A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 209 - 200

Chapter 209: Chapter 200

The feeling of waking up with your arms around someone you cared for; it was something I would never tire of and it seemed to remove any kind of fatigue I had built up over the past several days. There was also something to be said about having two girls in my arms rather than one.

"Am I the last one to wake up?" I muttered, as my eyes groggily blinked open.

"Master looked so peaceful." I heard Raikou's soft voice on my left. "We didn't want to disturb you."

"You worked hard; it is a rest well deserved." Scáthach gave a little smile as I welcomed the morning light.

"One of the best sleeps I've ever had." I fully opened my eyes with a sigh, knowing this moment had to end. "I suspect that Lucretia is waiting for us so we can't be lazy for too long." If I had to guess, I would say she hadn't any peaceful sleep herself. The way she reacted, there were definitely some unresolved feelings between Gramps and her.

"Speaking of another woman when you have two beauties laying next to you." Scáthach gave me a little poke in the cheek. "What ever will we do with you, hmm?"

"I can think if a couple things." I was not subtle in my insinuation and my hands started to roam over their voluptuous bodies.

"My son has turned into a deviant." Raikou gave a faux cry as I gave her butt a squeeze.

"Turned into a deviant?" Scáthach laughed even as my other hand was down her shirt. "This is merely his true appearance."

"I make no arguments to the contrary." I happily replied, enjoying the last few moments of peace. Both of them didn't seem to fuss as I molested their bodies, content to still be cuddled up. "Who wants to shower first?"

"Hmm, warm water spraying down on my body. It was annoying to procure such things in the Land of Shadows." Scáthach hummed softly.

"It is such a wonderful invention of this era. I can't help but look forward to it whenever I get the chance." Raikou happily chatted, which still made me raise an eyebrow. Before she would barely even scowl towards Scáthach, now she was willing to even exchange pleasantries without being forced. "Though, I fear these lecherous paws won't let me go in peace." She wiggled her backside emphasizing my hand that was enjoying the bounce of her rear.

"I'm open to bribes."

"Ara Ara~" Raikou leaned in. "What can your mother give you, hmm?"

It was strange how smoothly we both stepped over that imaginary line. I had been pretty conscious about not pushing anything while she was 'cursed', even when she was openly flirting. Hell, I felt bad about enjoying my face getting pushed between those huge boobs. But now....neither of us seemed to care that we had escalated. I felt no remorse taking liberties, and we even had our first kiss.

Speaking of...

I leaned in and she realized what I wanted as our lips met. "Payment received." I whispered, staring into her beautiful purple eyes as we parted.

Hearing her giggle would never cease to bring a smile to my face. "Then I shall claim my prize." She half rolled out of my embrace, climbing to her feat off the side of the bed.

Again, it was odd seeing how easy she would 'abandon' me in a situation like this. Before, there was no way she would leave me alone with another women, even for a moment.

And I certainly enjoyed watching her walk away.

"Did you not enjoy the breadth of her body enough, my horny student." Scáthach gave me a light pinch on the cheek again. "Well, she has become more pleasant after fixing her illness."

Funnily enough, she didn't comment that I still had a hand down her shirt. "Should I put all my attention on you then, my jealous teacher?" I couldn't help but give her a cheeky smile.

"Jealous?" She pursed her lips. "How bold you have become. Do you think this Scáthach is jealous of any woman?" She reached out and yanked me closer to the point that I was practically on top of her. "I still recall the little boy who couldn't even look at my nude body without blushing."

"Could you blame me? An amazing women like you teasing the unexperienced brat I was back then?" I lowered my head down, our noses practically touching. "How could I not get flustered?"

"I see you've improved that tongue of yours." She teased, a beautiful smile on her face. "This warm feeling that beats in my chest. How is it that you can bring this sensation to me by just being near?" Her hands reached up, wrapping around my head as she smoothly locked lips with me. "I have lived as a woman when I was younger." She briefly broke the kiss only to reinitiate it again. "I have been a Queen, a Warrior, and even a Lover." She pulled away once more. "But never has this heart of mine been given to someone else."

"The Heart of Scáthach belongs to me then?" I smiled.

I saw her turn away a little and her cheeks turning a surprising shade of red. I knew she was weak to things like this, but not this much. "Don't get ahead of yourself boyo. There is still much you have to do if you dare proclaim that you have fully conquered this Scáthach."

I couldn't help but laugh as she tried to hide her embarrassment. "Don't worry, I'll properly make sure to court you so that there's no doubt. I'm going to give you all the love and affection that you deserve."

"Hmph." She scowled but it didn't seem to really do much since her cheeks still sported a healthy red. "I didn't ask for such a thing....but if you must then I will accept." How cute the way her pride came about in situations like these. She won't openly come out and say she wants to be romanced. ".....As long as you are able to make time for me, I will be content."

"I will always have time for you." I moved a few stray strands of hair form her face. "Fighting in the Grail War was not even close to the extremes I would have gone to get you back."

"Your honeyed words...." She puffed up. "....I am a brutish woman who relishes in bloodshed. I do not have experience in these matters of love, and I do not believe myself capable of that gentleness your other Servant can so easily give. But there is a warmth that swells up inside of me when you say such things."

Too cute.

"You are certainly a brute." I grinned much to her annoyance. "You have a sharp tongue and take pleasure in the pain you inflict. You are ruthless and pretty much always open for a death fight. But you're definitely wrong about yourself. You have a gentle side that I also fell for just like your bloodthirsty one. Every part of you is something I adore and cherish. The Warrior Queen who has no qualms about stabbing someone through the heart. And the elegant and charming women who would try to sneak in some cuddles because she's too shy to speak her heart."

I don't think she knew how to react to what I said, opting to switch through several quick emotions before settling down. "Calling a woman a brute?" She puffed up again, giving my cheek another pinch, blatantly ignoring she was the one who said it first. "I will need to give you remedial lessons on etiquette." She tried to look indignant, perhaps because she didn't have a proper response to my honest confession.

But, that was also a side of her that I couldn't help but love.

"Not to mention I will have to reevaluate your current abilities. Who knows how far you have regressed in my absence?" Her smile quickly turned more vicious. "Always thinking with your little 'spear' no doubt. Well, you will only have thoughts of MY spear for the foreseeable future while I get you back up to a proper place. No man of mine will be slacking in his training."

"I will have many thoughts about you, but it's unlikely that your spear will count for many of them." I smirked, trying to get a little reaction out of her.

"Oh yes, I've often heard that virgin boys can't control their thoughts around beautiful women." She countered.

"Oi, I'm not a virgin." I huffed.

"My precious student, shall you regale me with stories of your conquests? How many should I put a number to your experience? Shall I remove some of my fingers to better help you count the number of your beddings?" She laughed as the barbed tongue of hers so easily was released.

"Yes, well, multiple it by two thousand and it still doesn't equal your age."


"You little shite!" She reached out grabbing my cheeks and pulled.


"Speaking of a woman's age like that. If it were somewhere else my spear would be coming out." She continued to 'punish me' though the little smile on her face portrayed her true feelings well enough.


"Master, are you well? You look flushed." Raikou seemed to start hovering over me. "Did something happen?"

"Scáthach is a bully."

She of course raised her fist in the air....menacingly, yet oddly cute.

I of course responded with an equally intimidating action.

I stuck my tongue out.

"Shall we go see my – possibly—new grandmother?" I flicked my hand, opening up a new portal. I don't think either Scáthach or I felt like wasting time for a shower at this point. And there were plenty of magics to clean oneself.

"Are you really going to call her that?" Scáthach questioned, taking a step through the portal.

As Raikou walked through the portal, I gave a flick to the hair ornament that she had hanging down from her long hair. Seeing her start giggling with a little swat of her hand towards me, it was impossible not to smile back.

I took a step forward, dismissing the tear in time and space as I was the last one through. "I don't know. Depending on how this goes, I was thinking of trying out a few different terms. See what fits, y'know?"

"Hmm, I'm skeptical." My Teacher didn't quite agree.

"Yeah, it doesn't really roll of the tongue when I think of her." I shrugged. "But, it may not be even a consideration, we'll see what happens." I walked up to the door to her little shop again having appeared right outside.

Before I could even knock, the door flung open and the familiar figure of Lucretia Zola was laying down on her couch again. She gave off an air of aloofness, but there were little signs that showed the hard night she had.

Her eyes drooped ever so slightly, and they were perhaps the tiniest bit red. "You're back." She tried to sound uninterested.

"You know, you don't have to put this act up for us. I can't claim to know what you're going through, but I want to help you best I can." I offered her my help.

Her lips twitched as she leaned back up. "You're a good kid." She sighed, dropping her head into her hands. "I must look like a mess. I'm not usually this....." She didn't finish, but I could easily gleam what she was trying to say. "Did Zelly tell you what he wrote to me?"

"He did not and I didn't pry. He seemed rather melancholic the entire time the letter was the object of talk."

"Melancholic." She repeated. "That stupid man. He swooped in here when I was so young. Literally sweeping me off my feet, protecting me from the anger of a Heretic God. I did something I wasn't supposed to, looked at something beyond my station and angered a God. I was young and foolish, thinking myself powerful." She shook her head. "I was smitten the moment I met his eyes. Oh, we were both so young back then and full of love.....until he left me."

"Dammit gramps." I sighed.

She picked up the letter and tossed it to the side with a scowl. "And now he finally writes me, asking if I wanted to 'meet' with him and 'catch up'." She scoffed. "Kick him in the balls is what I should do. Curse off his hair and make him impotent."

The anger that had swelled up in her seemed to dissipate as easily as it had come. "What's the use in bemoaning the past? It was so long ago, maybe I should just forget it and finally move on."

"That's your right. But you also have the alternative."

She huffed turning back towards me. "Are you going to convince me? He asked me if I wanted to see him again."

"As much as I care for my Gramps, he was in the wrong. This isn't about him, it's about you and what you want."

She pursed her lips. "No wonder you have multiple women by your side, able to say the right things at the right time."

"He does have quite the tongue on him." Scáthach laughed.

"It's too bad I won't be able to experience it properly." She smirked towards Scáthach.

As beautiful as she is....I just can't think of her that way knowing the Old Man was sweet on her in the past. "What do you want to do?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm tired." She sighed again. "I'm tired, I'm lonely and I miss that bastard in my life. It was so long ago, yet I still remember those fond days." She suddenly stood up. "But he wanted to start a conversation. Hmph." Lucretia snorted. "That bastard should know that's not my style." She started walking around. "I'm going to need a few things first." She paused turning towards me. "You have his same magic, right?"

"I do.....?" I hesitantly answered.

"Good, you're going to give me a path right to him." She gave no room for argument. "I'm going to walk right in there and give him a piece of my mind."

"I don't think –"

She snapped her head, meeting me in the eyes. "I will be marching in there. This is not up for debate."

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

Truthfully, anyone else I would tell them to pound sand. But by the sound of it, the old man needed a kick in the arse for how he treated her. And I was sure he would be happy to see her again. The only real issue though.... "Please hang something on the door so I know not to go in."

She started to cackle. "Oh you sweet child." She cupped my cheek. "You should probably stay away for the next few days."

".....noted." I will forever appreciate the heads up. "Before I send you on your way, I wanted to ask a few questions about Campione and this 'latest' on in general."

She paused in her running around. "I have a bunch of books in my library, feel free to help yourself. Oh, and I already made a profile on the newest Campione. It should have all the information you need." She spoke, running from room to room grabbing things.

I just blinked as she quickly started grabbing things from every which place, a suitcase already stuffed full of her belongings. "I have nothing secretive here that I don't want you getting into, so help yourself to anything you need."

"I appreciate it." I smiled towards my new.....grandmother? Maybe. "Anything else before I.....?"

"I think it's about time I settle some things with that man." She hefted up her suitcase.

I flicked my hand, opening up a portal to Zelretch's living room. I gestured for her to enter. "Feel free to kick him in the balls."

She walked up, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Though it lacked the same affection that one of my girls would have, it still was accompanied by a certain warmness in it. "I would love to talk more later, after I take care of your grandfather." She cupped my cheek again, giving a little smile before turning and walking through the portal.

"ZELLY, ROLL YOUR ASS OUT HERE." She screamed at the top of her lungs as soon as she was inside.

I quickly shut the portal off.

"Are we going to pretend she didn't stuff her bag full of lingerie?" I asked.


"I am, yes."

They both answered the same.

Well, that just happened.

And now I was trying to forget it did.

"So, want to go check out that 'Campione' or whatever?"

"I'm curious about him." Scáthach nodded. "Though I also wish to know the whole mechanism behind this phenomenon in detail."

"I have no desire either way, I am happy to follow along." Raikou didn't seem too concerned.

Well, I admitted to being a bit curious myself.

Time to go see what the big deal is about this so called Campione then.


Just a heads up, found out I have to work Saturday -- tomorrow. So expect either a very late chapter, or none at all depending on how that goes.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

We have a dis cord -- JbwkdNDt7F

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