A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 198 - 189

Chapter 198: Chapter 189

The talk with Medea had been.....productive.

I wanted to make time to spend more time with her, and get to know her fiancé. I felt like I would get along with her well, maybe even become true friends in the future. I don't know if I'm one to say this, but she needed more friends.

Well, part of that problem might be solved when her old companion came knockin.

And despite everything, Achilles was an alright guy.

In general, I think their presence in this world would be beneficial. I also doubted they would be against the 'fight' that is on the horizon in several decades.

I decided to dismiss the idle thoughts as the Yggdmillennia castle came into view. Structure that had clearly weathered many dangers and was destroyed in various places.

A chuckle almost escaped my lips as I noticed some of the Elemental effects were still persistant after this long.

There was no flamboyance in me as I walked straight through the front gate. The eyes that landed on me, the recognizable people of this Magus family all stopped to stare.

"Have you come to gloat?" Darnic spoke up, his previous respectful tone was gone. "Or simply finish us off?"

There were many people wearing their uniforms, even most of the Masters were up and about doing work to repair the place.

"I took the Grail, and the War is over." I decided to get to the point.

"Congratulations." He said dryly.

Over to the Side, a girl in a wheelchair was flanked by a man that shared similar looks, perhaps a brother? "I made a promise to Chiron, I want to fullfill it." I ignored his tone as it was understandable and I wasn't in the mood to kick him while he was down.

He was an arrogant Magus, probably part of the lot I dislike the most, but he hadn't exactly done anything of note to anger me.

I wasn't cruel for the sake of it.

"Do what you want." He grumbled. "It's not like we could stop you anyways." He kind of dismissed my presence.

Yeah, I guess I really had them over the barrel right now and they were completely at my mercy.

I shook my head walking over to the girl who looked frightened but tried to put up a brave front.

"You saw it through him, right?" I asked her.

"I did." She nodded hesitantly. "....Can you really heal me?" The last part was very quiet.

"Well, I have absolute confidence in finding a method. But for the immediate time frame, I have a couple things that 'might' work without any side effects. So, I'd figured I would try those before resorting to more resource intensive options."

"Do you even know what's wrong?" She didn't quite believe me by the look on her face.

"I do not, and I would have to take a look." I replied, knowing exactly what that would mean to another Magus. Truthfully, no Magus would allow another to do something like this unless they absolutely trusted them. It would be too easy for me to slip something inside her without her knowing if I was given free rein to inspect her physical ailments so deeply.

She furrowed her brow before letting out a sigh. "I couldn't stop you even if I wanted. And...Chiron trusted you to help me."

I smiled lightly at the mention of his name. "Chiron was a good man."

"Yes....he was." She whispered. "Very well." She held out her arm to me. "Please take a look."

I gently grasped her arm with both my hands and closed my eyes to begin pulsing my Magical Energy inside, casting Structural Grasp and forcing an image of her lower body.

"Oh." My eyes suddenly shot open. "That is unfortunate, I'm sorry you've had to suffer through this." I was genuine in my sympathy. "I could see two Magic Circuits that are disfigured in your legs. They are functioning, but they've caused nearly irreparable damage to your physical body in their locations."

"Can you heal her?" The young man next to her spoke up, almost anxious with the look on his face.

"Caules!" She hissed at him and he shrinked down.

I eyed him and noticed his right hand covered in bandages, blood visibly seeping through. "It's alright." I made sure to ease the tension. "You're her brother?" I asked.

"Um....yes....M-Mr. Schweinorg." He stuttered.

"A former Master?" I questioned him.

"Yes, Sir." He straightened up as if standing at attention. "I was the Master of Berserker."

"Oh." I perked up. "If you don't mind me asking, what was her identity?" She was wearing a wedding dress of gods sake. But her lightning intrigued me and I couldn't guess her identity.

"Um.....She was Frankenstein's Monster." He said sheepishly.

"How fascinating." I rubbed my chin. That explained.....some things about her strange dressing. I searched my ring and withdrew a Health Potion. "Here." I offered it to him.

"W-what?" He looked down in surprise.

"For your wound. It's a health potion, it should be enough to remove any lingering damage." I sort of pushed it into his hand. "By the looks of it, you had your remaining Command Seals torn off, huh?"

"I-I wanted to help the family even if I wasn't a good Master." He blurted out, and it sounded rather rehearsed. Part of me wondered if it was quite as consensual as he said.

"Caules, thank him." The young lady hissed at him again.

"Thank you, sir!" He quickly stood up straight again.

I waived him off. "Don't mention it." Well, I guess from their perspective, this is a rather valuable product.

"Unfortunately, such a thing won't work on you, young lady." I tapped my chin again. "It's mainly for healing surface damage, with some minor ability to deal with internals."

"So it's hopeless?" She shrunk down.

"I never said that." I poked her forehead, much to her chargain. "I said a Healing Potion would be fruitless. I have many other means available to me." My Healing spells wouldn't interact with the Magic Circuits in the way I wished either, since it's a metaphysical Organ. "Oh well, I don't think Artoria would chastise me for using her Sheath like this." I decided to bring out Avalon from my chest as it had a little bit of her Magical Energy remaining.

It's soft and warm glow filled the courtyard, drawing the attention of everyone who wasn't already staring. "Avalon, the Hallowed Scabbard of Excalibur." I introduced.

They practically worshiped it with their eyes.

"We really never had a chance, did we?" The young woman softly spoke.

I chuckled, pushing it into her own chest. It's effects worked best when conceptually inside someone. It should fix the Circuits that were malformed without damage to either her use of her legs nor the Circuits themselves.

She glowed slightly, tears began falling from her eyes. "It doesn't hurt anymore...."

Oh you poor girl, how long had you lived with this pain?

"Fiore." Darnic walked up. "How do you feel?" He asked with a little bit of interest.

"I...I think I can feel my toes." And ever so slightly, her feet moved.

Darnic even held a small smile. "I suppose there is one good thing that came out of this." He shook his head. "Perhaps we can evacuate you somewhere to escape and carry on the family name."

I pushed against her stomach again, withdrawing the Noble Phantasm, taking it back into myself. It was practically dry now and wouldn't function. However....I think it was a good use of its last bit of power.

"Getting a bit ahead of yourself there, don't you think Darnic?" I stood up.

"Even if you are not here to destroy us, the Mages Association won't allow us to continue. Our only leverage were the Servants in the face of their overwhelming might."

I scrunched my brow, thinking about what he said before deciding on the next course of action. "No forbidden research." I spoke up.

"Excuse me?" He replied, clearly confused.

"Dead Apostles, absolutely forbidden." I reiterated. "Demonology, also a big no-no. The Taboo aspects of Necromancy, don't touch them. I don't like the resurrecting of the dead, even in zombie and skeletal forms." I didn't have an opinion on how Kairi utilized his necromancy. He mainly uses the body parts and their conceptual significance in his Craft. "Mundane Humans, you will treat them with respect. That means no human research on unwilling subject – which includes blackmail and coercion. And the ones you have under your control will not be abused."

"Are you –"

I cut him off and continued. "You will follow Certain rules that the Mages Association will lay down. The big ones, and you know what I'm talking about." I looked at him. "But you will remain your own autonomous organization."

He seemed utterly shocked at what I was imply. "Are you going to.....sponsor us?"

"You can think of it that way, but also no." I replied. "I'll throw my weight around and see if I can't get them to back off." It would be a bit annoying, but....I had respect for the Black Servants who fought their battles. "There will be concessions, but I'll leave you to iron out those details when they inevitably come to negotiate."

Darnic let out a self-depreciating laugh. "Negotiate? You mean they come lay down terms to push us under them." He shook his head. "We have nothing to offer. Our resources had been thoroughly burned through, and what remains would have to be used on repairs and rebuilding."

I held my hand out, letting piles of gold flow out onto the ground.

Seeing their situation, I felt like I had a good idea.

They stared at the small hill of gold.

Darnic took a deep breath, seemingly deep in thought. "That should be enough to get us on our feet at a minimum. However, money is not an intrinsic valuable commodity to the Association, especially if they're going to be making an example out of us.

"I wasn't done." I smirked, setting down several small crates of Dust. There were a couple with crystal variety, but most of it was in a powdered form. "Crystallized Mana." I began to explain. "From a different world-line. It's less dense than the stuff that occasionally pops up on the market, but quality is not an issue."

Dranic literally shook as he reached towards it, picking up a crystal in his hand. It was comical that he practically forwent the normal procedure of checking for traps. "What do you want?"


"You are not helping us for no reason. What do you want from us? Do you wish to take over the our Crafts, our Family?"

"Do I look like someone who is after your crafts?" I eyed him. It wasn't an insult to their work, but I didn't mesh well with that they pursued. "But you're right, I do want something from you." I took the last thing out of my ring. It was containers of various herbs I had acquired in Skyrim. Along with them, I took out a book describing their names and uses. "I want you lot to attempt to grow these."

"Plants?" He questioned, looking over them. "We don't' have a significant herbology section." He seemed confused.

"You saw the Healing Potion I gave to Caules?"

"You mean that these...."

"Among other things. They all hold magical properties, and I want you to try and start developing farms for them."

Skyrim didn't really have the same...outlook that the Mages here had. Frankly, Skyrim didn't have any large or dedicated farms for these herbs. They grew in the wilds, in special conditions and it was difficult for the people there to intentionally grow them. Well, mostly. There were some that acted like weeds and were numerous, but things like Dragon's Tongue needed very specific requirements to grow and it was hard to mimic them with Skyrim's Technology level.

Hell, only the Archmage had a true dedicated garden inside his tower for the plicated plants.

Truthfully, this was kind of a whim, but it was also a good opportunity to start growing my own resources without having to rely on going back to Skyrim to obtain these. Not to mention I was curious to see if anything changed in the plants by growing them in a different world-line.

Lots of interesting date will come up, I'm sure.

"A family could dedicate themselves to something like this and become rich." Darnic said quietly. "What are your conditions?"

Well, he was smart to recognize an opportunity when he saw one. "I will take 60% of all products produced through these ingredients, and I will want a copy of all notes and research involving these." Honestly, that would still leave them with an astronomical economic boom. Not to mention I wanted to make sure the Zelretch of this world got a little something for the effort he went through to help me.

"I unfortunately have no room to negotiate as you can simply go anywhere else."

"True, but I'm not heartless. I do watch out for my own. I won't meddle in your affairs unless you do something that crosses a line I'm not okay with." And I doubt he needed me to state them. "That being said, I will want you lot back up your feet and with some semblance of confidence in your existence." Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. It would be beneficial to have them at my call when needed. "Fiore, right?" I looked towards the girl again, and didn't wait for her to answer. "What's your specialty?"

She had otherwise been silent while we negotiated. "Erm....Spirit Evocation."

"Oh, interesting." I rubbed my chin. "These should be beneficial." I withdrew a few spell books I still had on me from Skyrim. Various spiritual based spells and things that aligned with her path. Even if they didn't directly help her, another way of thinking would be beneficial.

"T-thank you!?" She squeaked out as I set them on her lap.

She seemed rather talented. And the way Darnic sort of hovered around her, I could guess she was valued by them. "Now, I mentioned 'products' produced using these ingredients." I took out a few more books on Alchemy, handing them over to Darnic along with setting down two Alchemy Tables. "This should be enough to get you started on your research, and the books are a good reference."

"Alchemy?" He muttered looking at the title. He clearly cast a translation spell because they were not written in English. It's funny how it still works even though the language is one not native to this world. It doesn't so much as translate the written word, but the intent of what is to be portrayed. "These would be significant to even the highest families in the Association." He looked up at me.

"True." I didn't deny it. It wasn't just resources; it was sustainable resources that could easily become a foundation if utilized correctly. "And I'm extending a bit of trust towards you lot. I hope you don't disappoint me."

All in all, the risk for me was almost nonexistent. The worse that happens, I lose some superficial things that I could reacquire with a little bit of effort.

"For now, continue on as you are." I spoke up again. "Rebuild your defenses, and if anyone comes to bother you, feel free to use my name."

"This kindness.....I will not forget it. We, the Yggdmillennia family, will not forget it." He declared.

How funny it was that we were enemies not too long ago. Not to mention I was perhaps the main cause of their current circumstances.

Oh well.

"I'll be in touch." I gave them one last look before slicing open a portal, heading to the other matters I had to settle.


"About fucking time." Mordred looked annoyed as she watched me walk out of a portal.

"Had to deal with some stuff." I rolled my eyes. "You didn't think I would just abandon you lot?"

"Pfft. Yeah right." Mordred seemed to trust me, huh.

"Achilles, Atalanta." I nodded towards the other two who were also hanging around. "And Kairi, you good?"

"I'm ready to end this." He stood up, rolling his shoulders. "Anything else you need or can I go home?"

"Kinda, sorta. Gramps was fine with entertaining you all for a little bit as I finish up everything."

Mordred looked bored with the idea. "I don't wanna sit in a dusty old – "

"He'll probably have snacks."

"Bitchin, lets go."

She really is Artoria's son.

"The Wizard Marshall." Kairi repeated. "You want to bring me to meet the Wizard Marshall?"

"Is there a problem."

"There's a reason people are scared of him Y'know?"

"I'm aware, but he is acting as a host, you don't need to worry unless you do something to really make him upset."

"Against my better judgement, I guess I'll go." Kairi sighed. "Though I feel like I don't have a choice."

"Well, you could choose not to accept his request."

"So no choice."

"Pretty much." I didn't even deny it.

"Us too?" Achilles spoke up.


"Eh, whatever." Achilles didn't really seem to care. "Wouldn't mind tasting something good from this era, see how it compares. My asshole of a master didn't even bother to feed me or even give me any wine."

Heh, he'll get along great with Sasaki.

I glanced at Atalanta who was quiet. "I also spoke with Medea, she's expecting you at some point."

Her ears stood up before flattening. "I see." Was all she spoke, but she emoted enough with just her physical features.

Excitement, fear, anxiety?

I could relate.

I felt all those things too when thinking about Scáthach.

How much longer would it be, a couple hours? She was almost right infront of me so that I could practically touch her again, yet I felt this overwhelming anxiety in my chest.

The words of my fake father wouldn't leave the back of my mind.

I didn't want to keep burying all this crap, but it truly was not the time.

"Alright boys and girls, lets get a move on." I quickly opened a portal to Zelretch's workshop. "I'll only say to be polite." I looked them over.

Well, Mordred could probably get a bit of leeway due to her relations. But the others, he wouldn't accept any kind of disrespect unless he likes them to a certain degree.

"Yeah, whatever. I want something to eat, I'm starving." Mordred ignored me, walking through without a second thought.

"He won't hold me responsible for what Saber does, will he?" Kairi looked at me with a pleading look.

"He's not a monster, just don't' be stupid." I rolled my eyes again, watching him go through.

He did have a reputation, and a well earned one. However, he wasn't wantonly cruel or willing to fuck with people for the hell of it.

While it may be beyond most people's comprehension as to why, he does do things for a reason.

Granted, that reason wasn't always a.....good one, for them.

Sometimes you just need to release some stress by fucking with a stuck-up asshole.

"Lets go, Sis. I wanna meet Medea, I heard a lot about her when I was a brat." Achilles casuall strut through.

"Don't call me that." Atalanta hissed, following him through, giving me one last glance. "Thank you....for everything." She quickly spoke before disappearing.

Ah.....I forgot to ask them about Jeanne.

I suppose I'll leave her for last.

Well, one last person to deal with.

Once again, I opened another portal taking me to the Romania capital.


Finally, I popped out on a deserted street in the capital. The Malevolent Aura still permeated every aspect of this road.

Almost immediately, the mist appeared and coalesced as Assassin made her appearance.

I didn't speak, merely staring down at her as she looked at me weirdly. "Mommy's waiting." She said bluntly, turning around to lead me inside.

Pushing through the door, I saw the same women sitting at the same table. "You came back."

"Did you think I wouldn't?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." She said bluntly. "Are you here to kill me? Is that why you're here?"

"You're not the first person to ask me that today." I sighed. "No." I said firmly. "I'm not here to harm you in anyways." I looked towards Assassin who was dripping with bloodlust. "And you need to calm down."

I swear, I think she bared her teeth at me.

Assassin's master – Reika, stared at me incredulously before letting out a laugh. "You were actually telling the truth." She said in disbelief. "Or is it one of those times where It's only technically true. The word of the agreement? Am I being put in a prison somewhere to rot away while you experiment on me or something?"

And she just keeps riling up her servant with her own words.

"I'm not going to harm you." I said softly. "I said I would give you and out, so an out you will get. If nothing else, you can trust that I have my own pride and I don't go back on my word."

"I guess that's the best I can get." She looked defeated, like she was expecting the next shoe to drop. "What are you going to do with me then?"

"You can't live a mundane life anymore." I wasblunt and did not beat around the bush.

"Never had that thought since that psycho tried to cut me up." She scowled.

"And Assassin can't live near normal people either." I gazed at her. "Her mere existence will bring hardship to any regular humans she stays nearby for long periods."

"And you said you weren't going to kill me." She said dryly. "So just spit it out, what are you going to do with me."

"My Magic can send you to another world – a Parallel world if you understand the terminology."

She blinked at me, seemingly processing my words. "Seriously?"

"Yup." I replied. "It's the world of my birth, and there, The Age of Gods hasn't ending. This means that all the supernatural things are still walking around, if hidden by the world."

"Do I need to worry about Youkai then?" She looked amused.

"Funny you should mention that. I'm actually very close to one of two leaders of the Youkai in Japan." Assassin was still staring at me murderously, so I walked over to her, much to her hesitance. I could see the blade she was holding behind her back. I knelt down, open palm with a piece of candy in my palm.

She looked at me, then the piece of candy, then to her master.

She wanted it.

"Mommy?" She looked up at her master.

"Go ahead, sweetie." She gave her Servant a gentle smile.

With that, Jack snatched it out of my hand quickly, stuffing it in her mouth. Her murderous look didn't abate, but there was something else now, like an acceptance.

Well, I guess that works.

It was kinda cute as well.

"You were talking about Youkai." Reika spoke up.

"Right." I nodded. "Yasaka, she's a Nine Tailed Fox." I looked at her to gauge her reaction.

"I'm not even surprised anymore." She sighed. "Just give it to me straight."

"They have their own separate dimension over Kyoto, it houses various Youkai, ghosts, demons, and even humans. It's somewhere you both can live without any issues."

"And we'll be safe?"

"Relatively speaking." I shrugged. "I can't account for any idiots who stir up trouble, but generally people won't come looking for you. I won't lie and tell you there won't be any danger. Not that long ago there was a bunch of terrorists who attacked Kyoto and there was a bit of a body count. It was handled, but things like that still happen from time to time."

"Can I learn magic?" She suddenly asked.

I tapped my chin in thought. "It's possible. The system there it's.....different than here. I don't know what you've been told, but here we have a pseudo-organ that allows us to 'cast spells'. There, it operates off a different paradigm. I can't say yes or no, but it's a possibility."

"And we'll be 'safe' then? No one wanting to dissect me or Jackie?" She asked this again, but I guess she wanted more assurance.

"I can call in some favors to watch over you. I can say that you will probably be one of the most protected people in Kyoto. Not to mention, I can provide you with resources so you can live leisurely."

She bit her lips, and I couldn't blame her reactions. She was still very much trying to rationalize everything she'd stepped into at this point.

"Izanami-no-Mikoto." I wanted to reassure, because despite everything, I really did sympathize with her situation.


"I'm friends with Izanami, I can ask her to keep an eye on you."

Her mouth opened, staring at me before she broke out in laughs. "The Goddess of Death." She managed to squeaked out. "Mom always prayed when I was younger, but I never cared for that crap. Now you're telling me SHE will watch over me?"

"You have Jack the Ripper as your daughter." I deadpanned.

She snorted, laughing again. "This whole thing is so fucking ridiculous."

"Sorry, you shouldn't have been forced into this situation."

"I hate that I believe you're being sincere. I hate that I can't even bring myself to despise you like that other bastard. And I hate that I don't have control of my own life."

"There are other ways besides magic. Other ways to get strong and you can have access to them."

She lazily brought her eyes up to meet mine, practically defeated. "I don't have a choice." She sighed. "But atleast.....I don't entirely hate this decision being forced on me."

"Anything you need to grab? My Grandfather will host you until everything is ready to move. It's better to get away from this place before anyone starts poking their nose around." I explained.

"I have nothing of value in my life except Jackie." She smiled bitterly, earning a hug from the Servant. "You want to go on an adventure with me, sweetie?"

"Un. We'll follow mommy wherever she goes." She replied without hesitation.

"Alright. Please be respectful, my Grandfather is someone of....status and your Servant is not his match." I made sure she understood what she was walking into.

"Don't insult the scary wizard, got it." She said dryly.

I opened up a portal for them. "Again....I'm sorry."

She walked up to it, Jackie holding her hand. She briefly turned back to me with a small smile on her face. "I know, thank you." She replied before stepping through.

I let out a sigh, watching the portal collapse.

Gods, I can't help but think of my mom every time I see her. I'll make sure she's taken care of and won't have to get into any trouble because of things beyond her control.

"Now...." I muttered. "I need to go find that Saintess."

.....Time to go say goodbye.


Managed to get a chapter done today. Feeling slightly better overall, but still battling a fever and everything. My body seems like it keeping bouncing between chills, sweating, and dizziness. I did take a test, and I do have Covid, so as i said before, no guaranteed chapters this week as I fight this crap.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my /astoryforone

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