White Dragon Lord

Chapter 95: Willy's Day

Chapter 95: Willy's Day

In bedroom No. 4 on the second floor of the White Castle, Willy's eyelids trembled and he woke up. He opened his dim sleepy eyes, and the first sight he saw was a heap of gold coins.

Compared to the velvet bed of the White Dragon Lord, Willy was a traditional real dragon and liked the intimate touch of direct contact with gold coins. Therefore, his dragon nest was a pit filled with a pile of gold coins and gems.

Willy, who had just awakened from his deep sleep, exhaled a chill white air, which sprayed on the gold coins, covering the yellow gold coins with a layer of frost.

He was dazed as he stretched out his long and thin tongue, rolled up on the gold coins and gems, and licked them, chewing it carefully, and then thought about the philosophy of the dragon body.

After eating some gold coins and gems as a snack to get up, Willy was finally fully awake.


He was surprised to see that he was missing a big chunk of the nest (the coins and gold), and he was very upset. Why did I eat so much again?!

However, now that he had eaten it, Willy couldn't regurgitate it anymore. He shook his head depressed, and drove the depression and residual sleepiness out of his mind.

He got up and went to the first floor of the White Castle. He looked at the empty hall and didn't care. His elder brother Amos was a magical dragon. He was either sleeping in the bedroom or studying spells in the laboratory.

The eldest sister Felicia liked to be in her dreams while studying the doctrine of Her Majesty the Dragon Queen, she wouldnt get up if anyone didn't call her name, and the second sister Elena was a freak, except for sleeping, she was crazy outside.

Willy came to the restaurant and ordered the halfling chef to prepare a sumptuous dish.

It didn't take long for the ogre waiters to bring large plates one by one and put them on the table.

After eating food twice his body weight, Willy felt satisfied and left the castle to the training ground not far from the castle.

Since Ghoul-Garu took a large number of troops to help Pele City with the war, the popular training ground in the past was a bit deserted today, with only a few ogres carrying logs and humming laps. After they saw the white dragon, they did not stop.

This was the regulation of the training ground. In the training ground, there were all fighters seeking strength, and there was no distinction between status.

Willy also ignored the ogres who were running laps and came to a large-scale biological training ground constructed for him, where various types of giant exercise equipment were placed on the ground.

Willy looked at the two stone locks weighing three thousand kilograms on the ground and took a deep breath. The dragon claws held the handle of the stone lock, and his majestic wings suddenly flopped, setting off strong wind, sending the dust flying and rocks dancing on the training ground.

Willy took the stone lock, slowly left the ground, and began a day's weight-bearing flight training.

He used the powerful wings of a giant dragon to drive a six-thousand-kilo stone lock to carry out long-term flight training, which was also a huge burden.

However, effort and gain were also proportional.

In the long-term weight-bearing training, Willy's muscle tissue had been effectively exercised, especially the pectoral muscles that powered the wings, and the forelimbs that held the stone locks.

Training until the afternoon, Willy finally drained the last bit of physical strength, and then landed on the training ground again. After putting down the stone lock, Willy took a short rest.

Pulling for a long time caused some strains on the muscles of Willys arm, but it was not a big deal. This kind of slight strain, under the strong resilience of the dragon, would be fine in a few minutes, so Willy dared to carry out this kind of extreme training.

It didn't take long for Willy to regain his strength. He felt that his strength had increased a bit, and he was very satisfied.

Feeling the effect of training, Willy came to a boulder; black, square, and 50 meters in length, width and height. This was prepared by the white dragons who took the magma from the underground of the island and poured it in a mould.

Training equipment made of obsidian with fixed ropes on three sides for climbing training.

Of course, the dragon did not need to train for climbing ability. He came to the smooth side of the boulder and began the strike training.

Willy looked at the smooth stone wall and felt his tail hurt.

However, to get stronger power, he was willing to pay any price.

After he took a long deep breath, he thrust his tail and slammed it on the hard obsidian boulder.


The force generated by the collision between the tail and the obsidian made Willy's tail tingle, but he did not stop and repeatedly beat the hard boulder with his tail.

Willy shouted loud slogans while training.



Who knew if the dragons tail was used to the pain, or if the slogan had worked. Willy felt that his tail was no longer numb, and his waist no longer hurt. He said in his heart: The battle cry that enhances the momentum is effective as Brother said.

After a while, a small black spot appeared on the horizon, and it flew quickly in the direction of the White Scale Island.

Willy stopped training, and after a glance, he found that it was his second sister Elena, so he ignored her and continued training.

But Elena saw Willy on the training ground and took the initiative to fly over, "Hey! little brother, are we training again?."

The voice coated with extremely content made Willie tremble, "How many times have I said it! Don't call me little brother!"

Elena grinned: "Okay, brother."


Willy said helplessly: "Forget it, be happy."

The four white dragons had lived together for so long, and they had already recognized each other. Willy and Elena never fought for rankings.

Willy saw Elena happy: "What good has happened again?"

"Haha, at the party in Somme, I made some new friends."

"What friend?"

Elena shook her fingers and counted: "There is the Archmage Rolando Dimaclay from the south, the dwarf noble Thorin Bronzehammer from the Hard Iron Mountains, and the elf ranger Carmel Yinyue from the Western Fairy Forest... and our neighbour Golden DragonChristina Wells."

Willy wondered: "Huh? Neighbour? That's the one who has lived for two hundred years and hasn't stepped into the Legendary realm, that trash?"

"Christina is not a trash, she plays the violin and it sounds good."

Willy sighed: "Elena, you are less and less like a five-colored dragon."

"Emmm... they said the same, and they also persuaded me to change my allegiance to His Majesty the Platinum Dragon King."


Elena quickly explained: "Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts in this regard. If I change my faith to His Majesty the Platinum Dragon King, Felicia will kill me."

Willy let out a sigh of relief: "You know it!"

Willy said in his heart: No, I have let Brother know. If this goes on, Elena will be led by her friends.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, this time I went to Somme and met an interesting guy."

"Huh? What guy?"

"I met a strange human peddler. He comes to the gate of the city every sunrise and leaves at night when the moon sets."

"Isn't this normal for humans?"

"But he always lights up a dragon-shaped lantern and shouts at the gate of the city in broad daylight."

"What does he have?"

"He sells melon seeds, peanuts, and pure water."

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