Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 169: Golden Horned Beast, Golden Spine, Fourth Order Meditation! (

  Chapter 169 Golden Horned Beast, Golden Spine, Fourth Order Meditation! (1 more! Big chapter please order)

  On the sea.

  Li Wei panted heavily, he took a short break, and said, "Thanks, Yeorman, do you mind if I take this man's things away?"

  Yorman shook his head.

   Li Wei put the broken corpse of the second-ring wizard into the storage bag, and picked up the wizard's storage props, as well as the strange small flags and small plates scattered on the sea.

  He found that these seemingly inconspicuous flags and plates had all kinds of spell runes that he couldn't understand at all.

"Could this be... a magic circle?" Li Wei was not sure, he had never seen this thing before, the only magic circle he had ever seen was the gray and white tower, but that magic circle belonged to a large-scale custom-made for wizard organizations The magic circle is definitely different from this kind of magic circle.

  No matter what it is, Li Wei put all these things away and put them in his storage bag, then took the Dragon King Whale, and returned to the Pale Tower with Yorman.

  At this time, Teacher Mai Lin has already returned. The battle on the tower master's side is over. As a strong third ring, it is only a matter of time before he can deal with the three second ring black wizards.

  Maileen blamed herself a little, because she didn't catch that damned lost witch and let that guy escape.

"It's okay, Mai Lin, that man is a magic circle wizard after all, he is proficient in magic circle, it is still very difficult to kill him, even I was trapped by his magic circle for a long time." The tower master looked at The slightly depressed Mai Lin comforted her.

   "Hey, if we kill this second-ring black wizard, we can apply for more rewards from the Tower of Stars after the tide of sea beasts passes."

  In this wave of sea beasts, although there were few casualties in the Pale Tower, in order to activate the large magic circle that consumes money, there is not much Taishi reserve left, which is fatal for a wizard organization. The daily expenses in the tower require too much stone. In addition, the official store in the nearby wizard market was also closed due to the tide of sea beasts. The Gray Tower also lost its source of income. A bit of too much stone is obviously not enough.

"It's okay, just one Harant is worth 20,000 taishi at the Tower of Stars, plus the three second-ring wizards, this is the bounty of 50,000 taishi, and the storage of these people There are also a lot of Taishi in the bag, I guess, these Taishi are almost enough to make up for our loss during this period of time."

  Halante knows how to send charcoal in a timely manner, and at the most critical moment, he sent warmth to the Pale Tower.

Fortunately, the tower owner had already expected it. He had already figured out the routine of Harant, an old opponent, so he didn't expose the matter of directly advancing to the third ring. Otherwise, with Harant's character, he wouldn't be a Sanhuan, he definitely won't come.

  Finally, Li Wei and Yorman returned to the tower. Li Wei came to the White Tower and put the torn body and storage bag of the second-ring wizard in front of Mai Lin and the tower owner.

   "This is Pinoz...you killed this?" Marlene exclaimed, obviously feeling incredible.

   Li Wei shook his head and smiled wryly: "I have been following this man and know his hiding place. I cooperated with Yeorman and killed this man. How could I kill a second-ring wizard? I was just a sneak attack."

  Mai Lin breathed a sigh of relief. If Li Wei killed a second-ring wizard by himself, and he was still a wizard who was proficient in the magic circle, it would be incredible!

   Originally, Li Wei wanted to secretly take this person's storage bag as his own, until he found that he couldn't open the spell restriction left on him at all, so after thinking about it, he should hand it over to the organization. Moreover, Li Wei was worried that the tower master and the others had communicated with Yorman, and could learn from Yorman that he was secretly hiding the spoils of a second-ring wizard. That would not be good, and it would lose the most basic relationship between people trust.

   Li Wei believes that the tower will deal with the spoils fairly this time, and believes in the character of Teacher Mai Lin and the tower owner, so he chose to do this after some careful consideration.

   "It's the head of another black wizard in the second ring. You should be able to exchange 10,000 Taishi at the Tower of Stars." Mai Lin said.

The tower owner thought for a while, then said solemnly: "Forget about Pinoz, don't spread the news about killing Pinoz, just a few of us know, Pinoz is different from others, he is a magic circle wizard , has always been the focus of the Tower of Stars, because the Tower of Stars is also very concerned about the inheritance of this person's magic circle. Naturally, such a precious thing cannot be handed over to the Tower of Stars. We organize ourselves to master.

Li Wei, this person was killed by you and Yeorman together. It belongs to you. Of course, there will be no less. If this person’s storage bag has the inheritance of the magic circle wizard, if you want to learn it, you can also learn it at any time. To study in the tower, as long as you sign a confidentiality contract and don't spread it to the outside world. "

  The tower master said.

   "Thank you, Tower Master." Li Wei said.

   Unexpectedly, this person is really a rare wizard of the magic circle in the legend. After seeing the power of the magic circle, Li Wei really never forgets the magic circle. Now that he has the opportunity to learn the knowledge of the magic circle, he will naturally not refuse.

  To be honest, if it wasn't for Yeoerman, it would be impossible for Li Wei to dare to kill the wizard of the second ring. It is precisely because of Yeoelman's frontal restraint that Levi was given the opportunity to sneak attack.

  The tower owner immediately opened the storage bag of Pinozzi. Li Wei estimated that there were tens of thousands of Taishi in it.

  Then there is a set of all kinds of magic circles of different shapes, these are the cores that make up the magic circle. The set of flags that Li Wei got from the second-ring shark dance formation, he also gave to the tower owner. He is too far away from the second ring, so it is better to strengthen the strength of the tower than to put it on himself.

  Finally, the tower owner found a book that looked a bit quaint. The book was thick and made of unknown material. On the cover was a strange triangle with a **** one-eyed eye.

   "The Book of Cypher".

  The tower master looked through it, and then handed it to Mai Lin and Li Wei to have a look.

   Li Wei took the book, and the **** one-eyed eyes suddenly opened, bloodshot inside, staring at Li Wei.

   Li Wei ignored the one-eyed man. It was just some wizard's bad taste and tricks, and it didn't mean anything.

  He also glanced roughly, and sure enough, this is a book that records the inheritance of the magic circle. The value of this book is immeasurable, and cannot be measured with Taishi.

However, after he finished reading it, he found that the book seemed to be incomplete, and the tower owner seemed to see Li Wei's doubts, and he said: "Obviously, what Pinoz got was only the inheritance of the master of the magic circle named Cypher. I took a look at some of the basic knowledge of formations and the low-level formations of the first and second rings. There is no inheritance of knowledge above the third ring, which is of little help to me. However, Mai Lin and Li Wei, if you have time, you can learn it, learn the second-ring magic circle, and if you are prepared in advance, there are few opponents in the same level."

  Both Mai Lin and Li Wei nodded, and the tower master continued.

   "The knowledge of the magic circle also involves a lot of knowledge about alchemy, tool making, and ancient magic runes. If Li Wei wants to learn the magic circle, you'd better come to me to supplement the knowledge of alchemy." The tower master said.

   "Okay, tower master, I still focus on advanced formal wizards, magic circle knowledge and alchemy knowledge. It's not too late to learn after I break through." Li Wei said.

   "Pharmaceuticals can't be ignored, little Li Wei." Mai Lin reminded helplessly.

   "Of course not. Pharmacy is my major. I only need to dabble a little bit in other things, so that I can deal with magic circle wizards more calmly in the future." Li Wei said.

   "It makes sense." The Tower Master said.

  Finally, the tower owner took out a thousand pieces of Taishi to reward Li Wei, but Li Wei refused, so he accepted it generously.

Li Wei left the White Tower and asked the tower owner and Teacher Mai Lin to slowly count the other spoils. Apart from the lost witches, he had no contribution to this battle. Naturally, he was not qualified to participate in the distribution, and he was able to get the inheritance of the magic circle. It was already a pleasant surprise.

"The third-ring wizards are really too powerful, and they are not at the same level as the second-ring wizards. If the first-ring wizards have a reasonable combination of spells, enough cards, and good equipment, they may even wrestle with the second-ring wizards." , it is almost impossible for the second ring to challenge the third ring."

   "So the first ring and the second ring are just low-level wizards. After the third ring, they are middle-level wizards. They are placed in the entire sea of ​​stars. This is also a party character."

   Li Wei never expected that the Tower Master alone could defeat so many enemies. This made him more eager to become an advanced official wizard.

  The battle with these black wizards made Herman, the powerhouse of the three rings, make a stunning appearance. The wizard apprentices who had been kept in the dark all showed happy smiles, and everyone's long-hanging hearts were completely let go.

  With such a powerful tower owner sitting in the Gray Tower, in this sea area, the strength and status of the Gray Tower will skyrocket, directly on the same level as the Whale Song Island.

   Except that the background and the number of official wizards are weaker than Whale Song Island, in other respects, the Pale Tower can be regarded as a three-ring wizard organization.

   And in the year 1025 of the Holy See, the month of wheat fields.

  A more important news spread in this sea area.

  A month ago, a sea clan lord [Deep Sea Baron] led four powerful sea clan generals under his command, as well as thousands of sea clansmen and many sea beasts, suddenly appeared, and blitzed the island of Whale Song!

  The Sea Clan lord showed extremely powerful strength, smashing the defensive circle of Whale Song Island with one punch, and then the Sea Clan and Whale Song Island launched a **** battle.

In this battle, the strength of the Sea Clan almost crushed Whale Song Island unilaterally. With the cooperation of the four generals, the Deep Sea Baron beheaded Angus, a second-ring wizard and part-time pharmacist on Whale Song Island, and severely injured The third-ring wizard Murphys, the official wizard and wizard apprentice of the Whale Song Island, also suffered more than half of the casualties. Just when the Sea Clan was about to completely take down the Whale Song Island, a mysterious five-ring wizard came to the Whale Song Island with a space teleportation scroll. , saved Murphys at a critical moment, and then killed most of the sea people with a five-ring spell. However, the Baron of the Deep Sea was indeed unusual. He and the two surviving generals of the Sea Clan were seriously injured and escaped under the eyes of the five-ring wizard.

After this battle, the strength of Whale Song Island, which was almost destroyed, plummeted. There were only five official wizards left, and only one deputy island owner was left for the second-ring wizards. Murphys, the third-ring wizard, was also seriously injured. The entire Whale Song Island has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

   At the same time, after the Baron of the Deep Sea was seriously injured and escaped, the tide of sea beasts in this sea area also began to gradually subside.

  After that, the attack power of the sea beast swarm became worse each time. Finally, in the month of the North Wind in 1025, the tide of sea beasts never came again.

   This basically marks the end of the tide of sea beasts in this sea area, but looking at the endless sea, some areas are still suffering from the tide of sea beasts.

   But in general, the tide of sea beasts has basically passed the biggest peak period, and then it will be a process of continuous decline.

  All of this is within the expected range of the pan-plane wizard council.

  Holy calendar 1026, the original month.

  The messenger from the Tower of Stars brought good news again:

  After nearly two years of long resistance, the war between wizards and sea beasts has come to an end. The courage and perseverance shown by the wizards is impressive. The final winner is still the wizard! The wizard once again proved with their strength that they are the masters of this sea area! Evil never prevails, any evil will eventually be defeated!

   Not long after, the azure boat flights to and from various parts of the Endless Sea started operating again, and the wizards who survived the catastrophe cheered the joy of victory.

  The Black Sail Wizard Market also began to slowly resume operations, and the bustle of the past gradually returned, but on the side of the law enforcement team, the president of the Law Enforcement Association was no longer Whale Song Island, but a wizard from the Dark Sea Cave. Whale Song Island announced the closure of its stores in the market, and withdrew from the law enforcement and management of the Black Sail Wizards Market. Since then, it seems to have closed itself off to the country, and no longer interacts with other wizarding organizations.

   Corresponding to the desolation of Whale Song Island, is the prosperity of Pale Tower. After the wave of sea beasts, the Pale Tower formally applied to the pan-plane wizard council and became an officially certified three-ring wizard organization. Since then, the organization can enjoy the treatment of the three-ring wizard organization.

  The Tower of Stars also issued a bounty to the Pale Tower for the tower owner to kill those black wizards, with a total amount of up to 60,000 taishi. As the leaders of the second-ring black wizard organization, the heads of these people are very valuable.

   With these Taishi, the tower owner can strengthen and transform his alchemy body more to improve his strength, and it also solves the urgent need for the gray tower with empty treasury.

   Today's gray and white tower, after two years of beast tide, not only has not declined, but has a sense of prosperity.

   After all, compared to other organizations, the loss of the Pale Tower can be said to be the smallest. In this wave of sea beasts, the worst thing is the Whale Song Island. When it betrayed the human race, it was also stabbed in the back by the sea clan and was almost wiped out. On the other hand, at the Pale Tower, after the owner of the tower, the Three Rings, everyone was proud and their waists were hardened. In this sea area, the Three Rings possessed the same deterrent force as nuclear weapons.

  And the ship of the dead, the enemy of life and death, has also been taken away, and it will be much safer to travel in the future.

  In the latter part of the beast tide, there was an excellent high-level wizard apprentice in the tower who also successfully advanced to a full-time wizard.

  This person is...Winnie.

  This blond girl who is friendly to the three families and has a cheerful personality, grew up in the Wizard Tower, successfully broke through and became a full-fledged wizard, and moved into the White Tower, making the wizard apprentices envious.

The talent of the three lines of affinity makes Winnie already far ahead of most wizard apprentices. In addition, she is favored by Granny Mai herself. It is normal.

  Now counting Winnie, there is a legendary knight in the Pale Tower, three wizards of the first ring, a wizard of the second ring, and a wizard of the third ring. The strength of the Pale Tower is stronger than ever before!

  Under the ebb and flow, in this sea area, Whale Song Island, the former overlord, ushered in a strong competitor, the gray tower of the three-ring organization. The situation in this sea area has also changed from the original situation of one superpower and many powerhouses to a tie of two powerhouses!

  Under such a good situation, Li Wei devoted himself to practicing and preparing for the advancement of an official wizard.

   Gray tower nine floors, pharmaceutical room.

   Li Wei bathed and changed his clothes, calmed down, and was about to start making a particularly important potion.

   That is the potion he has been thinking about for a long time, the Blessing of the Naga!

  In the late stage of the beast tide, Li Wei basically didn't have to worry about sea beasts because of the tower master guarding him, so he started to practice meditation with full firepower.

  In the end, he successfully practiced the land meditation method to the third-order limit.


  Earth Meditation Method: Level 3 (limit, can break limit)


Also in the late stage of the beast tide, after the crisis of the Gray Tower was resolved, Li Wei took the Dragon King Whale to search at sea every day, and finally he found a community of Gray Naga, and the family of five in this community After all the mouths were resolved, Li Wei collected a total of five Gray Naga Tears.

  The tears of the Gray Naga are not the tears of the Gray Naga, but a blood-red diamond-shaped crystal on the chest of an extraordinary creature like the Gray Naga.

   This diamond-shaped crystal is also the main attack method of Gray Naga, and it can shoot a light that stuns the enemy.

  One Grey Naga Tears can refine the Naga Blessing once, so Li Wei has five chances. These five chances, as long as Li Wei can successfully refine the "Blessing of the Gray Naga" once, he will not lose money, so he is basically more than 90% sure to advance to an official wizard.

The blessing of the gray naga is only effective for the first time, so if Li Wei can successfully refine it twice, he will earn a copy of the "blessing of the gray naga", even if it is sold at a low price to the inside of the tower. It is worth 4,000 taishi. If it is sold in the market, it may be 5,000 or even 6,000 taishi. If you meet those rich people who are in urgent need, it may be even higher.

   After all, the cost of these materials alone adds up to two thousand taishi.

It can be said that the Tear of Gray Naga is the most valuable part of the potion. Needless to say, the value of this kind of potion for realm breakthrough is not worrying about selling. After all, there are too many high-level wizard apprentices who are stuck in the advanced wizard stage. up.

   During this period of time, in order to refine the Blessing of Naga, Li Wei continued to practice with other potions. After consuming a lot of resources, he is now confident in refining the Blessing of Naga.

   "There are not many requirements, just succeed once."

   Li Wei calmed down and began to refine the potion.

  He dried the fog lamp grass, ground it into powder, ground up the beak of the bird of good news, ground it into powder, and then put other medicinal materials first, proceeding in an orderly manner according to the steps and process of the formula.

  Accompanied by a pot of blue liquid boiling in the crucible, Li Wei quickly added the fog lamp grass, chanted the spell, and the potion turned green, and Li Wei added the beak of the bird of good news one by one, and the potion turned black. In the end, Li Wei put the blood-red Gray Naga Tears into it, and he silently recited the last conjugation spell.


  With a bang, the cauldron exploded and the potion splashed.

   The water shield technique on Li Wei's flying fish robe was activated, and these hot potions were blocked.

  【Pharmaceutical proficiency +236】

   The corners of Li Wei's eyes twitched.

  The two thousand Taishi are gone...


   Then he changed to a new set of pharmaceutical utensils, regained his inner peace, and continued refining.


  The newly replaced crucible cracked again.

  【Pharmaceutical Proficiency +222】

  The second time, it exploded again.

   "I'm tired, let's refine it tomorrow, isn't it a loss of four thousand Taishi today... Failure is the mother of success!"

  The next day.

   Li Wei took a deep breath, his complexion calm, and continued refining.

  The third time, accompanied by the chanting of the compound medicine spell.

  In the crucible, after the blood-red Gray Naga Tears were put into the crucible, the black potion began to turn into a viscous potion like blood, exuding a trace of fishy smell, as if it was a pot of boiling blood.

   Then, not long after, that pot of potion was inhaled by Gray Naga's Tears, miraculously disappearing.

  Finally, at the bottom of the crucible, a coquettish and beautiful blood-colored sphere stopped there. The blood sphere exuded a strange phenomenon, which made people want to swallow it.

  【Pharmaceutical Proficiency +450】

   "It succeeded, and now it is not a loss."

   "The next success is to earn money."

   Li Wei sealed the potion with a bottle prepared in advance to prevent the potion from volatilizing.

   Then he continued to refine.

  For the fourth time, the refining was successful!

  Another【Blessing of Naga】is finished.

   Li Wei was overjoyed.

"made money."

   On the third day, Li Wei continued refining.

   Then it worked again.

   "It's hard to make money."

   "If these two potions are released to the outside world, I don't know how many big organizations will rush to get them. Even the three-ring wizard organization will have to snap up them like crazy."

Although the blessings of Naga are so expensive that apprentice wizards definitely cannot afford them, but those official wizards or second-ring and third-ring wizards usually prepare such potions for their beloved disciples or heirs so that they can successfully enter the world. first class wizard.

  In fact, many wizard organizations in Endless Sea are mainly wizard families. The seniors of these families, for the sake of future generations, will store up some potions similar to Naga's Blessing. Winnie's parents were high-level wizard apprentices in the Pale Tower, and they retired to the second line later, so Winnie has been smooth sailing since she was a child. She can successfully advance to the wizard, and she must be inseparable from the support of her parents.

  After all, the combination of wizards and wizards has a higher probability of giving birth to offspring with wizard talents, so over time, wizard families of all sizes have been formed. Especially in the giant wizarding organization like the Tower of Stars, it is composed of various big wizarding families. Although the Panplane Wizarding Council is working hard to weaken this family attribute to avoid some problems of corruption, But with little success.

  In the end, Li Wei, who had harvested three copies of Naga's Blessing Potion, left two copies and planned to sell them himself. At that time, whether to sell them to the organization or to the outside world depends on the situation.

  And Li Wei still has extra fog lamp grass and the beak of the Annunciation Bird. If he gets more Gray Naga Tears in the future, he can continue to refine. Having had three successful refining experiences, Li Wei's success rate of refining in the future will only get higher and higher.

   After refining the potion, Li Wei put his hand on the Klein crystal.

  Psychic power: 20

   Mana: 145

   Now everything is ready, and the potion is ready.

   Li Wei only needs to polish the magic power to the peak of 200 points, and then choose a one-ring spell model to build it, and then he can try to break through to a formal wizard.

  Don’t worry about mana power, Li Wei can naturally refine green potion to replenish it.

   As for the first-level spell model prepared for the advanced level, Li Wei has already thought about it.

  One-ring passive spell · body of rock, an advanced spell of stone skin.

  In fact, Stoneskin is essentially a simplified version of Body of Rock. The stone skin technique only strengthens Li Wei's skin defense, but the body of rock goes deep into the flesh and bones, strengthening Li Wei's defense from the internal level. Therefore, Li Wei felt that the construction of this one-ring spell model should not be difficult for him.


  In 1026 of the Holy Hui calendar, the month of flowers.

   After learning that Emperor Mu was still alive, the third team building activity between Li Wei and Emperor Mu was successfully completed. In the final routine sparring, the stronger Mu Emperor was still defeated by Li Wei.

   Today's Emperor Mu, when fighting, is covered in golden light, just like practicing the legendary "King Kong Immortal Art".

   Li Wei felt that the time was almost up, so he asked Emperor Mu what kind of breathing method it was, and Emperor Mu told Li Wei that it was the golden knight's breathing method, called "Golden Horn Breathing Method". In myths and legends, there is a giant beast that roams the star world called "Golden Horn". It can bathe in the sun, travel through the void, and has unparalleled defensive power. It has a golden horn on its forehead. It is said that this golden horn contains The power to destroy a world.

  So, Li Wei took out a breathing method that Mu Di was absolutely interested in, the red lotus breathing method. He exchanged the red lotus breathing method for his golden horn breathing method from Mu Di.

  Mu Di was naturally willing to exchange breathing methods. Because the red lotus breathing method is the top-level power-type breathing method that is tied with their family's holy ape breathing method, he has long wanted to use it for reference, but when he was in the world, he could not find the whereabouts of the red lotus breathing method. I can only give up. He didn't expect that Li Wei actually had a collection here. As legendary knights, everyone communicates with each other and grows together. This is also the original intention of Emperor Mu to join the Twilight Knights.

Although Emperor Mu didn't have the blood of the red lotus and couldn't practice, but when he reached the realm of legendary knights like them, just observing and learning the routines of other breathing methods may also inspire his own practice, even if it is helpful for breaking through the shackles of legend. With a little help, they will not give up.

Moreover, Emperor Mu actually knew that bloodlines, to put it bluntly, can be transplanted the day after tomorrow. Many spells are a waste of time, and they are not directly proportional to the final benefits. Even if it takes decades to practice the breathing method to the limit, and become a legendary knight, it is only the strength of a ring wizard. If you have this skill, go to practice The way of the wizard, the achievements are even higher.

  The ordinary knights, because of the limitations of knowledge and vision, believe that the blood is sacred, noble and unchangeable. Changing the blood is taboo and violates the ancestors. Naturally, it is impossible to think of transplanting blood to practice other breathing methods.

   But Mudi is different from ordinary knights. He is a legendary knight himself, and he has also received the education of a wizard, so he is not so ignorant. The [Golden Bloodline] that he practiced the Golden Horn Breathing Method was actually acquired the day after tomorrow. During the vigorous and vigorous voyage, he met a golden monster like a centipede at the treasure of the golden knight Greg. It looked like a human spine, but this monster could move and had many sharp points It seems that he has a parasitic instinct. Mudi was attacked by this "golden spine" that was suspected to be Gregor. The spine could not be explained by him, and it directly burrowed into Mudi's body. In the body, the swallowing replaced Mudi's original spine, and Mudi couldn't do anything about it, so he gradually accepted this reality. When he came to the world of wizards, he also wanted to use the knowledge of wizards to figure out what this golden spine was and whether it would have any side effects on him.

  No matter what, Emperor Mu got the golden blood and was able to practice the "Golden Horn Breathing Method". This has always been a secret hidden in Emperor Mu's heart. He has an intuition that this "golden backbone" is not simple, and it will become an important reliance for him to break through the shackles of legend in the future. He even suspected that this "golden spine" was the source of the Greck family's golden blood. It was this monster who created the "golden family"!

  During the previous team building activities, Mu Di learned from Li Wei that blood transplantation technology exists in the Life School. Therefore, he felt that if he could find an extraordinary creature containing [red lotus blood], and then obtain a trace of blood with the blood transplant technique, he might be able to practice the red lotus breathing method to further enhance his knight strength.

  So Li Wei also took this opportunity to reach a preliminary consensus with Emperor Mu, that is, everyone has different breathing methods in the future, so they can exchange them.

Unlike Mudi, these so-called bloodline restrictions do not exist for Li Wei at all, and Li Wei can rely on the panel to continuously break through the limits of breathing methods, integrate different bloodline breathing methods, and mutate more powerful breathing methods . As for Emperor Mu, even if he has the blood of the red lotus, he can practice the breathing method of the red lotus to the legendary limit, but it is difficult to break through the limit of the breathing method. It can only be said that for an ordinary legend like Mudi, one more bloodline can obtain one more legendary path and one more powerful strength, but if he wants to truly break through the shackles of legend, there is no currently effective and clear path Provide guidance, and there is no proficiency panel like Li Wei that can continue to break the limit, basically there is no hope.

In Li Wei's view, if ordinary legendary knights like Mudi or Anderson want to break through the shackles of legend, they must first explore a path by themselves, let them walk on their own back road, and chase their own pace, that is to say, Your own realm is the upper limit of a legendary knight!

As for Mu Di’s other ancestral holy ape breathing method, Li Wei learned from Mu Di that the strengthening part of the holy ape breathing method is also the arms, which overlap with his own giant breathing method, so he is very specific about the holy ape breathing method. Not so thirsty anymore. But if there is a chance, when the relationship between Li Wei and Mu Di is further improved, he can exchange the breathing method of the same quality with Mu Di. He wants to try it out, and use the giant breathing method and the holy ape breathing method to mutate, and it will be fused. What kind of monster is coming, for example, what is the "giant breathing method"?

  After getting the golden breathing method, Li Wei began to prepare the golden horn secret medicine, which was almost as he expected. The golden horn giant beast is similar to the red lotus giant beast, and it is also a kind of dragon clan, so its secret medicine also involves the dragon clan.

  The most important main ingredient of the Golden Horn Secret Medicine is "Dragon Horn Powder", which can be used by any horns grown by dragon hybrid creatures with dragon blood.

  Thinking of this, Levi couldn't help thinking of...Leviathan.

   Good guy, dragon hybrid and dragon horns.

   This guy has it all! If you say no to Leviathan, who is Li Wei?

   Leviathan was born to be a secret medicine material!

  Blood, ambergris, and even a beautiful unicorn for courtship are all treasures! Since conquering Leviathan, Li Wei no longer has to worry about the problem of secret medicine. Anyway, he can find it on Leviathan... Li Wei has to admit objectively that he can achieve what he is today, first of all thanks to Brother Pan, The second is to rely on one's own efforts, and the third is to rely on Leviathan's support!

   As a result, the sad Leviathan was once again used as a medicine primer by Li Wei. Every once in a while, Leviathan would scrape some powder off the horn of Leviathan. Li Wei just used the trident to scrape a little powder regularly, which would not cause any damage to Leviathan's horn, after all, he is not a big villain.

   Just like that, while constructing the spell model, he practiced the breathing method. In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

  In 1026 of the Holy Hui calendar, the month of the wheat field.

Li Wei successfully upgraded the Golden Horn Breathing Method to the eighth level, which gave birth to an extraordinary defense. When this Breathing Method becomes legendary, Li Wei can fuse and mutate the Golden Horn Breathing Method and the Black Snake Breathing Method, and create a new one that can Practicing the breathing method to the limit of the twelfth step.

During the Harvest Moon, Li Wei finally built a ring of spells, the spell model of the Rock Body, and his magic power, under his persistent drug use and polishing, reached the limit of 200 points. The pace of spiritual power.

   "Psychic Power: 20"

   "Ability: 200"

  Now Li Wei has completed all the preparations for becoming an official wizard. He told Teacher Mai Lin about his plans to advance. Mai Lin said that with her, she would not let anyone disturb Li Wei's retreat.

Then, after adjusting his state to the peak, in the training room, Li Wei put the pill exuding a strange fragrance into his mouth, and the pill melted in his mouth, turning into strange energy, pouring into Li Wei's mind .

   You can vaguely hear the beautiful singing of Gray Naga echoing in Li Wei's mind, calming down Li Wei's restless spirit.

Li Wei entered a state of selflessness and no other, like an old Buddhist monk sitting still. In his mind, above the ocean of consciousness carrying spiritual power, even more vast spiritual power poured into Li Wei from the boundless void. Wei Wei's mind, Li Wei felt that the whole person seemed to have been sublimated, quite a feeling of "spirit out of body".

  Of course, he knew that these were all his illusions. In the theory of wizards, spiritual power and soul are different concepts. The soul is similar to a person's true spirit. It is a unique imprint of a person. If the soul is severely injured, basically a person is mortal, even if he is immortal, it belongs to him. The unique "life traits" of the character will be changed. In the theory of the death school, physical death is not real death, only the dissipation of the soul, that is, "the soul flies away", is the real death. "Soul Box" technology, through this method, short-lived human beings will transform into a long-lived extraordinary creature: "Lich".

  The spiritual power is a kind of metaphysical power. The spiritual power is not equal to the soul. If the spiritual power is severely damaged, it can be recovered through medicine or rest. Even if the soul is no longer in the body, the spiritual power will still exist in a container like the body. Therefore, after those holy armor scorpions devoured the soul, there was still spiritual power in the body of the living dead. nuclear.

It is said that at the stage of a high-level wizard, the spiritual power and the soul will merge into one, and the duality will become one, so it is called "primordial soul". 【Primary soul】is the core of a high-level wizard, and it can The original soul is separated from the body, the original soul casts spells, elementalization and other incredible things. The original soul is immortal, the wizard is immortal, the wizard can protect the body in the wizard tower, and use the "original soul" to travel outside the sky. Some extremely powerful souls , and it is even possible for the soul to travel to multiple planes. Of course, Li Wei's current mental strength is far behind the Yuanhun stage.

With the passage of time, the spiritual power in Li Wei's mind became more and more abundant, until a certain critical point, as if some valve was opened, a powerful mysterious force poured into Li Wei's mind and limbs. The power made Li Wei flustered, he opened his eyes, his consciousness was clearer than ever before, and the trick models in his mind were extremely clear and simple in his eyes. With my current level of mental power, learning these tricks, or performing tricks, is simply a piece of cake.

At this moment, Li Wei advanced to the realm of a first-ring wizard, and his mental power has undergone a qualitative change. From then on, for a first-ring wizard, there is no so-called restriction on the so-called tricks and spells. As long as Li Wei thinks, as long as Li Wei pretends to He could learn any trick, as long as he had the time.

  He opened the proficiency panel, and sure enough, the column belonging to the meditation method of the earth has changed.


  Earth Meditation: Level 4 (1/20000)


10,000+, plus 4,000, the remaining 10,000 words are owed, and there is another 8,000 words at 8:00 in the evening. Today, the total update is close to 20,000 words. Tickets, please book in full!



  (end of this chapter)

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