A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 78: Unforgettable

Chapter 78: Unforgettable

So, what is the princess doing here?

Kagetras face was red like hed just gotten out of a hot bath.

You can call me Guinevere, I knew that you were Dragons Heart. So I thought that as a princess I should come and greet you.

I see, yeah. Im Kagetra of Dragons heart.

He reached out to shake her hand causing Shawn and Zephyr to grin and start whispering to each other.

Ive heard about you Kagetra. And the rest of you as well.

Guinevere, it seemed like you know more about this statue.

Yeah, this is a statue of Adams.

Zephyr and Shawn couldnt help but find Kagetras shy side funny.

Whats the matter Adolf?

Adolf was different.

No, nothing.

The look Adolf was giving Guinevere was cold, but only Khalifa noticed.

Today Kagetra fell in love for the first time.


After several weeks the 5 of them still had not left. The reason was Kagetra. Its possible that during the war and after their return to Beyoment, Kagetra had been the most damaged. But now he was smiling Happily.

Were dating.

One day, both of their faces red, the two of them confessed to the others.

Good job!

Zephyr smiled.

They grow up so fast.

Shawn cried happy tears.


Khalifa grinned.

Adolf you say something too.

At that Adolf picked up his wine glass.

Im happy for you, congratulations.

Adolf smiled and drank a mouth full of wine.

However their love was forbidden, no matter how heroic, an adventurer was not allowed to be with a princess. He told his friends so that the rest of the country would not find out.

There was one more problem, because they were adventurers, eventually they would leave this country behind.

Please wait Kagetra, take me with you.

Guineveres sad voice rang out inside a hotel room.

Youre a princess, I cant take you with me.

Then what should I do? When can we meet next?

Zephyr made a proposal to the silent Kagetra.

Actually I was thinking of returning to Beyoment, once were out at sea we wont be able to return to this continent. So in six months lets all meet at Beyoment. Kagetra, you understand my meaning right?

Zephyr was telling him to kidnap the princess, Kagetra understood and looked serious.

Got it, lets meet at Beyoment.

Alright everyone, lets go back to Beyoment.

Im staying behind.

Adolf spoke up.

Huh, Adolf, did you still have some business to take care of?

Yeah, actually I ordered a weapon from the blacksmith. It should be finished soon.

Oh, well I guess we dont have to leave today. We can wait until its finished.

No its OK, after I get it I plan to go to Rouge Gerd too.

I see. OK then, in that case when your finished meet us in Beyoment ok?


Adolf too stayed behind.

Alright, see you three later.

Khalifa left the room.

See you later friends.

Shawn exited as well.

Beyoment, dont forget you three.

Zephyr was the last to leave.


A month had passed since the 3 of them left and now Zephyr and Khalifa sat on a hill outside Beyoment.

Kind of nostalgic.


When they were young the hill used to be like a secret base for the four of them.

Im glad we were able to rebuild.

Beyoment showed no sign of having been reconstructed.

Yeah, a lot has happened

15 years had passed since they were sent off by their families, Shawn joined them, and the young kinds who dreamed of being S rank adventurers had become heros.

Actually, Khalifa, theres something that I wanted to talk to you about.

Talk about?

Khalifa blushes but immediately after a voice called out to Zephyr.


Yeah, I wonder why hes shouting like that?

Shawn, whats wrong why are you in such a hurry?

Trying to catch his breath Shawn gasped out some words.

..Huh? What did you.just say?

He thought hed misheard.

Kagetras been killed.

Shawn said it again. A look of grief came over Zephyrs face as Shawn handed him a newspaper. Its headline read the hero Kagetra, executed.

What happened?

Zephyr was at a loss for words.

Kagetra was killed trying to kidnap the princess. It seems the king had him crucified in the town square.

Zephyr crumpled the news paper and the earth seemed to shake with his anger.

Zephyr, calmed down.

The shaking slowly came to a stop.

Shawn, Im going to the God lands.

Glowing red eyes were directed at Shawn.

Yeah, I intended to.


Khalifa looked uneasy.

Khalifa, wait here.


I have a bad feeling.

Zephyrs voice was dark.


The two of them finished their preparations and went to leave town.

Im going too!

No, stay here, please.

Zephyr refused Khalifa but shes not convinced.

He couldnt have been killed that easily.

Yeah, I dont think theres anyone in that country that could have killed him. But if it is the case

Someones behind it.

Yeah, you understand dont you Khalifa?

But Adolf isnt back either!

If he comes back tell him we went to the God lands.

Although its possible hes heard and is heading there like we are.

Then I should as well.

Khalifa looked upset.

Khalifa, I.

What did you want to say?

You said you had something to tell me so, say it now.

Her voice shook.

Ill tell you once Im back, Ill return soon.

Although the tone of his voiced seemed to be saying that he wouldnt be back.

Ok, Ill wait here for everyone to come home.

Khalifa smiled.


Ill be waiting on that hill.

Khalifa wipes her tears as Zephyr feels like his chest was about to rip open, but he knew he couldnt bring her. Kagetra was the strongest out of the five of them, the fact that he was killed.

Zephyr and Shawn climbed onto their horses.

My third drawer, hold onto whats inside until I get back.


When I get back well talk properly so, wait for me.

With that the two rode off leaving Khalifa behind.


Khalifa wiped at her tears.

Im.crying? What am I doing here?

Khalifa had lost her memory, She forgot about their adventures, about Dragons heart, about everything. She turned around and walked back into the town.


A long time ago there were 5 adventurers known as Dragons heart, they overcame many adventures and brought peace. They were called heros.

However noone knows if the 5 of them really existed anymore, their names had disappeared unnaturally from the world. But they will never truly disappear as long as theres one person to remember them.

A girl is still waiting on that hill for someone to return to her.

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