Will of chaos

Chapter 124 Cap 123: Completing Missions Part 3(Chapter Preview)

We finally arrived at the Spider cave, we looked around but we didn't see any Spiders, but we saw webs everywhere.

"This time I'll be able to plan before we fight, right Diana?" (I)

"Yes, I just wanted to see how you would react having to improvise in the middle of the fight and I liked what I saw." (Diana)

"As I said before, I want to let Byakko in there to confirm the number of spiders and to lure them out where I want to set a trap." (I)

"I'll spread my lines and then wait for them to come out to trap them all, Érica do you have any explosive magic?" (I)

"Yes, I do, it's one of the spells I've trained the most in the last month." (Érica)

"That's good, as soon as the spiders leave I will control my lines on the ground to tie the legs of the spiders, I want you to use your explosion on them in the meantime and the others will attack later killing the surviving spiders who will be confused and injured by the explosion." (I)

"Sounds like a good plan, simple but efficient." (Kira)

"You say that because you're not the bait." (Byakko)

"We've already talked about it." (Kira)

"I know, I know, I'll go in there and share my vision with you before I lure the spiders into the trap." (Byakko)

"Exactly." (Kira)

"Irina you will be ready to help anyone who needs it." (I)

"Right." (Irina)

I went to the entrance using one of my abilities to hide, I start producing lines all over the cave entrance, as soon as I'm done I go back to the others.

"I've already prepared my part, now it's your turn Byakko." (I)

"Alright, I'm coming." (Byakko)

I see Byakko enter the cave floating, soon Kira closes her eyes and concentrates, after a few minutes Kira starts talking.

"I can see them, there are twenty Master Spiders." (Kira)

"Among them, I see one that is bigger with purple stripes and one that is bigger than all of them, they must be evolved Spiders." (Kira)

"Do you see anything else?" (I)

"There are some cocoons of webs, other than that there is nothing else." (Kira)

"I didn't know about these two evolved Spiders." (Diana)

"Since they have evolved Spiders they must have stronger venoms, we have to be careful." (Érica)

"I can cure you if you are poisoned." (Irina)

We talked for a few minutes and decided to go with the initial plans, I told Érica to aim her magical explosion at the evolved Spiders.

"Kira, you can make Byakko show himself and throw a bolt of lightning at one of these evolved spiders, make him attract them to the entrance." (I)

"Alright master." (Kira)

A few seconds later I see a sudden flash of light coming from the dark cave, then I see Byakko floating out of the cave with a group of spiders behind him, as soon as they are all over my lines I control them to tie their legs.

"Now Érica!" (I)

"<Magic Explosion>" (Érica)


A fireball comes out of Érica's magic circle that hits the biggest Spider, then an explosion that covers the entire cave entrance makes Byakko fly and hit a tree, after the explosion we see that the cave entrance has collapsed and there are pieces of spiders to all around, I use my life sense skill and find that all the spiders will die in the explosion.


<[ You gained 35 EXP for killing enemies by party members ]>




<[ Your work has leveled up ]>

"..." (I)

"..." (all)

Against all my expectations and plans, Kira's explosive attack killed all the spiders, I as well as the others were looking at her without knowing what to say, I looked back at Érica and realized she was in her true form.

"But what just happened?" (I)

"When did you return to your demonic form Érica?" (I)

"I'm sorry master, remember I said I always needed to keep my transformation magic activated and that I was weaker in human form?" (Érica)

"Yes." (I)

"After two battles I was a little tired mentally, while I was casting the explosion spell I ended up losing control of the transformation spell and I went back to my demonic form, it made my powers and stat increase causing me to lose control of the level of power of the magic he was casting." (Érica)

"Because of this I spent almost all my mana on this explosive magic, I will need to recover now." (Érica)

"At least we've completed the mission." (I)

"At least nobody got hurt." (Diana)

"I hurt you idiot dog." (Byakko)

"Let me correct myself for what I said, no one who cares got hurt." (Diana)

"You damned Wild Dog." (Byakko)

"Please stop you two, I don't want to listen to your childish fights anymore." (Kira)

Érica sat down to rest and recover from her Mana again, meanwhile, the others and I went to get the proof of subjugation, which are the tweezers in her mouth.

"What are we going to do now Dad?" (Irius)

"What do you mean?" (I)

"Even when Érica recovers she still won't be able to be casting medium level spells, if she pushes herself what happened to the spiders could happen to us by accident." (Irius)

"I agree with my brother, I think we can leave to kill the Blood Wolves tomorrow." (Irina)

What the brothers said is true, I can leave to complete the mission of the Wolves tomorrow, but before that let me confirm some information with Diana.

"Do you know where the Blood Wolves are and how many they are?" (I)

"They are two hours from where we are and their numbers are forty or so." (Kira)

"With one less person and facing a large number of Blood Wolves like that, someone could get hurt." (Irius)

"How many evolved Wolves do they have with them?" (I)

"There were some last time we were there, but I didn't count to know how many." (Kira)

I have an idea running through my head but I don't know how good a idea this is, I spent a few minutes doing some simulations using my parallel thinking skill and it looks like it's going to work.

"I have an idea how we can easily finish off these Blood Wolves." (I)

"Are you sure to try?" (Diana)

"Yes." (I)

"You can tell us about your plan along the way then." (Diana)

"Then let's go there." (I)

Kira who best remembered the path led us there, on the way I told everyone about my plan, this time the main attackers will be me and Irina, I'll leave it to the others to kill the remaining Wolves.

After we arrived we had to wait for them to come back, I took this time to improve our plan as best I could, in the end, I spread a lot of my lines around to prepare for when the Wolves come back.


When it was already past mid-afternoon I felt the Wolves returning and told everyone to get ready.

I must say I was a little freaked out when I saw so many Blood Wolves, knowing their numbers is one thing, but seeing them up close is completely different.

"Are you ready Irina?" (I)

"Yes, it will be my first time using this skill on this scale, all I've done before was a few tests to see how it worked." (Irina)

"All you need to do is activate this ability, so don't be afraid." (I)

"I'll do my best Dad." (Irina)

"On my signal you attack, so the others take care of the rest." (I)

Irina and I were alone watching the Wolves from a tree, the others were hiding in the bushes around where we planned to ambush the Blood Wolves.

"Now Irina!" (I)

"<streams of light>" (Irina)

As soon as they are passing the place where my magic lines are I control them all to catch on their paws, Irina waves both hands creating the same magic circle in each hand, and from them come glowing chains that catch on ten Blood Wolves, I managed to trap twenty-three Wolves with my magic lines.


Grrr! Auuuu!


Soon the Blood Wolves that Irina and I have trapped begin to make noises of suffering if you look carefully to see that some have already started to fall to the ground howling in pain.

The truth is that Irina and I have the Corrosion Skill activated, I gave this skill when I turned her, this skill gives corrosive properties to mana and as my lines and Irina's magic use mana we activate the skill to kill or severely injure as many Blood Wolves as possible.

Meanwhile, the others who were in hiding took advantage of the Wolves' momentary confusion to attack those who were not captured by either me or Irina.

As planned the battle didn't last long, it looks like two evolved Wolves were captured by my lines and a third one escaped me and Irina, but ended up being killed by Diana, Irius managed to kill five Wolves with an ability that cast a Blade of Light flying in the Wolves.

Ding! Ding!

[ You gained 195 EXP when killing enemies ]>



<[ Party members gained 96 EXP for killing enemies for you ]>



<[ You gained 76 EXP for killing enemies by party members ]>




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Magic Line Production: 1 > 2 ] ]>



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Control and Line Manipulation: 1 > 2 ] ]>



<[ Your skill leveled up [ Corrosion: 3 > 4 ] ]>




[ You have leveled up ]




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[ Your work has reached the maximum level ]

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