Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 272: Three shed dragon scales! The power of Dharma! (big

  Chapter 272 Three shed dragon scales! The power of Dharma! (Dazhang asks for a monthly ticket and asks for a subscription!)


  Golden Snake Breathing Method (Blood Source Three Changes): Level 15 (1/700,000), Special Effects: Scales of Metamorphosis (Level 3), Deterrence of Dragons, Golden Snake Playing in Water. Bloodline Dharma: Dance of the Golden Snake. Exclusive weapons: None.


  The Golden Snake Dance behind the bloodline dharma is the name Li Wei himself gave to the golden snake dharma.

   "In addition to the birth of the bloodline method, the defense of the golden snake scale itself has also reached the third level, which is equivalent to three transformations, and its hardness has increased a lot."

"Now I have stacked [Golden Snake Scale], [Earth Dragon Barrier], [Faxiang·Golden Snake Dance], [Heavy Water Barrier], [Golden Voodoo Body] a full five layers of armor... Next, who can second me?

   Forget it, this kind of thinking is too dangerous, let's save this kind of big talk until I enter the fifth ring. "

   Except for the heavy water barrier, which is a three-ring protective force field, the defense power of the others is comparable to the fourth-ring protective force field, and they are all above the average.

   Stacking armor always doubles people's safety.

   "Golden Snake rank 15, according to the current practice speed of the breathing method, the next one should be the Red Emperor Dragon or the Scarlet Dragon.

  The Red Emperor Dragon is already good enough. For a long time, there is no need for [evolution], it just needs to keep advancing.

  Scarlet dragon, if the conditions are right, it can evolve again. "

  In fact, Li Wei's current bloodline in six dimensions, even if he does not evolve, is theoretically enough for him to reach the tenth level of knighthood.

  It is purely because Chidilong is too good and introverted, which makes other breathing methods look a bit inferior.

   "If you want to be promoted, you need to consume blood crystals. This thing will cost the lives of extraordinary creatures... For the sustainable development of the Twilight Temple in the future, my plan for breeding extraordinary creatures should also be put on the agenda."

   When Li Wei was in the wizarding world, he had collected many extraordinary creatures, but most of them were single dogs.

  If these extraordinary creatures want to form a population, they need to constantly introduce new individuals.

  The breeding of extraordinary creatures cannot be achieved in a short period of time.

   Especially those extraordinary creatures after the third ring, they are rare in number.

   Moreover, extraordinary creatures still need a long time to develop.

  However, at the current stage of the Twilight Knights, there are only more than one hundred people at full strength.

  The bloodline of the knights makes the Twilight Knights doomed to be unable to develop in the same way as the wizards, and must take the elite route.

  In addition to the 18 core members of the Twilight Knights, the number of non-core members of the Twilight Temple will not be too many.

  It will take a long time for these knights to advance to the stage where they need to use potions.

   At that time, the recovery of the magic tide will intensify, and the extraordinary creatures should be enough to practice.

  Therefore, these knights should not cause the mass extinction of the extraordinary creature population on the Nora plane...

   After all, wizards have been developed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the number is many times that of knights.

   Among them, there are so many extraordinary creatures killed by wizards or refining medicine that it is unimaginable.

   But up to now, although many supernatural creature populations are rare, it is not said that they are all extinct.

   Especially the reproductive ability of low-level extraordinary creatures is still very strong.

  With the size of the Twilight Temple, it is not worth mentioning in front of the wizard civilization.

  Worried that the development of the Knights will cause the extinction of extraordinary creatures, just like developed countries worry that the rapid development of developing countries will cause ecological damage.

  When the number of people in the temple increases at dusk and the consumption of potions increases.

  According to Li Wei's plan, there are already several exclusive planes under the temple, similar to the plane of the ancient saints, which serve as special breeding bases for extraordinary creatures.

   Moreover, the multiple planes are endless, and what the wizard has already discovered is just the tip of the iceberg.

  As the strength of the knight order grows, new planes will always be discovered in the future.

  When Li Wei was thinking about the future in the Emperor's Palace.

   Quack quack!

  High in the sky, there was a strange and excited laughter!

  The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like a wild duck flying across the sky.

   Li Wei sensed it a little, and his face showed surprise.

"Master Raja, I have finally broken through the fourth ring... It's not easy. When I was on the second ring, it was already at the peak of the third ring. Now I am already on the fourth ring, and it has just been promoted! All the flowers I have been waiting for Thanks."

   Li Wei immediately took a mouthful of the giant tank, laughed and left the Emperor's Palace, flying into the sky.

   Raja breakthrough, he is more excited than Raja... This means that his practice of sky dragon breathing method is faster.

  Raja's wind and thunder attribute dragon blood, it can be said that it perfectly fits the breathing method of the sky dragon.

   This kind of little thing was born to be the material of Li Wei's secret medicine!

  On the cliff behind the Emperor's Palace.

   Li Wei stood with his hands behind his back.

  In the sky, a pterosaur with a wingspan of 40 to 50 meters, wrapped in the power of wind and thunder, hovered above his head.

   "Yes, it is indeed a rare wind and thunder dual attribute. Although Raja is an extraordinary creature, his strength may be stronger than that of ordinary four-ring wizards."

   Li Wei was satisfied.

   "Come down, let me examine you."

   Raja heard about it, swooped down, and finally landed smoothly in front of Li Wei.

   "Your performance is very good. If you can advance to the fifth ring, then I will find you a female pterosaur, how about it?"

   While drawing blood, Li Wei began to make promises to Raja.

  Fenglei pterosaurs, the population is extremely rare, in the vast endless sea, it is very difficult to find a second one.

   But not impossible.

  After all, since Raja can exist, it means that there are still populations of Fenglei pterosaurs in the Endless Sea.

   It can only be said that the endless sea is too big, and the population is too rare, making it difficult to find.

  Besides, if you can't find the Fenglei pterosaur, then find some other pterosaur-like beasts in the plane of the ancient saints...it must be enough to satisfy Raja.

  According to the research of some dragon school wizards, the more powerful the dragon race, the smaller the restriction of reproductive isolation between species, so there is a group of dragon descendant wizards.

   On the contrary, it is extremely difficult for pure blood dragons to give birth to true pure blood offspring.

  This phenomenon, so far, wizards have not been able to study and understand the principle behind it.

  Hearing that the master was going to find a wife for him, Raja nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

  With its bloodline, the fifth ring is also possible, but the hope is not very high.

   After drawing Raja's blood, Li Wei entertained it with some potions and good beast meat, and let it play.

   Raja of the fourth ring, in the plane of the ancient saints, has no natural enemies, and he is not worried about Raja's safety.

   "It's just that, why does my sense of danger feel a little bit?"

   Li Wei looked at the fine hairs of the establishment. In most cases, when he was on the plane of the Old Sage, his danger sensing was fine.

   "Could it be the person from the Land Abandoned by God?"

   It seemed to be to verify Li Wei's guess. The next moment, he took out a slate, and a picture appeared on it, and a figure could be seen quickly cutting through the sky.

   This is the image-transmission slab he placed in the sea area around the entrance of the plane. Relying on a special magic circle, these images can be fed back to Li Wei.

   Li Wei's heart moved.

   "Call the Council of Elders!"

  He gave the order, and the emperor's envoys flew into the distance.

   And Li Wei was the first to fly towards the entrance with the mind flayer and the succubus.

   With the glory of the Four Kings, even if you are a wizard with five rings, if you don't know the magic circle very well, it will take a while to break through with brute force.

  The plane of the ancient saints is the place where Li Wei develops, and outsiders are never allowed to get involved!

  The location of the Emperor’s Palace is not far from the altar of the temple. With Li Wei’s speed, if he flies with all his strength, he will arrive soon.


  The entrance to the plane of the Old Sage.

  The nameless island.

  This island looks no different from ordinary islands.

  But if you accidentally step into it, you will find that there is something hidden in it.

  At this moment, a bald wizard with a dignified expression was standing in the void in the [Fire King] magic circle.

  Countless black and distorted figures danced around him, forming his five-ring defensive force field.

  Those flames collided with the force field, making a sizzling sound.

   "The magic circle... Damn it, I hate the magic circle the most, no wonder those guys died here, and they died unjustly."

  He doesn't know anything about magic circles, he really doesn't have the talent for magic circles.

   "However, this magic circle seems to be just a three-ring magic circle. For me, I don't need to know how to break the circle, just break it with brute force."

  He was thinking fast.

  Four-ring spell·Shadow eclipse!

  He waved his hand, and countless black shadows emerged from him, turned into light, and penetrated into all directions of the magic circle.

  Bo Gang, who was secretly observing in the magic circle of the king of the earth, has come to the altar of the temple.

   "There is an intruder stronger than last time. Get ready, everyone. I sent a message to the master, but it will take a while for the master to arrive."

   Bo Gang said.

   "Understood, the four of us are ready, and when that person comes in, we will launch a surprise attack."

  The four ancient sages guarding this side said.

  In the formation of the Lord of Fire, the Lord of Black Light is breaking through the formation with brute force.

  He even released the spirit of the fourth-level fire element that he had subdued.

   "Little bird, break the formation with me."

  Anwada felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart. After being targeted again and again, he was already frightened.

   But now that the bird is under the eaves, he has to bow his head.

  It spits out flames, looks for the objects in the magic circle in the fire king's circle, and destroys them.

   It is originally a fire element, so it is completely immune to the fire king's magic circle.

   In it, it's like duck to water.

  Finally, the eye of the Fire King's magic circle was accidentally hit by it and found.

   "Get ready, let's break into the magic circle, the enemy may be alert."

  The Lord of the Black Light finished speaking, only to find that he had gone through a sea of ​​flames.

  He came to a boundless sea again.

   "Damn it, this is a series of combinations!"

  Even if he doesn't know the magic circle, the Lord of Black Light knows that the magic circle seems to be the third ring, but because of its combination nature, the actual degree of difficulty should not be lost to the fourth ring.

   Streams of water entangled towards him.

  However, he is also a five-ring wizard, so these methods can be completely dealt with.

   Just like that, he broke through the three magic circles of the King of Water, the King of Wind, and the King of Earth without any risk.

  After he came out, he was sweating profusely, and his face had begun to hesitate.

   "Judging from the layout of this magic circle, the enemy should be a magic circle master. There are so many traps at the entrance alone, and there may be more traps waiting for me inside... Xiaoniao, you go first to explore the way."

  The master of the black light is smart.

   "We crypt wizards have been isolated by the barriers of the world for too long, and it seems that we have not kept up with the times. This time, the recovery of the demon tide is extraordinary. We should be cautious in all actions."

Once bitten, twice shy.

  After discovering that he was not the all-in-one enemy of the Saint of the Church of Storms.

  The Lord of Black Light put away his previous arrogant and arrogant attitude.

  Anwada came to the entrance with great reluctance, and was reluctant to go in after a while.

"Hurry up, or I will have to refine you... The four-ringed witch weapon on my body happens to lack a weapon spirit. Although the attributes don't match, it's better than no weapon spirit... Jie Jie Jie." Threatening laughed.

  He wields a thin sword in his hand, which is the best witch weapon in his whole body, the Shadow Thorn.

  If there is no problem with the fourth-level fire element after entering, he will sneak in with the shadow school of magic.

   If something unexpected happens to that guy when he enters, he will prepare to run away depending on the situation!

   Times have changed!

  Anwada finally stepped into it.

  Its voice is loud and clear, give yourself courage.


   Just came in.

  It felt four powerful attacks, attacking itself in an instant.

  Anwada's body exploded with flames, sweeping everything.

  It didn't even think about it, it turned around and stepped into the entrance again, and disappeared.

"what's the situation?"

  The four ancient sages haven't figured out the situation yet.

  The enemy withdrew before they started fighting.

  Anwada's figure appeared on the other side.

   Its figure has dimmed a lot at the moment.

   "When my five rings were in full bloom, wouldn't those little ones be able to die in one breath? Damn it!"

  Anwada was unwilling.

  If it wasn't for its elemental body of the fire element, the four attacks just now would not kill him, but would also seriously injure him.

  It hasn't avenged its great revenge yet, so it can't die here.

  The Lord of Black Light looked at Anwada who was much weaker, with lingering fear in his heart.

   "This is the entrance, there are so many traps, I don't know what dangers will be inside."

   After some hesitation.

  The Lord of the Black Light decided to take a look, and here he is.

  He put away the fire element, and sneaked in with the spell of the shadow school.

   Came to the other side, the imaginary attack did not strike.

  He dispersed his mental power and sensed it.

   "The power of the elements is not bad, not very strong. There are four lizardmen. From the perspective of breath, although it is not as good as the four-ring wizard, it is not too far behind.

  The lizardmen here, why are they so strong? And from the looks of it, they all seem to be arranged here to guard the altar.

   This is a secret realm with an owner, which can allow so many level 4 lizardmen to visit the gate. The real strength of the master of this secret realm must be the fifth ring.

   But this lizard man can't see through my shadow and sneak. "

  The Lord of Black Light is hiding in an inconspicuous shadow of the temple at this moment.

   "Do you want to explore in depth?"

   While he was hesitating.

  In the distance, suddenly a figure in a blood-red cloak and golden armor approached.

"The wizard of the four rings? Is he the master here? Or is he also the guard here? Judging from his mental power fluctuations, he has just entered the level of the four rings, but the golden alchemy runes shining all over his body are obviously still I also practiced body training spells... Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and body training wizards have not become extinct?"

  As far as he knows, in ancient times, in the early days of wizards, body-training wizards and magic wizards could be regarded as the same, and both sides believed that they were the correct path of wizards.

  But at the end of ancient times, body-training wizards were no longer comparable to magic wizards, and fewer and fewer practiced.

  Whether it is theory or practice, the way of body training wizards is not as good as magic wizards.

  So even among the group of crypt wizards who have been passed down from ancient times to the present, there are not many body-training wizards.

   "Looking at it this way, the development of those wizards in the subspace is nothing more than that..."

  The Lord of Black Light regained a little confidence, and he quietly sneaked towards the four-ringed wizard.

   Regardless of whether the wizard of the four rings is the leader of this secret realm, at least he is a leader.

   Grab him, inquire about the situation, and then decide on the next plan.

   Li Wei stood there, motionless.

"The sense of danger has not dissipated, but it has become stronger and stronger, indicating that the enemy is lurking here, but his stealth ability is too high, I have not found that... Those who can do this are basically people from the Shadow School , it seems that he is still a five-ring wizard."

   Li Wei has already analyzed the situation in his mind.

   One thought of this.

  He hesitated no more, he kept the Old Ones away from him, and snapped his fingers.

   With a thought, he centered on himself and cast the first talent - Fire Dragon Tribulation!


  Fire Dragon Tribulation drilled into the ground and exploded. The flames swept and collided within a few miles, like a newborn sun.

   "Damn, how does he know I'm here? Are the wizards of the four rings so perceptive?" In the flames, the expression of the Lord of the Black Light who was forced to appear changed.

  His heart was ruthless, and the Thorn of Shadow came out of his hand, after pouring in a huge amount of power.

  The killing witch turned into a black light, killing directly towards Li Wei, the speed was so fast that it was difficult to avoid it.

  This blow, in the Land Abandoned by God, is enough to injure or even kill any four-ring wizard in an instant!

  But Li Wei has long been prepared, his danger perception is not vegetarian.

   Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon chant.

  Faxiang · Dance of the Golden Snake!

  A golden light descended on Li Wei's body, and the boundless blood energy formed a golden giant snake that surrounded Li Wei layer by layer.

Not only that.

  Second Talent: Earth Dragon Barrier!

  Three-ring force field·heavy water enchantment.

   And under these are the armor transformed from the golden voodoo body and the fifteenth-order golden snake dragon scales shining with metallic luster!

   A moment.

   Li Wei has already used all the protective measures he had prepared a long time ago!

  The Lord of Black Light over there was dumbfounded.

   "Damn it, is this the Four Rings wizard?!"

  He found more and more that he seemed out of tune with this world.

  He thought he had already learned about this new wizarding civilization through some information, but only now did he realize that there is still too much difference!

  The light transformed by the shadow thorns pierced the golden snake dharma, shattered the heavy water barrier and the earth dragon barrier, and penetrated the golden voodoo body.

  The next moment, a big golden hand like a cattail fan suddenly grabbed the Thorn of Shadow.

   This is a four-ring witch tool, and it is also the best among the four rings.

   Still motivated by his five-ring wizard.

  This four-ring wizard, why would he dare to grab his own witch weapon with his bare hands?

  The Lord of Black Light was shocked.

   Li Wei looked puzzled.

   He firmly grasped the struggling witch weapon, and asked a little suspiciously: "Excuse me... are you a five-ring wizard?"

  This kind of tone is unbelievable and incomprehensible.

   This made the Lord of the Black Light feel like he was severely humiliated.

"He has the spiritual power and aura comparable to the five rings, but his real strength...is not as good as the witch I met in Snow King City that day. Is there really such a weak five ring wizard in this world?" .

  The Lord of the Black Light has broken the defense.

   "Sure enough, am I already a remnant of the old era? Can the wizards of the four rings of the new era be comparable to the five rings of the old era? No! I don't believe it!"

  All around him, shadow blades burst out, all heading towards Li Wei.

  Five-ring spell · shadow stream ten thousand blades!

   There was a crackling sound.

  Those sharp blades pierced through Li Wei's defensive force fields, shattered part of his golden snake scales, and left shallow bloodstains on them.

   These injuries are harmless to Li Wei's physique, and they are not fatal injuries.

   "160 cards, which is almost the lower limit of the power of the five-ring spell in today's era..." Li Wei held a fiery red snake-shaped ring in his hand, and almost all the mana was poured into it.

   "What a terrifying fluctuation... This is a five-ring witch weapon, and it is the best among them. Damn it, what is the origin of this kid? How powerful is the power behind this secret realm?"

  The Lord of the Black Light saw this, so he didn't waste time anymore, he fled into the shadows and was about to escape.

  In an instant, the whole world was roasted.

  A Scorching World Flame Snake suddenly appeared, sweeping across the area with an unrivaled posture.

   Even though the Lord of Black Light escaped into the shadows, he still failed to escape the attack of the Scorching World Serpent.

   This is a genuine five-ring spell, and among the five-ring spells, its power is above average.

  Combined with Li Wei's ether master talent, the same mana consumption, the same spell is activated. Li Wei's power of the Scorching Flame Snake is much stronger than that of the Black-Eyed Crow!

   Compared with the five-ring spell of the Lord of Black Light, it is much stronger!

  Finally, in a shadow, there was a figure struggling and twisting in it, howling continuously.


  After the fifteenth level of the Golden Snake Breathing Method, although the main attribute to be improved is defense, in fact, Li Wei's other dimensions have been improved to varying degrees, but compared to defense, it is not worth mentioning.

  His current destructive sword energy has also improved in power!

   One after another sword energy was released without reservation.

  Accompanied by unwilling screams, the master of the black light, the dignified master of the fifth-level crypt, and a serious ancient wizard inheritance, died under the flames of the Scorching World Serpent.

   "Sauron... As expected of you, it seems that our ancestors were wrong... There is no need to respect the old, to bring forth the new. The fossils of the old era will eventually turn into dust. It is wrong."

  In the flames, the soul of the Lord of Black Light gave up struggling.

  Wuhuan wizards have a very high realm and strong spiritual power, so after death, their souls can stay for a while, and can even be seen by ordinary people.

  Ever since he was born, he found that people like himself have long been abandoned by the rapidly developing wizard civilization, and they are completely unable to integrate into it.

   "Your obsession with antiquity, ignorance of change, reluctance to change, seclusion, your situation is far worse than that of Sauron... Unfortunately, the corpse was completely burned, and I haven't had time to convert it into the coin of life."

   After learning about the history of some crypt wizards, Li Wei knew that the ancestors of this group of people actually had the opportunity to go to the subspace with Sauron to build the wizard council.

   It's just that they disagree with Sauron's ideas and rejected Sauron's invitation. They would rather develop in the land abandoned by the gods and continue to follow the ancient law than follow Sauron. Therefore, there has been little progress in these hundreds of thousands of years.


   The monster Leon pounced on him, biting the soul of the five-ringed soul who was about to pass away.

   "The new world is also surrounded by nightmares..."

  The soul looked at Leon with a complex expression. Before he could finish speaking, he was swallowed by Leon who was waiting for food.

  Leon burped in satisfaction.

   "Master... I'm so full, I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

   After Leon finished speaking, he fell directly from the sky and fell asleep.

   Li Wei looked at Leon, deep in thought.

"The wizard of the five rings also seems to have discovered something special about Leon. Has he ever seen the nightmare world? Could it be that the nightmare world has already begun to infiltrate Nuo before the study of the Dreamland Tower in the land abandoned by the gods on the other side of the mortal barrier? Did you pull it?"

   Li Wei's heart tightened.

  Nightmare world, even the current him dare not set foot in it easily.

   "It seems that the Land Abandoned by God is not easy. Before exploring, I have to make more preparations.

  Although the strength of this five-ring wizard is very abnormal, his spiritual power and soul are genuine five-rings. Leon swallowed a five-ringed soul, and his strength may change again.

   No, while it is sleeping, continue to start subconscious love education to prevent the little one from rebelling in the future. "

   Li Wei immediately began to fall asleep, giving Leon psychological hints.

  After falling asleep.

   Li Wei looked at the five-ring spell that was still burning the earth.

  In it, there is a shivering figure, hiding in it, trying to hide his figure through the flames.

"He can't see me... can't see me... this **** little bug, why is he so powerful, the last time he saw me, he could only run away, and now that terrifying bald wizard is no match for him, in this world... What's wrong?" Flame Avenger Anwada struggled inwardly.

  The road to revenge is so bumpy.

  As long as it can escape successfully this time, it will find a random volcano in the Land Abandoned by God, hibernate, and slowly consume the remaining power of the divine fire until it reaches the fifth ring.

   In this way, there is still a little bit of hope for revenge... I guess.

   "What are you expecting? Are you expecting me to let you go?"

  Suddenly, like the whisper of a devil, the voice came suddenly.

  Anwada is like a falling icehouse.

   "As a former fifth-level fire element, I, Anwada, was born to do great things, so..."

  In the flames, a petite and miniature flame bird jumped out, and then surrounded Li Wei, circling and flying around him, making a crisp sound like a lark.

"The fire element can bend and stretch, and I, Anwada, will take revenge... It's not too late for a thousand years. I can't beat you, I can kill you, can you still break through the soul? I don't believe it, you are a mere four-ring wizard, and your lifespan can compare to mine ?”

  Anwada figured it out, and he praised his wit.

   There is no need to confront these **** wizards head-on.

  It only needs to obey on the surface, bow down, maintain a proud and free heart in the heart, and rely on the advantage of the long life of the fire element.

  Thousands of years later, Anwada is still a good bird, but this **** little bug has long been turned into a pile of loess.

   At that time, it can even give the little bug a rich burial, and go to his grave to play disco!

   "It seems that some guys are hostile to me... It seems that I can't keep you."

   Li Wei looked at Anwada, who was rolling desperately in the palm of his hand, with a smile that was not a smile, and his tone was indifferent.

  Terrifying sword energy spread on his long sword, and it seemed that he was about to cut it off in the next moment.

  Anwada was terrified.

  Damn it? I'm just obsessed with my heart, can you feel it too?

  What kind of devil are you?

   No, I can't even think about killing him, I'll be killed.

  Anwada desperately hypnotized himself.

  In the end, Li Wei's long sword did not fall, and Anwada saved his life.

   "That's right, don't play tricks in front of me." Li Wei looked at Anwada meaningfully.

  Anwada: Sin!

  It betrayed its proud soul, and had to obey this man in body and mind.

"With my current strength, I'm not afraid that this fire element will cause any big waves. After my scarlet dragon breathing method is advanced, if this guy is not honest, I have to arrange a scarlet contract for him, or find a way to find a four A super-level spirit-binding ring is also fine."

  Advanced spirit-binding rings are very rare, and they cannot be bought with money, unless you go to a psychic school, which is the hometown of psychic wizards, maybe you can.

   "I don't know how Melina is doing now, there is no advanced third ring..." Speaking of the psychic school, Li Wei remembered the witch he met in the Yellow Earth Continent.

   After solving the Lord of Black Light, Li Wei clearly felt that the sense of danger disappeared.

  He immediately began to return. He was playing with the four-ring witch weapon in his hand.

   "The material of this witchcraft itself is actually quite good. It is no problem to make a five-ring witchcraft, but it was wasted by this guy...Even if the material is melted and recast, the spirituality is also consumed a lot.

  The level of the ancient wizards is really not good. The strength of the five rings, in today's world of wizards, feels like the fourth ring level of some heaven's favored son, or the weakest parallel fifth ring.

  The problem is to look at his level of mental strength. In fact, he has been in the fifth ring for a while. "

  The weakness of the Crypt Wizard is all-round. Compared with the current stage, the magic is not perfect, and the same is true for the meditation method, and the magic power is also scarce.

  In ancient times, there was no concept of magical power. At that time, many wizards knew the principle of spellcasting and did not know why.

  But what the Lord of the Black Light said, "The wizards of the five rings in ancient times can only be compared with the four rings of today", is actually wrong.

  The weakest ancient wizard with five rings is also stronger than 99.9% of wizards with four rings today.

  But there are one in a thousand four-ring wizards, such as Li Wei.

  He has also studied the three major systems of magic wizard, body training wizard, and knightly way, and he has a big killer like the five-ring wizard weapon.

  That's why he was able to complete the counter-kill against the Lord of Black Light.

   Without the five-ring witch weapon, even if the Lord of Black Light couldn't defeat Li Wei, it would be more than enough to escape.

"At the beginning of the establishment of any extraordinary civilization, it is not perfect... The wizard is like this, and so is the knight. Although the knight is also very ancient, but before me, the knight has gone through a long and incomparably long period of stagnation, and the first level is the ceiling. Combat power, it is already very fast to be able to develop a fourth-level knight like me in more than a hundred years..."

   Not only Li Wei himself, but the Blood Knight and the others will soon advance to the third level.

  In just a hundred years, the entire knight system has undergone qualitative changes.

   Return to the Emperor's Palace.

   Li Wei looked at the Old Sages of the Council of Elders who were already on standby, and said: "I have already dealt with the enemy, you go about your own affairs."

   "This is the emperor, you must do everything yourself, praise the emperor!"

   "Emperor, please let me wait to fight next time!"

  The Old Sages expressed their loyalty to the Emperor one after another, and then dispersed in a swarm.

  The next day.

   Li Wei looked at the storage bag of the crypt wizard in disappointment.

   "It's so poor, magic knowledge and so on, they are all old antiques, not very useful to me... Only these materials are worth a little money, not much Taishi, eh, this ore?"

   After sorting out some garbage, Li Wei took out a piece of ore about his height.

  The surface of this stone is pitted, and the whole body is light golden, with some golden lines all over it.

   Li Wei tapped the surface of the ore lightly. The next moment, there was a buzzing sound, and the ore began to vibrate and tremble non-stop.

  He looked surprised.

"The strong power of the earth element, coupled with the vibrating and buzzing sound... This is the raw ore of tremolo metal, which is extremely rare in the wizarding world. Hahaha, let me just say, five ring wizards, how can there be no good things? "

   Tremolo metal is a fifth-level earth element metal, referred to as "Zhenjin".

  The degree of cherishing it is still higher than the Skyfire Meteorite and Blood Demon Crystal obtained by Li Wei.

  Although it is a level 5 earth elemental metal, it is often used as a secondary material for refining Horcruxes.

   "I don't know how much Zhenjin can be extracted from such a large piece of Zhenjin raw ore. If it is enough, it can be used as one of the main materials for my exclusive magic weapon of the Golden Snake Breathing Method..."

   As for the other main material, it is naturally water elemental metal.

  The magical weapon created in this way can perfectly match the water and earth attributes of the Golden Snake Breathing Method.

  Thinking of this, Li Wei looked at the fiery red bird standing on the shelf over there.

   "Within half a year, if you can't extract the rare metals in this ore... your path to the fire element will come to an end." Li Wei threatened.

  Anwada nodded "happily". The person in front of him seemed to be able to see through his mind, so that he had to play the role of his pet wholeheartedly, otherwise he would die without a place to die.

   But deep within its hidden heart, there is another dream:

  It will boil Li Wei to death!

   At that time, the small plane of Li Wei will become its lair!

  Of course, forced by the current situation, it obediently followed Li Wei's request and began to refine ore with its own flame.

   "Gillmore, Miraya, you two watch it."

   Li Wei called these two loyal fourth-level demons over to oversee the work.

  In the future, there will be this fourth-level fire element, the work of refining ore, and the operation of the tyrant III can all be completed by it.

   "I'll call you Phoenix from now on..." Although this guy is a fire element, he has a sense of sight of a phoenix.

  Anwada was in despair. He hid his real name "Flame Avenger Anwada" deep in his memory, and started his career of recklessness.


  Holy calendar 1135, the original month.

  The 104th year of the Great Crusade.

  The 33rd Twilight Knights Roundtable Meeting was successfully concluded.

  Through the meeting, Li Wei, who lived in seclusion in the plane of the ancient saints and practiced quietly, learned that the blood knight had successfully prepared an advanced secret medicine.

He did not kill the third-level cyan wind bird. After taking the blood essence and plucking some feathers, he released it. Now the members of the Dusk Knights have begun to deeply implement Li Wei's "green concept of sustainable development" .

  Of course, if the extraordinary creature held a grudge, maybe the blood knight would inevitably be revenged by him when he travels in the future.

   But there is no way, even for Li Wei, except for mixed dragon creatures who can rely on Longwei to subdue them.

  Other extraordinary creatures are also difficult to tame if they do not have a scarlet contract position or a ring of binding spirits.

   This is already the best result.

   After the meeting.

  The blood knight began to refine advanced potions with blood, and then began to retreat. The main work of the Twilight Temple was handed over to Denise, the light knight.

at the same time.

  The deciphering of the bloodline rune is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

  The team members who feel the weakness of the knights are quite eager for the brand of talent.

  Dinos took the lead in establishing the "Temple of Branding", and led everyone to study hard while practicing.

  Under Li Wei's point reward policy, everyone's enthusiasm is very high.

  In the Twilight Temple, the purchasing power of points is much higher than other resources.

   Levi himself is also looking forward to the birth of "Brand Knight".

  After the knights start to enter the realm of blood origin, the birth of bloodline magic weapon, bloodline spell, and many other subsequent skills, combined with talent branding, the gap in strength between knights and wizards in the same realm will be infinitely narrowed.

  The current knight order is equivalent to advancing at both ends:

   On the one hand, Li Wei relied on the breakthrough of the realm at the forefront to expand the vertical dimension of the knight.

   On the other hand, the members of the Twilight Temple rely on collective wisdom to broaden the horizontal dimension of the knight.

  For a secretive organization that has only been established for more than a hundred years, this has already embarked on a path of healthy development.

  The end of the original month.

   somewhere in the Imperial Palace.

  Fire element Phoenix, who was supervised by the succubus and poisonous fire wight in turn, was relieved.

  In front of it, a puddle of metal liquid exuding a faint golden light was flowing continuously, which was extraordinary at first glance.

   "The time limit is almost up..." Phoenix felt like crying.

  Working overtime every day, smelting day and night, finally completed Li Wei's task.

  My own life was saved.

  But on a day like this, when will you be tall?

"Come on, I am destined to achieve great things, such hardships will make me stronger, life is always bitter before sweet! Let him be proud for a few hundred years, we will wait and see! Time is standing I am on the side of the Flame Avenger!"

  Anwada hypnotized himself inwardly.

   And in the Emperor's Palace.

  In Li Wei's secret room, his expression was calm. He knew that Phoenix must still have small thoughts, but the absolute strength is here, and his small thoughts are just thinking about it.

   Li Wei will go back to the wizarding world next time. When the time comes, find a way to get a four-ring spirit-binding ring back, and it will be honest.

   During this time, Li Wei was studying another thing, which was the fourth rune language he had mastered:

   Lovers Runes!

   The 10,000-word chapter, the typos were corrected first, and 4,000 words were added. In addition, it was 7,000 words yesterday, so 1,000 words were added yesterday, for a total of 5,000 words.

   Current remaining due: 128,000 words!

   Looking for double monthly tickets, asking for subscriptions, asking for recommendation tickets!




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