Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 2


Chapter 2

Deus asked the disheveled knights, “Is anyone else dissatisfied?”

The knights nodded as if they were a pack of chickens.

“Fine, then let’s continue the conversation, ‘Your Majesty’.”

“What do you desire? Money? Authority? Whatever I can give, I will give it to you!”

“Hand over the kingdom.”

“That’s preposterous! Such an absurd demand.”

“Absurd? Then what did you think I would ask for in this situation?”

“It’s an unbelievable story.”

“Then die. I’ll kill the king, take his family, and naturally, the kingdom becomes mine.”

“Are you coveting my daughter?”

“Why did the conversation turn in that direction?”

“My daughter is off-limits! April is the pride of the Horsa Continent and the flower of our Verde Royal Family.”

“No, I don’t need her. What I need is the kingdom.”

“Why do you desire something that isn’t yours?”

In response to the king’s words, he stared at the king for a while.

“Then is this yours?”

“The kingdom belongs to the royal family!”

“Since when?”

“Well, that’s…”

“From the moment the world was born? Fine, I’ll acknowledge that.” Deus talked sarcastically.

The king’s face twisted.

“You also took something from someone in the end, didn’t you? What is a royal family? After sitting and sucking honey for centuries, give up now. I’ll let you have a few candies.”

“Do you think the Holy Council will acknowledge such a thing?”

Deus laughed at the king’s shouted question.

“Do you know what?”

Black lightning struck like a storm. The place that was once the audience hall transformed into the hellish path of the underworld.

Everything burned black. The king and his surrounding knights turned into statues made of coal.

“Seems like there was no Pure Blood.”

If there had been Pure Blood, even for a few seconds, they could have resisted.

Demon King was lost in thought about his future, then suddenly…

A piercing scream that could tear eardrums reverberated in the audience hall.

Deus, who had been lost in thought in the ‘coal mine’, turned his head in the direction of the noise.

[TL/N: He burned everyone in the room and turned them into coals.]

At the entrance, a girl stood covering her mouth.

Just by looking at her, you could guess her name without asking.

April Le Verde.

She was a beauty who seemed to have stepped out of a painting. She wore an expensive imperial dress, which enhanced her beauty.

“What on earth… who are you?”

“Deus. I’m using the name of an ancient god, fascinatingly enough.”

April looked at the transformed darkened reality in horror. Then, seeing the lump of coal that occupied the king’s throne, she screamed again.


It was beyond touch; the black dust seemed ready to crumble at a gentle touch.

“What have you done to my Father! Oh, wicked sorcerer, can’t you undo this!”

“He’s charred. Already dead.”


“Well, not entirely wrong. If you called me a demon, might as well live up to it. Now, it’s time to claim the king’s daughter since I killed him.”

Deus waved his hand, and the gleam vanished from April’s eyes. It was as if the pupils had disappeared, leaving dull, vacant eyes.

“Come this way, my lord.”

She guided Deus with an air of subservience.

The maids and servants they encountered along the way all stopped like statues, bowing their heads in unison.

Everyone inside Acoma Royal Castle had long been turned into obedient puppets by Deus’s magic.

“I will cleanse my dirty body and return shortly, my lord. Please wait a moment.”

Deus leaned back in the chair by the window, awaiting her return.

The sound of her undressing reached his ears, and silk rustled against the fabric. April bathed, and her attendants assisted her in the process.

Once everything was in order, the maids withdrew from the room. With an impassive face, she said, “My lord, I am ready.”

Deus approached her with a smirk on his lips.

At that moment, Deus stopped in his tracks and turned around.

“Are you coming out now? Or should I shove a dimension rift up your octopus head?”

A rift in space revealed a man stepping out. Wearing a black suit, he emerged in front of Deus.

He knelt down to show respect.

“Your loyal servant, Alex, greets you, my lord.”

The octopus head was a rather harsh evaluation. Other than narrowly slit eyes, he was a plain-looking young man with nothing remarkable.

“Already chasing me?”

“Not already. I have been with my lord since the beginning.”

“Amusing. You’re a demon who serves my father, not me.”

“My lord has bestowed this form upon me. I am now here to serve you. You can even hang me by my wrist.”

“Wrist? I’ll just hang you around your neck. You’re like a hanger. Don’t you have around a hundred wrists?”

“I’ve mentioned countless times that I only call one of those pairs my ‘hands’.”

“Anyway, get lost. I’m not going back to the demon realm.”

“My lord! I only follow my lord’s orders. In my youth, I was a nanny, and in my prime, I served as a family tutor. I’ve never stopped thinking about you in all those eighty years. Do not doubt my loyalty, and continue doing what you are doing. I will sit back and always follow you.”

After a long series of words and bows, Alex rose and approached the window.


“Don’t mind me. I have changed my lord’s diapers as well.”

“I never had diapers.”

“So please continue.”

“Ugh, you’re so annoying.”

“You finally had a rebellious period after 80 years?”


Deus sat down at the edge of the bed. Even with the most beautiful woman on the continent by his side, he felt strangely uncomfortable.

“I won’t be a Demon King.”

“As you wish.”

“I won’t go back to the demon realm. I’ll stay in the human world and live as I please.”

“Yes, my lord. I will follow my lord’s wishes.”

“Men will be used as slaves, and women will be taken. Is that fine?”

“Yes, please proceed.”


“Yes, my lord.”

“What is it?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What’s with your mumbling? Honestly, it’s annoying.”

“I said nothing.”

Deus raised his hand. As he clenched his fist, Alex’s body contorted in an instant. Hidden beneath the clothes, instead of arms and legs, there were dozens of tentacles that twisted in disarray. The magically crafted face crumpled like a squashed doll.


“As my lord wishes.”

Though the pronunciation sounded strange, the meaning was clear.

“Honestly, if you don’t speak the truth, I’ll really kill you.”

“I, who was born as a demon, served as a nanny and then was a magic tutor who irritated and suppressed others with my annoying speech. Now, even if I die at the hands of the Demon King, I have no regrets. I shall follow my lord’s will even if it means dying in the hands of the Demon King!”

Scratching his head, Deus lowered him back to the ground. Alex straightened his rumpled clothes, put his limbs into the four holes, and rose from his seat.

“So, tell the truth. Why are you just watching?”

“If I don’t watch, how am I supposed to record it? I’ll make some good money selling it.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Alex sighed shortly and continued, “My lord has been curious since childhood. I give up. Are you really quitting as the demon king?”

“That’s right.”

“In around 20 years, a new Demon King should emerge. That’s the law of the world.”

[TL/N: Every 100 years a new Demon King will take the throne presumably.]


“It’s not like that. The demon realm is in chaos right now. Somehow, we need the next Demon King.”

“If that’s the case, just have my father do it.”

“Your father lost his body in a battle against a hero when he was young. Even if the magic is controlled, how much power can he wield with only a millionth of your soul remaining? Right now, all he can do is flip a tin can and make a voice, isn’t it?”

“You’re harsh with your words.”

“I haven’t decayed to the point of groveling for fallen power.”

“What are you saying?”

“Anyway, my lord, you won’t become the Demon King, right?”

“No, I won’t.”

“Then, propose an alternative. Since there’s a woman right there, it came to mind that if there’s an heir to inherit the position of the Demon King, it would be acceptable. I will raise your son as the Demon King in your place.”

Deus found it difficult to determine where he should be angry with such a confident attitude.

“Please do it, right away!”


Deus sighed. Then suddenly, a strange thought crossed his mind.

“But, do humans and demons even work that way?”

“What are you embarrassed about?”

“No, it’s just… pregnancy!”

“Pregnancy? Well, do you have someone in mind, let’s go to her, right now!”

“Never mind. Anyway, does it work like that even if the races are different?”

“It does. That’s perfectly fine. The reproductive processes of pure demons and humans follow completely different mechanisms. In the case of humans, males produce sperm from the testicles, expelling it through the penis. When the sperm enters the uterus of a human female during the ovulation period, it combines with the egg, leading to conception. The embryo undergoes development in the womb for 40 weeks before birth.”

“Skip the s*x education.”

“Anyway, things like ovulation have no meaning for the Demon King. When your lord desires it, the magical essence inside your body automatically goes into a female body. If the Demon King desires, for example, in a direct relationship, there’s a 99.999 percent probability that the essence will directly go into the other person’s body. The other person doesn’t necessarily have to be female. However, in case of failure, we classify it as a sexual dysfunction. By any chance…”


Alex smiled with a slightly uncomfortable expression and continued, “I haven’t compiled detailed statistical tables, but with a deep kiss, there’s about a 50 percent chance of pregnancy. By the way, a regular kiss is around 25 percent.”

“You can get pregnant from a kiss?”

“Sometimes just holding hands can do it. If you’re scared, you can just hold hands with a girl you like; it’s fine. Even if the probability of conception is low, there’s a sufficient chance.”

“What’s with that unnecessarily unpleasant metaphor? And what exactly is this magical essence in the body? Why do you know so much about human pregnancies?”

“It’s just information gathered through testimonials and surveys. It’s not like I’m suggesting we create sex education textbooks.”

Deus turned his head, fearing that if he delved any deeper, Alex might suggest creating sex education materials together. He saw a woman staring at him.

He almost choked on his breath.

The grand dream of living freely in his lifetime was now instantly downgraded to becoming a father. Moreover, the child had to become the Demon King. It was more dreadful than he could imagine.

Such a trash-like job should just end with him.


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