White Dragon Lord

Chapter 82: The Megalodon Legion

Chapter 82: The Megalodon Legion

An enormous Megalodon legion collided with the Sea Giants. The Sea Giants controlled the water flow to disrupt their balance, then stabbed the unbalanced one with a spear.

The blood sprayed by the companion not only didnt scare the back row, but it also aroused their ferocity. The Megalodons in the back were so impatient they arched their comrades towards the front.

The densely packed Megalodons squeezed into a ball and engulfed the Sea Giants.

During the shark attack in the water, one could see the terrifying nature of the tiger.

Gradually, traces of blood permeated from the wriggling sphere, it was either from the Megalodons or the Sea Giants.

Amos couldn't see what was going on inside the sphere, but he heard the constant prayers of the battle and pondered.

Even in such a bad situation, the Sea Giant Prophet did not stop the ritual. Either it was that the Sea Giants state wasnt bad enough to require its action, or it felt the ritual was more important than all the lives of Sea Giants.

Amos was more inclined to the former, a Sea Giant tribe that has been in hiding since tens of thousands of years ago, how could it not have a bottom card?

On the other side, the Sea Giants formed a hemispherical fortress with their bodies, guarding the altar tightly, which allowed the Prophet in the centre of the fortress to continue the magic ceremony with peace of mind.

But the Megalodon Legion besieged the Sea Giant fortress. Fortunately, they didn't have to face the entire Megalodon Legion at the same time. But each Sea Giant still faced three or four Megalodons at the same time.

Megalodons were so fierce that once the front row mates were killed, the back row took over. The Megalodon's sharp teeth and fearless spirit made the Sea Giants anxious from the bottom of their hearts, and they hurriedly coped with it.

A sinister Megalodon, taking advantage of the moment when Sea Giants retrieve the spear, opened its mouth and bit the Sea Giants thigh. The sharp triangular teeth embedded in the flesh and the Megalodon head swayed in an attempt to tear the muscles of the Sea Giant's thighs.

The thigh muscles were torn, the wounded Sea Giant screamed, angrily raised his spear and stabbed him in the head. The Megalodon died on the spot, but his mouth was still crunching the Sea Giant.

Other Megalodon sharks came up, and the Sea Giant was helpless, unable to pay attention to the Megalodon body that was hanging on his thigh, he continued to fight with blood pouring down from the bite wound into the sea and taking away his strength.

After a while, almost all the Sea Giants were injured, but no one died.

This was attributed to the three Sea Giants that were inside the fortress and shoved the Tidal Spear through the gap, acting as firefighters. As time passed, the fight continued like a meat winch.

The Megalodon corpses piled higher and higher, almost blocking their attack route behind. Megalodon's leader, who possessed certain wisdom, instructed his companions to drag corpses outside to facilitate the continued besieging of its enemy.

A Sea Giant had been fighting for a long time with two Megalodon carcasses hanging on his body, which hindered his movement. In addition, the wound was torn so severely, bleeding so much that his mind went blank, seizing this opportunity a Megalodon bit his arm.

The master-level Sea Giant was not able to rescue him, and the Sea Giant was dragged away by the Megalodon and surrounded by sharks in the blink of an eye.

The first death of a Sea Giant happened!

All of this was seen by the Master rank Sea Giant, who shouted anxiously: "Chief, the tribe can't hold it! Find a way!"

Another master rank Sea Giant suggested: "Chief, bring that Murloc out! It's time for her to play a role!"

The leader of the Sea Giants had just rescued a hapless tribe member from a Megalodons mouth when he heard the suggestion of his companion, he thought about it slightly: "No! This cunning white dragon has returned again. It must have found reinforcements!"

"But if this goes on, the enemy's reinforcements won't have to come. Our tribe will be ruined!"

The Sea Giants leader was hesitating whether to use the potential trump card in advance to alleviate the situation, but the Prophets spiritual voice suddenly sounded in his head: "The amulet on my neck..."

Upon hearing this the Sea Giants leader was shocked and immediately rejoiced, then went to the Prophet's side. At this time, he did not care about etiquette and pulled the stone amulet off his neck.

The leader of the Sea Giants raised the amulet in one hand and channelled the qi in his body. A mysterious rune slowly lit up on the ancient stone amulet. As the amount of qi had reached the target, the rune glowed like dazzling sunlight.

The light shone on the Sea Giant, and the warmth began to penetrate through his heart. A warm current emerged from where it was exposed and spread quickly to the whole body, making the wounded Sea Giant feel refreshed. However, Megalodons were not so lucky. The sudden burst of bright light not only blinded its eyes but also stung the skin, causing severe energy loss.

Blindness coupled with the stinging pain on the body made the Megalodon instantly turn into a mess, fleeing the Sea Giants and heading for the trench.

The high-ranking Sea Giants on the periphery breathed a sigh of relief and did not care about the fleeing Megalodon. He quickly removed the painful shark pendant hanging from his body, and the warm current soothed the wound. It looked like the wound was squirming, and it wouldn't take long for it to heal completely.

At this time, no one expected that the ten-meter-long Megalodon leader would turn the table, and retaliate, he bit the head of a Sea Giant who was intoxicated with warmth and pleasure, then closed his mouth, rolled on his back, and pulled off the Sea Giant's head.

The high-ranking Sea Giant on the side was furious and shot Tidal Spear in his hand. The Megalodon shark swung its tail, evaded several Tidal Spears from a tricky angle, and fled under the resentful eyes of the Sea Giants.

Amos happened to see this scene. The White Dragon Lord turned his head to Old Blind and said: "Old Blind, your pet is pretty smart!"

The Old Blind's one eye narrowed with a smile: "Yes! I didn't expect that I would have a chance to get such a beast companion in my life."

The megalodon leader returned to the Old Blind and stayed quiet.


[Name]: Blood Tooth

[Level]: Level 13 Xeno species Megalodon

[Strength]: Tier 3

[Faction]: Absolute neutral

[Introduction]: This is an adult Megalodon and has undergone rare benign mutations. As compared to the other species, it has a superior brain, stronger body, tougher skin, and its eyeball surface has evolved to form a thin film that protects it from the strong light. Old Blind adopted it as a child and trained to become a qualified hunter's companion.

The White Dragon suddenly understood and said to himself: "That's how it is."

Soon, Amos felt something was wrong and remembered that the last time he went to look for the mounts, he searched for the prominent ones but did not find a satisfactory one.

However, Amos quickly came back to his senses and seemed to have given the Murloc the right to handle all matters related to the mounts.

He fell into the pit he dug. Amos shook his head dejectedly and looked at the light gradually converging under the trench.

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