A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 56: Do not commit suicide

Chapter 56: Do not commit suicide

Chapter 56: Do not commit suicide

It was cold in the middle of the night, and the victims who were responsible for keeping vigil all huddled their hands and feet, facing the fire to keep warm.

Hu Si, Liu Jieer and twenty of their accomplices took advantage of the cover of darkness to lie on the ground and slowly crawled toward the resting place of the victims on their hands and feet.

They had long been interested in the homes with beautiful girls. When they got close to the resting place of the victims, they dispersed in groups of three. While the girl's family was sleeping, they took out a handkerchief soaked in medicinal juice and covered the girl's face. Mouth and nose, after making the girl faint, then quietly drag the girl away.

Their movements were very light and the sound they made was very small. In the howling north wind, the sound was almost negligible.

But they dont succeed every time. If they find that the girls family members are awake, they will retreat quietly and will not drag anyone away.

Even so, after two trips back and forth, they dragged away eight girls.

These girls were dragged to the foot of a mountain col about thirty meters away from the resting place.

Tongshan Prefecture is very mountainous. The place where the victims rested this time was a mountainous area with many small hills like this.

The group dragged the girls down the col, and then carried them away and hid them on the shoulders of five strong men waiting here.

These eight girls are far from satisfying Sister Liu's appetite. She is still thinking about Gu Jinxiu and Gu Yumei.

The two girls from the Gu family are good-looking and of the right age. Lets capture them and resell them in Tongshanfu City. We will definitely get a good price.

Liu Hezi was unwilling to touch the Gu family: "Those families are not easy to mess with. They are all ruthless people from old to young. We can go to the city to enjoy the blessings before our eyes, but we can't offend those evil people for the sake of those two girls."

Liu Hezi used to hang out with Wu Da. He was still frightened by the incident where Gu Jinli broke Wu Da's hand and hamstrings and did not dare to touch these families easily.

The other men who had followed Wu Da also said: "Brother Hezi is right. Those families, especially the girl with the dagger, are very difficult to offend. Let's leave quickly and don't take risks."

"These brothers are all seven-foot-tall men, why are they afraid of a yellow-haired girl? She has a dagger, and we also have knives and medicine. What are we afraid of?" Sister Xia leaned against the wall of the mountain, lying softly. The corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and he glanced sideways at Liu Hezi and the others with full charm: "If you are afraid and give up, then you don't have to go. We will drag them away ourselves."

Hu Si heard what Sister Xia said and said to Liu Hezi and the others: "Go up one more time and drag a few down. After dragging this time, we will withdraw."

After Hu Si said this, without waiting for Liu Hezi's consent, he led Sister Liu, Sister Xia, and ten of his men, climbed out of the mountain col, and once again went to the resting place of the victims.

Liu Hezi and the others followed Hu Si halfway, knowing that Hu Si did not trust them very much. If they did not follow them this time, Hu Si would not trust them even more in the future.

Liu Hezi had no choice but to lead a few accomplices to follow Hu Si and others.

Sister Xia smiled proudly when she saw Liu Hezi and the others following them, and followed Hu Si, Sister Liu, and the three men towards the resting place of Gu Jinli's family.

The ones in charge of the vigil in the second half of tonight are brothers Gu Damu and Gu Dalin. They are quite responsible. Although it is too cold to warm up in front of the fire, they look back from time to time to check the situation around them.

But after all, the firelight of the fire was not as bright as the daylight, and the place they could see clearly was limited. Liu Jieer and the others were veterans of this matter. After figuring out the pattern of their looking back, they looked away again. , while huddled up to warm themselves by the fire, they quickly crawled to Gu Jinxiu and Gu Yumei, covered their mouths and noses with handkerchiefs soaked in medicinal juice, and after covering them unconscious, the three of them dragged one of them back. .

Gu Jinli was a military doctor and was very sensitive to the smell of medicine. While he was half asleep, he suddenly smelled the smell of medicine and woke up immediately. When he opened his eyes, he saw several people dragging the two girls back away, and Gu Jinli beside her Jinxiu has disappeared.

"Come on, come on, the kidnapper is here to arrest him!" She shouted, holding a dagger and rushing towards the three people dragging Gu Jinxiu. She cut one of the people on the wrist with the knife, causing the man to suffer pain and drag him. Gu Jinxiu's hand quickly released.

Gu Jinli's dagger turned again and stabbed the other person in the abdomen. Ah the man who was stabbed in the abdomen screamed, covered his abdomen and ran away.

The man whose wrist was cut by Gu Jinli originally wanted to knock Gu Jinli out, but when he saw her stabbing his accomplice with a knife, he was so frightened that he ran away.

Sister Liu secretly cursed "trash" and immediately got up and ran away.

Qin Sanlang had already woken up. He caught up with Sister Liu in a few steps and kicked her on the waist, knocking her to the ground. He rushed forward and took off both of her arms, trampled on one of her legs, and let her fall to the ground. She couldn't move.

Hu Si saw Sister Liu being arrested and did not go to rescue her. Instead, he took Sister Xia and an accomplice dragging Gu Yumei and rushed into the night quickly. As long as they entered the dark place, they could escape through the night.

Gu Damu Gu Dalin had already caught up with him with a wooden stick, shouting loudly: "Stop and put the person down!"

He shouted to the surroundings again: "Everyone, get up quickly, the kidnapper is here to arrest us!"

Gu Jinlis previous shouts had awakened some of the victims. When Gu Damu and Gu Dalins shouts came again, all the victims were awakened.

The first thing the victims did when they woke up was to count the number of people in their homes. When they found out that their girls were missing, they immediately cried out: "My daughter is missing. The killer of Heavenly Sword, please bring my daughter back."

My daughter is also missing, Cuier, mother-in-law, where are you? Respond quickly, woo woo woo

Why are you crying? Go find someone quickly.

For a time, the entire resting place for the victims was in chaos. Everyone picked up wooden sticks, big sticks, and hoes and looked for people everywhere.

Gu Jinli held the unconscious Gu Jinxiu, pointed to the direction in which Hu Si escaped, and said to the victims who were looking for him: "That group of people ran over there, hurry up and chase him. If it's too late, they will escape and they won't be able to be found." .

When the victims heard Gu Jinli's words, they immediately chased her in the direction of her finger. After chasing for a while, they met brothers Gu Damu and Gu Dalin. Through their shouts, they saw Hu Si and Sister Xia dragging Gu Yumei, as well as their An accomplice.

The kidnapper, its the kidnapper, catch them quickly!

Hu Si was not afraid of brothers Gu Damu and Gu Dalin, but when he saw hundreds of victims chasing after him, he immediately became afraid. He dropped Gu Yumei and ran away: "Quickly retreat, there are too many people, we can't hold it back. Don't go back to the cave yet. , hide in the mountains, escape, then go back to the cave to take the people away."

Hu Si said to Sister Xia and another accomplice behind him as he ran.

I know, Fourth Brother. Sister Xia responded to her accomplice, and the two of them ran towards the mountains as hard as they could.

Before Liu Hezi and the others dragged the people to the col, they heard the voices of the victims waking up and looking for people. They suddenly panicked: "Wait, we've been discovered."

The brother who was dragging people with him asked: "Brother Hezi, what should we do now?"

By the light of the fire, Liu Hezi looked at the densely packed victims rushing towards him. He immediately dropped the girl in his hand and said, "What should we do? Run away!"

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