A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 199 - 190

Chapter 199: Chapter 190

I actually had no idea where Jeanne would be, so my first thought was just to check the last place I saw her. As I walked out of the portal, she was there, sitting to the side, barely sparinga glance at me as I reappeared.

"Wilhelm." She said curtly.

"Jeanne." I gave an awkward smile.

"How you holding up?"

She turned to me, an annoyed look on your first. "Oh you know, just lamenting my failed duties because someone stole the Grail infront of me."

I flinched a little bit. "Sorry." I apologized, not even wanting to make a joke about it.

She let out a sigh. "I'm happy that not everyone had to die."

"So, you forgive me?" I grinned

She puffed up, quickly getting on her feet where she marched to me, eyes staring right into mine as she smacked my shoulder. It wasn't hard, lacking the strength of a Servant, but she did it several more times. "However!" She didn't directly say yes or no. "I am very cross with you right now!"

"Being bullied by a Saintess." I feigned pain at her actions. "I can never show my face in hell again."

She actually pinched me. "No talk about going to hell." She huffed in annoyance. "You're a good person, you don't deserve to be there."

Even when upset with me, she still said things like this. "Anyone ever tell you how cute you are?"

"W-what?!" She squeaked out, her cheeks turning a faint pink. "Don't tease me." She muttered.

I'm going to miss this.

"How much time you got?" I finally asked.

"Several hours if I am conservative." She looked down at the ground. "Though I suppose I can try and force myself to expire early since my presence here is no longer required."

"Not going to 'punish me' then?" I raised an eyebrow.

She puffed up again. "No matter how I reply to that, you're just going to tease me."

I let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I probably would." I smiled lightly.

"Thank you." Jeanne spoke softly. "For coming back and saying goodbye. Despite the many...trials I've overcome while here..." She gave me a dry look. "I.....enjoyed our time spent together."

"The others.....they're going to stick around." I whispered. "If you wanted....?"

"Wilhelm." Her eyes softened. "We both know I'm not in the same position as them." She looked down at her hands. "This isn't my body, I can't be selfish like that."

"I'm a devil." I snorted. "I'll be selfish enough for the both of us."

She reached over and lightly pinched me again. "You're a better person than that. I know you wouldn't want the young girl I'm possessing to be trapped forever with me in control."

"I could think of something if I had a little time."

Jeanne shook her head. "I already took several days of her life away from her. Our agreement was until the end of the War, I will not overstay my welcome." She hardened herself a little. "Wilhelm." She spoke up again. "Promise me you won't do anything. It's not appropriate for me to linger in this body. So, promise me you won't do anything to extend my stay."

I grumbled in annoyance. "Fine." I spat out. "I won't force you to stay, nor will I do anything to your vessel to prolong your summon."

"Cheer up." She lightly nudged me. "Aren't you going to get your wish soon? You told me you were fighting to revive someone you cared for. Be excited for that, don't dwell on my departure."

"Yeah." I looked up at the night sky, noticing how pieces of the fortress were starting to fade away. "I'm excited. I miss her a lot."

It was clear she was trying to distract me.

She really is a kind person.

I wanted to do something for her.....she did say she had a good amount left before she disappeared.

"I have an idea." I grinned, taking out Mirage and stabbing it into the ground.

"Wilhelm?" Jeanne looked at my abruptness with confusion. "What are you doing?"

I put my hands over the Eye of Magnus that was acting as the pommel of my sword. Pushing my hands on it, I expanded a visual of the world. My calculations creating a simulation of the current time-line and world-line. "You have a few hours left, so I'm going to take you out and have some fun."

She looked at my works strangely, not arguing though. "What are you doing that requires all of – this?" She gestured.

"Something stupid." I laughed as I continued.

"It isn't dangerous, is it?"



"And I'm done." I smiled.

"What did you do!?"

Pulling my sword out of the ground, I slashed it through the air, the result different than my normal portals. "My Magic is the Operation and Manipulation of Parallel worlds. Or, if you want to be simple about it, It gives me a degree of control over Dimensions. And Time is just another Dimension." I smirked.

"Wilhelm you didn't mess with time, did you? I have no knowledge of Magecraft and Magic, but even I know that isn't a good idea."

"Trust me." I held out my hand to her.

She looked down, reaching out as I grasped hers in my own. She let out a sigh, but there was a small smile on her face. "Really? Doing something like this just so I enjoy what little time I have left?"

"Well, I've been called an idiot before." I grinned, pulling her through the new portal with me.


"Wilhelm." She unintentionally squeezed my hand tightly. "Where are we?" She looked around at the buildings as we stepped out of the portal.

There was no one around in this secluded area, just as I had anticipated. I gave her the warmest smile I could. "Welcome home, Jeanne."

"Home...you mean?"

"France, yes." I chuckled. "I swear, the sacrifices I make."

Truthfully.....Time Travel is borderline Taboo, even for user of the Kaleidoscope like me and the old man. It is most definitely not something to use lightly, but there are.....allowances depending on the variables. Jeanne is a Heroic Spirit her existence isn't as....solidified on the World-Line as most people. And I'm not native to this world, so there was some wiggle room.

Basically, I brought us a few months into the past where this festival was going on. Stepping outside the World-Line, then reentering at an earlier date.

"Shush, you!" She slapped my shoulder but had a huge smile on her face. She took a few steps out, away from the little secluded alley we were in that opened into a large square.

There were many people all about, hundreds upon hundreds.

"A festival?" She questioned as people were dressed up and there was a clear air of celebration.

"Yup." I nodded towards her. "It's a festival that's been celebrated every year for the last 600 years. To commemorate the liberation of the city by a certain young woman all those years ago."

"I....truly?" She looked surprised at the revelation. "People are...?"

"People have admired you for centuries, is it really so strange they want to honor your sacrifice?" I opened my arm up. "This is your legacy. These smiling people, their happiness, you built the foundations for this."

Jeanne stared, her look indescribable. "Thank you." She barely enunciated the words, and her eyes turned a little red.

I know she was someone who would not regret what happened in her life, but that didn't mean there weren't pains that came along with it. To see what she fought for come to fruition, it would be some measure of closure to her life's goals.

I don't think she realized she was still holding my hand. With a grin, I lightly started to pull her out of her stupor. "Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to join in?"

"Eeh?" She let out a small squeak as I started dragging her along.

"Oh, Ice Cream, you should try this." I pulled her towards a vendor set up in the corner.

"Aye, what can I get for you and your girlfriend?" The guy behind the cart happily asked.

"G-girlfriend!?" Jeanne stuttered, turning bright red.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Two vanillas please."

"Here you go, lad." He handed them over as I pushed one towards Jeanne.

"How....do I eat this?" She took it with confusion

"Just slowly lick it." I gave an example.

Watching her hesitantly try and nibble on it was cute. She eventually sort of worked it into her mouth to get a taste. "It's good!" She exclaimed out of earshot of everyone. "Where to next?" She asked, clearly getting swept up in the excitement as we enjoyed our frozen treat.

"Oooh, look over there." I gestured to a sign. "It says they have the oldest known painting of Jeanne D'Arc herself. A portrait made during her life."

"A portrait? I never recall such a thing." Jeanne looked confused but interested.

"Now I gotta see this." She happily followed me along as we entered the building supposedly housing it.

There was a small crowd, perhaps less than twenty people in all that we waited behind before finally seeing the magnificent portrait.

I looked at it, then at her.

Her mouth slightly opened, and her hands went up to cover her face.

I broke out in laughter.

"It's not funny!" She whined.

"It's hilarious!" I countered, unable to stop laughing. "It looked like a kindergartener tried to fix the weathering of age. Look at the cheeks, they're so puffy! And the eyes are bulging out of her head!"

Jeanne made little noises of embarrassment.

"And her butt!"

"Nooooo! My butt isn't that big!"

I decided to test that little theory and took a nice long look at said rear.

She quickly tried to shield herself, turning a bright shade of red. "Y-you pervert." She squeaked out.

"Devil." I winked. "Pretty sure it's expected of me."

"Um sir, ma'am" A man wearing a uniform approached us. "You're bothering the other quests."

"Sorry!" Jeanne quickly bowed her head. "We're leaving." She grabbed me and practically pulled me out the door.

"So.....who made that portrait."

"Gaah" She covered her face again. "I have no idea. I never posed for a portrait.....I was always too busy."

"Maybe someone made it in your image then." I thought out loud. "It's not exactly uncommon."

"But why would anyone wish to make a portrait of me? I was not a...celebrity...." She looked confused. "I admit that my deeds may have propagated since my death, but at my time, I was not nearly as revered."

"Maybe for their 'personal' use." I grinned.

"Personal use?" She questioned. "What do you mean – " She paused and again her face turned bright red. I thought steam was going to start coming out of her ears. "You continue with your....lewd comments." She didn't meet my eyes.

"Lewd? I don't understand." I feigned ignorance. "What would our precious Saintess be thinking about to suddenly jump to those conclusions, hmm, hmm."

"D-don't imply such a thing!" She huffed, smacking my shoulder.

"How our pure Saintess has fallen." I shook my head. "Next thing you now, she's going to hold hands with a boy – in public!" I exclaimed, making her face ever so redder.

"Stooop!" She squeaked out.

Oh, teasing her was too fun.

I'm going to miss this.

We continued on, watching all the sights that we could in this small time frame. Shows that sprung up randomly, little events that people could join in on, or otherwise historical reenactments.

But what drew the biggest crowd were people marching down the streets dressed up in clothing she would recognize. Many also wore armor, mounted upon horses as they streamed down the street.

"Make way, make way! Our Saintess approaches!" A man at the front called out as the little parade marched down.

It was revealed to be a little girl wearing a cute dress and holding a little flag reminiscent of Jeanne's ride on a horse in the middle of the parade as she happily waved to the crowd.

Jeanne looked utterly overcome with the cuteness of the scene. "She's adorable." Jeanne cooed. The gentle smile Jeanne had on her face as she watched her little 'replacement' ride down the street, it could make someone's heart flutter.

I looked up at the sky and noticed the sun was starting to get low. "I have one more place I want to take you. Though, I admit I don't know if you'll appreciate it or not."

She turned to me, smile bright. "I don't think you would take me somewhere I would dislike." Her hand crept over, grabbing my arm. "Lets go." She happily ushered me.

Her smile is really contagious.

Sneaking to an empty spot, I opened up one last portal, and we stepped through.


Jeanne paused in her steps we she realized where we were. "Oh, Wilhelm." She said quietly.

"If you don't want to stay I have other –"

"No! No." She calmed herself down. "I'm surprised, but not upset. To think to bring me here.....it's really sweet of you."

Her steps were....small as we walked up to the building. This structure that had clearly weathered the years, it looked like it had been reinforced several times over the course of its existence to preserve it.

"Mother always got after me 'When you are going to bring home a nice boy, Jeanne!" The Saintess giggled to herself, hand lightly touching the wooden door. "I could still picture her face when returning after running my errands. Her kind smile welcoming me home every day. The sounds of my siblings running around and causing havoc wherever they passed."

The small structure that was once her home.

I didn't speak as she gently pushed the door open, the room completely empty and covered in dust. She raised a hand up to her mouth, stopping herself from tears falling down. "It really is the same.....after all these years, it hasn't changed."

"Most texts often refer to you as a 'poor farm girl', but frankly, this doesn't really give off the feeling." I looked around.

Jeanne let out a laugh, holding back her tears. "It's not that we were poor...Father had a good job and mother found ways to earn some extra coin when needed. It's just...." She flushed again. "Mother and father wouldn't s-stop...having children." She sputtered out.

I snorted in amusement. "A pair of role models then." I nodded in approval.

"You want a big family?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I guess it's always been something I wanted." I could guess where such thoughts came from. "Though I don't know if all my girls want kids, but I don't doubt some of them do."

"Girls, as in plural?" She blinked. "I heard you mention Mordred's.....'father' and the women you wished to revive, but I didn't assume you...."

"Had a harem?" I laughed. "Yeah I have several girls I'm in a relationship with."

"Is it normal.....for devils?" She asked, her voice rather sheepish, like she was asking something she wasn't supposed to.

"Pretty much." I confirmed. It wasn't like it was some big secret. "Devils are creatures of sin, they tend to lead very hedonistic lifestyles. But we're not demons that you're thinking of. I came from another World-line, and things are different there. The original Demons, and even the original Lucifer, are dead, the name merely used as a title for rulership. They're the ones you think of when your religion mentions 'demons' and such. Most Devils in this age, from my birthplace, aren't much different than humans. To the point where there's currently a non-aggression pact with Heaven at the moment."

Jeanne blinked processing that information. "Heaven is active in your world? As in Angels come down to earth regularly?"


"I'm jealous." She puffed up.

"The offer is still open." I smirked. "Imagine, meeting the Archangels."

"Stop trying to tempt me you –" The corners of her lips curled up. "—Devil" She let out a giggle at her own little joke, one that I couldn't help but mimic.

"How strange that I'm friends with a Saintess." I mused out loud.

"How strange that the son of the Devil is my friend." She smiled brighlyt, tugging on my sleeve. "Thank you, for everything. It was short, but the time I spent here has been some of the best of my life."

"Is it already time?"

"Yes, I can feel my Magical Energy about to finally run out."

"I could extend it.....just a little bit."

"Wilhelm." She pulled on my sleeve a little harder. "I accept your intent, but it's time for me to go."

"I hate saying goodbyes." I grumbled.

"If the Lord wills it, this won't be a final goodbye."

"I'm pretty sure I'm out of his favor." I said dryly.

She giggled, cupping my cheek. "Could you please make sure Laeticia – the woman I'm possessing – is set up to go home when I depart."

"Do you need me to send her somewhere?"

Jeanne shook her head. "No, I have a feeling she'll know where to go instinctively, but.....the Grail was supposed to give her a little gift for her work...."

"I'll make sure she's compensated." I waived that concern off. It was my fault, so I would clean up my own mess. "She should be able to subsume these memories of yours over the past few days after she wakes up, so I suppose I won't need to be here and explain anything to her."

"That's correct. I just want her to be taken care of and given a thanks for her faith in me and accepting our contract. And of course make sure she's in her correct 'time' before I depart."

Her body began to glow blue, motes of mana visibly flowing off her. "Ah, I thought I had a few more moments." She said quietly. "I suppose this is where we part." She stood up on her toes and quickly placed a kiss on my cheek, much to my surprise. "Thank you for the wonderful time, Wilhelm."

Her body burst in a light, and the accumulated mana flowed off for good, her body went limp as I quickly caught it, laying it gently on the ground.

"Goodbye, Jeanne." I whispered as a final send off.


And there goes the Penniless Saintess. Just a reminder, I did spoil Fate/Grand Order awhile ago. Hint hint.

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