A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 214 - 205

Chapter 214: Chapter 205

There were no more declarations of intent behind either of their words. No more boasting or verbal jabs as the area went deathly silent. Only the soft steps of Scáthach walking through the grass.

Athena, for the first time, appeared hesitant. The absolute confidence she spoke with a moment ago was all but gone as a slight paleness appeared on her face.

Scáthach wasn't someone to let their power, their aura leak out out every moment. She was a warrior that relished in bloodlust, but she was reserved when not wielding her spear. She had always been content to wrap it all up and bury it inside. The Warrior Queen that defined her was always there, waiting for the correct moment to come out.

It started with a red streak that soared through the air. A burst of bloodlust accompanying the eerie red spear as it sailed past the Goddess's head. With a quick movement she had dodged, but it didn't matter. In that brief moment, Scáthach was already next to her, having retrieved her spear and swung it down on the smaller opponent.

It was almost comical due to their size differences, but I could feel the weight of their power as they collided.

Athena had called forth some kind of Scythe to block the blow. Her power, her divinity, had finally started to seep out noticeably as if to offset the pressure that Scáthach was delivering.

With a flicker of her wrist, Scáthach's deadly spear spun in her hands, thrusting out several times in a single breath.

Athena's Scythe moved unnaturally fast, as befitted someone who was a Goddess. But after the first several exchanges, it was clear she lacked the same martial prowess even though she was of divine origin.

My eyes trailed the blows as it started slow, Scáthach's spear slipping through every few hits until the Goddess started showing some slight cuts on her body.

"How weakened you are, Goddess." Scáthach showed a bloodthirsty grin, laughing all the while her spear shot out. Even when Athena got in a counter and nicked the Godslayer, she never stopped smiling. "Are you having trouble keeping up? Shall I stay at this level of prowess to give you a handicap or shall I fight with my full strength!?"

Well, she's definitely having fun because I could recognize that taunting tone.

Athena did not look all too pleased with the taunt. She visibly growled and gathered a good amount of power before swinging her Scythe horizontally, bisecting a good portion of the forest.

Scáthach flicked her hand, Runes appearing and conglomerating around her. "Shield." A simple Aria to invoke her Mystery. It took the form of a large, round, shield that covered several feet in all directions around her. The swing of the Scythe met the shield and stopped.

"Odin's Magic!?" Athena blurted out almost in surprise.

"Did you not hear my name, Goddess? I am Scáthach and I am also called the Rune Witch." She crouched down, hand on the ground as she leveled her spear.

Athena jumped back, Owl-like wings sprouting from her back as she took to the air, rising a few dozen feet.

Scáthach let out a shout as she turned into another streak of red light, shooting towards the Goddess.

"Aegis of the Gorgon, defend this Goddess of death!" The Goddess proclaimed, a shift in the world occurred. It wasn't a normal 'spell', but an absolute command depicting some sort of her authority.

It was funny how similar the 'spell' was to what Scáthach had just used. A shield appeared infront of the Goddess. A rectangular shield that covered her from head to toe, depicting Medusa from legends.

The collision brightened up the sky, a cascade of Bloodlust and Magical Energy burst out in every direction as the two forces collided. The trees beneath them were uprooted and blown away.

The barely got started and the landscape was already starting to get torn up.

I could only shake my head as they fell to the ground and the Goddess tried to gain some distance, with Scáthach following after her.

"Should we help?" Raikou asked.

"No." I smiled as I watched the direction they went. "This is something she wants, let her have her fun. Besides, I trust her to return to me."

She said she wouldn't leave me again, so I would always trust her to come back.

The other members of the audience were still staring wide-eyed at what happened. The shock of the first clashes had not let them recover.

"Ahem." I loudly cleared my throat, finally snapping them out of their stupor.

The man turned to me with horror drawn across his face, hand slowly raised, pointing at me. "Y-y-you!" He stuttered out. "Who is she?" He finally squeaked out.

"She introduced herself already." I rolled my eyes.

"How? There was no indication that another Heretic God would appear. And one who didn't rampage?"

"She isn't a Heretic God." I said simply, looking off into the distance. I could see the signs of battle still occurring as the forestry, this large park began to get dismantled.

"How can –" He was cut off as one of the Hime-Mikos at his side stepped forward.

She had raven black hair and could be called a beauty even if she was a few years younger than my preference. Not to mention she radiated an interesting aura. "Ena has heard enough!" She declared rather loudly. "Hand over the Gorgoneion or Ena will take it by force."

"Ena!?" Amakusa sighed. "This is why I hate doing jobs with you." He muttered rubbed the bridge of his nose, seemingly broken from his hysterics previously. "If it weren't for your prowess as a Hime-Miko..."

"Quiet." She turned her nose up. "You had your chance. Now I will fetch it myself before the Goddess returns." She raised up her hand and gathered an absurd amount of power.

The other Hime-Miko, a meeker looking woman dashed away rather quickly with a 'eep'.

"Dammit Ena!" Amakusa yelled, running for cover.

"Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi, I pray that you take my body as a sacrifice, for even a fierce God may not cross your borders. I will not regret this moment!" She chanted as her aura exploded out.

This human girl was suddenly enveloped in a feint cloak of Divinity as it surrounded her body. No....it was more like the Divinity was seeping into her as Magical Energy whipped about, forming a coherent mass in the shape of a sword as it landed in her grip.

A black sword that seemed to absorb all light.

"Interesting." I couldn't help but grin as I looked at her. "Are you going to fight me, child?"

{Master.} Raikou called out through our link. {Do you wish me to intervene?}

{It's alright, let me handle it.} I sent back {But hang onto this for me.} I tossed her the Gorgoneion.

{I will defend it with my life, master.}

I paused briefly, giving her a look. {I care more about your life than some trinket, Raikou. Please remember that for now on.}

Was she trying to overcompensate for how she acted before?

It just showed how much she changed with her clear mindset. Before, she would have probably run the girl through for 'daring' to threaten me. The thought of 'letting' me fight would have never crossed her mind unless I ordered her.

"Hmph." She snorted. "You are not match for me!" She declared charging at me. Her speed was rather impressive, I would freely admit. Slightly below a standard full body Reinforcement, and it looked like she was just filling her body with Magical Energy and utilizing it that way.

Though it was nothing I couldn't handle even with my eyes closed. Really, the only thing that gave me pause was the sword itself.

It felt....dangerous.

And I was intrigued.

I summoned Mirage to my hand. The comforting grip I'd come to know as my fingers wrapped around the hilt. She basically telegraphed a horizontal sweep at me as I brought up Mirage to block. Our sword collided and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as I felt the force behind the blow. I had to actually brace myself, and that was in no way because of the girl's power.

This sword...and her chant to summon it painted a pretty decent picture on what I was dealing with. "So....how does a young girl like you get their hands on a Divine Sword?"

She scoffed, raising her blade up and slashing down. It was a pretty well honed slashed. I could guess she had practiced it many times.

I stepped to the side where the sword sundered the earth for dozens of feet.

She didn't seem perturbed as she followed up again. I watched her feet plant firmly and she centered herself, all in a single moment to sweep at me again. It was a solid and well honed slash, once more. I stepped into it, both hands gripping Mirage, and I knocked the slash away. The accumulated Divine Power wrapped around her Divine Sword was discharged to the side, rending a large gouge out of the ground.

I tilted my hand to the side, and quickly thrust my sword forward. She stuttered in her steps, deflecting it away from her.

I didn't move from her space, not giving her the opportunity for any large swings. Quick trusts continued to rain down on her. "Little girl." I spoke between my movements. "You seem to be used to overpowering most foes with that Sword of yours. Your skills are pretty good, but they appear more honed from spars than life and death fights."

"S-shut up!" She grit out and my sword barely missed her cheek.

"Oh well, time to end this." I cast Reinforcement over my body, and lightning enveloped my legs.

I raised my leg up and stomped on the ground, discharging everything I accumulated. The surge of Lightning burst out in all directions, blowing up the ground around me.

With another step, I rocketed forward, swinging my sword again with much more weight behind it. She raised her sword up to block and I intentionally aimed for it and knocked it away, breaking her guard.

In a fluid motion, I stabbed Mirage into the ground and grabbed her wrist and pulled, forcing her to drop the sword.

She stared wide-eyed in horror as the Divine Blade slid into the dirt.

I planted my feet and tossed her away with the momentum.

I paid her no more heed as my eyes landed on the Divine Sword on the ground. "Well, hello there~"

Of course, I reached out for it.

"NO!" I heard her scream, but I ignored it.

My hand grabbed the handle and I immediately felt something try to invade my body.

"You dare try to wield me, unworthy creature!?" A voice boomed out in my head. "I will take your body as recompose."

Well, I expected something like this. It's not like I would just grab a Divine Sword without a second thought.

It was quick as the aura from the sword seeped into me, climbing up from where I gripped the weapon. But I didn't panic, because it was moving right towards my soul.

Indeed, I couldn't help but smile.

"Hmph, a worthy vessel for my Divine prestige. You should consider yourself fortunate. Now, repent within the confines of your own self. This body is mine."

[Fuck off.] Ddraig's voice sounded back.

"What!?" The strange voice blurted out in surprise.

[Hmph, little sword that came from that poisonous snake. Even The Yamata-no-Orochi would hide its tails in my presence.]

The power that was trying to touch my soul suddenly reeled back as Ddraig's own presence chomped down on the tendrils of energy. The vestiges hurriedly withdrew and tried to escape.

"Thanks partner." I grinned.

[Ha, like you couldn't have done something about that yourself. But it was nice to flex my power myself for a change.]

True, I had several methods to protect myself if needed.

"What is that dragon inside you!?" The Sword's voice echoed out as more and more Divine power swirled around it.

I hesitated to grab onto it again.

Perhaps I could persuade it instead?

I opened my mouth to speak but I paused, tilting my head up to look above us. I felt fluctuations of space, but no obvious signs of anyone.

No, someone was spying on me through some impressive methods if I couldn't detect exactly how it was happening. This wasn't like those other people looking over the Gorgoneion and following me that way, someone was staring right at me, I could feel it. Wait, there seemed to be some kind of sympathetic link coming from the Sword to where this disturbance was coming from.

Well, isn't that interesting. It seems I found something of my own to investigate while Scáthach is having her fun. Besides, doing something like this is practically an invitation. How could I not accept?

{Raikou, watch over this place, I'll be right back.}

{Master? Is something the matter?}

{I just want to check something.} I reassured her. Scáthach was having her fun, I would keep myself occupied for now. And worse comes to worse, I had always said I was unparalleled at running away.

I reached out, touching the spacial fluctuations, beginning some calculations.

Immediately, I could tell it wasn't connected to the world, but a separate realm.

[This reminds me of what you did with Meridia.]

Yeah, I remember.

[And you're still going to do it?"]

It's not nearly as reckless this time. I had confidence in myself, in my power around these kinds of beings. Something like Meridia, I would be cautious enough not to pull that crap anymore. But now, I was completely different now.

[Well, you're not as foolish as you were back then.]

I grinned, tugging on the linkage connecting the two spots of space, and I dragged myself back to the source.

The scenery immediately changed. No longer was I in that park surrounded by trees and destroyed earth.

No, I was inside a small wooden hut, and there was a person staring back at me.

A large man wearing white robes, and mane of untamed hair around his head. He was sitting cross legged, a cup of sake in his hand as he stared at me, rather dumbfounded.

I returned the gaze.

[Exactly like Meridia.]

"Why do you have my mother's blessing?" He finally spoke.


Late chapter since I took a nap. Well, I had two early chapters the previous two days, so I guess it evens out. Next Chapter finishes Scathach's fight with Athena. And for those wondering, Pat.reon. just finished the Arc. So as i said, short arc this time around. We're going back to DxD for a bit of a longer arc this time around.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead, visit my /astoryforone

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