A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 121: Only without Wei Qingwan's share

Chapter 121: Only without Wei Qingwan's share

Chapter 121 Only Wei Qingwan is not there

In addition to gold, a lot of cloth, porcelain, tea, pearls, spices...

are some of the rewards commonly used by the royal family.

As a favored prince, Chu Lan should be commonplace to him.

But for ordinary people, these things cannot be bought with money.

For example, the tea leaves must have come from local tributes, and the porcelain probably came from official kilns.

It's a pity that they can't be sold for money.

The one hundred taels of gold is the only thing that can really make Wei Ruo a money envoy.

Wei Ruo frowned slightly as he looked at these things.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Xiumei asked.

"I have to pick out something I don't need, but decent things to send to other people in the mansion. I have to do what I have to do well, and I can't be caught by others." Wei Ruo said.

What Chu Lan sent this time was different from the last time the Xie family gave her a gift. She will have to return the gift given to her by others in the future, so there is a reason not to share it with others.

But this time she got so many rewards, it would be unreasonable not to distribute some to the people in the house.

Xiumei thought for a while: "Miss, I just saw that some of those fabrics are for men, we don't need them."

"To pick out."


Xiumei divided up the cloth, about half of it, eight pieces of material were for men.

"Of the eight horses, four are reserved for the second brother, and the remaining four are given to the father and the elder brother. Remember, the four horses for the second brother are only said to be two." Wei Ruo said.

Xiumei: "Okay."

Wei Ruo: "Are there three boxes of pearls there?"

Xiumei: "Well, three boxes, the pearls are quite big."

Wei Ruo: "Take out a box and send it to Cangyun Garden."

Although she is not very happy, she still has to do what she should do decently, otherwise she will be in trouble.

"In addition, take out a few pieces of teapots and porcelain from there, and keep them for the old uncle and old lady in the capital, and take them with you when you have something from home to send to the capital."

Although the old uncle and the old lady haven't met her yet, they have already delivered things to her twice, so she naturally wants to think about them after receiving the reward.

And the ones given to them should be more expensive than those given to other people in the mansion, so Wei Ruo chose a few more.

In this way, the parents, elder brother, and grandparents are all there, and the rest are Wei Qingwan and Wei Yilin.

"There's no need to prepare for Wei Qingwan. She offended me just now, and everyone in Fucheng knew about it. It was her fault, and she is still being punished. I used her punishment as an excuse not to give it to her. It's fair and square." Wei Ruo has already thought about it.

It's also due to Wei Qingwan's failure to live up to her expectations, causing such a disturbance in Fucheng, which made Wei Ruo have an excuse to "punish" her openly.

"As for Wei Yilin, he also made a mistake, but I have already punished him, so it is not easy to go too far this time. I see that there is a whip on the list, so I will give it to him so that he can practice whipping well. ! Wei Ruo said.

The whip that Chu Lan rewarded is naturally not an ordinary whip, it is a rare and precious thing, and it is reasonable and decent to give it to Wei Yilin who is following the martial arts.

It was Wei Yilin, who was only seven years old, when he held this whip, his arms would be sore for an unknown period of time.

Xiumei picked out these things one by one according to what Wei Ruo said, and put them aside.

"In addition, pick out some more things to send to the nanny and the others, but send them whatever can be sent."

Wei Ruo looked at the things in front of him, thinking about which things could be sent to the Xu family.

The fabric is not good. The fabric given by Chu Lan cannot be worn by ordinary people, and neither are the porcelain ornaments, which are not suitable for ordinary people.

There is also a dagger inlaid with gems, which Wei Ruo really wanted to give to Xu Zhengyong, but the decoration is too obvious, so if he really gave it to Xu Zhengyong, he would not know what disaster would happen if he was found later.

Taking such a careful look, there are very few things that can be safely taken out to the nanny's family.

"The remaining two boxes of pearls were sent to the nanny, and half of the tea leaves were given to Uncle Xu. He likes to drink tea. Although the tea leaves are expensive, they can be bought in the market, so it won't matter if people know about them."

"In addition, you take some of my silver, go to a blacksmith shop, order a good dagger for me, and make some armor."

Since the rewards directly wont work, then spend extra money to do it. Anyway, we can't lose the nanny and the others.

"Okay, I'll do it after cleaning!" Xiumei replied enthusiastically.

Then Wei Ruo and Xiumei tidied up all the rewarded items together, took out those that should be given away, and put those that should be put in the warehouse into the warehouse, sorting them out by category.

Then sort out a bunch of less valuable things from the warehouse to make room.

Most of the packed things were Wei Ruogangs first batch of gifts from Uncle Jingcheng when he came to Xiaoweis Mansion, and they were all some worthless bronze ornaments.

After sorting out the five large boxes, Wei Ruo called the servants of the mansion to carry them to the big warehouse in the mansion.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Ruo went to Cangyun Garden with the gifts to be distributed to the people in the house.

"Mother, my daughter plans to give these things to everyone in the house." Wei Ruo said.

As he spoke, Wei Ruo presented the box of pearls and handed them to Yun Shi: "This box of pearls is for mother."

After opening, the pearls inside are big and round, white and shiny. This quality is difficult to buy outside, and even if you buy it, it is very expensive.

"Ruo'er has a heart." Yun closed the box with a satisfied expression.

"I selected a few batches of materials, and gave two horses each to my father, elder brother, and second elder brother, and added some new clothes to them; I also selected a few pieces of porcelain and a set of purple sand teapots, and sent them to the capital to my grandparents when I had the opportunity." Wei Ruo said again.

Mr. Yun nodded, very satisfied with Wei Ruo's arrangement.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Ruo took out a whip: "My daughter doesn't know whips very well, but since this whip was a gift from His Royal Highness, it should be a precious thing, and it should be a suitable gift for my younger brother who is practicing martial arts."

"You are very thoughtful." Yun's approval.

After waiting, Wei Ruo didn't speak again, and Yun asked, "What about Wanwan?"

Wei Ruo replied: "Did mother forget what happened just now? Sister Qingwan made a mistake and is currently being punished. Since she is being punished, she must act as if she is being punished. How can she be punished and receive rewards at the same time?"

Yun couldn't help but speak kind words for Wei Qingwan: "Sister Ni already knew she was wrong, and she has been punished accordingly. As the eldest sister, you should be more pregnant. In the future, you sisters will still support each other, there is no need to worry about it because of this." Little things ruin the sisterhood."

"Knowing that she made a mistake proves that the punishment is useful, so how can she give up halfway after the punishment is halfway? She made a mistake first, and correcting it after knowing the mistake is what she should have done. It is to make up for the mistake rather than meritorious service. How can she be punished just because she has already known the mistake?" What about the reward?" Wei Ruo asked back.

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