A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 80: Hybrid Breeding and the Robe of Composure

Chapter 80: Hybrid Breeding and the Robe of Composure

The Pain Bee (Level 2), Ironclad Bee (Level 2), Swift Ironclad Bee (Level 3).

After the two new queens from these three bee species reached maturity, Hua Mi simultaneously conducted five hybrid experiments.

Cyan Fire Bee X Swift Ironclad Bee;

Cyan Fire Bee X Ironclad Bee;

Great Strength Bee X Swift Ironclad Bee;

Great Strength Bee X Ironclad Bee;

Scout Bee X Pain Bee.

As for why these combinations were chosen, he initially prioritized enhancing the attributes of the Cyan Fire Bee and Great Strength Bee. Both were Level 4 bees, currently his two strongest species.

The Cyan Fire Bee had an attack rating of 10, but unfortunately, its defense and speed were mediocre, both rated at 1.

(The Cyan Fire Bee wasn’t afraid of fire, but this fell under specific defense and wasn’t considered in the general defense attribute.)

Through testing, the Cyan Fire Bee could reach speeds of around 10 meters per second at maximum. When in a burning state, its speed decreased further.

This speed, relative to humans, wasn’t slow, but in terms of an offensive move in this magical world, it wasn't fast enough.

The Great Strength Bee, on the other hand, had a high vitality rating of 10, indicating good constitution, strength, endurance, and resistance. In gaming terms, its health and endurance bars were comparatively lengthy.

However, its drawback was its slow speed and room for improvement in defense.

The defense here was unrelated to vitality; they were entirely separate attributes.

For instance, with high defense, facing an attack could result in no damage, regardless of vitality. Whether your vitality was 10 or 1, the outcome would be the same.

But with insufficient defense, facing the same attack could result in damage and vitality would then determine the duration one could withstand.

These two bee species were first hybridized with the Swift Ironclad Bee. If it could enhance both speed and defense simultaneously, that would be ideal. If not, the next option was to try hybridization with the Ironclad Bee.

However, the Scout Bee X Pain Bee hybridization failed during the template injection phase.

Previously, the Scout Bee hybridized with the Forest Swift Bee also didn’t produce offspring, indicating it had reproductive isolation from other bee species.

Nonetheless, this bee's purpose was reconnaissance and intelligence gathering, and its current attributes sufficed.

After a day, the results of the remaining four hybrid experiments were in.

First were the two hybridizations involving the Great Strength Bee.

The results were disappointing.

Whether it was the Great Strength-Ironclad Bee or Great Strength-Swift Ironclad Bee, both were subpar, lacking the crucial high vitality.

Even if defense or speed improved slightly, the trade-off wasn’t worth it.

They belonged to failed hybrids.

However, the Cyan Fire Bee X Swift Ironclad Bee hybridization results surprised him.

Assessing the various attributes:

[Lifespan: 1]

[Reproductive ability: 1]

[Productivity: 0]

[Attack: 12]

[Defense: 5]

[Vitality: 2]

[Speed: 2]

[Harvesting ability: 0]

[Combat ability: 10]

The desired defense and speed had both increased.

This new hybrid bee inherited the Swift Ironclad Bee's hardening ability. Although its defense during hardening was slightly lower than the Swift Ironclad Bee, it was still quite impressive, able to withstand most attacks.

Its speed was at 2, slightly lower than the Swift Ironclad Bee, but its top speed could reach 20 meters per second, equivalent to a car on the highway.

The flaw of low reproductive ability had been compensated for.

The only regret was the lack of honey sacs, poison glands, and stingers, losing the ability to gather honey and execute fire-poison attacks.

So, it couldn’t completely replace the Cyan Fire Bee.

It was too brute and lacked subtlety.

In terms of appearance, compared to the Cyan Fire Bee, there wasn’t much change; it remained pale overall, with only two black lines on its abdomen (compared to the Cyan Fire Bee's four). Its size had slightly reduced.

"As a combat bee species, it could barely be rated as [Level 5 Bee]... It feels like a Level 4 with a little extra. It's a pity; it would've been a solid Level 5 if it had poison glands and a stinger."

Hua Mi immediately replicated the template of this bee.

"What should I name it?"

Cyan Fire Swift Ironclad Bee?

Lacking originality.

Hua Mi pondered for a moment, "Since this bee is so fierce, why not call it... Fierce Fire Bee!"

[Fierce Fire Bee]

"Derived from the hybridization of the Cyan Fire Bee and Swift Ironclad Bee, inheriting the Swift Ironclad Bee's hardening ability and slightly higher speed. It has a slightly smaller body compared to the Cyan Fire Bee, with an overall pale color and two black lines on its abdomen, lacking honey sacs, poison glands, and a stinger..."


After recording the new bee species in his notes, Hua Mi proceeded to transform two groups of Fierce Fire Bees and ten groups of Great Strength Bees.

The completed bee group ratio was:

40 Forest Swift Bees (Level 2)

1 Pain Bee (Level 2)

1 Ironclad Bee (Level 2)

1 Swift Ironclad Bee (Level 3)

1 Circular Cut Bee (Level 3)

1 Scout Bee (Level 2)

11 Great Strength Bees (Level 4)

2 Cyan Fire Bees (Level 4)

2 Fierce Fire Bees (Almost Level 5)

All the common Chinese bees were now utilized.

Among them, the main honey gathering forces were the 40 Forest Swift Bees and 11 Great Strength Bees.

Pain Bee, Ironclad Bee, Scout Bee, and Cyan Fire Bee also had honey gathering abilities, albeit minimal.

The seven acres of Thunder Flower had gradually entered the honey-flow period, and the bee groups were working at full capacity to gather honey.

The brewing of Thunder Flower honey progressed smoothly.

The divine gift of breeding continued steadily.


After a busy day, it was already midnight.

Tonight happened to be a full moon, ten times larger than Earth's moon.

Moonlight poured in through the window, illuminating the cabin as bright as day.

Hua Mi took off his black robe, casually stashing it into his storage ring.

Gazing at the full moon, a sudden impulse surged within him—a desire to compose a poem. But limited in literary skills, he couldn't muster one, feeling a tinge of melancholy.

This feeling... was this the long-forgotten moment of feeling down?

He pondered for a moment, realizing something.

Then, he retrieved the black robe from his storage ring once again.

Undoubtedly, the most conspicuous feature of this robe was its ability to maintain a comfortable body temperature, always leaving him feeling refreshed and at ease.

But previously, he faintly sensed that this robe's function might not be limited to that.

It not only cooled his body but also, to a certain extent, cooled his mind—made him calmer.

When contemplating issues, it helped to eliminate some melodramatic emotional

disturbances, making him more decisive, rational, indirectly enhancing his focus.

Undoubtedly, this was beneficial for his survival in this alien world. Otherwise, as an ordinary Earth merchant suddenly transported to this unfamiliar magical realm, it would be challenging to stay composed in emergencies.

Donning the black robe, Hua Mi instantly felt much more alert.

Clear-headed, he acknowledged that composing poetry would only result in forced answers.

What poetry to create? It would be better to practice bee control.

Or perhaps just head home and sleep.

"It indeed works, it's not just a psychological effect."

The effect couldn't be called potent; at most, it served as an auxiliary tool.

However, for someone newly arrived like him, it was quite helpful.

"Since this robe can bring composure, let's call it the Robe of Composure."

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