A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 77: The last journey

Chapter 77: The last journey

The dungeons are tough, thats common sense in this world. Theyre said to be the end of stupid adventurers. Although it had only been a short period everyone was surprised when 5 people appeared before the dungeon. Most were quiet as though they were afraid to talk to them.

Youre dragons heart arent you!? Where were you for the last 5 years!?

A large man with an S rank adventurers badge appeared in front of them.

What are you guys scared for? Theyve done nothing for 5 years while weve been active! We wont lose.

However as the 5 of them passed by the large mans eyes rolled back and he collapsed. Those who saw it couldnt help but cheer, the whole area came alive instantly.

Its dragons heart!

The guy in the front must be Kagetra!

The one with the white skin, could that be Shawn!?

Cheering followed them into the dungeon.


Cheers greeted them again when they re-emerged. The world referred to them as heros, the ones who had seen the war to the end and had now cleared a dungeon that had never been cleared before.

After that the five of them continued their adventure, enacting Kagetras revenge as they went. They mercilessly killed any who brought the shadow of war, including dukes, lords, and even kings. Peace comes from sacrifice and even though they might feel guilty they didnt stop. Led by Kagetra Dragons Heart eliminated corruption.

A few years later the 5 of them visited the country of wine, Rouge Gert. The sell of alcohol was strictly controlled in this country, being sold at a special exchange. Sale of alcohol outside the exchange was forbidden, although prices at the exchange were much lower than outside of it, so youd thing that wouldnt be an issue. However thats not the case, anyone with a criminal record is forbidden to purchase from the exchange no matter how minor the crime may be. As such some merchants sell illegally to those with criminal records at a much higher price.

The 5 of them were visiting the exchange as Zephyr was doing business.

You want a barrel of wine?

Yeah, all that you have.

The shops owner looked troubled.

When should I have it ready?

The sooner the better. I want to buy all the barrels and bottles that you have.

And what brand of wine did you want?

Old gert.

The owner looked even more troubled.

Old gert?

Oh and if you can some Belusha cheese.

In addition to wine the exchange sells various alcohol related foods.

This is hard to say but, with that amount its going to be quite expensive.

I see.

Zephyr took out a number of white coins coins put them on the table.

This is an advance so, prepare the old gert and the belusha cheese.

The shopkeepers expression changed.

Understood, I Hayden Roberts will gather the items you have requested!

Good. When will it be ready?

Ill have it ready for you within the week.

Wow I thought it would take at least a month.

Actually Im acquainted with the manufacturer.

Wow, I must be lucky.

What do you plan to do with that much wine?

Khalifa looked astonished.

You know Im a wine connoisseur, Im going to save it. Im not going to drink it all at once.

Do you mean at that place?


Khalifa looked even more astonished.

So does this mean well be staying here for a week?

Seems like it.

What are you going to do after that?

They had visited nearly every country, there was nowhere left that they hadnt been, Shawn was asking about the plan for the future.

Im going to the God lands.

Shawn and the others wrinkled their eyebrows.

Zephyr, do you know what youre saying?

Khalifa asked.

It was one of Adams teachings wasnt it?

There are several religious organizations on the continent , all of which often have the magical ancestor-Adams as their absolute god. They were all different scales of organization but one had even brought about the creation of a country.

Im just going sight seeing, I wont cause any problems.

And after that?

I think Ill leave this continent. Go to that place that Kagetra mentioned before.

Their adventure had only just begun. Although the people of this continent called it the world their adventure didnt end with just it. After a week when Zephyr had received his wine the 5 of them headed to the God lands as their last adventure on this continent.


The 5 of them were having lunch at a restaurant in the god lands.

Theres more tourists than I expected.

Many in the town wore white monastery like clothing but most people appeared to be adventurers on vacation.

Its not what I expected.

So where should we go next?

Why not go to the Temple?

Kagetra suggested.

That one that you can see from here?

Khalifa looked at the giant statue they could see from the restaurant.


Its huge.

Kagetra said.

Is this the Wizard of Genesis?

Shawn seemed suspicious.

Hey could this be?

Khalifa was staring at a certain point.

Yeah, thats it.

Zephyr agreed.


Hearing a strange voice the 5 of them turned around to see a redheaded beauty in white clothing behind them. Kagetra blushed.

W-who are you?

Sorry for talking so suddenly. It looked like you were having fun.

Khalifa was interested.

I feel like Ive seen you somewhere.

Sorry for not introducing myself. Im Guinevere.

She bowed, Kagetra was completely fascinated by her.

Guinevere, where have I heard that?

It seems like Khalifa knew.

Oh, Guinevere. Isnt that the name of the princess?

Guinevere smiled shyly.

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