A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 210 - 201

Chapter 210: Chapter 201

"Huh, she has tarot cards." While I searched through the rows of books, I had found the stack sitting on the shelf.

Scáthach, who had a couple books in her hands, turned to look at me with interest. "The Grail had given me knowledge of such things. A method of scrying the future, if rather obscure. Perhaps they work?"

I shrugged, flipping through a few. They were made of a strange parchment and the ink felt.....heavy. "Well, probably not best for me to meddle considering our....origins."

"No, no. Feel free to meddle." Scáthach gave a little chuckle. "If you startle some God, I will simply clean up the mess." She gave a big smile towards me.

"Well, that's an obvious trap." I snorted, putting the cards back up. "There's no way you would be that considerate."

"Hmph." She huffed, smacking my shoulder, though lacking any true force. "I am very considerate. For instance, my foot is not buried in your rear for making such a comment."

I just chuckled, reaching for another book before stopping. "Oh, I think I found it." I started flipping through the pages. "It has a list of all known 'Campione' and their known abilities, personalities, and living places."

"Tea is ready." Raikou took that moment to pop her head out of the nearby kitchen.

"I haven't had a good cup of tea in way too long."

"Not my preferred choice of drink, but I welcome the new experience." Scáthach held a small smile on her face as she followed me on over.

"I cannot claim to have mastered the art of Tea Making, but I have some previous experience in making it." Raikou said happily. "I hope you enjoy it, master."

"I'm sure I will enjoy anything you make for me." I made sure to give her a quick kiss on the cheek, making her brighten up.

"Yes, I will enjoy it as well. Thank you for asking." Scáthach said dryly.

"Oh, you're still here." Raikou replied in an equally dry tone. "I hadn't noticed."

"Well, it only matters that my precious student can't seem to take his eyes off me." She countered with a smirk.

There was a beat of silence as they exchanged a look. The little stand off was different than before. I couldn't feel any actual hostility between them. Honestly, I think it's just a way for them to bond at this point.

I sat down on the familiar couch that Lucretia greeted us at before, a steaming cup placed infront of me with two at either side. Despite what she said, Raikou wasn't inconsiderate and happily provided one for Scáthach.

Having both of them on either side of me, it was quite nice. It almost made me wish I was unable to read the atmosphere and do some lewd things. But, there was a time and place, and this was neither.

Honestly, I can't wait until I have everyone all together. I intended for everyone to meet up earlier, but Gramps asked for this favor, so I wanted to settle everything.....and my attention was taken. But I could easily get back without much time having passed, so no harm.

Artoria, Jinn, and Meridia, I did miss them even if it hadn't been that long.

Letting out a long breath, I placed the book flat open on the table, opting to take a sip of my tea first. "This is good." I made sure to praise Raikou's efforts.

"It is pleasant." Scáthach said evenly.

"I thank you for your praise." Raikou didn't bat an eye at the compliment and responded accordingly.

Them getting along made me really happy.

Putting my cup down, I started skimming the book. "Lets see, a total of 7 Campione exist after this newest one. And it looks like he's also the youngest whereas the oldest is a few centuries? They basically just take rulership over parts of the world."

Scáthach reached over quickly, grabbing the book off the table. I was about to say something but the look on her face stopped me. "This...am I supposed to believe that a boy who hasn't even left his teenage years was able to slay a god!?" She looked.....upset.

I sighed. "Kusanagi Gudou." I spoke the name of the supposed youngest Godslayer. "He's still in highschool over in Japan."

"I do not understand. Does my effort mean nothing? That a simple.....child could slay a God whereas it took me dancing on death's door my first time? To overcome my limits and truly ascend beyond the mortal shell. Does my existence mean nothing in the face of....this?" She tossed the book on the table.

"It wasn't that cut and dry." I picked it back up, turning the page and skimming it for a moment. "It says here that he somehow got his hands on a Grimoire that allowed him to temporarily steal the God's Authority and utilize it one time." I tapped a paragraph on the inked pages.

Scáthach pursed her lips before letting out a sigh. "Getting so worked up at my age. I should not be jumping to conclusions."

"It's a weird enough situation, it's completely understandable." It reached over, squeezing her hand. I began reading it some more as both Raikou and Scáthach silently looked over my shoulder.

There was some rather in depth information. Kusanagi Gudou, 17 years old, living in Japan. Apparently, the God he killed was identified as Verethragna, the Zoroastrian God of Victory.

Curious. A God of victory, that doesn't really reveal many hints towards the god's Authority, and I wasn't super familiar with this particular pantheon. If I recalled correctly, there was something about different incarnations as he was heavily corresponded with Indra who was also known to take on many incarnations. Raikou being a perfect example of this.

"Ah, here we go, a list of his known abilities." I mused out loud as there was a rather detail account of his Authorities.

I was right, something about incarnations as his power was divided between many different aspects that this Gudou could apparently bring forth based on conditions.

The Giant Boar was one of these as its power is to trample anything in its path.


"This is much more different than I thought." Raikou spoke up.

"I am forced to agree. I had thought someone who shared my title would be more...impressive. Enhanced physical abilities, Magic resistance, extended life span among other things. Are these not just the natural abilities of the children of Gods back home? It wouldn't be wrong to call him a Demi-God now."

"Yeah, the only real difference is his ability to use the Authority of the God he killed." I nodded.

"Even such a thing is not unheard of. There had been Demi Gods in the past who could call upon their parent's Authority over the world."

Raikou held out her hand, purple lightning crackled. "My Lightning is something my father passed down. And Karna's Divine Flames were a little more potent in their origin."

"Overall, it's strange." I rubbed my chin. "I kind of want to meet one even more now. Like.....what would possess a kid who had no knowledge of anything supernatural to attack a God?"

"Mmm." Scáthach hummed. "I can't bring myself to call him a peer.....but his audacity to do something so foolish deserves praise."

"Oh well." I leaned back. "I just want to read a couple more of these books. But afterwards, how about we head over to Japan and go meet him?"

"I would not be against it." Scáthach seemed to agree. "At the very least, I am curious and a book can only relay so much about a person."

"I am also curious how my home has changed here due to the oddities present here." Raikou agreed.

"Alright, well....I saw a book about Campione's in a general sense I wanted to read." May as well read up on everything real quick before heading out.


"Is he really here?" Raikou looked at the building down the street in skepticism as we exited a new portal.

"Once again, I am forced to agree." Scáthach replied with a look of contempt. "Did he truly come back to this place? I don't look down on the modern facility, but this just continues to feel so....mundane."

"Yeah." I scratched my head. "I haven't been back to this kind of place in awhile. Not since I started walking this path." I was feeling a bit nostalgic.

It was a school.

An ordinary, if bit cliché, School building.

"Kills a God and immediately goes back to school." I shook my head. "It seems like Grams was able to keep detailed information even when she was mentally preoccupied." He should have just returned yesterday, yet she already knew everything. Where he left to, his home address, and his notable hangouts.

Her abilities were quite good.

"Her information gathering skills are impressive." Scáthach nodded. "And Grams?" She questioned.

"Not a good one either?"

Scáthach looked thoughtful. "It's not bad."

"Hmm, I'll shelf that one for now."

Still trying to figure out what to call her.

I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually.

"Is it appropriate to just walk in? I do not wish to make a mess in a place dedicated to children learning." Scáthach muttered.

"You know a spell to make a perception filter?"

"I can easily string some Runes together for such an effect, but my point stands. My presence will still be noticeable and out of place that they will see through it unless I take more drastic measures."

"Well, I could go in. I don't look much different than I did in my school days, I could easily fit in without an issue."

"Perhaps that is for the best." Scáthach nodded in approval.

"Raikou, how about you?" I asked her.

"I am sure I will not fit in as well, Master." She let out a small laugh. "I have not the Magical Knowledge to shield myself nor the experience to play any roles that might be appropriate."

I was thinking more along the lines of making her invisible or something, but oh well.

On a side note...school uniform.

I could picture her buttons straining to keep those large breasts from bursting out. And a short skirt that would ride up over her butt with every step she took. Surprisingly, I don't think it would work as well with Scáthach...though dressing her up like a Teacher...

Reluctantly, I pushed those thoughts to the side for now.

I felt a little poke in my side as Scáthach looked at me strangely. "Do I wish to know what you were thinking with that foolish smile on your face?"

"Hehe. You'll find out later." I straightened my tie, realizing how out of place I would look. With a snap of my fingers, I overlayed a simple illusion to match the School uniform I saw some students walking around with. "Well, how do I look?"

"If I couldn't tell you had cast an illusion, I would say you could fit in. But I believe your foreign looks may draw some attention."

"Yeah, they did back home too." I let out a sigh. My heritage made me seem like a foreigner in most people's eyes, even if my Japanese heritage was obvious in some features. I do remember getting a little bullied when I was younger. "Oh well, I can bullshit my way through most situations."

I wasn't in the theatre club for nothing.

Truthfully, I could hide my looks even more, but.....I didn't want to feel ashamed of who I was. It was a little.....petty of me in this circumstance, but It was something I was trying to work on in general. I knew I was a bit touchy about my Devil Heritage, so baby steps in that direction.

"We shall wait nearby, Master." Raikou assured me. "If needed, please do not hesitate to use a command seal."

"Don't sound so dower. I don't plan on starting a fight, and I doubt the kid is bloodthirsty." I reassured her. "Just going for a chat."

"You have a way of bringing out the fighting spirit in people." Scáthach said dryly.

"Is that a compliment?"


"I will take it as a compliment."

"It isn't."

I shared a look with Scáthach as we both smiled at the banter. With one last nod, I began walking towards the school. It might seem strange that I chose this moment to try and meet him, during school, but it felt like the best moment. I didn't want to intrude on his home life, and I felt like he would be the most reasonable in this circumstance. Not that I was planning on interrupting class or anything, just finding him while he wasn't busy. Maybe even catch him while he's leaving would work.

The gate was open for some reason, but I couldn't claim to know the policy of every school in existence. And no one even stopped me as I walked inside. I pursed my lips as I saw where the shoes were kept. I didn't want to walk around in slippers, so I adjusted my illusion a tad.

Well, I chose an awkward time because there were plenty of students walking around with what looked like their lunches. Some of them gave me glances and I could hear the whispers directed at me, but so far no one made any fuss.

Now, if I was a Godslayer, where would I be?

[The Roof.]

I blinked.

Hey there Ddraig, I haven't heard from you in awhile.

[I've been watching. This place is interesting, and that Goddess got my blood pumping. I was hoping you would start fighting.]

Well, I don't particularly want to fight a god if I can help it.

[With such beings, the decision isn't always up to you. But this Campione you are looking for, I believe he should be on the roof. I feel something strange from up there.]

Really? Why was I not picking up on anything?

[Interesting question. Maybe my existence as a soul lets me feel these things easier. Or it could just be my experience with such entities that I can recognize certain things.]

Hmm, both are valid thoughts.

Something to consider later.

Finding the stairs wasn't hard, the layout of the school wasn't so different from Kuoh. And it wasn't until I started ascending that the feelings Ddraig described started to become more pronounced.

It felt like a higher existence was above me. Like a predator was curled up, sleeping.

Fear? No. I did not feel fear from this presence.

No. It was a more primordial feeling. I could shake it off easily enough without any effort, but the fact that I felt it at all only served to exuberate the ridiculous existence that is a supposed Campione.

There was no hesitation as I pushed the roof door open.

Two sets of eyes stared at me as I walked through the threshold.

"Well, this is rather interesting." I commented, sweeping my gaze around both of them.

This Campione that I saw a picture of, he matched it perfectly. Honestly, he could be called painfully normal in appearance, perhaps objectively handsome if you were into men. In a normal circumstance I wouldn't pick him out of a crowd for any reason. Yet, there was a well of power bubbling beneath the surface. The lazy look on his face made me think he was unaware of how he was perceived to those with even an inkling of greater senses.

Next to him was a foreign woman with blonde hair who was giving me a death stare. "Who are you!?" She narrowed her eyes, seemingly able to notice some irregularities with me.

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." I introduced myself, eyes landing on the young man. "And you must be Kusanagi Godou." It was polite to use his name in the correct manner even if I wasn't doing so for myself. "It's a pleasure to meet the person who thought summoning a Divine Boar and trampling a Historical Monument was a good idea."

I was curious so I probed him a little bit.

To my surprise, he sort of cowered under my words.

"I-it was an accident?" He said sheepishly.

The sheer amount of power that was contained inside him and this is how he responds.....

"Huh." Was all I could muster at his very meek look. "Didn't expect that. So, what's up?"

"What, who are you? Why are you questioning my Godou!?" The blonde haired women stood up, almost protective of the kid.

"I just introduced myself." I replied with a dry tone. "Something you did not do after wards, being very rude."

"Erica.....please don't' fight." The supposed Godslayer tried to sooth his companion before turning back to me. "Can I ask why you're here? I don't really want to fight....."

"Just curiosity." I eyed him. "And you really are new to this, aren't you?" I spoke, even if I wasn't looking for a reply. "You somehow managed to kill a god and now you've been swept up into this whole mess of magic and monsters." This kid was like an open book.

"I just want to live a normal life." His shoulders slumped.

And I blinked again at his honest words. They were.... ridiculous, but I couldn't doubt the genuineness behind them. "Great, now I can't even get angry anymore." I let out a sigh. "Kid, you seem way in over your head here."

Godou let out a sigh. "I didn't ask for any of this."

"Godou, don't list to him! You're the 7th King. Don't let him speak to you this way. If you wish I can take care of him in your stead." The young woman – Erica, proclaimed next to him.

Well, she had a sharp aura about her, so perhaps she wasn't all bluster?

"I don't want any fighting." He slumped his shoulders even more.

This was.....odd.

Not at all how I pictured this going.

Honestly, I thought someone his age would be drunk off his own power. Or atleast a bit cocky or arrogant. But.....he's so timid and afraid.

"Alright, I've decided." I clapped my hands. "I'm going to take you under my wing." I nodded to myself.

"W-what?" He sputtered out.

Honestly, his attitude just made me depressed. And I kind of feel a little bit of kinship with him due to his circumstances. My life was suddenly flipped upside down, albeit to my own betterment. Yet, he looked like he didn't want any of this and was having a hard time adapting.

May as well do a good deed and gather some data while I'm at it.

"Don't you worry." I walked up wrapping my arm around him, much to his companion's chagrin. "Big Brother Wilhelm is going to teach you how to live in the Supernatural World."


Early chapter for Sunday, woo! So, I got back super late last night and just kinda collapsed, sorry. So MC finally meets Godou and just gets depressed at what he sees and decides to take action to rectify that.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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