A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 141: Peeves the Poltergeist

Chapter 141: Peeves the Poltergeist

Felix Harp remained in his office until noon before heading to the Great Hall with a rumbling stomach to have his meal.

Instead of taking a seat at the teacher's table, he casually chose a student's long table where a few young wizards were discussing the events of the morning not far away.

"In just one morning, Peeves the Poltergeist attacked Slytherin students in the Great Hall, knocked down statues in the corridors, smeared mud on suits of armor, and scribbled all over the ceiling…" a student recounted Peeves' misdeeds, counting them on his fingers.

"I think he must have spent all of yesterday planning his mischief, which is why he's so efficient today."

Felix listened nearby. Just then, a group of irate Slytherin students stormed in, their angry voices echoing clearly through the room even from seven or eight seats away.

"...Absolutely outrageous! He actually ran into the common room and caused a ruckus! We must inform Professor Snape..."

Their voices gradually faded as they moved away.

Exiting the Great Hall, Felix intended to pay a visit to Bellby, but he found his office door tightly locked.

Just as he was about to leave, he came face-to-face with Bellby, the tall and slender figure looking rather cheerful.


"Oh, Felix, are you here to see me? I went to Professor Snape's office, and the progress on the Wolfsbane Potion is quite promising..." Bellby exclaimed enthusiastically.

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Bellby suggested, "How about a drink?"

Felix readily agreed.

"Please wait a moment, I need to tidy up a bit…" Bellby said vaguely. The two entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, which had a distinctly different style from when Lockhart was there.

It was more akin to Snape's office—several large cabinets lined the walls, each filled with various bottles and jars. On a long table sat a row of glass cups and cauldrons.

One of the cauldrons was simmering a potion; beneath it, an orange flame flickered, and heat emanated from the pot's mouth.

Felix glanced around. Inside the cauldron was a creamy substance, except its color was a discomforting shade of emerald green.

"Is this some kind of salve?"

"Yes, indeed. It's highly effective for large boils caused by Pimple Jinx. I discussed it with Madam Pomfrey. Oh, she's a veritable treasure trove when it comes to remedies for minor injuries and illnesses," Bellby said, beaming.

Felix agreed, "I wholeheartedly concur, Dermocles." He had noticed this during his school years.

Bellby pulled back a corner of a curtain in the corner, revealing two metal cages with two red-capped creatures peacefully napping inside.

But as he brought out two thumb-sized glass bottles, they immediately opened their eyes and began to chirp incessantly, their tiny claws gripping the bars of their cages.

Felix could almost sense their 'yearning' from their thin faces.

Bellby made a sound, and the red-capped creatures immediately quieted down, pressing their heads against the cage bars, mouths wide open.

He poured the bright red liquid from the glass bottles into their mouths. The red-capped creatures seemed to revel in it, swaying and staggering as if they were intoxicated.

Then, Bellby covered the curtain, joining Felix once more. He placed two green leaves into the cauldron and tapped the edge of the cauldron twice with his wand. The inky green substance inside began to swirl.

"All done. Shall we go?" Bellby said.

As they descended the stairs to the ground, they saw a group of younger Slytherin students running clumsily not far away, hiding their heads under their cloak hoods to shield themselves from the ubiquitous chalk projectiles.

"Oh, splendid, absolutely splendid! A hundred points!" a dwarf-like figure, who looked remarkably like a gnome, flipped and tumbled through the air, chasing after them. His two stubby hands waved incessantly.


Peeves halted, observing the two professors nearby. "Oh, I didn't see you there~ These poor little souls caught all of my attention..." He stared with his malevolent eyes, awkwardly tugging on his pointed hat.

Felix Harp waved his hand, causing Peeves' pointed hat to fly into his grasp. "I presume this isn't yours, Peeves?"

A Slytherin student stepped forward and whispered, "It's, it's mine, Professor."

Peeves shot him a fierce glare. "Peeves the Poltergeist shall remember you, my dear sir!"

The Slytherin wizard was taken aback, his hand that was reaching out to take the hat hesitated, his expression filled with uncertainty.

Felix brandished his wand, a silvery light struck Peeves, and his gaze became unfocused. He became weightless, his mouth incessantly muttering, "No, I hate classes!"

"Don't pull my hair..."

"I despise History of Magic!"

"Why does he get the top marks!"

The nearby Slytherin students gazed at Felix in awe, even Bellby's expression was somewhat stunned – dealing with Peeves was one thing, but achieving this effect was a bit hair-raising.

Peeves seemed to have suddenly split into numerous thoughts, each one from a different person.

"Don't look at me like that. It's just a simple Confundus Charm, making it think it's just been born," Felix said.

"Any explanation for this?" Bellby inquired, although he didn't believe it was just a simple Confundus Charm.

"Peeves is a unique kind of ghost, or rather, a poltergeist would be a more fitting term. He was born with the founding of Hogwarts, but it wasn't until the school began admitting a large number of students, harnessing their playful emotions and dispersing magical energy, that he took on a tangible form."

The students who had just been chased were listening quietly, exchanging excited glances.

"He won't be like this forever, right?" Bellby asked.

"No, he'll recover in about a week, but the process isn't particularly pleasant... I thought he'd remember this feeling though," Felix said regretfully.

"P-Professor, is there any way to...?" the student who had his hat stolen began, but it seemed Felix didn't hear, his face showing evident puzzlement as he turned to Bellby. "What do you think, should we tell the young wizards that the Tongue-Tying Curse can also work on ghosts?"

"That might not be a good idea. It could cause distress to some ghosts," Bellby agreed, playing along.

"All the ghosts in the castle are friendly. If any young wizard dares to use the curse on a ghost, they could be locked in confinement for a whole year," Felix said with a smile.

Bellby's eye twitched slightly, are you serious?

The Slytherin students took a startle and said cautiously, "Professor, we'll be on our way."

"Your hat." Felix tossed the pointed hat back to the student.

"T-Thank you, Professor!" The young wizard thanked him and was promptly dragged away by his companion.

As they left, they couldn't help discussing the words of the two professors. Felix faintly heard phrases like "Tongue-Tying Curse" and "taught in the Dueling class..."

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