A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 173 - 165

Chapter 173: Chapter 165

Berserker of Red (Minamoto-no-Raikou) POV


I watched him go headfirst into a battle between many servants, yet, my eyes could not leave the one infront of me. I knew I should have been supporting him, but this feeling inside of me made it impossible to ignore Lancer of Red.

Even if he told me to move as I wanted, I felt uneasy. A mother should be there to protect her son, especially on a battlefield such as this.

Is it really okay for me to be greedy?

I bit my lip glancing back at the battlefield then back at Lancer who I followed this far away. An unconscious action that we both moved away to fight without interruptions.

"You are distracted." Lancer's words broke me from my thoughts. Despite this feeling, this compulsion to draw my sword, I was eerily calm and he appeared much the same. "Are you worried about your Master?" He followed my gaze into the distance, a small smile forming on his face. "You are lucky to have him as your Master. I have not spoken with mine since my summoning, yet yours will fight by your side. I still can't help but feel jealous of you, Arjuna."

"Arjuna?" I said in confusion.

Lancer shook his head. "Apologies, that was a slip of the tongue." He didn't take a battle stance, instead preformed something of a proper greeting. "You have this feeling as well? This pain in my chest that does not allow me to exist while you still breath?"

"I cannot live while you still draw breath." I placed my hand on my sword's hilt. "I have never met you before in my life, why do I feel this way?" I couldn't look at him as an insect, I was more clear minded than I had been since my summoning.

"I am Karna, son of the Sun God Surya." He introduced himself, spear hefted up. "And you.....appear so similar to my brother. It is almost like a jest. Is it a cruel twist of fate or a boon I should be thankful for?"

"The Hero of Charity." I whispered, the knowledge coming to the forefront of my mind and many things began to make sense now. "I am Minamoto-no-Raikou, Daughter of Gozu Tennou."

"Gozu Tennou, an aspect of Indra." A flash of understanding was seen on his face.

"Yes." I confirmed.

"Indeed, this battle was inevitable." He shook his head again, but did not look displeased. "Daughter of Indra, sister to my brother and fated foe, Arjuna." Flames ignited around him. "Fight me or return to your master's side and we can continue our battle like so."

He was letting me choose.....this fight was important to him, more than I could understand even with this strange feeling compelling me to raise my blade against them.

I don't want him anywhere near my Master. "No, you are dangerous." I shook my head, my sword drawn from its sheath. "I will crush you here. This time it will not end with merely an arm."

He smiled lightly holding up the arm that had been healed, before letting out a small laugh. "It took a Command Seal, and two other servants to heal me this quickly, your attack was praiseworthy." He gripped his spear back, taking a proper stance this time.

Instinctively, I summoned forth my Divine Lightning, as if it had the incessant need to display itself against his flames.

"Yes, that is the lightning I know." Karna was more expressive than I've ever seen of him yet. "Is it the will of the Gods that this fight happens again or just a happenstance of fate." He gave a genuine smile. "Father, watch over me." Karna spoke softly.

"Father." I felt myself whisper under my breath without even realizing my actions.

My Light roared, and his flames burst out as we collided for the first time.


Wilhelm POV

I locked eyes with the Dragon Slayer, his gaze unwavering. I felt the trepidation, the call for my blood that pulsated off his blade. It was the first time I've had a Anti-Dragon weapon pointed at me as opposed to being nearby.

It was different than even the Holy attribute of the Church that's like poison to my Devil heritage. With them, it carried a 'purifying' principal, the desire to remove my 'evil' from the world. For this Dragon Slayer, I felt a murderous intent baring down, to cut me to pieces and scatter my ashes to the wind.

His words gave me a moment of respite. Achilles looked at me strangely, his lackadaisical attitude was shifting to something more serious. He briefly exploded in anger when I hurt his companion, but he shifted back to that fun-loving fool that I've seen plenty of times now. Even when he was 'angry' at my provocations it didn't feel like he was all that invested beyond just having fun.

Lancer of Black, he looked like he was mentally advising strategies. He didn't appear to be the type to run in headfirst like Rider of Red unless overly provoked to do so. Even this 'fight' I was having with him, he didn't openly enter my range, taking the opportunity probe and feel me out.

"Well, if no one's going to make the first move –" My head jerked up at the clouds and I realized, they were no longer being struck by my Lightning bolts. I held my hand out and static crackled all around me, but it wasn't of my own make.

We all turned to see a massive pillar of green lighting shoot to the sky. My eyes widened as I realized who had just taken hold of my lightning, the Berserker Servant. My eyes Reinforced, I could make her out of the crowd of disposable minions, her fighting Archer of Red.

She raised her mace up, and slammed it into the ground.

Pillars of lightning erupted all over the area, the ground beneath us sundered from the unleashed torrent of power.

We all moved to dodge, as the battlefield became completely chaotic. Out of the corner of my eye, an arrow made its way right for my eye, but it was not from Archer of Red. I caught it with a scowl, tossing it to the side as I continued to move.

"Annoying." I spat out as another arrow coming from the direction of the Yggdmillennia castle came at me. With a swipe of my sword, I deflected it easily, and another was right in the spot where I continued to move in. I dodged to the side, and there were two more right upon me.

Okay.....he was pretty damn skilled to predict me like this.

I unleashed two Birds effortlessly to destroy them, yet once again another was right infront of my chest. My Aura flared, blocking it, only for a barrage to land in the same exact spot, even as I moved with a burst of lightning.

One arrow pushed against my Aura, another burst through the base of that one, hitting the same spot, and several more followed suit in the blink of an eye, like they were released with utmost certainty moments before I had even stood here.

I looked down, and there was an arrow sticking out of my shoulder, my aura having been punctured through.

I was more impressed than angry.

I pulled it out, the arrowhead not being very deep. The wound healed almost immediately, but it was the fact that he managed to land a clean blow on me from so far away that really grabbed my attention.

Well, I suppose I should return the favor.

At this distance, I could only vague make out the silhouette of an Archer up on the highest tower over at the Castle.

Arrows for arrows.

I held my hand out, my Lightning danced around my palms.

It should go like this....

Condense. Form. Accelerate.

"Lightning. Arrow. Burst."

My lighting formed into the shape of arrows, aiming far away. With a thunderclap, they shot off into the distance. They arced across the sky visibly, nosily colliding with a Bounded Field that sprung up around the Castle.

The defenses didn't budge, and I just clicked my tongue in annoyance, but I think the Archer already abandoned that sniping spot, so the effort wasn't wasted.

Well, for a hastily made spell, it wasn't bad.

I pivoted, foot digging into the ground as Mirage swung up to meet a bloodthirsty blade coming down on me. "Well, you're first I suppose." I grinned at the Dragon Slayer.

I didn't react, but I was hesitant about being hit by that sword.

"Forget me already?" I snapped to the side and held up the Boosted Gear as a shield to block the familiar spear of Rider, as it struggled to move against my Gauntlet. "You're blocking me with one arm." Rider said with confusion.

"The strength of a dragon, I don't know how, but he's intertwined with one." Saber spoke up.

"Hoh, both sides working together against me? I'm flattered."

"Tsk." Rider clicked his tongue. "I don't need help to beat you, bastard." He said, but didn't dismiss Saber.

Saber pushed down on his sword, and I buckled slightly. His strength was no joke, but I wasn't even at my peak yet.

"The strength of a dragon, well you're not wrong. What do you think, Ddraig?"

"[He has good insight, I can see how he was able to slay Fafnir.]" The jewel on the Boosted Gear lit up, his voice projected out.

"What!?" Rider looked taken back.

Even Saber's blade hesitated. "You can speak?"

"[Of course, do you think I'm incapable of it?]" Ddraig scoffed. "[Don't put me on the same level as that greedy dragon you killed.]"

"You know who I am?" Saber still seemed utterly shocked that this conversation was happening.

"[I've met that dragon in the past, do you think I wouldn't recognize the person who carries his scent? Siegfried.]"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Rider scowled and I held back a laugh.

I stepped forward, push his blade away and swung in a wide arc to force both Saber and Rider back.

"It's as you say." Siegfried hefted his blade up again. "I am Siegfried, The Dragon Blooded Knight. If you can speak, I would ask your name, dragon."

"[Haha, actually asking my name, I like you. Struggle, Dragon Slayer. Fight with all your might and test yourself against my wielder." Ddraig declared. "[I am Y Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon Emperor.]"

"I will remember your name." Siegfried nodded.

"[I have one more thing to say.]"

Siegfried perked up attentively.

"[Boost]." Me and Ddraig said at the same time.

Again, Siegfried's eyes widened, my sword swinging up from below at him, he moved his sword – Balmung to block, but it his guard was destroyed at first contact.

I ducked down as Rider's spear moved through the spot my head had just been, no indication that he even moved, his speed still ridiculous, but at this point, it didn't seem out of my reach anymore.

He twirled his spear, swinging it down in the same movement to try and catch me, I slid to the side and slashed my sword at him, full of magical energy. He quickly brought his spear up to block, only to get blown back at the impact, ground upheavaled as he regained footing.

I flicked my hand towards Siegfried, Talismans flew out forming a spell around him. "Three Elements Sealing Formation." I didn't give him another second glance as my Gauntlet-clad hand launched out, connecting with Achilles face.

The force of my blow knocked him off his feet, his head jerking to the side.

To his credit, he didn't back down, he didn't get disorientated by the fact that I had just managed to land a solid hit on him even when he's been having the speed advantage. His own fist snapped back, an otherwise sharp and crisp jab I had narrowly dodged. His speed was still something else, and I was starting to think he had an ability that allowed him to match my own speed in some capacity because it felt like his was keeping pace even after two boosts.

His knee shot up, but I pushed it down with my palm, followed up by an elbow from his side. His martial arts were indeed impressive, aiming for every opening I had to sneak a jab into. Pankration, I believe it's called, the most famous bare-handed fighting style of the Ancient Greeks.

This didn't mean he abandoned his spear, it tried to sneak in, but was continuously rebuked by my Sword, which had the advantage at this distance. He was losing ground, quickly. At this point, my physical abilities trumped his, each of my blows forced him back, and he buckled under the strain.

I glanced to the side to see Siegfried already tearing through my Seal after only a few breaths worth of time. His physical prowess combined with his innate Magical Resistance did short work to my hastily applied spell. He was already charging at me in a single blink of an eye.

His overhead slash tore apart the ground, but I held firm as Mirage was brought up to block. With a single hand, I pushed his sword back to his chest as he struggled to fight against me.

Achilles Spear shot out again, this double teaming was a bit annoying, I guess it was time to do something about it. My other sword flew at him, while not doing much, it was enough to give me a moment as my Gauntlet-clad palm opened up towards the Rider servant. "Penetrate." I called out as a beam burst forth, tearing through his chest."

Achilles let out a pain shout, perhaps mostly filled with surprise at his defenses being overcome so abruptly.

I gripped Mirage with two hands, and knocked Siegfried's blade away. Following up, my free hand opened up and Ascalon flew down into it as I slashed down his own chest. "You're not the only one with an Anti-Dragon Noble Phantasm, Dragon-blooded Warrior." I grinned, my sword cutting deep into him.

"Rider!" It was Archer this time who shouted, arrows flying at me from the distance, my swords darting out to meet them in mid air.

"Saber." Another voice joining the fray, the Lancer of Black decided to rejoin after backing away in the initial chaos.I guess he couldn't sit still after I just wounded two Servants simultaneously.

"Woohoo!" A shout erupted from above as my head snapped up, a person came flying down on a strange creature, lance in hand as he tried to stab at me.

I swiped my hand, shattering the space around me, appearing a little distance away in a few steps, only to be bombarded by a hail of arrows, this time from the Archer of Black, whom I had yet to get a proper look at. I dodged easily enough, but that just opened me up to new problems.

"RAAAAAHH." A massive torrent of lightning was discharged my way.

Stabbing my swords into the ground, The Staff of Magnus appeared infront of me, and I cast a Greater Ward to defend. The residual blast scorched the earth around me for dozens of meters in every direction, but I was otherwise unhurt. Letting it go, I allowed it to float around me just like my swords, easier to call upon.

A loud whistle filled the air, and a chariot flashed through the air and a speed that made even Achilles look a bit slow. The three-horse noble phantasm sliding in under everyone's noses to pick up the Rider Servant as Archer of Red astralized and disappeared.

The Chariot zipped through the air in a way that was extremely hard to track. In a literal blink, it had already disappeared from sight.

Unfortunate, I was hoping that blow would have taken him out, but there was good money on him having some variation of Battle Continuation. Some Servants in their legends had survived having their hearts gouged out, and conceptualized into the ability to fight through such things. If they could heal Lancer's Arm, it was entirely possible that wound was not as debilitating as I would hope.

But now, I was surrounded by the entirety of the Black Faction, though I've seen nothing of their Assassin, which kept me on guard.

"How long are you going to stand around?" I called out, the Servants look at me warily.

"Hmph. I was watching you flail around like a novice, it was fun to watch." Mordred voice flowed into my ears, her vibrant armor materializing next to me.

I couldn't help but grin, sweeping my gaze around at all the enemy Servants. "This is my Berserker Servant." I introduced.

"Fuck you, I'm a Saber!" She shouted in return.

"See, a Berserker." I laughed.

"Grrrr." She just growled, but didn't keep arguing.

"You're outnumbered, surrender and we may work something out." Lancer leveled his spear towards me.

"It took me a moment to figure out your identity." I replied, looking right at him. "It's obvious in hindsight, but I was caught up with other things admittedly. Your Majesty, I should have expected the Black Faction to summon you since this is your territory."

"Hoh, You have good eyes." Lancer looked please.

No, Vlad the Impaler.

"You are a King." I nodded. "It was expected that you would try to gain the advantage without any loses on your side as well. To bring us over to yours would be the best outcome." I couldn't fault him, nor did I feel particularly offended at his attempt.

"Your answer?"

"My answer." I pursed my lips, holding my hand up. "Here it is." I snapped my fingers, the Dust-Bombs all around the Castle exploded as one, the Bounded Fields shuddered and burst as the numerous elemental effects cascaded in every direction.

They all snapped their eyes back to their base of operations. I would be the first to admit that their defenses were impressive, it could even keep servants out without relying on Noble Phantasms to brute force in for the most part.

Mirage swung up, resting on my shoulder. "Should I repeat my answer?" I said with a cocky smile.


Work is finally starting to normalize, now I just need to catch up on everything I missed.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead, visit my /astoryforone

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