You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 70

70 I Will Kill You!~



Damn, I can’t find it at all. Even the scent of his body just disappeared; how can I lose Leon in a blink of an eye?

Surely the vampires had planned this plan before, so I didn’t realize it. But who is behind all this mastermind?

I was still walking around the forest to look for where Leon was; because it was almost 3 hours, I walked along the forest but did not find a trail about its existence.

Only a cell phone was left behind before he had just disappeared; Leon tried to contact my father, but he had no time to do it.

I walked with difficulty heading to the house; my body was irregular. Many injuries from sharp nails and the bite of vampires attacked me earlier.

But I was able to kill all the vampires that attacked me. The seven vampires died a beheaded all heads, even though I was a little overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, I could not recover the wounds in my body because I think the vampires used a certain poison that made me unable to heal myself quickly.


My gaze began to be blurry, and it was very difficult to focus on walking towards my house; even now, I did not seem to feel my feet and body; I just fell with a breath that was getting thinner.

I could hear the sound of footsteps closer to me, but my eyelids could not compromise now; it felt so heavy to open my eyes until, finally, everything was dark.

2 hours later.

I opened my eyes and panted, sitting then looking around me; my father and uncle Joel approached me with a face that was so worried; they both asked me a few questions that I still could not hear so clearly.

“David, what happened? Where is Leon?” Father asked me while pointing my face to be able to look at him.

I shook my head, and my eyes were hot immediately when I remembered if the vampires had kidnaped Leon.

“I must go now; I must find Leon’s whereabouts right now!” I said while rebelling to get off the bed.

But my father dan uncle Joel forbade me; they held my hands tightly, not allowing me to get out of bed.

“David, calm down and tell me what happened; we cannot help if you don’t tell us what happened to us!” Uncle Joel tried calming me down and asked me to tell them what had happened.

Hearing what he said, I tried to control myself, which was abysmal.

Uncle Joel rubbed my back slowly, making me calm instantly.

I set my breath slowly, and when I was completely calm, I was ready to tell the incident to them.

I detailed all the incidents, so they understood what was happening to me.

“The vampires use Wolfsbane to hurt you so that your wound is so difficult to recover by itself. Luckily you go home on time; if there is no way, your life will float!” My father explained while looking at the Wolfsbane powder he managed to separate from my body.

I looked at the wall clock, and the time showed 6:30 a.m. What should I do? Leon could not be found, and I failed again to take care of him the umpteenth time.

I shouldn’t have invited him to the street food because it all started at that place.

“Someone came here!” Roland said while looking out the window when he saw a black car approaching.

All eyes were fixed in the direction where the car was; It was currently parked in front of my house.

I immediately left, standing out of bed, and ran outside because I knew the one in the car was Leon. I’m not mistaken to smell the scent of his body that I can now feel again.

Father, Uncle Joel, Aunt Bethany, and Roland joined in the front, chasing me; maybe they felt I would do something to someone in the black car.

I was silent immediately when I saw who came out of the black car, according to my guess, it was Leon, but Leon came with someone I knew.


I made the two of them immediately look at me; the intention to kill me overflowed instantly when I knew Leon was with him.

Robert and Leon looked at me with a surprised look because, at this time, I really could not control my anger. After all, they saw the two of them get out of the car together, and Robert took Leon’s hand.


I heard the scream from inside, and that was Roland; I’m sure he was running towards me and was about to stop me.

But I, who had taken out a sharp claw on my hands, immediately ran fast towards where Robert was.

“You !!! Rawr!”

I roared with all my strength, but I did not change into a Werewolf because, at this time, my situation had not fully recovered, so I could not change myself into the form of a werewolf.

But by using my sharp claws, I can hurt Robert.

But my eyes widened instantly when Leon suddenly stood right in front of him while stretching his hands as if he had allowed himself to be hit by an attack from me.

I, who could not hurt Leon, would certainly not do that; I immediately changed my movements to the side until finally crashing into the car until the car dented.


“Hmmm, it is okay. I still have two more cars at home,”

I heard Robert say that while looking at me; he thought I was kidding. Hearing what he just said made me even angrier.

Immediately I got up and was about to attack him, but Leon suddenly pointed his right hand in front of my face.

“Stop; I’ll explain everything; please control your anger!”

Hearing what Leon had just said made me calm immediately as if hearing his voice could heal the wounds inside me. Even anger overflowed inside me as if it became calm immediately when he heard his voice.

I immediately kept quiet and did not move; I relaxed all my muscles and kept my sharp claws back.

I looked at Leon carefully, then he suddenly approached me and hugged me.

“Don’t do it like that; you lose control of yourself!” He whispered near my ear.

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