A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 120: Chulan's reward

Chapter 120: Chulan's reward

Chapter 120 Chu Lan's Reward

"Yes. My daughter has no other intentions, but she is worried that the distinguished guests in the mansion are not used to it, so she wants to add two dishes to the kitchen. My daughter specially handed the pastry to the cook, and told no one to mention the origin of the two pastries. The daughter's hand." Wei Qingwan explained softly without panicking.

Before doing anything, he had expected that Yun's would come to ask, so he had already prepared the words to respond.

Mr. Yun sighed: "Next time you have such thoughts, you should tell Wei Niang in advance. If you don't tell me, doing this in private is somewhat against the rules."

"It's my daughter's fault. My daughter thought things were simple, thinking that she just prepared two more pastries, and outsiders would just think it was prepared by Fuchu's kitchen, so she didn't think too much about it."

Wei Qingwan's explanation is almost the same as what Yun's guessed in his heart.

Sure enough, what she thought was right, her daughter was simply thinking about her family.

After all, before this, everyone didn't know that Ruoer's maid cooking skills were so good, and there was no problem with extra preparation.

"Forget it, nothing went wrong anyway, it's just that your father doesn't approve of your behavior, so don't do such a thing privately next time." Yun urged.

"Father... is he angry?" Wei Qingwan was startled.

"I'm not angry with you, I just think it's wrong for you to do this." Yun said.

Hearing this, Wei Qingwan lowered her head sadly, tears of grievance lingering in her eyes.

Seeing this, Yun added: "Your father didn't mean to blame you, but he was worried that you had other thoughts. I have already told him about it, and he also hoped that I just thought too much. Later, my mother will explain it to him again. of."

Wei Qingwan bit her lips: "Mother Mingjian, my daughter has no other thoughts. I made a mistake a few days ago, and during the days when I stayed behind closed doors, I was already deeply introspective. Dare to have other thoughts."

"My mother banned you because I hope you can reflect on it, and you will have a better way to deal with this kind of thing next time. Now that you are aware of your own problems, mother is very pleased."

"My daughter knows about it, so my daughter doesn't resent mother at all."

"Well, it's good that you can think like this." Yun nodded in relief.

"By the way, mother, how do you rate today's meal?" Wei Qingwan asked.

"Excellent evaluation, very satisfied." Yun replied.

"Really? That's really great." Wei Qingwan's face was full of joy.

"However, the distinguished guests didn't eat your two pastries." Yun said.

"Didn't eat?" Wei Qingwan's expression froze, and the joy on her face froze a bit.

"The dishes on the table are full, and when the cakes came out, I lost my appetite. I heard that Mr. Lu took a bite, but it didn't satisfy his appetite." Yun said.

Regarding this matter, Yun was also very surprised. Her daughter's sweet-scented osmanthus cake and almond cakes were the best, but she never expected that they would be compared by the eldest daughter's maid.

The smile on Wei Qingwan's face became a bit forced, but she still praised: "The dishes cooked by my sister's maid should be very delicious."

"I have never tasted it as a mother. Now it seems that the brothers and sisters of the Xie family did not just say it casually. There is indeed some basis." Yun said with emotion.

"Hmm..." Wei Qingwan responded in a low voice, with a forced smile.

Yun Shi chatted with Wei Qingwan for a while and then left.

After Yun Shi left, the smile on Wei Qingwan's face completely disappeared.

Why did things turn out like this?

She really didn't plan to rely on two plates of pastries for anything, but in her plan, she could at least contribute to the family.

But now the result is just the opposite. The huge gap made her feel sour.


In the afternoon, Wei Ruo and Xiumei were resting in the yard when news came from the front yard that Nanny Qin had come and brought a lot of rewards.

Wei Ruo and Xiumei came to the front yard. There were already several boxes piled up in the yard, and there were still people moving them into the mansion.

When Wei Ruo saw Chu Lan's subordinate who came in with a plate of gold, Wei Ruo instantly felt that the table of food cooked for Chu Lan at noon today was a bit crude. According to this standard, he will cook another sixteen dishes it is also fine!

Nurse Qin came to Wei Ruo and gave the list of rewards to Wei Ruo: "Miss Wei, this old servant is ordered by my son to give these things to Miss Wei."

Because Chu Lan's identity was not clearly stated, so I can only say a gift instead of a reward.

"I'd like to ask Mammy to pass the message on your behalf. The daughter of the people thanked Mr. Chu." Wei Ruo said.

Immediately afterwards, Mother Qin said: "In addition, the young master also ordered the old slave to bring back the planting records of the rice fields in the south of the city."

"It's ready, Meimei, go get it." Wei Ruo told Xiumei to get the planting records.

"Thank you, Miss Wei." Nanny Qin said.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Yun came over and thanked Mother Qin: "I am sorry to trouble Mother Qin today."

Nurse Qin responded politely: "This old slave is just following orders, and it is my duty to share the master's worries and problems."

Xiumei put the planting records prepared by Wei Ruo in advance in a brocade box, and asked Nanny Qin to check on the spot that there was no problem before handing it over to Nanny Qin.

After Mother Qin and the others left, Mrs. Yun looked at the rewards in the yard, and after thinking for a while, asked all the servants to move to Tingsong Garden.

"Go and sort it out. If you can't fit in Songyuan, just put it in the big warehouse. Make the list and hand it to me, and I'll keep it for you." Yun said.

Wei Ruo nodded, and then asked someone to send the things to Tingsongyuan.

Although the ear room in Songyuan that she used as a warehouse has limited space, she still has a storage space, so there is absolutely no problem of not having enough space.

But in order not to arouse suspicion, Wei Ruo would still take some boxes to the large warehouse in Fuchu.

The last time Xies family sent a bunch of gifts over, it had filled Wei Ruos big warehouse to the brim, and this time there was such a huge pile, if they really put all of them in, no one would suspect that there would be a ghost, So something that takes up space has to be brought out.

Of course, there will be no valuables in the boxes in the big warehouse. Wei Ruo is still used to keeping valuables with him.

After moving everything back to Tingsongyuan, Xiumei checked it all over, and the first thing she took stock of was the conspicuous plate of gold.

"Miss, there must be a hundred taels of gold here!"

"Well, the list says a hundred taels of gold."

"That's great miss, you have money to buy land again!" Xiumei couldn't help but said happily.

"Well, buy more fields! More houses!"

She has been short of liquidity recently, and she has invested a lot of money, which is the time when she is short of money.

This Chu Lan is considered kind, she really gave her something yellow and white, which can be regarded as a little relief of her resentment towards him, it can only be said to be relief, it is impossible to completely eliminate it like this.

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