White Dragon Lord

Chapter 87: Motznoff

Chapter 87: Motznoff

The bloody indoctrination was completed!

The initially bright Caucasus skull was a bit gloomy.

As Amos raised his head, the original golden colour of his pupils turned blood-red, along with the strange red lines on the white scales and the skull on his hands. The whole dragon looked bizarre and sinister.

Amos felt the burning magic power in his body, and he felt stronger than ever!

This was not an illusion. Bloody Infusion was the highly concentrated power of the Caucasus Skull, and it also had some distinct characteristics. It could consume part of the host's vitality, stimulate the body's potential, comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the holder, and enhance the magical power.

On the other hand, the Old Prophet was nearly done with the spell. The magic elements within a hundred meters of him had been extracted and condensed in the blue sphere on his chest, it looked as if to swallow the entire world.

As the last byte of the spell fell, the sea and silt that surged from the war suddenly stood still, as if time had stopped.

The white dragon felt the almost stagnant seawater around him, a chill rose from the depths of the bone marrow, his heart turned cold, and he sensed a deadly threat.

The blue light sphere exploded, and the seawater abruptly changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, whizzing around, and the storm swept the silt that had accumulated on the seabed and left the entire sea almost invisible.

Amos seemed to hear a roar, and then the whole world darkened. A surging current struck at him, and he felt as if he was standing in the mouth of a typhoon, being buffeted by the storm, yet unable to move because the sea was pounding against him from all directions.

Poseidons Roar!

Soon, Amos broke free from the deterrence of the prelude to the legendary magic explosion!

As he felt the rapid confluence of energy in front of him, his scalp went numb.

Despite his efforts to avoid it, the seawater seemed to have frozen, and the water's speed was unusually slow.

After struggling a bit, Amos determined:

he can't escape, he can only fight!

Since being reborn as a dragon, his powerful dragon language spell, sturdy body, sharp claws, and stout scales, all had given him a sense of security, but this time he was completely at a loss.

To fight against the legendary-level magic was not something, even an adult dragon could do, let alone a white dragon that has just entered the youth stage.

Yet the mole ants thrived for their lives, not to mention the white dragon, under the pressure of death, Amos desperately squeezed the magic power in his body madly, and the spell almost reached its limit.

Earth Wall Spell - Strong Effect!

Guardian of Ice!

The Ice Barrier - Dual Casting!


Amos played his best defence magic one after the other, protecting himself tightly, but he still didn't feel the slightest bit of security in his heart.

Suddenly, a light bulb lit in Amos' head, and a new idea came to him.

Poseidon's raging attack finally began!

The magic tsunami smashed through the obstacles set by the white dragon, and when he saw the oncoming torrent of terrifying magic power, his hands and mouth moved faster.

On the other side, the battlefield between Golden Dragon and Thunder Titan.

While engaged in a fierce battle, the Golden Dragon and the Sea Giant leader felt the terrifying water magic fluctuations coming from afar and halted the fight tacitly.

The Sea Giant Leader bragged: "It seems that your kid is in trouble."

Golden Dragon frowned slightly: "Huh! I don't know if he's in trouble. Anyway, the legacy of the Hunting tribe is over!"

The Sea Giant didn't care, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of the trench: "At this point, I am not afraid to tell you that the portal is about to open! The Hunting tribe will leave this damn world and go to another vast new world!"

"Dragon! You failed!"

The Golden Dragon's expression was weird, and he mocked: "I'm afraid you are still dreaming? Portal? You guys?"

Herbert held back his laughter: "You can't beat me. Do you want to kill me with a joke? If you could open the portal, I, Golden Dragon Herbert's name will be read backwards from now on. "

The Sea Giant leader's face changed suddenly. A proud creature like the dragon would never make fun of his name. Since the golden dragon dared to speak like this, he must have absolute certainty.

The golden dragon's brain made up for the sea giant's situation, most likely because it was hiding for a long time, the news was blocked, and it didn't know this common sense.

It gloated and said: "After repelling the demon invasion 10,000 years ago, the continental coalition forces placed a space blockade magic circle on the dimension wall of the Nordhill continent. From then on, you can only enter and leave Nordhill by passing through a few heavily guarded exterior portals."

The Golden Dragon continued with disdain: "Apart from few specially reserved external portals in other parts of the mainland, if there is no high-level-legendary spellcasting ability, you wont be able to open the portal for flesh and blood creatures to pass through. So with your few legendary shrimps, you are dreaming about breaking through the dimensional lock?!"

Suddenly, the Golden Dragon was startled, and it felt another powerful wave of magical power.


Time went back to five seconds ago.

Amos suddenly thought of a possibility, his eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the box containing the Snow Demon Core and opened it.

As Amos poured the Snow Demon Core in the box, 'Gulugulu Gulu' to the ground and hurriedly chanted the spell under the pressure of death, he completed the spell before the tsunami hit.

A huge mysterious ice-blue portal appeared out of thin air, and a 30-meter-high burly Ice Elemental crossed the boundary.

"Following the ancient contract, the Guardian of Winter, Motznoff responded..."


The Guardian of Winter, who had crossed the border, just stepped out of the portal, and before he finished reciting his lines, he was horrified to find that the legendary magic was about to shoot on him, and he let out a tragic cry.

"Your uncle!!!"

Motznoff hurriedly raised the shield to protect him, and the magic tsunami carrying a wave of overwhelming momentum slammed into the spiky ice shield.

The terrifying impact from the shield pushed the hastily defending Motznoff Backwards, crashing the white dragon behind him, and they both smashed against the cliff wall behind him.

Amos felt an unstoppable force crashing him before he could react, he slammed into the cliff. The impact behind him, coupled with the Guardian of Winter in front of him, made him sandwiched into a meatloaf.

The terrifying impact force smashed the rock layer, and the shattered rocks rolled down, burying a dragon and the elemental, piled up into a small hill outside.

It hurts!

Amos felt his bones fall apart, but his heart felt extremely comfortable.

Finally, I survived!


Soon, Motznoff regained his strength, and with a roar, he sprang up violently and lifted the rocks that had accumulated on his body.

The first thing the Guardian of Winter did when he got up was to turn around and grab the white dragon's by the neck, lift him up to his burning eyes level.

Amos shrank his neck when he saw Motznoff's eyes about to eat the dragon.

"Little white lizard! You dare to use me as a shield!"

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