A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 142: A Small Gathering

Chapter 142: A Small Gathering

Three broomsticks.

Madam Rosmerta brought two cups of mead. "The finest oak-aged mead, low in alcohol content, you'll surely enjoy."

"Thank you, madam."

She smiled, nodding, then turned to attend to other guests.

Berlby surveyed the ambiance of the tavern. Apart from a few young wizards and witches, there were also seven or eight adult wizards engaged in hushed conversations.

"I feel like this place is doing much better business than the Hog's Head," he remarked.

"The Hog's Head specializes in strong spirits, not frequented by young wizards," Felix Harp explained. "Also, the appeal of the proprietor and the interior environment there is worlds apart."

Berlby cast a glance at the graceful figure of Madam Rosmerta and then thought of the wrinkles on the Hog's Head owner's face and the dirty glasses, particularly the grimy and decaying aura inside the bar...

"Well, you're right. If I were in your place, I wouldn't have any compelling reason to go there either."

Felix took a sip of the mead, its taste exquisite. The sweetness of honey and the fragrance of oak intertwined on his lips, almost masking the taste of alcohol. Yet, as the liquid slid down his throat, a gentle wave of warmth surged into his heart, leaving him pleasantly cozy all over.

"How does it feel to be back at school, Damocles? It's been nearly a month, hasn't it?"

"Quite relaxing, actually. I feel younger again," Berlby said with a chuckle. "But sometimes, I really do wish I could knock on some students' heads to see if they're filled with bubotuber pus."

Felix looked at him wordlessly. Indeed, you're quite the Potions Master, to come up with such a fresh analogy.

Bubotuber pus was an extremely unsightly substance from a plant, and its pus wasn't any less repugnant. It was a viscous, yellow-green liquid with a pungent odor of petroleum.

But it wasn't entirely his fault; the challenges posed by students struggling in his classes surpassed Felix in all aspects. This was because Dark Arts Defense was a mandatory course, and before the sixth year, every young wizard had to take it.

As everyone knew, the quality of instruction for this course had always been subpar.

Felix remarked, "There must be some good students, though."

"That's true," Berlby reflected for a moment. "I might have been lecturing a bit too quickly. You see, to compensate for previous shortcomings. Take second years, for instance. They've barely encountered any low-risk magical creatures, let alone handling minor curses."

"Is that what your potions are for?"

"Exactly. I've compiled a list of minor curses they've learned and made a special topic out of it, teaching them how to deal with these spells."

"Sounds quite nice, Damocles. You've got a knack for teaching."

"No, Felix, your 'Answering Parchment' has been a huge help to me."

Felix looked at him in puzzlement.

Berlby explained, "I've converted the research I've gathered into test questions and put them on the Answering Parchment for them to complete after class. It's part of their homework."

This is... online assignments?

The comprehensive version of the Answering Parchment had been available for a while. Each professor received a dragonhide scroll that allowed them to modify and add questions related to their subjects—Felix had opened up this functionality.

But most professors seemed to focus more on fifth and seventh years. They transferred the questions from recent years' OWL and NEWT exams. As for the other years, they probably only provided key areas and corresponding chapters.

Seemingly, nobody had yet realized this innovative use for the parchment...

Felix Harp looked at him, and Berlby seemed somewhat embarrassed as he said, "Although I only intended to substitute teach for half a year, I still hope to make an impact. Honestly, I don't want young witches and wizards to tell the new professor next year how awful I was."

"Don't worry, in the past decade, there's probably been no better Defense Against the Dark Arts professor than you," Felix Harp said empathetically. He had encountered most of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in the last ten years during his own schooling, and the remaining few had average reputations at best.

Not to mention the past two years – one was a dark wizard and the other, a charlatan.

As this gathering came to an end, Berlby discussed his latest teaching plans. "Apart from the topic on minor curses, I also want to create a topic about Forbidden Forest creatures. There are many dangerous magical creatures there as well."

He formally extended an invitation to Felix Harp to join him in exploring the Forbidden Forest.

Seeing his slightly hesitant tone, Felix understood that Berlby was concerned about the influence of curses and wanted a partner to look out for each other in case of danger, to avoid being isolated and helpless in case of an accident.

Like encountering a Blast-Ended Skrewt, perhaps?

After a moment of thought, Felix agreed. He was also planning to thoroughly explore the Forbidden Forest and gather some magical ingredients.

Every time he looked at his snake-toothed carving knife, he felt like it was mocking him.

Felix had even considered converting the unicorn dagger Hagrid had given him into a magical carving knife.

Back at the school, the two went their separate ways.

On his way back to his office, Felix Harp saw a few young witches and wizards with evident awe and gratitude in their expressions, which left him puzzled.

Has the story about Peeves spread? I hope it's not some outlandish rumor again.

It wasn't until he encountered the third group of young witches and wizards that he saw the same kind of look. Unable to contain his curiosity, Felix called out to one of them, "Justin, what's been happening in the castle lately?"

Justin Finch-Fletchley looked at him with admiration and said, "Professor Harp, it's about Peeves."

Felix Harp thought to himself, Just as I suspected. I hope it's not a rumor that claims I got rid of Peeves?

He gently asked, "Tell me more."

Justin was somewhat excited as he continued, "A few Slytherin students said you couldn't stand Peeves' pranks and used magic to teach him a lesson."

So far, so good, Felix Harp thought.

"Go on."

"…Everyone noticed that Peeves has become rather peculiar. He seems to be mimicking the speech of different students and acting silly and dazed."

Still no issues up to this point.

"And then?" He wanted to know where the information dissemination went awry.

"Then, Fred and George Weasley noticed Peeves' odd behavior. They conjured a large fan and paraded Peeves around the castle, showcasing him everywhere."

Felix Harp raised an eyebrow. "… Quite a creative idea. Did they get into any trouble?"

"Does attracting a bunch of ghosts count?"


"Yes, they were clapping and cheering on the side, especially a short and chubby one with big glasses. She was absolutely thrilled," Justin Finch-Fletchley explained.

Weeping Myrtle, perhaps? Felix Harp speculated.

"Where are they now?" He intended to go and see.

"Oh, they were originally in the courtyard—planning an impromptu gathering, but then Professor McGonagall took them away."

"She didn't seem too pleased," Justin added.

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