Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius

Chapter 164

Episode 164

The barbarians were very reckless.

They were not surprised that their surprise attack had been discovered, and were simply happy to be able to fight.

“A good barbarian is a dead barbarian!”

The rangers seemed to have a deep grudge against the barbarians and fought against them with fire in their eyes.

bang! Kaaaang!

Their weapons clashed.

It made a huge noise and sparks flew everywhere.

“Whahaha! “The battle is full of blood and massacre!”

“That guy is mine!”

The barbarians were strong.

He did not spare himself and tried to kill the rangers at all costs.

Kang kaaang!

Aside from their initial outbursts of anger towards the barbarians, the rangers were very calm after dealing with them.

Perhaps because they thought it would be a loss to directly engage with the barbarians, they avoided their weapons without blocking them.

Rather than targeting clearly exposed vital points, he attacked the thighs, forearms, etc., causing minor wounds.

“You bastards for profit!”

The barbarians were very angry at their cowardly behavior.

The barbarians loved and wanted the clash of strength and might.

It was still the same now.

They wanted a one-shot fight, not this wasteful fight.

I fight with strength and power, and if my opponent is stronger than me, I honestly acknowledge that and accept death.

But this wasn’t it.

To them, the ranger’s fight was not only unfamiliar but also despising.

“Things without the honor of a warrior!”

“That means attacking properly!”

“Those bastards from Easton have no pride!”

The rangers did not react much to the jeers and criticism of the warriors.

He just calmly attacked them with a familiar face.

Their attacks were quite effective.

Sigh –

the dagger they swung cut off the barbarian’s shoulder.

It wasn’t a very deep wound.

It just feels like a woman’s long fingernails have been skimming over it.

The bodies of barbarians are so hard and strong that it is the greatest dagger without an aura.

However, no matter how small the wounds are, as they accumulate, they become impossible to ignore.

Did they say that gathering dust together creates a great mountain?

The same goes for wounds.

No matter how small or insignificant the wound may be.

Even if it is just a wound that bleeds a little, it changes when it becomes dozens or hundreds of wounds.

If one drop of blood becomes ten drops and ten drops become a hundred drops.

What if new wounds appear on top of the wounds before they can regenerate quickly due to the amazingly great physical abilities?


“You cowards! That means attacking properly!”

No matter how strong the bodies of the barbarians were, they could not endure to the end.

Moreover, if I ran wild like them and consumed my stamina on my own, I was bound to lose even more.

It was as if they had fallen into a swamp.

If you knew it from the beginning and got out of it, you wouldn’t know it. Once you start getting into it, it’s hard to get out of it even if you find out later.

“Whoop… Whoop…!”

Unlike the calm-faced rangers, the barbarians were already exhausted even though they didn’t seem to have been moving for a long time.


Creep-tuk degurrr.

As I cut off the head of the barbarian charging towards me, I was secretly amazed at their fighting style.

‘That’s amazing.’

At first glance, you might think it was no big deal.

It seems like the barbarians are not fighting back properly and are just dodging attacks and attacking at random.

However, anyone who knew even the slightest bit of skill with a sword could see how great their battle was.


As evidence, the inspectors who were hiding in the bushes over there and just watching were looking at the rangers with their mouths open in a daze.

‘It’s very difficult to be able to dodge and attack like that.’

Barbarians are strong.

Even by superhuman standards, not human standards, their bodies were enormous.

It was difficult to break a tree with bare hands and even scratch their skin unless it was a famous sword made by dwarves or famous craftsmen.

Their strength and durability were impressive, but their speed was also impressive.

Fast and heavy.

The barbarians, who became true warriors in their horses, could even beat horses at a sprint.

Against such barbarians, the rangers had the upper hand in battle.

It had sharp attacks that could inflict wounds without covering its iron-like skin with an aura.

They had the vision to avoid their attacks and the skills to put the barbarians through their paces.

This would not have been possible if it had not been for them who had dealt with barbarians in the South for a long time.

Knights who faced barbarians for the first time would have been taken aback by their toughness and easily defeated them.

‘Even I can’t do it like them.’

The name I am holding is a famous sword believed to have been made by dwarves.

Therefore, it was possible to cut them down without wearing an aura, but it was difficult to completely cut them down.

In order to cut off their giant tree-like heads, they had to be surrounded by aurors like they are now.


Beside him, Lanos was pushing the barbarian, showing off his mighty strength.

He was so tough that he swung his greatsword without any care, even though the flesh on his palms burst from the barbarians’ attacks.

His body, heated by the battle, spewed out steam and took the brunt of the attacks from the monstrous barbarians.

‘It’s perfect without that great sword.’

It was a shame that he was using a weapon.

If he had thrown away the great sword and fought with his bare hands, he wouldn’t have had to try to become stronger for so long.

If I had thrown away the great sword a long time ago, I would not have lost the fight against Ahar.

Even though he had no talent, he had the tenacity to work hard and a strong body that covered up his talent.

I was disappointed to think that I would have become stronger than I am now if it weren’t for my obsession with the great sword.


Seo Eok-.

The head of the barbarian running towards me fell off.

‘It seems like it’s slowly coming to an end…’

The number of barbarians I cut down was more than four.

Including other rangers and Lanos, there are more than seven people.

Their total number is about 9, so there isn’t much left now.

It was already so hard that I couldn’t cut it without using aura, so I used too much aura.

Dealing with barbarians made me realize again how ineffective I was at dealing with Aurors.

‘These three months will be very beneficial to me.’

While dealing with barbarians, I was able to learn little by little how to use Aurors.

That alone gave me an idea of what I could get from this place.

‘Is he aiming for this?’

I glanced back.

While everyone was struggling against the barbarians, only Count Warrug was looking at the battlefield with his arms crossed.

He made eye contact with me and smiled.


Lanos screamed from behind.

He raised his greatsword high and split the head of the barbarian with both broken arms. The sight of a barbarian


his head split in half was grotesque.

Lanos wiped the blood and brain fluid that had spattered from his face and turned his head to look in one direction.

“What is that guy doing?”

A barbarian was standing near his gaze.

Basically, the barbarians were big.

It was not a metaphorical expression. They were literally huge.

Each person was basically over 2m tall.

One or two heads are larger.

In addition, his size was correspondingly large and his muscles were not weak.

It didn’t make sense for them to live for battle and die for battle and not take care of their bodies.

Even barbarians that were at least 2 meters tall felt like giants, and he was one head taller than those barbarians.

Additionally, they had more tattoos than other barbarians, whose tattoos only extended from their faces to their shoulders.

The tattoos stretched from the top of his head, which was shaved so closely that he was almost bald, to his waist.

You can clearly tell because it is covered by the pants, but considering that the tattoo extends all the way to the inside of the pants, it could be that the tattoo extends all the way to the thigh.

‘Apparently the barbarians said that the longer the tattoo, the stronger and higher the status.’

Even in the original work, there was a little bit about the barbarians, although not in detail.

Since the main character, Ahar, came down to the south, there was some explanation about them.

One of them was the tattoo of barbarians.

It is said that barbarians draw tattoos from an early age.

And as time goes by and they become more active in battle, their tattoos get longer.

That’s barbarian. A combat enthusiast who values tattoos and is excited about battle.

“Why is it so big?”

“It doesn’t make sense for someone of that size to be a warrior general.”

“Could it be that the warrior commander came here?”

Lanos frowned and the rangers murmured.

They reacted as if they knew who that barbarian was.

‘Warrior leader… That’s the monster.’

With that size and tattoos, the warrior leader was the only monster.

Chieftain The second most powerful barbarian after the tribal chieftain.

Barbarians who call themselves warriors call them warrior chiefs.

“They’re pretty strong guys.”

The warrior commander, who was watching his comrades dying with his arms folded, slowly opened his mouth.

“But how on earth did you know? “It was done in secret.”

He tilted his head as if it was strange.

They looked very surprised that information about their raid had been revealed.

He also shook his head for a moment and said.

“It doesn’t matter. “I can just kill everyone here.”

He uncrossed his arms and smiled.

At the same time, a tremendous force emanated from him.


Lanos and the rangers groaned.

The warrior’s spirit was heavy.

So much so that it’s hard to breathe without creating an aura.

“Damn Tuss!”

“I get it!”

The rangers resisted the momentum and rushed at the warrior commander.

Their sharp daggers were aimed at the warrior’s torso.

The dagger curves like a snake to cleave his body like it did to other barbarians.


A tremendous roar erupted.

It was just one shot.

The warrior general, who looked indifferently at the rangers rushing towards him, simply swung a halberd as big as his body.

The results of his light actions, like simply waving his hands to shoo away bugs, were not light at all.

The rangers who were attacking him from his blind spot were blown away by his halberd.

They barely managed to block it, but both of their arms were broken and they fell unconscious in one hit.


The rangers, who had been making great efforts against the barbarians, were defeated too easily.

“You son of a bitch!”

Lanos’ eyes lit up at the sight and he rushed at the warrior commander.


I hurriedly called him and tried to stop him.

With his brief attack, we realized that it would be difficult for us to deal with him.

He may have been Lanos in the future, but he was no match for the warrior leader now.

Lanos probably didn’t know that, but he rushed forward without thinking about what happened next.

He is so overly emotional that you can’t think of him as someone who has dealt with barbarians for a long time.

If you knew the gap between yourself and your enemy, you should find a way to win. It was not a good idea to rush in recklessly like you are now.


The warrior’s halberd struck Lanos’ head.

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