A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 96: Saekis true colors

Chapter 96: Saekis true colors


Saeki avoided it, this too was thanks to Joanna. Saeki did not previously have the ability to see through an attack.

When fighting an opponent that is at the same level of yourself, Joanna had instilled in thin the importance of being able to fight and defend yourself or dodge without consuming mana. This could mean the difference between victory or defeat.


Initially he was only able to fire one fireball, but thanks to the coaching he now sent three fireballs towards Koizumi. However Koizumi avoided them.

As expected of a sage! Already to fire three at once.

Saeki didnt reply.

Are you ignoring me?

While he appeared to be in a rage, Koizumi was actually totally calm.

As novice magicians we dont have some kind of ace up our sleeve. So Ill show you mine if you show me yours.

At that Saeki drew his sword. Koizumi took that to mean that he was reluctant to play whatever trump card he thought he was holding onto.

Well in that case, Ill show you mine.

Koizumi took out a handful of nuts, and scattered them all over the field.

Saeki, Ill show you how to fight.

Koizumi touched the ground.

Growth Acceleration

The nuts began to swell and shoot out juices.

Not yet, Gather Link

Shafts jutted out from the nuts and began to grow larger. Soon the entire field looked like a jungle as innumerable vines had popped into existence and grown quite large.

[T/n:I had so much fun reading and typing that out..]

What do you think Saeki? This is the magic of an advanced magician!

Advanced magicians mostly deal in dark magic, as such Koizumi too used such magic.

Here it goes, attack!

New vines grew and attacked Saeki but he defended against them with his sword.

I came up with this magic while eating nuts.

Koizumi boasted proudly.

Having trouble? Well if you can make it over here Ill play with you another way.

Saeki cut through the vines using the technique he learned from Joanna but there was no room to relax. Saeki looked for the right timing and gained some distance.

Fire shield

A magic circle appearing around his feet a wall of fire appeared in front of Saeki.

What, you need a circle to cast even this level of magic? Are you really a sage Saeki?

The magic circle was a means to provide stability for magic power, Koizumi was taking a shot at Saeki for having to use it.

You have to sense magic, for someone like you who cant even sense it youll never truly understand magic. This means that you were never fit to be a mage from the very beginning!

The vines gathered together becoming a large branch and attacked Saeki. However the movement was slow and was easier to dodge, this left Koizumi open.


With out the jungle there to protect him Koizumi was clearly visible and this time Seaki sent 4 fireballs. Koizumi avoided three thinking thats all there was and overlooking the fourth one.


There was a small explosion and smoke blocked the view of what happened. When it cleared Koizumi was standing there with a burn on his left arm.

However this sight didnt cause Saeki to smile, he remained vigilant.

Even though its just Saeki! Whats that look for huh!? Youre as guilty as the rest of us!

The audience quieted at that and looked at them confused.

Were all murderers! Dont you get that!?

Koizumi screamed as he held his arm, he was losing his composure.

You know thats a fact! And yet you still talk about moving forward and growing!

The whites of Koizumis eyes had gone bloodshot with anger.

Koizumi? ..Ill say one thing.

Saeki spoke.


Koizumi glared.

I never cared to begin with.

Saeki said in a voice that only Koizumi could hear.


Youre an idiot, he committed suicide. What does it matter if he died again? Why should I feel responsible for that?


Koizumi was at a loss for words. Hed thought that Saeki was suffering as much as he had been and that was the reason he hadnt talked about it.

What, is it about what he said? Is that why you feel guilty? This is why I hate weaklings, the growth I was talking about was just magic. Thats all.

Koizumi realized that hed completely misunderstood. Saeki was a complete waste of a human being to begin with.

And to make it clearer, I wouldnt talk to you in the first place. Nobodies will always be nobodies.

Koizumi finally understood, Saeki had done his best not to have to talk to him even in Greyberg. At that time Saeki was already chasing after Aries and wrapped around her finger.

Didnt care.to begin with..

When Saeki thought about back, the only face he saw was Aries.

I have to kill them.

Saeki no longer even saw Koizumi.

Them? Who are you talking about?

That has nothing to do with you.

Saeki seemed to have forgotten Koizumi for the moment and it didnt go unnoticed.

You dare look down on me?

Koizumi clenched his Jaw.

Ill move on and get stronger. You stay where you are until youre satisfied.

Koizumi separated the vines into three smaller masses. Although it wasnt as powerful it was faster.

You wont be able to surpass me. You couldnt before, and you cant now.

3 thick vines attacked Saeki.

Skewer him!

Saeki dodged the first vine, cut the second and then jumped on top of the last one. This particular vine led all the way to right in front if Koizumi.

Fire Spear

Saeki closed the distance quickly a fire spear in his right hand.

Its over.

Saeki jumped and threw the spear at koizumi.


The spear struck him in the chest causing the fields protections to activate. The spear disappeared and a green light wrapped around Koizumi rapidly healing him. He had fainted.

The winner is, Saeki!

A cheer rose up, it was an overwhelming victory. Saeki had defeated Koizumi unharmed.

Koizumi opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling, hed been taken to the infirmary. He laid like that for a while before the chubby Takeshi and beanpole Tippei appeared over him.

Are you ok Koizumi?

Takeshi was worried but koizumi didnt say anything. He just continued staring up at the ceiling for a long while before he spoke.

I dont think I lost because I wasnt strong enough.

The two agreed with him but Koizumi knew they were just being sympathetic.

I didnt think he wanted to win as badly as he did.

It cant be helped, he has more magic power than you do because hes a sage.

Theres the level difference to take into consideration. The reason I lost was because I was off guard from beginning to end.

Sorry Koizumi.

Takeshi apologized.

I should have dont more ti help you, if I had you might have won.

Would I have?

I think so.

I dont. I would have lost either way because I didnt want to win. What I wanted was to shame Saeki, but in the end I was the one who ended up being shamed.

The infirmary door opened and Koizumi looked towards the door.

How are you, are you alright?

Saori appeared.

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