A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 304: Interlude 19

Chapter 304: Interlude 19

Author's Note:

Real quick, this interlude is coming out at an awkward time because it was supposed to be before the last chapter. I accidently skipped over it, so here it is.


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?Topic: Attack in East Kanto

In: Boards ? News ? Events ? Japan

Just_A_Muffin (Original Poster) (Verified Muffin) (Veteran Member)

Posted on June 3, 2009:

I know I say this a lot, but holy shit!

It's no secret, I'm living over in Kyoto under Lady Yasaka's rule, and am a Youkai myself, though I won't go revealing any more than that. My heart goes out to all my brothers and sisters over in Kanto because as of last night, they were attacked.

Let me just say, the videos I've seen are horrific. This wasn't like the terrorist attacks we suffered over here in Kyoto, as bad as that was, this was a dedicated military attack.

So, let me preface by saying, this is not for the faint of heart.


For those of you who don't think you can stomach the pictures and videos, I'll give a run down.

We don't' know the exact time it happened, only that it started after the sun set. A large portal opened in the sky over Kanto – the main hub for Eastern Youkai – and out came a large group of people predominantly on horseback. There were a plethora of other creatures accompanying them, but most of these were wearing armor covered in bones that fully covered their appearances. While a large group of them – I'm talking hundreds if not thousands – stayed up in the sky, a portion did come down and immediately attack the city. Buildings were set on fire, people were slaughtered in the streets, they even went about capturingour brethren for what appeared to be just sport.

If you're thinking of clicking the links, another word of warning, their actions weren't limited to adults. I'm not ashamed to say I threw up when I saw children being impaled and stuck up on spikes as they rode down the streets.

As expected, Lord Nurarihyon and the Hyakki Yagyō sprang into action. Fighting erupted amidst the city on fire and it just continued to get worse.

It was chaos.

One video in particular I watched was recording from start to finish, and I couldn't help but notice how many people actually died and how much of the city burned. Honestly, It didn't look good at all.

From what my sources say, all communication and movement into and out of the city were sealed through some unknown methods. That means no teleportation, no calls for help being sent out, they were on their own and it didn't look good.

And what makes these sources of mine scratch their heads was when Yasaka and her people walk right out of a portal into the middle of the fray. Also, notably, we have Yasaka's new lover – Wilhelm Schweinorg, or Lucifer Jr as the Internet tends to call him.

Lots of crazy shit happened that I don't think I could fit without reaching the word limit.

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? Emancipated_Walrus

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Do we have any idea where they came from? I live near the edge of the city, so I wasn't hit as hard, but my house caught fire and I did see a few of those bastards. Thankfully, they were killed before they made it closer to me. Freaky bone armor people left so many corpses in the streets, it was horrible.

? Astute_Observation

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Magical Researcher here. I'm no where near Japan right now, but I saw this pop up and checked it out. My condolences to everyone who suffered during this tragedy. I can't really help in any meaningful way, but I thought I would point out that some of the magic I saw I had no idea the origins.

I'm knowledgeable on many schools, Modern Human Magic, Norse, Egyptian, South American, English, etc. What I don't know, I can mostly infer based on other schools throughout the world, and the closest approximation I could conclude was Druidism, which is a dying practice, and clearly, there were way more than the a couple thousand of true druids that still exist today.

Especially curious as to how Yasaka and Lucifer Jr got around the spatial sealing that was no doubt in place. It's like the bread and butter of combat tactics these days, either seal the associate space, or make it too chaotic that you can't Teleport into. The latter being much more difficult than the former, but also harder to maneuver around. It's by no means impossible to overcome, but it's extremely difficult and most methods aren't....practical in an immediate time frame.

So.....lots of things I'm scratching my head about.

? Hey_There_Fellow_kids (Verified Grandpa)

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Got some more videos collected.


A lot of them were the 'ground floor' so to speak. In most of the video we can see Wilhelm running around, healing people and taking out those bone guys. For being called 'Lucifer Jr' he really goes against the namesake, helping people so often like this.

? MyFatherWasAnOrange

Posted on June 3, 2009:


I saw him for a second, he ran by, throwing healing spells out like crazy. My mom was stabbed pretty bad, but he helped her enough that she didn't bleed out. She's still woozy and recovering, but I'm sure he saved her life.

? TheMightySpork

Posted on June 3, 2009:

All I saw was some fucking lightning shooting everywhere, dropping those bone bastards like flies.

Fuck, I don't care if he's a Devil, Lucifer Jr is welcome in my home if I ever see him.

? Irish_Centipede

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Is that...the Wild Hunt? I've fucking read stories and seen paintings. That looks exactly like the wild hunt!?

? AMagicalMagician (Verified Magician)

Posted on June 3, 2009:


You mean like Faeries? That kind of thing? Why the hell would those things pop up in Japan of all places? I would almost call them a Myth with how little I've heard of them, but that seems ironic when I watched a God fist fight a Devil like a month ago.

? ArcaneToilet (Verified Magician)

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Another Magician Checking in, I haven't heard anything about Faeries in a very long time. I won't exactly say how old I am, but I've been around the block a few times. So let me reiterate, I remember when the 'New World' was a hot new topic amongst normal people in Europe.

Nothing good comes from those Fae Folk. Mark my words, this isn't the last we'll hear of them.

? 015Umbrella

Posted on June 3, 2009:


? Magnificent_Pumpkin_King

Posted on June 3, 2009:

.....Did the Dragon quote Tolkien?

? Youkai_Warrior

Posted on June 3, 2009:

I watched my house get set on fire. I watched my neighbors get killed by those bastard. I did my part and tore through a couple myself, but not before getting filled with arrows. I thought I was going to die, and the only thought that kept me going was the fact that my family were still trying to run away.

Then Yasaka's lover comes by, Lightning raining from the sky. Healing spells enveloping me and everyone around me.

Then he.....summons a dragon or something? All I remember was a bunch of those guys come flying down and he held up a staff and a massive dragon came out, tearing into them, quoting one of my favorite books.

I would laugh if the situation wasn't so absurd.

On a side note, isn't Níeh?ggr supposed to be dead? I remember looking up the Dragons of the world a few years ago and he was mentioned.

? Hooded_One (Verified Pervert)

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Condolences for the fallen. They fought bravely against such a foe and I would welcome them all at my table if possible.

@ Irish_Centipede

You are correct, that is indeed the Wild Hunt. I've had a run in with them in the past. It's been hundreds of years since their last appearance and it still too soon. However, the most concerning element was the 'hand' that appeared at the end. By warned, children of Japan, that is a most ominous sign and prepare yourselves for the worse.


A well earned name, young man. To raise arms to protect your family in such a dire situation is something to take pride in. You are also correct, Níeh?ggr is very dead, I have witnessed its last moments. And believe me, I am most interested in the appearance of this Dragon that looks frighteningly similar. I have trouble believing it the same vile beast considering it would never lower itself to protect any weaker than it and it is obvious that is what this Dragon did.

A most peculiar turn of circumstances. If I was not occupied on the other side of the world, I would be going back to Japan to investigate.

But as I said before, there is a more ominous sign that appeared at the end. Many of us will have to speak again about old matters.

? NotAKoala

Posted on June 3, 2009:

I was over in the city when this shit went down! Holy hell and I still shitting bricks. I joined in and helped where I could, but I was never the fighting sort, I liked to tinker more than anything. And these – apparent Faeries – made a huge mess of things.

Lots of dead, lots of hurt. I was lucky, only a few scrapes and cuts, but a lot of others didn't make it.

Que more bricks when I saw a massive black dragon roar, and it charge into the group in the sky. Tons of people fell to their knees and started crying when they realized the dragon was helping.

It was a magnificent sight, seeing it claw its way through their lines. An absolute slaughter and no doubt these assholes didn't expect the sudden dragon.

On a side note, the Memes are already getting made.

? TolkienFan101

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Came here for the Dragon quoting Tolkien, stayed after watching that Devil cut that giant hand.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Any idea what that was? Cause any attempts at divination are turning up 'inconclusive.'

? Small_Giant

Posted on June 3, 2009:

I asked an old friend, and by old, I mean they're older than most countries that occupy modern maps.

He saw the video, shivered, and said it was the 'Winter Queen' before looking pale as all hell and saying he was leaving Japan.

? Sword4Hire

Posted on June 3, 2009:


Welp, time to leave.

I've heard the stories, not going to be anywhere near here when shit goes down again.

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? She_Who_Invites (Moderator) (Verified Not Izanami)

Posted on June 3, 2009:


This is a stressful situation for everyone, but do not go around fearmongering. This isn't some insidious Devil Plot, stop before I start giving out bans.

And to verify what people have heard, I'll repeat some facts thus far.

Yes, it was a coordinated attack by what we know as – The Winter Court. Yes, that 'hand' that appeared was their Queen, and yes it was Wilhelm who cut it off as it tried to grab the forces of the attack and retreat.

Anyone who starts spouting insane crap again, I'll immediately hit with bans. This is a horrible situation, and we don't need people making it worse.

I can also verify that things have settled down now, there is no need to be worked up in a frenzy. The leaders of the Youkai are still discussing things so hold on until they come to a decision. I personally arrived and can see everything right now.

? Mother_Of_The_Devil

Posted on June 3, 2009:


If I'm not mistaken I think we may be.....mutually acquainted with a certain someone. I didn't wish to call to check in in case he was preoccupied and everything I saw made me believe he was okay. But I just wanted to check that he's doing fine?

? AndSoIBlasted

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Late to the party, but god damn was watching those fairy fucks get torn apart fucking satisfying! Fuck them, I'm away from home right now, but my heart goes out ot all my brothers and sisters!

? She_Who_Invites (Moderator) (Verified Not Izanami)

Posted on June 3, 2009:


I can guess who you are.

And yes, I believe he is very busy right now. Last I heard, he's helping with healing everyone that was hurt. Otherwise, he is okay with no visible ailments himself.

? Mother_Of_The_Devil

Posted on June 3, 2009:


Thank you very much for answering me. I look forward to meeting you someday. I'll wait to call him in a couple days then.

? Broccoli_Cannon

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Hey-o everyone. Youkai Magician here, I know a lot have talked about their perspectives, but we don't get much attention in our little corner of the world, with so many eyes on us, I wanted to just add to the sentiments.

It was bad, and things are still bad. My house is burned down, but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things. My family is.... relatively unarmed, more than I can so for a lot of people. I don't know much healing magic, but I'm helping where I can. It's heartwarming seeing the community come together like this, and I hope anyone who can help will reach out.

I'm relatively young, less than a century old, so I can't speak about a lot of past grievances. However, I have many friends from all around the world, all worshipping different gods, all of different species, yet we all come together online to game or just shit post. I'm saying thing because I hope so others out there will send support where they can. We may not be of the same culture or the same species, or worship the same gods, but I'd like to think we're mostly decent people who would help another in need. A lot of people are not in good shape, and any help would be appreciated.

? A_Quiet_Priest (Verified Priest)

Posted on June 3, 2009:


I was lurking when I saw your post. I don't usually say much over the Supernatural Internet, mostly because it's run by Devils which.....you can guess my hesitance based on my name. I'm a Catholic Priest, I live in the Vatican most of the time, but I have a home over in Ireland. I say this because there had been some issues with Fae appearing once more over in my homeland.

The Church knows about this and we've gotten a supply of Iron Sword and other Iron weapons for such occasions. I've seen the handiwork of these creatures first hand, I've seen children spirited away into their realms, or some horrific acts that were taken due to some misguided idea of 'pranking' on their end.

It's as you said, we are so far away and I had no extra thoughts about Youkai. Before, they were just 'eastern demons' that I left it at that, the words that the Church propagates. But seeing your people suffer like this, seeing the same acts of violence and the same reactions from the people. Parents crying and mourning over their children's deaths. Children wandering around looking for parents that will never returned.....my heart would have to be made of stone not to be moved.

I'm not particularly well off, but I'll send what help I can. I know you don't care for it, but I mean this with all sincerity and hope God Blesses you and your people in this dire time.

? Light_Of_Ireland

Posted on June 3, 2009:

So it begins.


When you have time, reach out. I have already spoken to some others including the old man you know well. We had a forewarning of such a thing, but I never could have predicted they would appear in Japan. I'll happily share what knowledge we've gathered thus far.

? She_Who_Invites (Moderator) (Verified Not Izanami)

Posted on June 3, 2009:


I shall contact you at a later date. I am helping with other matters at the moment that require my attention.

? Once_You_Go_Black (Verified Annoyance)

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Damn, Father above, that isn't good. And Yeah, just woke up and saw everything that went down. The hell was with that dragon? Cause I know for sure that Níeh?ggr is dead like the other guy said.

Looks like they got some prisoners at the end, I wonder if they'd be willing to pass some over for some experiments? It's been a long ass time since I've had my hands on a Faerie.

? Red_Princess

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Is that Wilhelm again!? Can he summon dragons now!?

How strong was that giant hand thing? I read people saying something about this 'Winter Queen', but I can't really find any information on it. Is she strong or something?


Mom, is that you!?

? White_Dragon

Posted on June 3, 2009:

Oh? That Black Dragon looks pretty strong. I had someone tell me that Níeh?ggr wasn't that weak either. I wonder if he's still around and I can get a fight?

? Once_You_Go_Black (Verified Annoyance)

Posted on June 3, 2009:


We had this talk, you're grounded.

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Posted on June 4, 2009:


? Enthusiastic_Melon

Posted on June 4, 2009:

So, I saw his Magic again, Wilhelm's that is. I've tried to get it out of my mind, but every time I see it, I have an uncontrollable urge to figure out how it works. This is my...I don't know what attempt I'm on anymore and I'm open to anyone who has any ideas because all my attempts at analyzing it have given me strange returns. And none of my experiments have given the same result even if I have the exact same parameters set.

This time specifically, my devices got some kind of strange virus. Something I didn't even know was possible and it took me a long time to manage to wipe them clean. Some strange woman appeared and continued to taunt me until I reset all my devices. Called herself BB-Chan, and I'm still scratching my head at that whole thing.

Anyways, any other thoughts are welcome, I'm sitting here confused.


Posted on June 4, 2009:



Posted on June 4, 2009:



Posted on June 4, 2009:


? Hooded_One (Verified Pervert)

Posted on June 5, 2009:


I think someone's looking for you.

? She_Who_Invites (Moderator) (Verified Not Izanami)

Posted on June 5, 2009:


I have no idea who that is.

? Hooded_One (Temp Banned)


She_Who_Invites: Enjoy your time out.

? XxVoid_SamuraixX

Posted on June 5, 2009

Is no one going to talk about how the Son of Lucifer just brought a dead dragon back to life!?

It's obvious, people! He's using his alien powers and technologies to bring back the dead! Well now we have proof! If we don't stop him now, he's going to keep bringing in stuff from other Universes and causing chaos! What's next, some kind of Eldritch Goddess that decides it doesn't like how we do things!?

? Fists_Over_Bloodline

Posted on June 5, 2009

I'm sorry I wasn't there to help! I was with my cousin and helping her with something else. As soon as I can, I'll make sure to come on over my friends. I'll definitely be there when we strike back against those invaders!

? No_Pain_No_Fame

Posted on June 5, 2009

Got some new videos here;


Apparently, some people got brave enough to go up to the dragon after the fighting was over. It just sat there as children ran up and started touching and climbing it.....

The fuck even is this anymore? Aren't dragons suppose to be like.....terrifying? Not something for kids to climb over.

And he kept saying things like "I Níeh?ggr" and insulting himself after each instance.

....me thinks something suspicious is going on.

? YasakaLover27

Posted on June 5, 2009

Seeing Lady Yasaka tear through so many of those Faeries~

? Dragon_Finding_Purpose

Posted on June 5, 2009

Faeries, disgusting.

It has been many years since I've tasted their nasty flavor, but I always did enjoy the sounds they made when I crunched them between my teeth. The Arrogant lot of them deserve no mercy for their dishonorable means.

And that Dragon that appeared.....very interesting. I will be having a conversation with an associate of mine who will not be pleased.

Regardless, I was already keeping an eye on this young Half-Devil for a few other reasons, but perhaps I should pay closer attention in the future.

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Just a fun interlude without a traditional 'reactions' type chapter. As i said above, this was supposed to be before the last chapter, my bad. And this is me saying i'll see you all this saturday and to all the Americans here, Happy Thanksgiving!

If you want to read 7 chatpers ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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