Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 312

Why I Quit Being the Demon King Chapter 312

70. Demon King Demiurge Age 668 (4)

“Are you more like a vassal of the Demon King’s family rather than a vassal of the Demon King?”

“Yes, that would be more accurate. Since they are the servants who guard the devil’s family gate, they even have the authority to clean up the mess when the king comes out. “What I’m curious about is what that Lou Sippel guy is up to.”

Migo thought seriously and Deus smiled and opened his mouth.

“Is this too difficult?”

“What about Yulgeum?”

“Why her?”

“What are you planning, Yulgeum?”

” huh?”

“Isn’t that the same question? Yul Geum is also Jin Geum Yong. But his true identity is an angel.”


“What do you want to do, Yulgeum?”

“They say it’s world harmony and order?”

“Isn’t it the same for Lucifer?”

“I don’t think that’s the case. As if corrupted.”

The word ‘corruption’ came out of my mouth.

“But what is corruption?”

Deus asked a question to which there was no answer and was lost in thought for a long time.

Who can believe that this happened in just one month?

The demons lost half of their territory.

The number of warriors who lost their lives was estimated at 100,000.

After repeated painful defeats, the morale of the demon warriors fell to an indescribable level.

Most of the permanent residents living in the northern territory fled to the colony, but some came down to the south.

The entire demon world was shaken by the news of their defeat.

The enemy’s flag was waving only 20 kilometers away from Madou Eidos.

If the cavalry moved quickly, it would take less than a day to reach the castle walls.

Food was still scarce.

The supply lines were in disarray, and some of the food warehouses were even taken over by humans.

The situation was slightly better for the demons who left for the colonies, but those who remained in Hille, even lower-ranking nobles, often had to skip meals.

Dissatisfaction was rampant both inside and outside the military.

The gathered demons all cursed the new king. Without even knowing who it is. The commander of the

vanguard unit in charge of the northern field unit of Eidos

was a beholder named Selvaki.

Beholders mainly relied on magic and wisdom rather than strength, so they were not very suitable as field commanders.

That is why Selbaki had a Naga family advisor named Kawi.

Kawi was an excellent swordsman who wielded four curved swords like the wind.

Selvaki and Kawi were now engaged in a brutal battle against the human attack force.

However, looking at the picture drawn on the enemy’s flag, he had already lost his will to fight.

Two plates on the left and right of the pillar.

The person who could write the sentence referring to Libra was Libra Paladin, the Zodiac Knight of Libra.

Although the Zodiac Knight has not personally entered the battlefield yet, the guardians of the constellations he commands are also Jose’s best knights.

One of Kawi’s arms was cut off by a black-edged sword.

Selvaki hurriedly memorized a magic to heal the wound, but the magic of the demon world did not work well because of the holy water sprinkled on the holy sword.

Screaming in pain, Kawi performed a fearless sword dance with his three remaining arms.

Selvaki also continuously poured fire and ice curse magic at the enemy.

Their momentum made the enemies retreat.

Dozens of squires, knights, slaves and soldiers lost their lives and fell like straw.

The cheapest thing was life, and the most common thing was a corpse.

Watching the commander’s brave battle, a unit made up of Beholders and Naga

put pressure on the guardians of the constellation.

Although they were outnumbered, they surrounded the enemy in a semi-surrounded state.

Selvaki shouted, lifting his numerous legs and stretching them forward.

“Let’s go! This path cannot be taken away! “We must pile up our corpses to block the enemy’s advance!”

Even if he is a foolish king, he must protect it.

That’s why demons exist!

The brave demon army put pressure on the guardians of the Libra constellation.

But their dominance did not last long.

A powerful aura attacked the demons.

The holy sword Juben Eshamari has appeared.

Kawi’s sword dance and Selvaki’s magic were meaningless in front of him.

Only God’s knights remain.

In the end, the main road leading to the north of the demon island Eidos fell into the hands of humans.

“Bukro has fallen!”

The seven dukes

were in a gloomy mood after hearing the messenger’s report.

“I… thought he was… playing a bit of a joke.”

Sloth Seiton opened his mouth while resting his chin.

“I thought he was trying to vent his anger because we dethroned him. “If you adjust the rhythm appropriately… it’s a bad joke that will end soon.”

Hearing Na Tae-gong’s words, the other six dukes sighed and shook their heads.

Daroche the Glutton said.

“Maybe that’s true. But the difference in power between humans and our demons is bigger than you think .

“Because humans were afraid of the underworld, they never dared attack it… It may have been us, not them, who were protected by God.”

Osis the Greedist was slightly angry.

“If we hadn’t weakened the army by reducing the food supply in the first place, we wouldn’t have been defeated so badly!”

“On the other hand, if half a year had passed without colonies, the army would have been weakened. Even now , they are barely surviving on food from the colony .

In that sense, we cannot just unilaterally blame the lord.”

Osis just pouted in response to Daroche’s answer.

It’s as they say.

If it weren’t for the fertile land connected by the warp gate, it would have been ruined already, even if it wasn’t for the shouting.

Thanks to the wild beasts that were hunted and brought back from there, although they were not in abundance, they were able to avoid starvation.

If it weren’t for Deus, the demons would have starved to death.

Sloth Seyton said.

“It makes no difference whether you starve to death or are killed by an enemy’s sword. If things continue like this, we won’t even need five days until the fall of Eidos.”

Daroche received his words.

“Didn’t Kyo-gong go again to persuade his lord? “If he appears on the battlefield, there will definitely be a different outcome.”

As the Seven Dukes had said, Alex was now taking heavy steps toward where Deus was.

He was teaching martial arts to Migo every day at a place he named the West Training Center.

At first, it seemed like I was doing it half-heartedly, just to kill time.

But at some point, I started teaching Migo quite seriously.

Every time the Seven Dukes visited, they got angry and almost kicked them out, saying they were intruding.

“Master, so…

“Is it you this time? “It looks like the war situation is very bad.”



“The green road to the north has been taken away.” Deus whistled. Migo opened her mouth with a worried face.

“Isn’t that… the northern wall of the royal castle of Eidos? “It must be the last barrier from the outside, right?”

“Yes! As long as the enemy is blocking the place, it will not be easy to regain it even if you drive in an army ten times as large. Moreover, the enemy surrounds Eidos not only with green roads, but also with indigo swamps and green canyons.”

Deus sarcastically said.

“The North was all taken away. Anyway, I’m incompetent. “I can’t believe we lost half of the demon world in one month.”

“There is no shame.”

“If you don’t have a neck, you should at least cut off the head and bring it back.”

“My lord, the Seven Dukes say that your lord deliberately lost the war to trouble us. However, I don’t think it belongs that way. I believe there must be a clever plan in place. Please command me. Please tell us

a plan to drive the humans north .”

“If I ask you to do it, will you do it?”

“Of course!”

“Then let’s give up Eidos and run south.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Your position is completely opposite from 3 seconds ago?”

“Please, do you think this is a joke?”

“Why are this guy’s glasses so dark? “Every time I say something, they say it’s a joke.”

“Do you think it makes sense to give up Eidos?”

“It’s a good sentence where the subject and predicate respond well, right? Why don’t you like it because it’s a double sentence? Give up Eidos. Let’s run south. Are you done?”

“Sir, the situation is truly dangerous. The army is divided into four directions and is unable to respond to each other. The defeat on the front lines is overlapping and it looks like we will soon enter a sit-in war. This means that Eidos, a city that is 666 centuries old, will be wounded by enemy attacks. Do you know what that means



“It is the fall of the demons!”

“That’s good.”


“You’re noisy, man.”

“Do I look quiet? What are you aiming for? “Why do you insist on losing the war?”

“This guy caught a live person. When did I give the order to defeat the war? Why is it my fault that they’ve been losing the war all along? Anyway, you guys are experts at blaming others. If there is a blaming professional league, all you

have to do is gather your skills and start from the quarterfinals. “One guy will get a bye.”

“How do you seek victory when you cut the soldiers’ meals in half?”

“Are the soldiers in the front lines just mouths, and the mouths of the residents in the rear camps a mouth? “Does it make sense that just because we feed them twice as much, the remaining tens of millions of people are starving?”

“Why are you suddenly calling for equality?”

“The devil can do anything? “If everything except equality is possible, why should we have taught it that way a long time ago?”

Alex suddenly felt frustrated and pounded his chest.

“Why on earth are you doing that?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

“I do not know. Please teach me clearly.”

“I’m actually Zeke’s spy.”

” yes?”

“Regin is Zeke’s younger brother. State book of the Kingdom of Verde. It’s like a king. “They said they wanted to win the war, so I said I would help them.”

” yes?”

“Is there something stuck in your ear hole?”

“That, that, what, what, what…

“They asked me to make it so that humans would win. Well, he said that he wanted to let humans take over the demons naturally, as if it were history, rather than going out on his own and wiping them out. So, we are creating a situation where the foolish king makes repeated foolish choices and is destroyed.”

“And that, that, that, that!”

“I’m kidding. Just say a few more words and I will catch a beholder.”

“No joke!”

“It’s a joke, then. “Is Zeke the kind of person who would ask for something like that?”

“No! “Absolutely not!”

“Do as I say. If you think you’re going to lose, give me the royal sword. And ask for reinforcements. At this point, you can abandon Hille and move to the colony. I also saw some good land. It’s amazing there too. “I’ll lend it to you cheaply for 10,000 gold, so you can build a new kingdom there.”

“This is Hille. “This is the Demon World.”

“It is also ahistorical for one people to live on one land for 70,000 years. “It is said that in the Golden Age, even if they survived for a thousand years, they were treated as an old people.”

“The demons live in Hille. That is God’s will and the order of the world.”

“law? Whose order?”

“God’s order.”

“Are you communicating with God? Have you ever seen it and talked about it?”

“No, but…

“Do you receive oracles like angels?”


“But why do you talk about God’s will? World order? Why was that order broken? “What did God do at the moment when the Joseon continent fell to the ground?”

“That’s me too…

“Just because you’ve lived so long doesn’t mean you’re in a position to teach me, right? If God’s order is that important, why not go and pray? “If it is God’s will for the demons to survive, he will come up with some way.”

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