A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 256: Interlude

Chapter 256: Interlude

Severus Snape ultimately didn't share his joke, which, Felix Harp thought, was quite regrettable. He believed that the professor indeed possessed a talent for telling witty, icy jokes.

Felix quietly made a mental note; he had a Christmas present idea for next year.

Seated next to Snape, Felix was about to make a playful remark when the great doors of the hall suddenly swung open, ushering in a gust of wind and snow.

A short, plump witch dressed in pink entered. Felix heard Professor McGonagall, two seats away, inhale sharply, her black eyebrows furrowing.

The short, plump witch was Dolores Umbridge. She was accompanied by two individuals. One was a lean, dark-skinned wizard of middle age. An earring adorned one of his ears, and he exuded an air of arrogance – Felix recognized him. When Minister Fudge visited the school last year to inspect the serpent-like creature, this person accompanied him. Minister Fudge referred to him as "Kingsley."

The other was a witch, similarly dressed in an arrogant fashion. Her face was wrapped in a thick scarf, and her youthful energy showed through her lively gestures. Walking beside Kingsley, she appeared quite young.

Dumbledore's smile faded, replaced by a fleeting look of surprise. He rose gracefully, saying, "A rare visit indeed. I didn't expect you on this special day."

"Elusive as ever, Professor Dumbledore," Dolores Umbridge's toad-like face creased with a conspicuous false smile. "I must say your Deputy Headmistress lacks diligence and responsibility. All in the name of fulfilling duties, just like me – even during Christmas, I can't escape concerns over Minister Fudge."

Dumbledore replied calmly, "I have full faith in Professor McGonagall. She has carried out her responsibilities exceptionally well."

Umbridge seemed entirely unfazed by the awkwardness, but the young witch behind her turned her head away, unable to meet anyone's gaze.

Kingsley stepped forward, his voice low and deliberate. "Dumbledore, we've come to share new information."

Umbridge immediately shrilled, "Kingsley! I'm the appointed Investigator by the Minister –"

Kingsley didn't acknowledge her. His next words provided an explanation. "I answer only to Minister Fudge and Scrimgeour. Dumbledore, there's been progress regarding Sirius Black."

"Eager to listen, Kingsley," Dumbledore said gently.

"Someone has sighted a figure resembling Sirius Black in Knockturn Alley. According to our sources, an unfortunate wizard was attacked from behind, and the assailant took his wand."

"So, he's rearming himself?" Dumbledore mused. "I had thought he might linger between the school and Hogsmeade."

Kingsley continued, "We assumed the same initially, which led us to relax our vigilance there. But he might be even more cunning than we imagined. I'll be headed to London tomorrow – and this is Tonks. Scrimgeour hopes she can convey the message."

"Tonks?" Dumbledore smiled as he looked at the young witch.

"That's me, Headmaster Dumbledore. It's truly an honor to meet you," the young witch, Tonks, removed her scarf, her enthusiasm evident.

Kingsley explained, "Tonks spends most of her time at Hogsmeade, mostly as a precaution." He glanced briefly at Umbridge, who impatiently fiddled with the pink bow on her sleeve. "And she's adept at restraining Dementors as well."

Dumbledore nodded, saying, "No objections here. Hogwarts and the Ministry share the same interests in this matter."

Kingsley fell silent. With an air of calmness and few words, he seemed to diminish in presence after addressing the matter at hand.

In contrast, Umbridge finally seized her chance. With an awkward, girlish tone, she said, "Thank you for your input, Kingsley. Professor Dumbledore, I hope you will reconsider Tonks—she's somewhat unconventional. The Ministry is keen on sending a dedicated team..."

"We needn't discuss this matter further, Umbridge," Dumbledore persisted. "Tell Fudge that if he has any thoughts, he should come directly to me."

Felix, standing nearby, grasped the situation fairly well. Umbridge and Kingsley weren't allies. Umbridge had Fudge's backing, perhaps as a trial or because of her own initiative. Regardless, she aimed to meddle with Hogwarts affairs but was thwarted successively by Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore.

While Kingsley followed Fudge's orders, he clearly disregarded Umbridge's investigator role. He was here on Scrimgeour's behalf, the Head of the Auror Office.

They departed swiftly, leaving behind an interlude that dampened the professors' moods for lighthearted conversation. The topic inevitably shifted to Umbridge. Sirius Black's threat was distant, but this toad-like woman was hard to like.

Professor McGonagall remarked sharply, "I'm not one to badmouth others, but Umbridge—" Her nostrils flared, a sign of her obvious annoyance. "If you knew how she treated her subordinates and her own family, you'd understand my sentiments."

"Umbridge mistreats her family?" Felix inquired.

"Hah! She repeatedly claims her 'late' father was a prominent figure in Wizengamot. But he's alive and well, I assure you."

Flitwick furrowed his brow as he recalled, "I seem to recall something. The name Umbridge is rather rare. I remember over a decade ago, there was a cleaning staff member at the Ministry by that name..."

Just then, students began to arrive. Two first-years appeared together, followed shortly by a sullen sixth-year Slytherin—his only reason for staying was family matters.

The topic among the professors gradually lightened, interrupted when Dumbledore left momentarily and returned with a handful of silver crackers. "These are Cracker Caps, much like Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Each one holds a surprise."

He distributed one to each person at the table and cheerfully inquired, "Who would like to give it a try?"

Felix glanced at Snape. Dumbledore followed his gaze and then winked, saying, "Severus, you absolutely wouldn't want to miss this."

In the midst of their conversation, Harry, Ron, and Hermione hurried over, astonished as they watched Snape, clearly irritated, pull the cord of a silver cracker. With a bang, the cracker burst open, revealing a lady's pointed hat.

Dumbledore handed the hat to Snape, who promptly pushed it away without a second thought. In response, Dumbledore swiftly exchanged his wizard's hat for the lady's hat.

"Merry Christmas, ladies and gentlemen."

Harry and his friends stared in astonishment at Dumbledore's new appearance, momentarily lost for words.

The feast lasted a good two hours, everyone enjoying themselves. No one dared to bring up Umbridge, the conversation now avoided the distasteful topic. Midway through, Trelawney arrived, insisting on counting everyone before taking a seat. She counted twice and still ended up with the number thirteen. Unable to contain herself, she let out a loud exclamation.

It was only when Felix politely reminded her that she might have forgotten to count herself that Trelawney sat down in silence.

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