A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 55: Shameful

Chapter 55: Shameful

Chapter 55 Shame

The people talking to Sister Liu were two female victims. One was wearing a flowered jacket and holding a little girl about five years old in her arms. Although the girl was thin, she was good-looking and fair-skinned. The victims around them were as black as coal.

The other woman was in her early twenties, wearing a blue jacket. She looked pretty, but she walked limply, her body always leaning to the left and right, and she looked very twisted. She didn't look like she was tired, but As if born without bones.

Gu Jinli frowned, glanced at the woman in the blue coat, and then looked away.

Qin Sanlang was walking at the back of their group and saw Gu Jinli sizing up Sister Liu. He walked over to her and whispered to her: "Those two women are not victims of the disaster. They are with Sister Liu. They were probably just putting on a show when chatting, hoping to attract other victims to talk to them."

Gu Jinli thought of the news that Qin Sanlang found out last night. Including Sister Liu, there happened to be three women in the group. And the woman in the blue coat walked so sluggishly, she should be the same as Sister Liu. Born in the courtyard.

Qin Sanlang was worried that they would be harmed by Liu Jie'er's group, so he followed Gu Jinli and pointed Liu Jie'er's group to her quietly.

This group of people did not get together, but scattered among the victims, even pretending not to know each other.

Gu Jinli remembered the faces of this group of people one by one and said to Qin Sanlang: "Brother Qin, thank you very much. I have remembered it."

Gu Jinan and Gu Jinxiu also looked at the faces of the group of people seriously when Qin Sanlang pointed them out. They also thanked Qin Sanlang: "Thank you, Sanlang. We will all remember it."

Qin Sanlang was the same age as them, both fourteen years old, but Qin Sanlang was a few months younger than them, so they didn't call him Qin Brother, but Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang nodded, slowed down, and fell to the back of the team.

Gu Jinli squeezed Gu Jinxiu's hand tightly and continued to walk forward with Mr. Qin and the others, paying attention to Sister Liu's group from time to time to stay out of their way.

However, Liu Jie'er and her group were smart. They were just on their way and didn't do anything bad.

They got up before dawn and walked for more than three hours. At noon, they finally arrived at the border of Yuchang Prefecture.

There are more victims on the border. At first glance, they are all carrying baggage, carrying burdens, and dragging their families with them. A rough estimate is that there are at least tens of thousands of victims.

Fellow fellows, were you also kicked out by Yuchang Mansion? Sister Liu took the boy and ran to talk to the victims.

These victims had never lived in a ruined temple and did not know Sister Liu's character. When they saw her holding a little boy and a woman holding a baby girl beside her, they lowered their guard and said, "Yes, what about Yu Chang?" If the government doesnt keep us, we will be beaten to death by the officers and soldiers if we dont leave.

The victims were very dissatisfied with the magistrate of Yuchang Prefecture for driving people away. When they heard someone starting a conversation, they immediately came over and scolded the prefect of Yuchang Prefecture: "The magistrate is such an idiot. We fled all the way to Yuchang Prefecture. We suffered so much." After many sins, we finally had a few days of peace, but he couldn't tolerate us and ordered us to be driven away."

"I heard that there is not enough water and food in Yuchang Mansion. I am afraid that if we stay too long, we will eat up all the food and drink all the water in Yuchang Mansion. For the sake of the people of Yuchang Mansion, the prefect will have to drive us away. Walk."

"Bah!" Some victims spat and cursed: "Why did the magistrate do it for the people of Yuchang Mansion? He clearly saw that there were too many of us and was afraid that we would rebel. For the sake of his own political achievements, he drove us away. .

The victim gritted his teeth and said viciously: "These incompetent officials have made me angry, so I will rebel and show them!"

When Sister Liu heard this, she cried and said, "That's right. We are forced to have no way to survive."

The woman wearing a flowered jacket holding a little girl in her arms also cried.

Perhaps they were crying too pitifully, and many victims spoke out to comfort them. In less than a cup of tea, Sister Liu became familiar with the victims she had just met. Gu Jinli thought to himself: These disaster victims should wish themselves well, don't be sold by Sister Liu and count the money for her.

Mr. Qin saw Sister Liu and her group running among the victims, chatting with them, but pretended not to see them, and continued to lead several families forward into Tongshan Mansion.

The famine situation in Tongshan Prefecture was less severe than that in Yuchang Prefecture. They could find water along the way, so they no longer had to worry about drinking water, nor did they need to spend money to buy water.

But now that the weather is cold, many wild vegetables, wild animals, trees, and grass roots have been beaten to death by the hoarfrost and are now rotting in the soil. Animals cannot hide out, and they can find less and less food.

Fortunately, the family still had food in store, and the three of the Qin family were good hunters. They could find snake holes and rat holes and catch snakes and mountain rats, so the family was not too hungry.

The situation of other disaster victims is mixed. Those who have food stores can still survive, while those who dont have food stores can only drink water to satisfy their hunger.

There are still many victims who are suffering from frostbite due to the cold weather and cannot continue their journey.

Liu Jieer and her group took the opportunity to provide food and cold clothing to help several families with girls.

Those families were very grateful to them. Some families simply gave their girls to Sister Liu and her group, just so that their girls could have food to eat and a cotton-padded coat to wear, so that they would not starve to death or freeze to death.

Liu Jie'er and her group don't accept all girls, they only accept those who are good-looking and weak-tempered. They don't want the ones who are too shrewd. They are afraid that the girls will make trouble when they know the truth.

Such a picky person, he also accepted a dozen teenage girls.

In addition to the girls, they also recruited several strong men to keep an eye on the girls.

Mr. Qin and the others took note of what Sister Liu and her group were doing and didn't care. There were so many dirty things along the way that they couldn't possibly take care of them all. It was good to be able to protect themselves.

The victims vaguely knew why Liu Jieer and her group were trying to save these girls. After all, in famine years, food is precious. Without a purpose, it would be impossible to provide food to save people, but they did not say anything. It was difficult to escape the famine, and no one wanted to cause trouble for themselves.

Moreover, those girls were given to Liu Jie'er and her group by their parents, and the victims would not care about them.

It would have been fine if Liu Jie'er and his group had kept exchanging food for people, but when they passed through five counties and were about to arrive at Tongshan Prefecture, many of the victims' daughters disappeared. Following those girls, there were also Sister Liu and her group.

These unscrupulous people kidnapped my daughter, my daughter! The victims who lost their daughters cried and cursed, but now it was too late to say anything. Sister Liu and her group had long since disappeared.

The Zhou and Lin families were very lucky. After they learned the details of Sister Liu and her group from Qin Sanlang, they kept a close eye on the girls of the two families along the way and did not let them go looking for food or water, so nothing happened.

After feeling lucky, he breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what the fate of the abducted girls would be, it was a good thing for them that Sister Liu and her group were gone.

But they underestimated the greed of Liu Jie'er's group. When everyone thought Liu Jie'er's group had left, Liu Jie'er and the others came back to kill them in the middle of the night.

I say four, the escape is really almost over, and I will start to settle down in two chapters at most, which means I am . PS: Thank you to those who supported me. The Tao system is updated, the update time is erratic, and now there are two chapters a day with 4K words [Farming articles are really expensive words!

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