A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 255: Christmas, Diverse Experiences

Chapter 255: Christmas, Diverse Experiences

The trio made their way back to the common room, Hermione notably quiet. However, she had resolved to tell Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt incident.

That morning, Harry received a brand-new Firebolt, and Hermione had heard him mention the broom's name several times. The Firebolt was touted as the "fastest broom in the world," not yet in production and without a price tag—its mere contemplation hinted at an extravagant cost.

Harry had recounted numerous times his time in Diagon Alley, admiring the Firebolt's enchanting curves with Professor Hagrid after their training sessions. It had become one of Harry's treasured thoughts amidst the arduous training.

But Hermione believed Harry and Ron were oblivious to the danger. The broom could have been sent anonymously by a dark wizard, possibly harboring an unknown curse. Especially after the incident in their first year when Quirrell jinxed Harry's broom, she couldn't fathom why Harry would be so careless.

"What if it's from Sirius Black?" she mused.

It wasn't until Harry mentioned Professor Lupin's peculiar gift that Hermione joined the conversation. "The professor gave you a Boggart?"

"It's a Boggart figurine!" Harry emphasized. "It's just like the real thing, that sudden chill and awful memories..." He shuddered.

"Did you check inside for a note? Maybe there's an explanation," Hermione speculated, though she couldn't imagine what that might be.

Shaking his head, Harry replied, "I only glanced inside and quickly closed the box... Honestly, I'd rather trade with Ron." He looked at Ron, who grinned. "Professor Lupin gave me an entire set of comic books."

Unable to resist her curiosity, Harry asked Hermione, "What did the professor give you?"

"It's a Chestnut Memory Plate," Hermione said.

"Chestnut... what?" Harry puzzled.

"It's hard to describe. Wait, let me show you. Also, Harry, bring your Boggart figurine; let's study them together. The professor surely has a purpose."

A minute later, they regrouped.

Harry stared at the Chestnut Memory Plate. "Is this... a crafted plate? I've seen something similar at the Dursleys', used for important clients."

"Oh, no, it's not that. Let me demonstrate. Professor Lupin wants my input... It might feature in next semester's classes," Hermione said, tapping the plate with her wand. Intricate magical patterns lit up, silver sand forming clouds, and Hermione closed her eyes, recalling details before pointing at the cloud.

The sand cascaded down, presenting a vivid three-dimensional scene to Harry and Ron.

"Merlin's beard, this is... the Chamber, the Chamber within..." Ron's eyes widened.

"It's a reenactment of our past memories," Hermione whispered.

Harry, revisiting the scene from a year ago, couldn't help but ask Hermione, "Did I really jump like that?" He gestured, realizing the Slytherin statue was almost five or six times his height. If he'd misjudged, aside from the basilisk's tail, he'd plummet and become its prey.

"We were all quite brave," Ron, watching the clumsy attempts to lure the basilisk, nervously told Hermione, "Um, Hermione—can I try? I mean, select a different memory; one that's clearer might work better."

"Of course. Choose a more memorable one; the effect will be stronger," Hermione said.

Harry was relieved they were speaking again; he'd expected Ron and Hermione to remain at odds for a day or two, based on his experience.

"Let me think, something vivid..." Ron muttered. His wand tapped the edge of the Chestnut Plate, and soon, a new three-dimensional scene appeared. The background was blurry, vaguely showing a car speeding directly into a tall tree—a Whomping Willow.

The Willow's branches thrashed violently, lashing at the car like a furious storm. The car managed to escape, but with two heavy thuds, luggage and two figures—Harry and Ron—were thrown out.

"Other than the Chamber, this was probably the closest to feeling doomed," Ron observed the miniature figures, "But there are many unclear parts; I can't recall the car's details. I hope it's doing well in the Forbidden Forest."

Harry attempted his turn. "Here's something for you to see, Voldemort's real appearance..."

Moments later, Ron and Hermione finally saw the scene from Harry's first year when he faced Voldemort alone—the unveiling of Quirrell's turban, revealing a face deathly pale, red eyes with snake-like slits below.

Ron and Hermione gasped, both grabbing onto Harry's arms, startled. "Did you exaggerate when you told us last year? It wasn't this dramatic, was it?" Ron's attention always went to the oddest things.

Harry almost laughed but managed to compose himself, trying to be objective. "Um... he was indeed quite ugly. I used to have nightmares about him for a while."

Then the trio turned their attention to the box, a gift from Professor Lupin.

Ron couldn't resist confirming, "Are we really opening it? Your expression the first time nearly scared me to death." He explained to Hermione, "Imagine opening a present happily and then your mate falls off the bed, looking ghostly pale..."

Harry glanced at Hermione, and she nodded. "We need to be sure."

Harry took a deep breath and opened the box—

At first glance, it seemed like a finely crafted Boggart figurine, nothing out of the ordinary. But in the next second, a wave of coldness swept over them. The figurine seemed to come to life; the Boggart's robe started fluttering, and they even saw such an image: a gray, decomposed hand emerged from beneath the black robes, like a body soaked in water for too long...

Before Harry could suffocate in the eerie feeling, he hastily closed the box, panting, "You both saw it." Ron looked genuinely concerned.

"The card," Hermione suddenly said.


"The card, Harry, there's a card beneath the Boggart figurine."

Harry and Ron exchanged looks as Hermione retrieved the card. "Hermione, you're brilliant," they praised.

Hermione waved it off, "Oh, I just—overthought a bit; you both jumped to conclusions." She read aloud from the card—

"Harry, heard you've been learning the Patronus Charm from Lupin. Maybe this could help you.

P.S.: The figurine's enchanted. As long as you avoid eye contact, it won't affect you."

She looked at them, "That's all it says, quite clear."

"Wow, that's cool!" Ron said. "Let's try it again."

Harry felt a weight lift off his chest. He nodded, opening the box. The chill returned, but as soon as he shut his eyes, the terrifying cold, damp feeling abruptly vanished. He heard Ron's excited voice, "It works! Just look away."

Opening his eyes, Harry watched Ron repeatedly swivel his head, glancing at the Boggart figurine and then swiftly turning away—it was comical. Harry finally couldn't contain his laughter.


Malfoy Manor

Draco Malfoy was unwrapping his gift, neatly stacked inside a box labeled "Felix Harp's Gift to Draco Malfoy" were a whole set of comic books he was quite familiar with - "The Adventures of Little Wizard Mickey." For a while, this book had stirred quite a bit of conversation.

His mother, Narcissa Malfoy, entered. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she gently rested her hand on Draco's shoulder. "Draco, it's lunchtime. Have you finished opening your gift? What did Pansy give you?"

Draco muttered, "A set of formal robes."

"Oh, our Draco is growing up," Narcissa chuckled. Her gaze landed on the book in Draco's hand. "Whose gift is this, a comic book?"

"A gift from a professor at school," Draco said, flipping a page casually.


Longbottom Residence

The old house rejuvenated, dark tapestries cleaned to reveal their original crimson and gold hues. Christmas trees adorned almost every corner, colorful ribbons hanging from their branches.

A round-faced boy attempted to hang a golden ball onto the Christmas tree.

"Nev, Nev!" Alice Longbottom called from afar. "Your Uncle Algie and Aunt Enid have arrived."

"Comi—coming, Mum!" Neville responded. He tiptoed, spending seconds trying to finally hang the ball, beads of sweat forming on his nose.

As he turned around, Alice stood behind him, watching quietly.

"Mum—" Neville blushed, feeling embarrassed about his earlier struggle.

Around the dining table, a bunch of relatives gathered, celebrating Frank and Alice's return. Mid-feast, Algie, gaunt and sporting a goatee, exclaimed, "Great! Absolutely great!" Downing two hefty glasses of spirits in quick succession, his face flushed.

He looked at Neville. "Kid, I heard you've made progress lately, show us what you got!"

Neville, hesitant, shrank behind Alice. She patted his shoulder, encouraging him. Neville stepped forward, drew his wand, and a red light sparkled from the tip, casting a spell.

"A silent charm!" Algie gasped, nearly toppling from his chair. "Easy there, Frank, no need to help me—I never had that skill at his age!"

Neville scratched his head, grinning sheepishly.


Muggle World, London Suburbs

"Justin, it's eleven o'clock. Remember our agreed-upon excuse for when the guests arrive."

"Got it," Justin, with his curly hair, replied, looking somewhat unhappy. "The reason I couldn't attend Eton was due to poor health. We had to hire tutors, and every year we had to visit places with fresh air... Mum, don't you think this excuse is too lame? Every time they see me, I'm perfectly fine."

"Who would have thought we'd have a little wizard in our family, unable to attend Eton? I'm more disappointed than you, but—" Mrs. Finch-Fletchley playfully winked, "after the guests leave, tell me about your school days. I still can't believe Lockhart turned out to be a fraud despite his captivating books..."

Justin discreetly rolled his eyes.



Exiting his office, Felix strolled through the lavishly decorated halls, holly and mistletoe garlands guiding the way to the Great Hall. Armor throughout the castle gleamed.

Entering the hall, four long tables had been shifted against the walls, leaving only one in the center for a dozen or so people to dine. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, and Flitwick were present. Felch had donned a slightly worn-out tailcoat.

"I hope I'm not late," Felix smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Felix! I love the woolen socks you've gifted, twelve colors in total, I can rotate wearing them," Dumbledore exclaimed joyfully. "We're waiting for the students; they might think it's regular timing, but we're slightly early—"

"To pass the time, we're taking turns telling jokes. It's Severus's turn," Flitwick added.

Felix glanced at Snape, who wore a stern face, his expression full of resistance.

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