A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 303 - 280

Chapter 303: Chapter 280

I let out a long sigh as I stared at my handiwork thus far.

Holding my arms up, I let out a yawn stretching them, another content sigh escaping my lips as I realized I was almost done. How long had I been working on this? I seemed to have lost track of time, but I could see the end now.

Every so often, some random person in the city would stop and stare at me and I would just wave at them.

I had set up in an.....isolated part of the city, more or less, but it was still in the city regardless, so there were people who came by to see what I was doing.

However, no one interfered with me. Probably a result of my status as Yasaka's lover, which was pretty well known at this point.

"Almost done..." I breathed out again, about to get back to work.

"What are you almost finished with, my student?"

I turned to see Scáthach walking towards me.

"Just a little project, more of a proof of concept at the moment." I loved seeing her in different outfits. Not that I didn't like that tight purple body suit she wore for combat, but seeing her in a tight pair of jeans and a sweater that hugged her so wonderfully was also a welcomed sight.

"Mhmm." She hummed as she got closer. "This is the same project that you have sequestered yourself away in your workshop for the past two days for?" She inquired.

".....yes?" I blinked.

She lightly poked my cheek. "Foolish student." She huffed. "You hide yourself for so long then immediately run off to do something like this. Do you think none of us worry about you?"

"I'm a Magus, we go disappear into our workshops for weeks at a time without blinking an eye." I countered. Hell, Rin did it often as well, which was when Artoria usually came to spend her time with me.

"Yes, but when have you ever been a normal Magus?" It was nice, feeling her hands wrap around me from behind, peeking over my side as she rested her chin on my shoulder. "Let me see what has you preoccupied." She held up her finger and ran it down the markings I made. "Leave it to a man to make such a phallic object."

"It's an obelisk" I retorted, giving her a light spank from behind. "Got the idea from that Ideal Master guy."

And they honor the dead, i thought it was appropriate, considering everything.

"Hmph." She smiled coquettishly. "Let us see. The material appears to be normal stone then? And you have inscribed many Runic Sentences, however, the one that gains my attention the most is right–" She moved her finger towards a specific spot. " –Here. An interesting string of Runes, Fehu, Thurisaz, Ehwaz, Berkana, Dagaz, Laguz..." She trailed off, as if speaking her thoughts aloud. "And you anchor it all together with a Primordial Wisdom Rune, how peculiar, my student."

"I wanted to make it semi-intelligent with regards to its effect. An automated dispenser, if you will."

"An 'Automated dispenser'?"

I waved my hand, producing a notebook, handing it over to her.

She dislodged herself, cracking it open as she quietly read as I finished up my preparations.

It wasn't difficult, just tedious more than anything. And as I mentioned to her, it was a proof of concept than something for practical application. I don't doubt it would go through a several iterations before I could consider it a final product.

Finishing on my end for now, I waited for a few moments, but Scáthach made no move to stop, only flipping a page every so often.

I don't take enough time to appreciate how beautiful she is. I could honestly just stare at her for hours on end.

And she was right, it had been a few day since I basically locked myself up to finish this project as quickly as possible.

She didn't even make a noise of annoyance when I walked over and buried my face right between her breasts, my arms wrapping around her.

"You smell nice."

"Don't say strange things." She chided with a small huff, though a little red crept up on her cheeks.

My hands found her nice round butt quickly, giving it a gentle squeeze. She shifted slightly but otherwise didn't deny me, so I took that as acceptance. It was only when my fingers started to pull on the waistband of her pants that she make an adorable sound.

She slammed the notebook shut and bopped me on the head.

I chuckled looking up at her again, her faint red was a bit more pronounced now. I discovered pretty quickly that she gets flustered easily when it comes to affection shown in public. Doing the most lewd things in our bedroom? She wouldn't even bat an eye. But If I try to hold her hand while people was watching? She would turn red at the thought.

"You seem to be in need of disciplining." She pried my hands away from her jiggling rear. ".....This Scáthach will happily take care of you tonight once we have both finished our duties. Control yourself until then, my cute student." She puffed up, bopping me once more. "Now, I have read through your notes, explain to me what you desire, I will aid you where I can."

"Right." I got back into research mode. I could grope her later when we weren't busy. "Where do you want to start?"

"I believe I understand, you have created a Mystic Code that responds to negative intent. You have the Runic sequence to active your 'Shield of Asgard' and an interesting supporting sequence that designates 'Allies' and 'Enemies'. However, there are several points that I am confused about."

"Well, you figured out the gist of it." I walked over to the Obelisk as she followed along. "Yeah, I needed to use a Primordial Wisdom Rune to help facilitate what it would pick as enemies and friends, a centralized Matrix if you will. But it also supports another important aspect, which you're probably confused about." I held my hand out, depositing stacks upon stacks of Talismans onto the ground.

She seemed to realize my intent immediately. "I see, this makes more sense then." She rubbed her chin. "It is an interesting idea, and I believe it holds merit. If a situation such as what happened over in the East occurred here, this would be a valuable defense to have."

"The initial stage, it casts my 'Shield of Asgard', like you said. I haven't really worked out distance to power ratio yet, as I said, still a work in progress and all that. And the second aspect is that it uses these Talismans based on the situation. I made a little over a thousand while I was in my workshop. I have Healing Talismans, Shielding Talismans, Binding Talismans, and a random assortment of different offensive attacks in a similar format."

The Healing Talismans basically worked as a lesser version of the Healing Spells I picked up in Skyrim. But they were still much better than nothing.

Shielding Talismans could be likened to a lesser version of a Warding spell. Binding Talismans to seal enemies up, and a plethora of attacks as well. Everything from Lightning and other elemental attacks to other more esoteric effects.

The Runic Sentences basically choose the best one for any given circumstances. Honestly, it's almost like a computer program with the Primordial Rune acting as a pseudo intelligence.

"The attack still weighs heavily on you?"

"....I don't like seeing people I know get hurt." I sighed, slumping my shoulders. "It was bad enough seeing it first hand like that, but I don't want that to happen here if I can prevent it."

"There is nothing wrong with your intentions, but If you are going to disappear into your workshop again, speak with us ahead of time." She leaned over, kissing my forehead. "However, you do see the limitations, yes?"

"Yeah, I realized it already." I rubbed the back of my neck. "It only covers a small area in proportion to the city."

One of the reasons that the Youkai of Japan were considered a minor faction was due to their size in addition to them lacking any significant heavy hitters. Yasaka and Nurarihyon were strong, but they weren't Godly in strength. That's not to say they couldn't hit above their weight class under certain circumstances, but they simply weren't at that level. It was enough to dissuade most other minor forces while the bigger ones didn't bother.

Overall, there should only be a few million Youkai, less than ten million alltogether, if you counted the entirety of Japan. And those who lived in Kyoto were a fraction, a large fraction, but only a fraction all the same. So...a million, maybe a few million during certain times of the year? There was no way this singular Obelisk could do anything significant with those numbers.

"There would need to be hundreds more scattered throughout the city to have the effect I want." I breathed out.

"And yet you will work towards it all the same."

"I refuse to ever see her cry again." I would see where I stood once this one was finished and where to proceed from here. "I'll figure something out once I gather the data from this prototype."

It would take a while, but it should be pretty helpful if there was a large scale invasion.

"Very well, it seems you have your mind set on it, I will not attempt to dissuade you." Scáthach nodded in satisfaction. "Shall I make some edits to your sentences?"

"What's wrong with my sentences?" I furrowed my brow.

"My dear student~" Scáthach giggled. "You still over think many things, simple is often more applicable in these circumstances."


With every Talisman attached to the Obelisk, it was ignited with my Magical energy. A surge of power thrummed through it as everything seemed to work on the surface.

Scáthach had corrected a few of my Runic Sentences to better amplify certain concepts and to streamline the process. We argued a little bit over certain directions, but overall, it's in a better place than it was initially. She went off to do something that Yasaka needed done so I didn't hold her up.

I was happy she checked in as she did.

Could I simulate certain scenarios to see how it reacted now? Or should I go about a different method to begin testing and data collection.

"Quite an interesting piece of magic you got there."

I blinked, breaking from my own thoughts as I turned to see who spoke. It's not that I was snuck up on, but there were people coming and going every so often that I basically tuned it out.

For some reason, this person grabbed my attention more explicitly.

He wore a rather neat suit, with long black hair. He had elongated ears and some very sharp facial features.

"Thanks, I suppose." I could tell right away that he wasn't a Youkai and I had my suspicions of his origin. "Long way from home, aren't you?"

"That I am." He smiled, and despite his rather....intense features, it was a very disarming smile. He slowly walked over to a nearby brick wall, about waist high, he brushed it off for a moment, sitting himself down. "I like to think I'm on a vacation of sorts. Even if I'm doing a bit of business while I'm at it."

Well, he clearly was here for me for some reason. "Vacations are always good." I eyed him suspiciously. "Though one might wonder what your intentions are, especially after another one of your kin made a mess of things last time he was here."

"Peace." He held his arms up. "I'm not where because of that....fool." He let out a sigh. "Nor am I here to cause any trouble. I think you've guessed my identity, but shall I introduce myself anyways?"

"By all means." I gestured for him to continue.

"I fell from the Fifth Heaven." He stood up, straightening himself. "One of the Leaders of the Grigori. I am Kokabiel, Angel of the Stars." He bowed a little theatrically, ten pitch black wings burst out from his back for a brief moment and the Holy Light around him intensified. Though, it only lasted for a brief moment before he returned to normal, sitting back down as if nothing happened. "And you are Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg."

The way he smiled again made me feel uneasy for some reason.

"Would you mind sparing some time for a chat?"'


Yasaka Lewd Ahead from an earlier chapter.


Yasaka and I looked at Kunou as we tucked her in. The little fox had fallen asleep in my arms on the way back after the fireworks had ended.

After making sure she was sleep, Yasaka lighting tugged on my hand, a bashful smile on her face as she led me away. We didn't speak, her light tugging towards her own room.

As we entered, I noticed that a certain ambience had been created. There were candles lit up, a soft music playing as well.

"When did you have time to do this?" I looked around in surprise. Mostly because she had been with me all evening.

"Secret~" She giggled. "Now...how long are you going to stay in those clothes~"

I didn't wait for her to continue her teasing as I stepped forward and claimed her lips. That sweet taste that I've come to associate with her was always a delight. The twitching of her ears only further emboldened me, as I knew I caught her by surprise.

Reaching out, I let my hands shift downwards, taking a palm full of that nice round butt of hers. She jerked slightly, but settled into my grasp, even deepening the kiss on her own.

"You bully." She huffed, finally breaking the kiss. "I was going to tease you." She playfully slapped my shoulder.

"That's not possible anymore." I Started to undo my own clothing. "At this moment, you're mine, and I'm not going to stop until I have you fully."

"Ara Ara~" She held a mischievous grin. "Are you going to take this defenseless Old Fox?"

"Mmm." I leaned in kissing her briefly again. "I'm going to take you in every way and make you fully mine." I breathed out, pulling at the collar of her Kimono.

"Finally going for my breasts?" She giggled, helping me along as the edge slipped past those bountiful mounds and her breasts popped out for me to finally see. "Are they everything you thought they would be?" She thrust her chest out, letting them bounce right in front of my face. "You've tried to hide it well, but I could see you taking peeks when you thought I wasn't looking. Naughty, naughty~"

I didn't even realize I had them in my hands until I squeezed and felt that heavenly softness.

"Hnn." She let out a light moan as I began to knead into them. "You can play with them as much as you want, they belong to you now. Any time, anywhere, you want to pull down my.. Ah.... Kimono and have them...mm." I could see her react as I massaged them very thoroughly, making sure to discover every inch.

Her eyes were half lidden, and her breathing was picking up with every squeeze. Slowly, my fingers made their way to those cute little nipples at the end. I felt her shudder in my grasp as I finally got hold of them. "You're really sensitive, aren't you?" I noticed her reaction as I gently began massaging them.

"My breasts have always been sensitive." She breathed out. "I always play with them when I masturbate. But having someone else do it is just – Hnn."

I interrupted her by lightly squeezing her nipples, the way she jolted was just too cute. I began rolling them between my fingers, watching her fidget in place, finishing with a very slight tug.

Her back arched hands immediately went between her legs, moving vigorously.

She whimpered when I let go. With her fingers still going beneath her bottom half, she started panting, looking at me with a very needy expression.

"Look at you, already going at it. Show me." I commanded, putting my hand on her shoulder, lightly pushing her backwards onto the bed.

Her Kimono pushed up enough that I could see her hand still in her panties, a very visible wet spot where she continued to work herself.

I was entranced as I watched her. Her face was flushed as she locked eyes with me a hint of embarrassment showing through. "I-is this what you wanted to, hnnn?...see? The mighty leader of the West Kyoto Youkai, debasing herself in pleasure....ahh...." She kept going, her moans picking up until she bit her lip and her hand jerked.

She was definitely enjoying putting on this little show. Her moans were no longer held back as she let me see her at her most embarrassing.

Her breathing shifted and she let out a content sigh, her motions slowing down. She leaned back, letting out long breaths. She pulled her hand out of her panties, a much larger wet spot soaking through now.

"Did you enjoy watching me cum?" She smiled sensually, slowly raising herself up. Her panting was still heavy as she reached out, rubbing her hand against my crotch. "Look at this, all nice and hard just for me, and I'm just aching for something to fill me up~"

I took that as a cue to take off the remainder of my clothes, my Kimono hanging at my waist at this point. I practically tore it off and tossed it to the side, my member springing free right infront of her.

"This is what I've been waiting for." Her hand was still wet as she gripped me, her juices sliding along my length. "I've had to smell you on the others every time you fucked their brains out." Her right hand ran up and down my full length while her other started to massage my balls.

I let out a long breath as she smirked at my reactions, my cock was twitching in anticipation as she merely teased me with slight touches.

"Now, it's mine, and I want a taste." With that, her head moved down, taking my tip into her mouth. I felt her tongue immediately come in contact with me, exploring every inch of my cock as it slid a little deeper into her mouth.

I steadied myself, my fingers finding her golden locks, guiding her head as she bobbed up and down. She was very clearly experienced, knowing the perfect places to get a reaction out of me. The amusement that shown through her eyes every time my breathing hitched at her movements. She locked eyes with me, her mouth moved back all the way to the tip before she let go of my member and instead pushed her brests up, wrapping my cock between those soft mounds of her.

She continued her movement, but with the addition of that softness wrapped around my shaft, her large boobs pumping me up and down massaging every inch as she continued to work my tip with her exquisite mouth.

She did something none of the others did, a movement with her tongue that left my knees trembling. She was clearly proud of herself at the reaction she was getting out of me, and with a pop she let go of my cock with her lips.

Her boobs fell down, her fingers grabbing hold of me again, pumping up and down as her amber eyes looked into mine. "Wilhelm." She spoke softly. "I want you. I want the father of my child inside of me. I need you inside of me."

"Yasaka." I whispered, leaning in and claiming her lips again.

Letting go, she managed to pull off her Kimono, tossing it to the side without a care. Breaking our kiss, she looked at me again as she reorientated herself, slowly sliding off her panties with a smirk, she held them up for me to see just how thoroughly wet they were before laying herself back on the bed. Once she settled, she looked uncharacteristically bashful, an adorable blush on her face as she spread herself.

She was dripping wet. Her previous orgasm having done nothing to satiate her.

I slowly climbed onto the bed with her, my body hovering over her own. Gently, I lowered myself down, my tip pushing against her entrance.

She let out the faintest whimper as I pushed past her entrance, her insides clutching down around me with each inch I further inserted.

"Ahhh~" She breathed out, a hearty moan escaping her lips.

I was about halfway in her at this point, spreading her out nicely before I pulled back out, letting her have time to get used to my size. Her hands reached behind me, her claws were already grabbing me hard.

"All the wayyyy." She whined.

With a grunt myself, I obliged her. I pushed myself back to where I was before, and began going full inside until my cock bottomed out.

"Mm." She moaned, pushing her hips into me herself.

I began moving as she loosened up, my hips meeting her in a nice rhythm before I started picking up speed. She felt phenomenal, and I was starting to think each species had a different feeling to them. Venelana felt like every fold of hers was meant to milk me, while it felt like Yasaka was unwilling to let me go once I was inside.

"Ahh~...Yesss." She no longer cared about holding herself back. "Hnnnn.."

Her folds squeezed me tight with each thrust, her legs wrapped around me as I felt myself approaching my limit from the earlier blowjob.

She must have realized it too because she pulled me in for a deep kiss, her tongue immediately intertwining with mine and her legs refusing to let me go too far as I pushed forward. I made no effort to hold it back as I felt my first release of the night. Right into her deepest parts, my cock twitched uncontrollably as my seed filled her up.

Her throaty moans filled my mouth as neither of us let the other go, my light movements riding out what little I had left in the orgasm.

We sat right there for a moment, enjoying the aftermath as our tongues continued to dance.

"Ahhhh....." Yasaka breathed out, finally breaking the kiss. "It's so warm." She leaned back, clearly in a pleased state. "Maybe Kunou's going to get a younger sibling."

I laid my head between her boobs, enjoying the large mounds to prop me up. I wouldn't be against it at all if that happened.....

"And you're still hard." She giggled, rubbing her belly where I was still inside. "Good, because I'm not done with you. I had to hear the stories from my sisters, and my tits still haven't been fucked enough and my ass isn't filled either." She donned a mischievous grin. "I had my lovemaking and will want more later, but now, I want to be fucked."

I pretty much shot up, pulling my very hard cock out of her pussy. She let out an adorable gasp was I fully withdrew, a shaky breathing followed.

"Look at you, all excited." She playfully teased. "What does my man want, hmm? Is it my big tits that you want to milk your cock?" She pushed her boobs together, letting them bounce up and down. "Or maybe...." She sat up, turning around. Her tails waived around, slowly unfolding as to give me a view. "You want to take that big cock of yours and plow my tight ass?" She spread herself with both hands.

"Jinn should have told you how this was going to go." I slowly edged forward until I was basically grinding against her ample rear. I gave her a light smack, watching her cheeks bounce for a moment.

"Oh my~" She shuddered, a noticeable drip coming out of her pussy. "And yes, Jinn told just how thoroughly you took care of her cute little butt. Don't worry, I came prepared~" She spread herself again, and her Magical Energy flared up for a moment, a surprising thing because she doesn't really use magic.

What caught me off guard was the now tight little rosebud of hers that was leaking what appeared to be lube.

"Is that..."

"Your first time seeing a sex spell?" She giggled again. "I don't do much magic, but I know a couple things. Don't worry, I'll make sure to introduce you to plenty more, but enough of that....I'm completely ready for you."

I blinked, and decided not to question it anymore.

I lined myself up, my tip pushing against that tight little back hole of hers and it slowly started to spread open for me.

She let out a groan, clutching the bed sheets as I pushed myself all the way inside of her, my cock fully sheathed inside much easier than I had anticipated. Yet, she still squeezed me unbelievably tight with every slight movement i made.

Sex magic, huh?

I leaned forward, hearing her breathing pick up. I grabbed hold of her soft mounds, giving them a nice squeeze again as my hips rocked back and forth. "Don't worry, you won't be leaving here until every single part of you is full" I whispered into her ear.

I was going too ruin every part of her.


If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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