White Dragon Lord

Chapter 64: Young Dragon

Chapter 64: Young Dragon

There was no one in the white castle hall, Amos was lying on his exclusive crystal throne, playing with the box in his hand.

The box contained a damaged tower spirit core from the Arcane Empire.

Different from the inexhaustible Goblin Civilization, the Arcane Empire was real and had created a glorious civilization. Up to the nine-story heaven mountain, down to the bottomless abyss, there were relics of the Arcane Empire.

If it was said that there was something more attractive than the Dragon Empire, the Arcane Empire was one of them. After some years, they were eliminated, the relics of those days would be enough for ordinary adventurers to eat for a lifetime.

The core was more precious than ordinary items. If the damage was not too serious, the Dumbledore family could trade it for the protection of the legendary mage.

But even if it was in a broken state, some secrets of the Arcane Empire period could be glimpsed from it.

Therefore, Amos and the Dumbledore family signed a partnership agreement and promised that within twenty years, he would assist within his capacity after the Dumbledore family encountered danger.

The Dumbledore family was obliged to share information with the White Dragon Lord and block adventurers who were not long-sighted for him. In other words, adventurers who go overseas couldn't find a ship in Bailey City.

Amos put away the box. He yawned and felt a little tired. It was not that he was tired, but that he was about to enter a new stage. The instinct of the dragon's body called it to fall asleep.

It might be that magic had accelerated its physical development. Amoss sleep this time was four years ahead of schedule. He suppressed the sleepiness, activated the family contract, and summoned the senior leaders of the White Castle.

Chief Ghoul-Garu of Skull Crusher Clan, the three chief Murlocs: Old Blind, Old Jimmy and Bucky Darkscale, Gnoll leader Hogg Riverclaw, Troll leader Roger Bigfist, and his siblings soon came to the White Castle Hall.

Lord White Dragon looked at the row of dependents below, and said straightforwardly, "I'm about to go into slumber!"

"Congratulations, master! Your strength grows ever higher!"

"Congratulations, master!..."

The White Dragon Lord slightly nodded, accepted the compliments from his followers, and continued, "I am calling you to arrange a task during my deep sleep."

"Old Blind, you organize the Murloc elite to search for all traces related to the monsters, but be careful not to startle the snakes, find clues, and immediately report to Elena."

"Old Jimmy, all transactions with Bailey City are still your sole responsibility."

"Bucky Darkscale, during my deep sleep, you must protect the safety of Tasman Island."

"Hogg River Claw, Roger Punch, you are responsible for leading the team, conquering the islands farther away, expanding the territory, and after encountering tricky islands, put it down for the time being, and wait until I wake up."

"Ghoul-Garu, you are in charge of the White Castle and deal with all difficult problems."

The monster leaders said in unison, "Yes! Master!"

"Okay, the meeting is over, go separately."

After the followers left, there were only four white dragons left in the hall.

Amos looked at his dragon siblings and exhorted, "The demonized creatures are powerful, and the demonized dragon creatures are even more terrifying. When Elena is on the mission, you'd better rush out together, don't go alone. When you see the situation is not good, just run quickly.

Although the possibility is very small, if an invincible enemy hits the door, immediately abandon the property and the white castle, and then come back for revenge later."

"I know! Brother!"

Amos asked, "What is our slogan?"

They replied in unison: As long as I have my life intact, I have no fear!

Amos nodded, "Goodbye then, my brothers and sisters."

After Amos finished speaking, he walked out of the White Castle. This time he did not know how long it would take till he finished his slumber. If the enemy hits the door while he is slumbering in the white castle, it would be bad. Therefore, Amos planned to leave the White Castle and look for someplace. In a secret place, hide and spend this slumbering period.

After confirming that there were no creatures around, Amos cast invisibility flew a certain distance and plunged into the deep sea.

The White Dragon Lord dug a simple temporary lair in the mud on the bottom of the sea, drained the water with magic, and made a slab of stone from the mud, and summoned an ice spirit to stay outside and guard it. He covered the stone slab and spread camouflaged silt on its surface so that he could safely crawl on the ground and fall asleep with peace of mind.

A bit of time passed, a small amount of seawater penetrated the soil and dripped into the dark cave. In the centre of the cave was a stalwart giant beast. The giant beast breathed gently and vigorously, and its huge nostrils sprayed out cold air. Around it, Ice covered the ground.

The giant beast opened his eyes, his eyelids opened, revealing the golden dragon pupils that glowed vertically inside, so strange and dazzling in the dark.

Amos exhaled a sigh of breath, stood up, and looked at his body. After three years of deep sleep, the energy stored in his body was exhausted and became a resource for its growth. Now the dragon scales were directly attached to the muscles and bones. So, he appeared skinny.

But it didn't matter. In terms of its increased power, these were only a negligible price. Moreover, after a few days of cultivation, he would return to his former majestic appearance.


[Name]: Amos Aldridge

[Level]: Level 16 Dragon, Level 14 Mage

[Strength]: Tier 4

[Faction]: Lawful neutrality

[Introduction]: You are a male white dragon cub with a soul from another world, causing the white dragon bloodline to undergo deep-level mutations, resulting in an ancestral phenomenon. Your physical fitness is several grades higher than that of ordinary white dragons, especially your dragons breath, which has different characteristics. And the mage profession gives you a clearer mind and a more powerful force. With your current strength, you can already occupy the mountain as the king.

If it was said that his strength was just entering Tier 4 before, then it now had the strength of a senior at the master level.

Amos shook his body, shaking off the ice. His body sank, and his legs were accumulating strength, and he suddenly jumped out. He smashed the stone slab above him, like an unsheathed sword, pierced into the sea.

Soon, a white dragon rushed out of the sea, only to find the sky outside, lightning and thunder, as heavy rain was pouring down. The white dragon, like a submarine-launched missile against the rain, pierced the black clouds like a blazing sun. In the stormy sky, a dazzling beam of light sprinkled, forming a breathtaking spectacle in the dim world.

Above the clouds, below the sixteen-meter-long white dragon, dark clouds surged, thunder billowed, and lightning danced wildly like silver snakes. Above, the noon sun shone directly on the white dragon's stalwart body, and its scales were shining.

After reaching a certain height, Amos spread his wings flat and gilded towards the island.

After a short while, Amos returned to the White Castle and found that the ogre guards and Murloc family members were guarding outside as usual. He was relieved.

The followers below also found the white dragon in the sky, and enthusiastically cheered the return of the lord of the white dragon.

Amos landed on the Dragon Stage and folded his wings.

Ghoul-Garu flashed before the white dragon lord, kneeling on one knee, "Great master! Your faithful servant welcomes your return!"

Amos glanced around and found that the guards around him had a stronger aura than before.

"Very good! Ghoul-Garu! You really did not disappoint me!"

The White Dragon Lord brought the two-headed ogre chief to the restaurant.

After eating the mountain of food, Amos burped, "Ghoul-Garu, has anything major happened here in the past three years?"

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