White Dragon Lord

Chapter 74: Counterattack

Chapter 74: Counterattack

While Old Blind was preparing for the war, Amos returned to the White Fort.

He reduced his size and came to the back of the mountain below the castle. After chanting in the slurred Draconic Tongue in front of an ordinary stone wall, a magical secret door appeared on it. On the door frame of the secret door, golden runes gleamed. There was an irregular depression at the centre of the secret door.

Amos took out a gem and put it into the depression on the door. The gem perfectly filled the depression. With the gem as the centre, golden lines appeared on the magic secret door, and the magic energy flowed along the lines. The lines lit up until it was connected to the golden rune on the door frame.

The door opened, revealing a deep and slanting passage, nearly 500 meters in length, with magical lights hanging on both sides, and a black and white checkered floor.

Amos calmly took down the gemstones, put them away, and walked into the passage. He stepped on a specific square and walked towards the secret room at the end of the passage. The secret passage was full of dense magic traps. If one stepped in the wrong place, the trap would be triggered. Arrows, rolling stones, flames, frost, and thunder attacks could barrage you without even leaving an intact corpse, but the most brutal thing was, it randomly teleported people.

If one didnt know the correct steps and used their strength to break through, then even if the intruder was powerful, the cave would collapse when it reached 400 meters, sinking the intruder and the treasures into the magma below.

When Amos reached a hundred meters from the end of the secret road, he stopped and faced the wall on the side, and he said with a blushing face:

"Open Sesame!"

Amos uttered a weird spell in his long-lost mother tongue. As soon as the voice fell, the wall on the side made a mechanical sound. After a while, the wall opened, revealing the secret room hidden behind. This was the real treasure.

Of course, behind the secret door at the end of the passage was also a treasure spot, but there were just some ordinary gold coins and gems.

While this secret room contained the treasures that Amos had searched for over the years. To be on the safe side, when designing this secret room, he did not even attach any magic traps in it but put a spell to open the door in conjunction with mechanical gears.

The magic circle that identified the opening spell was hidden among the dense magic traps on the wall. It was unremarkable, preventing the enemy spellcaster from discovering the treasure room here through magic fluctuations.

Amos stepped into the secret door. There was not much space in the secret room, and there were not many things, but all of them were extremely valuable. The pile of large round magic pearls on the tray would be enough for ordinary people to live for a lifetime.

But even so, this pile of pearls was not ranked here. Amos observed his treasures for a while, picked up a huge box, stuffed it into his dimensional bag, and walked out.

When Amos came to White Scale City again, the murloc army had already assembled.

On the beach, the murlocs formed a square formation according to the different types of troops. The fine scales on their bodies and the standard weapons in their hands glowed with a cold light in the morning sun, exuding a sense of killing intent.

The attack on their homeland did not scare the warriors of White Scale City but ignited the anger in their hearts. They only waited for their Commander's orders to embark on the journey and deal devastating blows to the enemy.

The warriors in their hearts were screaming for blood.

Old Blind walked up to the White Dragon Lord, standing upright, "Reporting to the lord! The murloc army in Bailey city has assembled, and we can set off at any time!"

The White Dragon Lord nodded slightly, "Lets go!"


The murloc with horns rushed to the side while nodding, and led the murloc masters of White Scale City to the front of the team. When the murloc leaders got on their mounts, a team of murlocs held up the huge conches with both hands and raised their heads, blowing it.

Woo woo woo!

"Set off!"

Amid the long and sharp sound of the conch, the murloc masters drove their mounts and set off first, and the murloc army followed closely behind, stepping on the mount to keep up with the leader's pace.

In naval battles, other land creatures such as ogres were of limited use, and the White Fort and White Scale City also needed to be guarded, so the White Dragon Lord decided to bring only the master-level combat power - Ghoul-Garu.

Ghoul-Garu and Old Blind were riding a huge shark together. It was not that ogres didn't want to ride a mount alone, but these sea pets only recognized murlocs, and Ghoul-Garu could only ride with the experienced rider.

While the white dragons stayed on the land, their flying speed and swimming speed were not at the same level. The white dragons would catch up later. Before that, they still had important things to do.

When the White Dragon Lord returned to the castle to fetch important items, Elena, with the assistance of Felicia, set up a huge magic circle on the beach.

And now, Elena was at the centre of the magic circle, her eyes closed, with unshaken concentration, and her consciousness was deep with the help of the magic circle.

She was concentrating on some unique place and trying to communicate with some unknown existence.

About an hour later, Amos looked at the rising sun, and raised his brows, "Lets not wait any longer, let's set off first."

Willy glanced at Elena who was performing the magic ceremony, "Do we not wait for Elena? The entity is powerful."

"Wait, we can't leave time for the enemy to travel, otherwise, theyll dive back into the vast sea. Where would we find them then?"

The clues to where the sea giants live could only be found from the upper level of the Heishui tribe. If enough time was given to the sea giants, it would be in vain even if he got the clues.

White Dragon Lord said, Willy, you stay and look after Elena, Felicia, let's go!"

Felicia nodded, spread her wings with the White Dragon Lord, flapped into the sky, and chased in the direction of the murloc army.

It didn't take long for the two white dragons to catch up with the murloc army. The White Dragon Lord looked at the front of the team. Old Blind stood blindly on the head of a huge shark. Despite the wind and waves, he remained motionless, as if he was nailed to the top of the shark's head.

'Emmm... sharks, murlocs, waves, what's this feeling of deja vu?'

At this time, Bucky Darkscale brought an army of pets from the base that specialized in keeping pets in captivity and rushed to join the main force.

The morning sun shone on the sea, the water was sparkling, and a group of swordfish jumped out of the water from time to time, bringing up splashes. The dorsal fins of the megalodon sharks in groups slashed through the waves, and there were huge black shadows on the seas surface which were fast-moving. The army of pets was in place, following the murloc troops.

Accompanied by a loud dragon chant that resounded across the sky, the army's footsteps accelerated a little more.

In the afternoon, the army had left the sphere of influence of the White Fort.

The White Dragon Lord and Felicia flew side by side, Amos simulated and calculated the upcoming battle in his heart, and Felicia looked at the sea level ahead.

Suddenly, Felicias exclamation interrupted Lord White Dragons thoughts, "Amos, what is that?!"

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