A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 172 - 164

Chapter 172: Chapter 164

POV Caster of Red (William Shakespeare)

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, at your service."

I sat up as he announced his name, the dramatic introduction, the delivery, the ambience. "Wonderful." I gave a small clap. "Ah, how I wish I could pick his brain." I bit my thumb, oh how I wished to go learn of his thoughts, to understand this character that entered the stage, front and center.

Declaring he'll take on both factions, simply marvelous!

"If you keep speaking, I will be more than happy to toss you off the edge of my Gardens so you can head down and see for yourself." A venomous voice rebuked my appreciation.

I am surrounded by critics. "My dear Assassin, I am but a humble writer, I'm afraid the mere fall will force me off the stage for good." I bowed.

"We can only hope." She drawled, flicking her finger to enhance the long-distance magecraft viewing spells she had cast.

"Schweinorg." I turned my gaze towards the one who spoke. Our 'master' so to speak. Not the person who had summoned me, but the one who now held my 'leash'. Well, I did find him more interesting than that bore who performed the ritual.

"Does the name hold significance, my master." I grinned, and twirled my pen.

He turned to me; his eyes lit with a small fire within. This was a true main character; I was excited to see how this play unfolded before my eyes. "Schweinorg, it's the name of the Second Magician, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg." Master looked at the man who had wounded him, intently. "I was not aware that the Kaleidoscope had any family members."

"Ohoh, his character becomes even more interesting." A possible relation to such an illustrious figure? How mysterious this new addition to the stage is.

"Irrelevant." Assassin spat out, tapping her fingers on her throne. "Inside my Garden, even a Magician can't move freely." She stared at his face, the Master that was fighting against multiple servants and scowled deeply. "I'll teach him a lesson if he has the courage to step foot here."

She had been quite irritable after healing up our master from that little meeting.

Well, more so than usual.

Shirou Kotomine suffered no major wounds, but he was still injured and the scars lingered.

I suppose her arrogance is well earned. My artistic flair started and ended with the written word, but I could appreciate other avenues of expression. And to deny her Noble Phantasm was a work of art would be the height of foolishness.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Would this flying fortress be a stepping stone or an unassailable wall for our performers?

As a Caster-class Servant I could understand this place more so than any another class, even if I never practice Magecraft in my life. Not only was it a fortress high up into the heavens, it was Assassin's workshop.

A plot twist it was, to have our Assassin also be our more traditional Magus of the group.

"I will believe in your ability, Assassin." Our Master said without any hesitation, making our dear Assassin puff up happily.

Oh, Master, if only you weren't a man of the cloth, this could have been a fun romcom side story. A bit low brow for my tastes, but it's hard to not enjoy the simplicity every once in awhile, especially since it wouldn't detract from the main plot.

"I have been left woefully in the dark, master." I clutched my heart, aghast at this turn of events. "What plans have you devised so I may prepare myself accordingly?" I readied my pen and parchment.

Master had a small smile on his face, looking at the viewing of the battle. "His entrance has given us a good opportunity to acquire the Grail."

"Oh my, to assault the enemy's stronghold while their forces are away?" I began scribbling down my thoughts. "Do you wish to sneak in or openly attack the front." I looked up, waiting for an answer then paused. "Wait, don't tell me." I stopped myself, I wanted to see how this would play out without any spoilers.

"You can always come along, Caster." Shirou gave a small laugh.

"I am but a humble playwright, my Master. The battlefield is no place for me."

"Gods forbid he does something useful." Assassin added, off handedly.

"Assassin, I am wounded by such harsh words." I clutched my heart. "Did I not apply my talents in healing Lancer?"

"I did most of the work." She scoffed in annoyance.

"Ah, but it would have taken at least another day to fully heal him had I not intervened." I pointed out, much to her chagrin. "And I shall apply my efforts once again." I declared, turning back towards our Master. "I shall provide you with a fine blade to fight for your ideals, Master."

So, struggle.

Attempt to prove your ideals to the world and I will watch it all.


POV Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia (Master of Archer of Black)

"This location is suitable, thank you." I politely dismissed the Homunculus that was navigating my wheelchair.

"Fiore." Darnic spoke, his voice was not loud, but it carried across the entire room we occupied. "How is the situation with Archer?"

"His last report noted there was no movement around the perimeter, and he was focusing on the battle and waiting for an opportunity to intervene advantageously." I replied.

Archer—rather Chiron, had taken the highest point on the castle and was relaying information to me.

"Good, well done, Fiore." Darnic praised.

"Thank you, Lord Darnic." I bowed my head slightly in appreciation. "Is the long-distance scrying ready?" I inquired.

"It's done." Gordes, the master of Saber slammed the door open, apparently answering my question. Behind him, Celenike sauntered in. "Is this it?" He looked around with an annoyed expression.

"I'm here too." Caules arrived late, as per usual. I swear, If I didn't keep on him, he wouldn't ever show up.

"Everyone else is busy with their own duties." Darnic raised his scepter, and screens appeared at the center of the room, giving us a long-distance scrying of the battle.

"We'll take you all on." The Master that Saber had spoken of appeared on the screen, all of us seemed surprised at his arrival and sudden declaration.

"That brat!" Gord slammed his fit on a nearby table.

"Ohoh." Celenike let out a haughty laugh. "Is this the one who attacked you?"

"He snuck up on me." Gordes snapped. "If he didn't sneak attack me, I'd have easily taken him."

He had conveniently forgetten that this Master had fought with a Servant, per Saber's words.

Caules seemed to ignore them, staring at the image. "So that's his Servant, any guesses?"

"I do not see any clues besides her being from the East and wielding a sword as a woman. That should narrow it down a little bit, but it still leaves us hopelessly in the dark." I said quietly.

"Indeed." Darnic nodded towards me again. "It may prove more fruitful to focus on Saber of Red's Master instead."

We continued to watch, mostly in bated silence. Insofar there was no need to assume command over out Servants. Lord Darnic's Servant – Lancer, was leading them well enough. I was not a military expert, so I could not comment beyond what I saw on the surface.

The army of skeletons was a bit concerning, but they didn't look very strong. But they seemed utterly insignificant when the Master and the Rider servant clashed right in the middle of the army.

"Ha, he's attacking his own faction." Gordes sneered. "Let them kill each other, we can clean up the rest."

That didn't last long as he also took on Lancer. I didn't understand this Master's mindset, why he looked so confident to fight so many Servants by himself. His Thaumaturgy was beyond impressive, I've never heard of a Magus with such control over Lightning Magecraft before. "Is he really a nobody?" I whispered.

"There's no way." Celenike crossed her arms. "No way in hell a guy like that is unknown. He must be disguised or something."

I glanced at her, but I think she spoke the words on everyone's minds right now judging by the looks on everyone's faces.

It was common knowledge that a Magus couldn't match up to a Servant yet...he was fighting several at the same time....

The surprises continued.

A Noble Phantasm.

He possessed a Noble Phantasm that was not his Servant's. That would have turned the entire Mages Association upside down if it came out. The Fraga clan is the only known owners of a Noble Phantasm, and they are a very unique situation.

No if that wasn't enough, Rider declared the Staff the Master pulled out to be a Divine Construct.

I....how was I supposed to react to that? This war was already something I had a hard time coping with, and now there's someone like this running around?

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, at your service." The name of the Master was finally revealed, and what should have turned into discourse to plan our next course of action instead continued in utter silence.

"....Like the Wizard Marshall...?" I said quietly.

"Does he have any family?" Caules, my younger brother, sighed, sitting down.

Celenike's hands balled up tight. "Is there an idiot in this world who would dare to use the Kaleidoscope's name like that otherwise?" She spat out angrily.

"I...." Gordes just looked lost.

We all turned towards Lord Darnic for direction. I felt at ease when his reaction didn't' change, his Aristocratic expression still hardened and unwavering. There was a reason he presided over the family, why we were all willing to be under him and go against the Mages Association, truly he is –

"...fuck." The uncharacteristic word left his mouth.



Wilhelm POV

Well, based on what Raikou told me, my last name isn't really noteworthy as the name 'Zelretch' had taken much higher precedence.

Oh well.


I looked up at the sky, the memory of fighting that dragon had come back and I smiled brightly. "Strun Bah Qo"

Storm Call.

The moon was immediately covered, and my storm enveloping the sky. It was smaller than the dragon's but that was expected I suppose and it wouldn't last very long. I had less experience with this shout than it did, so it was impressive in its own way.

I held out my hands and laughed as Lightning Bolts began to fall from the sky, targeting the Servants.

"What the hell!?" Achilles was the first to look confused at the sudden turn of events. Even to the other Servants that didn't have the same protections, this wouldn't do much, but it was a good harassment strategy.

"RAAAAAH!" Berserker roared, getting hit head on.

"Annoying." Lancer scowled, throwing his arm up, summoning Stakes to intercept the blasts.

Speaking of harassment.

I saw Archer hopping around, avoiding them entirely.

I took that moment to grab Mirage and shift the space around me, appearing dozens of yards away and right next to Archer. I could see the fur on her ears stand up, her head turning to me with shock. I revealed my name, there was no point in hiding my Magic.

Her bow was already facing mye, arrows knocked and pointing towards my head, but I was quicker. Even as the arrow passed by, barely grazing my Aura, my Mirage pierced into her chest.

"SIS!" I heard Rider's cry and the battlefield erupted at his sudden movement. I described his movement before as instantaneous, and this put that to shame. His spear came like a meteor as I adjusted myself to defend, my Aura flared to its max and my other hand, which held my Staff, moved to block.

The fury he displayed only exemplified the force behind his spear.

The force push my Staff back to my chest, his strength impressive with the force of his speed behind it. I let go of Mirage, instead grabbing his Spear with my free hand, and a spell circle formed at the tip of my Staff of Magnus.

"You think I'd fall for something like that?" Rider howled, as something appeared in his other arm and swung at me.

A shield, my vision was consumed entirely by the sight of a shield. It was like the world went silent and my heartbeat stopped, my breathing ceased.

I summoned my Boosted Gear onto my arm and held it up like a shield.

My vision went momentarily dark as his shield hit me. I blinked and the next moment I was hurling through the air, skipping across the ground. My aura was shattered by the blow, not able to absorb everything, about half of it gone from that single shot. I rose to my feet, a little shaky, as I looked at what happened, the distance I was from where Rider stood, fussing over Archer.

"I'm fine." Archer hissed, removing my sword and tossing it to the side. "My spirit core is intact."

[Look at the Gauntlet.] Ddraig's words echoed in my ear.

I did as he said, and my eyes widened. There was a crack on it.

"That's not good...."

[It's not as bad as it looks, it'll repair itself over time. But you should know what kind of ridiculous thing would be needed to damage the Gauntlet like this.]

"Yeah." I looked up at Achilles who seemed rather pleased with himself. I wiped away the blood flowing down my nose and the corner of my mouth.

It felt like I was hit by a mountain, maybe something more.

Well, he's already out, no point in hiding it. I put the Staff away, holding my hand out to bring Mirage back to my hand while my other swords returned to my side. Our eyes locked, I held the Gauntlet up. "Boost!" I called out, doubling my physical capabilities.

The rush was always insane, intoxicating.

"I'm not used to being ignored." I turned at Lancer who casually strode over. That baleful aura enveloping as he jerked his hand up. The ground was torn apart, hundreds upon hundreds of stakes burst out into the sky, weaving around at his command.

Like a torrent, they moved around him, and it was just a flick of his wrist that made them turn at come right at me.

"Well.....allow me to rectify that." I was unperturbed by the sight. It was certainly impressive, and even dangerous, but I was feeling rather confident right now. My sword of Destruction moved infront of me as I fed it my Aura.

These were no Divine Flames.

It erupted in my Power of Destruction, pointing towards the mass of Stakes and shooting at them. They were nothing more than paper infront of my sword, infront of my bloodline that could even reach the divine. The crackling of that dark energy jutted out in every direction, engulfing all the stakes that it passed by.

"What!?" Lancer blurted out, his composure changing for the first time. "What is this disgusting power!?" He flexed his arm, more stakes coming forth, but it was unable to stop my Sword of Destruction from moving forward towards him. He ceased the fruitless endeavor and instead lifted his spear up about to strike, but paused.

He eyes glanced to the side as another figure materialized next to him, great sword in hand colliding with my Sword of Destruction, knocking it away.

[He's here.] Ddraig spoke in my soul.

I could feel him as well.

With a mental command, my sword flew back to me, my Power of Destruction rescinding.

"I told you to wait for my command." Lancer looked at the Saber Servant in annoyance.

"I'm sorry but, he is someone I must face." Saber declared, eyes not leaving mine.

"Get in line, buddy." Rider stepped forward, that fury he had before seemed to disappear, and I didn't have the chance to see where Archer went. But by the sounds of battle to the side, and lightning cracking, I think her and Berserker are fighting.

Funnily enough, fighting all of these Servants actually handicapped them. If one of them wanted to release a wide-range Noble Phantasm, it was likely they would be ganged up on by the other side.

I looked at saber and let out a sigh, but a smile crept up on my face. "So, you finally noticed?"

"This feeling I felt in my heart when I first saw you, this burning need to turn my blade towards you." Saber gripped his sword tight. "I now know why." He took a proper stance. "You are a dragon."


Sorry for the late chapter, was having trouble writing today. Just a heads up, there may not be a chapter tomorrow, more work stuff still not settled. Fingers crossed I get back to normal in the next few days.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead, visit my /astoryforone

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