A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 95: People of fate

Chapter 95: People of fate

Fishnatica school of magic.

David and Joanna were walking next to Saeki on their way to the cafeteria for lunch.

You did it Saeki! The last qualifier is next!

A tournament system is being used to decide who would be representing the school, but because there is a large number of participants this year a qualifier is being held to limit the number of participants. After just one more match Saeki was going to earn the right to participate in the tournament.

This to is thanks to me, Saeki.

Joanna said a little high-handedly.

Yeah, without you I might have still been struggling with beginner level magic.

Thanks to this Joanna turned red and began twirling her blonde curly hair.

W-well as long as youre aware then.

Saeki smiled, their relationship was actually quite deep, he had learned magic alongside the two of them. Although he was still no match for Joanna his speed of learning was quite exceptional.


Behind the three of them a familiar face appeared.

Hm? Whats up Kida?

Kida Masafumi.

They were best friends and he was a hero just like Saeki.

Congratulations Saeki! If you win again youre in the tournament right?

Yeah, Ill win for sure.

Oh right Kida, you didnt make it did you?

David said.

Yeah, but I already knew I wouldnt, this is a far as my sword skill could take me.

Kida was eliminated in the first round as his swordsmanship was still underdeveloped.

Ill leave it to you after this Saeki.

Yeah, Ill make sure to defeat them.

That will probably be my job.

Joanna said as she stuck her chest forward causing the others to smile wryly.

Speaking if which, do you already know who your next opponent is?

David asked.

At that moment as if by coincidence another trio passed by them, no it probably wasnt a coincidence.

That guy.

Saeki said.

Oh well if it isnt the guy whos going to lose to me next, Saeki.

Koizumi had his usual goons beside him.

Hey, Koizumi you shouldnt suddenly spout facts like that.

Takeshi said hatefully.

Well it cant be helped, Takeshi is probably going to win after all.

Teppei said.

Fact!? You think what you just said is a fact!?

Joanna was hostil.

Well of course?

Takeshi said.

Then you better check the meaning of the word again! Youre nothing compared to Saeki.

Oh is that right? Saeki who was playing around with women while I was taking my studies seriously? Whos even is this Saeki? Youre new woman after Aries died? Get yourself a new hole?

Koizumi provokes Saeki with a fearless smile while Joanna turns bright red, and turns towards him in anger. However Saeki put his hand out in front of her.

Wait, Joanna.

Meeting Saekis eyes Joanna stopped moving and suppressed her anger.

Oh you have her trained? Arent you a sage? I feel like your job is supposed to be for something else.

Koizumi, the match.


The results of the match will determine whos right and whos wrong.

What are you talking about, youre not right. Youre not the type of person to make friends in the first place, all you are is a murderer.

David and Joanna looked at Saeki confused.

Oh, Kidas here as well.

Koizumi noticed Kida.

You are too. You killed him as much as Saeki did, dont go forgetting that.

Kida looked down without saying anything.

Is that all you wanted to say?

What, can I say more?

Saeki, lets go.

Joanna had decided there was no reason for them to be listening to this guy anymore. When she said this though Koizumi gave her a disgusting look as though he made it seemed like her was licking her all over.

Im so jealous Saeki, you always have a new woman by you. Its always just the three of us. I wonder why they favor you so much?

Thats because you never change.

Saeki muttered.


Koizumis expression changed completely.

How much time do you think has passed since then? Everyone came together and decided to move forward. I decided the same thing.

Huh? Move forward? You can say that even after you robbed someone of their future? Its the woman isnt it? Theres a woman here so youre pretending to be smart.

No its true, theres no reason for you to try and point it out. Youre the same as me arent you?

Saeki was expressionless.

Im the same as you? Are you kidding me?

You bullied him too, you know that right?

What are you talking about?

Trying to play dumb? Everyone said they knew. Just because you werent aware doesnt mean someone wasnt watching.


Koizumi smiled.

Oh you get it now? Thats right, youre a sneaky cowardly waste, at best! Theres no one left to support you, you know.

At that David pulled on Saekis arm and Joanna to began to move him away.

What, Im not done talking yet!

Its over.

Joanna raised her voice.

This is why I dont like that you always have a woman with you.

Koizumi spread his arms open in ridicule as they were left behind.

Koizumi, are you going to the next match?

Of course I am.

But your opponent is Saeki, hes a sage.

Are you telling me to drop out? Youre joking, dont worry I havent been playing around this whole time.

Koizumi grinned.

Ill definitely win.

The other two looked at Koizumi worried.

Joanna and even David who was usually cheery were in a bad mood. When they arrived at the cafeteria and sat down noone spoke.


They looked at Saeki when he muttered.

Why are you apologizing?

David asked.

Right! Saeki doesnt need to apologize! Everyone has a past!

Yeah.. Youre right.

Saeki agreed but didnt say anything more, Kida didnt say anything either and there was silence for a while.

Kida was the same as Saeki, he too bullied Masamune with one key difference, it wasnt malicious. Saeki on the other hand enjoyed beating Masamune down, it was his daily stress relief routine.



Joanna opened her mouth.

Everyone has things that they dont want to tell anyone else. I think we grow by taking those things and correcting ourselves.


Saeki was quiet listening to Joanna.

Please win, Saeki.

I intend too.

It means nothing if I defeat him, you have to beat him yourself and get rid of these thoughts.

Thanks Joanna.

Saekis really straightforward today.

David was also smiling now.

Yeah, I usually am the type of person to not worry about things.

The four of them gradually cheered up.

Saeki and Koizumi faced eachother on the training field. The stands were filled with other students including the other heros, David and Joanna were there was well.

Is this what you were waiting for Saeki?

Saeki didnt reply.

There is no time limit! The match will continue until one of the combatants is unable to fight! After that the one still standing will be declared the winner! Begin!

The gong rang and the crowd cheered, as soon as the cheers died down the match began.

Dark ball!

A purple ball was released from Koizumis palm.

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