A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 215 - 206

Chapter 215: Chapter 206

"Why do you have my mother's blessing?"

I honestly did not have a good answer for that question based on who I guessed this person was. I mean....I had a reasonable answer, but how he would take it was a crapshoot. With a thought, I returned my sword to my ring. Thought it would be a more polite way to speak to him.

I took a moment to notice the strange sensations around me. The world, this place I had walked into, felt like it was trying to constrict me. I could ignore it with minimal effort, but it was something to note. Hell, I could feel Izzy's blessing sort of pushing the discomfort away.

[Careful, he's stronger than that Goddess your Teacher is fighting. He's definitely 'whole'.]

Yeah, even if he wasn't throwing around his Divine power, he still had a large presence to him.

"I'm acquainted with her." I decided to choose my words carefully.

He didn't outwardly react, but he was staring at me intently, like he was looking for any kind of deceit. It took a moment before he finally frowned. "My mother doesn't leave Yomi, how did you get 'acquainted' with her."

".....Why don't you go ask her?" I replied, with slight annoyance. His attitude was a bit.....

His frown deepened, and the air turned heavy. "Mortal. I asked you a question."

I let my own power start to leak out to offset the pressure he was emanating. He raised a curious eyebrow at me. "Yes, you did." I pursed my lips. "Do not presume to think that my deference to your first question was an acknowledgement of you holding sway over me." I stood up straight and crossed my arms. I did not like being talked down to. "I was merely being polite since I apparently intruded into your home."

Granted, he was spying on me, but still. I walked right into his home while he was lazing around. I wouldn't say I was being rude....but I was entering the realm of impolite.

"This is the first time I've had a mortal talk to me this way." He sounded almost.....amused? "I usually don't let anyone other than another God or a Campione in my presence, but I'll make an exception. You should relish this moment." He nodded to himself with a hint of pride in his own voice.

"Izzy did say you were rather arrogant." I snorted.

He blinked. "Izzy....? Are you calling my mother by a nickname?" He narrowed his eyes. "What's your relationship with her? She would never allow that kind of disrespect by a mortal."

"We're friends." I felt no need to hide it and my desire to be polite had been entirely squashed. And to be honest, I was kinda curious about her son; not to mention he was a God of the country I was born in, even if from a different World-line. "I sometimes go to Yomi and spend time with her. Or she comes around and we hang out."

He opened his mouth and close it again, setting down the cup of sake. "You are able to hide the truth from me." He muttered, basically not believing me.

"You should go visit her more often, she gets lonely." I was genuine when I said this. I would regret if I didn't try to help the Izzy here if I could.

He expression turned dark. "You overstep. I ignored your earlier remarks, but you forget your place, mortal."

A little bit of lightning crackled around him. His expression didn't change much, but the air grew a little bit colder as he gazed at me.

"Yes, you did ignore my words." I shrugged off the pressure he was trying to push onto me. "Let me reiterate." I took a step forward. "I do not fear you." I refuse to be talked down to this way and just stand there and take it.

Izzy did say he was hot tempered. I wouldn't be surprised if he threw a fist, but I would not bow down to his 'superiority'.

"I was wondering where that girl got that Divine sword from." I decided to shift the conversation since I was still on the fence if I wanted to actually fight him or not. "She clearly hasn't mastered it, and perhaps it even hindered her growth a little bit. Have you considered – "

He raised his hand and my vision was filled with lightning, blowing me out of the hut.

My Aura flickered around me as I laid on the ground, staring up at the sky that was not a sky I knew. The sky was filled with a purple hue, an aurora streaked across the horizon and into the distance.

[You're hesitating.]

"He's Izzy's son...."

[From a different world.]

"I know, but still." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

It's not like I specifically came here looking for a fight. I was just annoyed that someone was spying on me again and had some time to kill.

[Your sentiments aren't misplaced. But should I remind you that killing a God here doesn't truly kill them? Not to mention, you are trying to take pity on a Divine being. As someone who fought Gods, I will tell you that you're being very arrogant right now.] Ddraig continued to speak. [Keep in mind that he has lived an uncountable number of years. You are not fighting a child here, but a hardened warrior who fought the Yamata-no-Orochi and came out the victor. I boast about my superiority over that snake, but it is not a foe to take lightly.]

I took a deep breath, climbing to my feet.

"Yeah, I'm being too wishy washy." I brushed off my clothes. My expression hardened. "I was not the one to make the first move. I will relinquish any sense of responsibility."

I looked as Susanoo, God of Storms, walked out of the new hole in his shabby looking home. He tilt his head as he looked at me. "Your soul?" He questioned as he eyed my Aura fluctuating around me. "You're using your soul as a defense, interesting." He rubbed his beard and acted like he hadn't just tried to burn me to a crisp. "To withstand even a tiny fraction of my power. You deserve praise."

[Well, even you can't outdo the arrogance of a god.] Ddraig snorted at Susanoo's words.

"It's too bad." He rolled his neck. "If you had held your tongue, I may have took more of an interest. But I despise those who speak of my mother."

A grin formed on my face. "Izzy did say you were a momma's boy."

He narrowed his eyes again, and I was surprised he didn't lash out. "Courage to speak like this infront of a God. You are no Campione, but I will say that you are just as foolish as one. As a token of respect, I will allow you to speak your final words before I deliver my judgement."

"More words?" I pursed my lips. "I supposed I do have a few."

I took a deep breath.

"FUS RO DAH" I bellowed, and the world tore apart.


Scáthach POV.

"You have led me far enough, do you not think?" I laughed as I continued to follow the Goddess away from both Wilhelm and Raikou. It was obvious what she wished to accomplish, but I allowed it all the same.

"This one will remove thy tongue." She hissed in annoyance, stopping in her flight as she raised her hand. The earth shuddered as large serpents rose up made of the earth.

"Magic is it?" I slammed my spear down into the earth, calling up my Runes. They sank into the ground, actualizing their mystery as the earth trembled around me. A large Golem rose up, bigger than any of her serpents. "It is not something I claim proficiency in, but I believe this will be a worthwhile opponent for your little snakes."

Golemmancy as it was called in this era. I believe I had interacted with it on a few occasions during my life, but I had never cared to delve into the studies of these magics. Though to call this little manipulation anything but crude would be an insult to those who delved into the art.

I watched with rapt amusement as our sides clashed. The Goddess scowled when my Golem grabbed hold of one of the snakes and ripped it in half, only for another to pierce through its stomach. Lacking any kind of internal organs, it still slammed its fists down. The earthen constructs seemed to mutually destroy one another as the Runes I infused the Golem with had been destroyed in the clash.

Without another word, I leapt up onto the head of my destroyed Golem before it returned to the earth. With another burst of power, I shot up into the sky, spear seeking the heart of the Goddess.

She swung the Scythe down once more, meeting my blow head on. I kicked below me, summoning a Rune to solidify the air and give me a platform to pivot off. The action seemed to take her by surprised as I recovered from my fall, and my spear swept out through the air, slicing across her chest before she could move away.

"Divine blood, how long as it been?" I smirked as I wiped away the few drops that landed on my face.

"Die!" The Goddess shouted, Scythe swiping through the air as she regained her momentum.

I leaned back, letting it pass by before sliding onto my knee and swung my spear at her abdomen.

She coughed blood as the pole collided with her flesh, the sound of cracking could be heard as her ribs fractured under the blow. With a twirl of my cursed spear, it shot out again, tip first at her heart. The Goddess grabbed hold of it, her hand rupturing at the edge, blood spilling out. "Cursed thing!" She spat out as her Scythe swiped at me again.

I believe she had finally noticed the effects of my spear.

"Such an unwieldy weapon, and you lack any significant martial prowess." I leaned to the side as the danger of the weapon laid in its sweeping motions. She tried to stab me with the tip, how comical. Though her legend state her as a Goddess of War that specialized in strategies, not combat. Yes, and her power and abilities were greatly diminished as she was now.

Shadows burst out from behind her as they coalesced into the form of owls. I didn't ignore them as their razor sharp talons aiming towards me. They were created from the Divine power of a Goddess, they were by no means normal creatures. I assumed they could damage me so I disengaged briefly.

I canceled the magics keeping me suspended, avoiding the swarm of birds, and landed safely on the ground. As they continued their pursuit, I merely regained a proper foot hold and thrust my spear out, discharging a portion of my Magical Energy and drilling through all the facsimiles of life she had summoned.

The Goddess clenched her teeth as her body suddenly became enveloped in a malevolent aura, her divinity pulsing out. Her Scythe was raised high as it expanded, in size. As large as a building, it hovered above and pulsed with that continuous malevolent aura she summoned. "This one acknowledges thou. To force this one to use this much stored power....."

"So you do possess a modicum of power." I couldn't help but smile. My back foot slid into position, my grip changed on my spear as it slightly pointed down. I took the most familiar stance I had honed over my existence. "Show me your power, Goddess of Wisdom!"

She swiped her hand down and her weapon followed with it. The air around it distorted, accelerating at speeds that should have been impossible for something that size.

But it did not matter, the more Divine power she used, the more my blood boiled in anticipation. The crystallization of my God Slayer status, actualized as a skill began to swell up in response as well. Whatever her state was, my ability had before merely released the minimum in response, but it was surely awoken at this moment.

I gathered a large portion of my Magical Energy, gathering it at the tip of my spear. My feet planted firmly on the ground, I did not waver as the massive object came down on me.

"HAAAH!" I let out a shout as the tip of my spear collided with the Scythe. An explosion of energy burst out in all directions, utterly destroying the area we had designated as our battlefield.

My eyes saw through the debris that was kicked up. My feet did not move from the spot I had anchored myself in.

Pieces of Divinity began to rain down from the sky.

Shattered remains of a construct forged from Divine Power.

"Thou...this blasphemy." She seethed in anger, clenching her teeth tight. "This cannot stand. Even if I must make this sacrifice, thou will perish!" She proclaimed as her aura suddenly multiplied several fold. That same malevolent aura enveloped the area like a tornado blocking my vision as the wind whipped around.

It took several seconds for it to settle, as the Goddess's form was revealed once more.

"Oh." I quirked an eyebrow. "Interesting....did you have to pay some price to temporarily regain your true strength?" I eyed her, analyzing everything I saw.

Gone was the child-like form. She now stood tall and proud, wearing the iconic white toga of the Greeks with silver hair that flowed past her shoulders.

"Your power fluctuates." I noticed immediately; this was but a momentary increase in strength. Whatever she did, it was unlikely something she could do often without consequences.

"Thou has forced this Goddess to regain mine true power for but a few breaths. To burn through mine lifespan that allows this one to stay in the mortal realm." She held out her hand again. "For thy crime, thy punishment is death."

Once more, her divine power coalesced, taking shape.

"Hear me, Oh souls of the deceased. Those whose eyes slowly closed at the end of their lives. Their bones weakened, their skin shriveled, their bodies slowly withered. Thy name is certainty, and thy form is inevitable, for it is the unbreakable law. Become mine weapon of absolution, for nothing escapes thy clutches." She declared as the world shuddered at her words.

Her Authority as a Goddess.

It took the form of a Bow and an Arrow. It was a Silver bow, with an arrow that appeared to be made of Obsidian. And the feathers were clearly those similar to the owls she had summoned earlier.

There was a presence to it, one that I recognized immediately.

I could only faintly smile as I understand what she attempted to do. And I shook my head in pity as she appeared confidant in her actions.

She knocked the arrow, and the world around us trembled. The sky darkened as the string drew back. "Be reduced to dust." She declared as the arrow was let loose.

Death came towards me.

An Authority that encompassed an aspect of death.


I held my spear to the side in one hand as my other reached out and grasped the air. A similar Red Spear appeared, held tightly between my fingers.

"Stab and Penetrate!" I thrust the second spear towards the arrows. The thorns of my Noble Phantasm lashed out, colliding with the coming Arrow of death. "Thrust and Drill!"

The remains of life around us withered at the collision, the deathly aura spreading out in all directions.

"Foolish." I declared. "You wish to wither me into Old Age? I am a Heroic Spirit. One who has been elevated to legend through human worship and remembrance. The protectors of humanity. As long as humanity exists, so too shall I never fade."

Age merely made my spear stronger.

A crack formed, and the Arrow shattered.

My spear lashed out at its true target, drilling into the goddess. The concepts intertwined with my spear locked her in place, the space around her solidified to not allow any escape.

I reeled my hand back, my second spear raised up. "GAE BOLG ALTERNATIVE." I threw it with all my might as the world once again shuddered.

The streak of light that was my Magical Energy and my Bloodlust wrapped around my spear. It sailed through the air like a shooting star, the blackened sky giving way and my Noble Phantasm lightning up the false night.

The Goddess screamed as my spear tore through her. Her form flickered, the Divine Power that had enveloped her visibly began to fall apart as her true face was revealed once more.

The beautiful woman was not who fell to the ground, but the child from before.

She held a hand over her stomach where a hole could be seen, blood flowed relentlessly.

I couldn't help but frown and click my tongue as my spear returned to my hand. "You have lost, Goddess." I stated, putting my spear head on her shoulder.

"Do not think –" I did not let her finish as I swiped and beheaded her.

I did not react as her body turned to a familiar clump of feathers.

No, I had noticed it a moment prior. To escape so readily in that brief moment after my Noble Phantasm had assailed her and her 'true' form had returned to the diminished state. It was a move befitting of her status as a Goddess of War, to use even that opportunity to retreat. With a hole in her chest, she had been able to pull off such a maneuver. "A Goddess is still a Goddess, even if reduced." I sighed. "Oh well, perhaps she will return in that completed form again at some point." I swung my spear, flinging the blood away.

Would I have allowed that to happen had I still been living?

It is likely I had been having too much fun and was caught up in the moment.

I could only shake my head with a small laugh. An old woman like me had gotten lost in her own enjoyment. Something I used to get after Setanta about all the time. I suppose there is no need to dwell on it. Perhaps she will return with her full power and give me a real fight.

"Today has been a wonderful day." I smiled lightly, even finding it in myself to hum a tune I had remember some years ago.

Now, where did the others get off to?


Little late on the release today. Got caught up in some stories I had been putting off reading until now. Scáthach had fun bullying Divine Ancestor Athena.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /storyforone

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