Li Luo had hidden a strand of the Dragon Fang Sword in the depths of the poison!

The blade energy rushed towards him with astonishing speed. With his defenses torn apart earlier, the Black Coffin Carrier's body was sliced up as soon as the blade energy flew by.

The numerous eyeballs that had emerged on his skin were shattered to pieces as soon as the blade energy so much as touched them. Foul, black liquid oozed out.

Even the eyeball that was between his eyebrows had been struck in the sudden ambush.


The Black Coffin Carrier cried out in anguish. The energy waves around his body turned chaotic and began to weaken.

Horror surfaced within his eyes as he retreated pathetically.

"What a cunning bastard!

"Not only did he hide the poison in the dragonbreath, he layered blade energy within the hidden attack as well! This brat is exceptionally cunning!"

At this point, Li Luo stared coldly at the Black Coffin Carrier. He gripped the Dragon Elephant Blade and dashed forward.

The tip of his blade dragged across the ground, leaving behind a deep trail.

At the same time, brilliant light resonant energy poured out of the Dragon Elephant Blade, imbuing it with holy power as he swung down. He had transformed his resonant power into light resonant power, the element that Others detested the most.

Li Luo's figure flashed across the battlefield, and in just a few breaths, he caught up with the fleeing Black Coffin Carrier. He raised his sharp blade filled with light resonant power and hacked at the latter's neck, slashing past in a clean motion.

He then stopped when he was ahead of the Black Coffin Carrier, who had stopped in his tracks.

Li Luo gradually lowered the Dragon Elephant Blade.

Behind him, a thin line could be seen on the Black Coffin Carrier's neck.

Then his head fell on the ground.

His gigantic body also tumbled down with a loud crash.

This drew the attention of those in the surroundings. When they saw the second Black Coffin Carrier fall, their eyes froze.

Li Luo might had gotten lucky with his previous opponent. But what about the second one? He had clearly won the fight in a direct confrontation.

This was a terrifying feat. Li Luo could feel that more than half of his resonant power had been depleted. He turned his head and watched the Black Coffin Carrier, who was being purified by the divine light resonant power.

"Did you really think it was pure luck that I killed your comrade?" he whispered softly to himself

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