A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 79: Rumors

Chapter 79: Rumors

Hua Mi maneuvered through the woods, aided by the mighty bee swarm, flying towards the small wooden house.

It was already dusk by the time he returned.

From a distance, he saw the greenhouse intact, the two active armors dutifully guarding it, everything just as he had left it.

Upon entering the greenhouse, the Pseudo-Flower Spirits immediately surrounded him.

"Welcome back!"

"We've been worried about you."

"Huh? You're not injured at all?"

"Is Brass City really built entirely of brass?"

"Did anything interesting happen?"


The Pseudo-Flower Spirits chattered excitedly. Hua Mi was about to speak when he suddenly noticed Xiao Zi bound by magic, hanging in mid-air, looking downcast and pitiful.

"What happened to her?"

Xiao Huang sighed, "She tried to sneak a taste of the unfinished Thunder Blossom honey, and we caught her."

Hua Mi nodded. "Oh, then keep her tied up for a bit."

"By the way, did anyone come looking for me these days?"

Hua Mi checked the flower field; everything seemed fine.

The Thunder Blossoms hadn't fully bloomed yet, so the overall honey yield was still relatively low.

There were several crucial tasks ahead:

First, tending to the Thunder Blossom field and brewing the honey.

Second, using the seed-making machine for the "Blessing of the Mother" breeding work.

Third, expanding the greenhouse for the Mother's Blessing planting area, requiring materials to be prepared.

It's noteworthy that this planting area needed to be separate from the Thunder Blossom field and simulate a specific environment.

In Brass City, Hua Mi had a black robe and protective talismans, both capable of shielding from adverse external conditions to some extent, ensuring comfort.

However, deliberately removing the robe and talisman, he felt the Brass City's environment was incredibly hot, especially near the temple, akin to being surrounded by several blazing furnaces.

Obviously, the Black Forest during the Ice Age couldn't meet the growth conditions required for the "Blessing of the Mother," necessitating the artificial creation of such an environment in the greenhouse.

Fourth, conducting experiments on new bee breeds.

The hybrid experiment between the Power Bees and Scout Bees wasn't completed, and now there were the Azure Flame Bees.

With the increasing number of new bee breeds, it would be too cumbersome to crossbreed every pair.

Therefore, Hua Mi decided that future crossbreeding experiments should be purposeful. For instance, if he wanted to enhance the Power Bees' speed, he'd selectively choose bee species with advantageous speed characteristics to crossbreed with them.

Compared to mutations, crossbreeding had a certain regularity, allowing some control over the direction of evolution.

Of course, apart from these four tasks, tasks like practicing bee control, enhancing mental focus, and tending to the flower field were part of the daily routine, non-negotiable.


Days later, in the Emerald City, within the Punishment Dungeon.

Here, there was no daylight, almost perpetual absolute darkness with no external sounds, as if immersed in void.

Sindra curled up in a corner, her eyes empty. Though open, she saw nothing.

The only evidence of her being alive was the beating of her heart and the sound of blood coursing through her body.

This sound grew louder, resembling the roaring current of the Green River's most turbulent section, as she perceived it now.

The dungeon's air was filled with various intense magical elements, continually assaulting her body and mind.


Amid absolute silence, a faint sound echoed.

To her, however, it was like a thunderous explosion next to her ear, causing her body to tremble violently.

The tumultuous magical elements in the dungeon gradually subsided.

Light pierced through.

It bathed the prisoner.

Sindra raised her hand to shield her eyes, adjusting to the sudden brightness.

For many days, her eyes finally focused.

A young elf dressed in royal attire stood before her, adopting a savior's posture, looking down at her with a hint of smugness.

"Your Highness Aya..."

Sindra struggled to rise, kneeling on one knee.

Though not yet a hundred years old, as the most favored and talented child of the Elf King, her royal aura and demeanor were already emerging.

"You may leave," she announced, like a true ruler, granting pardon to the prisoner.

"But... My sentence isn't over, yet you let me go."

"Your term isn't complete, but I can allow your release."

"Thank you for your kindness."

"Oh, then, how do you plan to thank me?"

She finally lowered her head, looking directly at the prisoner.

But her face displayed a playful expression, revealing some childishness typical of her age.

"I... I'll..."

"Leave the royal guard and come to my side. Are you willing?"


Aya furrowed her brow slightly, her tone stern, "I'm asking you, do you want to follow me?"

Sindra placed a hand on her chest, bowing her head. "I'm willing to serve Your Highness."

Aya relaxed her brow, expressing satisfaction.

"Very well."

Bending down, she cupped Sindra's face, closed her eyes, and pressed foreheads together.

A faint, gentle light emanated from the prince's body, like flowing water, transitioning to Sindra's body.

She felt a warm current enveloping her, slowly dispelling her body's abnormal state.

"Remember your oath today."

"Yes, Your Highness."


"Do you still not know about Alyss?"

In the deserted corridor, Aya held Sindra's hand, skipping along.

"She's been spreading Abyssal rumors in the city recently, causing quite a stir."


"No need to worry; it's all false. Father is furious, claiming her intentions are sinister. Her reputation is completely ruined now."


Sindra fell silent.

Spreading rumors didn't seem like Alyss's style.

But the Abyss...

"Many scandals about her seemed to have surfaced overnight. Rumors claim she carries Abyssal lineage within her, explaining her peculiar appearance. There's even talk of her colluding with external forces to overthrow the monarchy...

"Many residents in the Emerald City have turned against her, suggesting to remove her from the design roster for the Moonlit Pavilion, even revoking her elven status..."


Nearly half of the city's buildings were designed by Alyss.

It could be said that without her, there would be no Emerald Royal City.

The Moonlit Pavilion was her masterpiece.

As its architect, why remove her from it?

If they genuinely wished to boycott her, why not simply dismantle the structures she designed?

Aya suddenly halted, saying, "If the populace can change their stance so drastically overnight, do you think they might suddenly turn against the royal family one day?"

Sindra remained silent for a while, then said, "The citizens will never betray a leader who guides them toward prosperity."

Aya pondered for a moment, nodding. "True."

They continued skipping ahead.

Sindra, however, carried a burden in her heart and couldn't resist asking, "Your Highness, what about the Master now?"

"She's undergoing an interrogation."


"This is outright defamation!"

An enraged voice reverberated through the courtroom.

Standing atop the judgment platform, three figures

were present:

The Elf King, the Judge, and Alyss.

Alyss stood still, maintaining her composure despite the endless accusations thrown at her.


The Judge's voice echoed, silencing the commotion.

"Elven Court's judgment begins now!"

"The defendant, Alyss, is accused of spreading Abyssal rumors, tarnishing the royal family's reputation, and conspiring to destabilize the Emerald City. How do you plead?"

Alyss stared at the Elf King, then turned to the judge, speaking calmly, "I plead not guilty."

The Judge scanned through the evidence and witness statements, then announced, "The Court finds insufficient evidence to support the accusations. Alyss is acquitted of all charges."

The Elf King's face darkened. "This is unjust! She's guilty, I say!"

"Silence!" The Judge's voice was unwavering. "This Court is adjourned."

The Elf King stormed out in fury, accompanied by the loyalists among the courtiers.

Alyss stood alone in the courtroom, staring at the empty space.

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