White Dragon Lord

Chapter 145:.2

Chapter 145:.2

Under the leadership of the fortress supervisor, Amos came to the training ground of the newly evolved murlocs, and saw the murlocs inside, training in full swing.

Some of these murlocs who had been trained by professionals were two or three times larger than ordinary murlocs. One could see that they were powerful at a glance. They held huge tortoise shell shields and used huge fishbone swords. Their stance was vigorous, as they maneuvered back and forth with their counterparts.

There were some murlocs with normal body size, but the scales on their bodies wete as black as ink, as if they were born with the power of shadows. Their training seemed silent, but when it came to the fierceness of the battle, it could be compared to the one with a sword and a shield.


This is the result of using different inducing agents, leading to targeted mutations.

Amos and Fessy Darkscale did not alert the new murlocs who had been training. They came quietly and left quietly.

Amos came to another training field. This training field was located outside the city. It was a natural lake and there was no sound of fighting, because the murlocs practicing here were the elites of the evolved murloc.

These murlocs were surrounded by obvious water magical energy fluctuations. They had better magic talents. They sat by the lake and meditated to accumulate magic power. The number of murlocs was not large, just over a hundred.

In fact, in the hundreds of millions of experimental murloc eggs, the number of new murlocs who had successfully completed the evolution had not yet exceeded the two thousand mark, and the chance of success was horribly low.

But Amos was not worried. As the experimental methods become more and more perfect, the success rate of the evolution of murloc eggs would definitely improve. Moreover, the first batch of evolved murlocs were growing and developing. In a few years, the first batch of murlocs could reproduce offspring. When the time comes to experiment with new murloc eggs, there would be better experimental results.

That was right, ordinary murlocs could reach adulthood in only four years, and then breed the next generation. Even if these evolved new murlocs had been born for five or six years, their physical characteristics were still the same as normal murlocs.

At the beginning, this situation shocked everyone, thinking that the evolved murlocs had lost the ability to reproduce. After the White Dragon Lord personally checked and found that due to evolution, these murlocs were already different from ordinary murlocs. It had become a higher life, and its lifespan had reached the level of ordinary humans, and its reproduction cycle had become longer.

"Fessy Darkscale, they are all the future of the murlocs and the future pillars of the White Castle. They must be given the best guidance."


The technology of murloc evolution was far from reaching the point of maturity. After inspecting the slices of murloc egg hatching pond, the white dragon lord left the island and returned to the White Castle.


Three years had passed.

The White Castle's was full of excitement. The army of beasts who ventured out to perform territorial expansion missions gathered in groups, or sat on the ground, chatted and laughed loudly. They found a disagreeable opponent, and loudly cheered. In the middle of the argument, a fist-to-flesh contest was held on the spot.

In the White Castle, the monster leaders once again gathered in the White Castle's hall. After several years of expedition, the entire overseas archipelago, except for the three main islands, all large and small islands were under the control of White Castle. The ten-year goal of controlling the entire island set by the white dragon lord had been achieved.

At this historic moment, Felicia and Willy were also not asleep, which was rare, and attended the party.

In addition to the three white dragons and the major monster leaders, the prince of gray dwarves, the Forgotten Adventure team, and the little mermaid Daisy Louise of the White Castle also received news in advance and rushed from all over.

Della's Blood Feather was also on the list. Due to the special circumstances of the benthic devil fish taking refuge, the first hand arranged by the white dragon did not work, but the harpies proved their worth in another way.

During the expansion journey, the Harpy clan used their flight advantages to act as scouts to detect the enemy's situation in advance, allowing the White Castle army to gain a clear intelligence advantage and be able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Therefore, the Harpy clan represented by the Blood Feather clan had been recognized by the major races and the white dragon lord, and had long been officially accepted by the White Castle, becoming a new member of the White Castle.

In the white castle hall, all the high-leveled people in the White Castle gathered together to talk and laugh loudly, bragging about how they smashed the enemy's head.


Hearing the voice of white dragon lord, the hall instantly became quiet, and everyone turned to look at him sitting on the throne.

The white dragon lord then loudly said, "In these short span of a few years, you have fought bloody battles, fought for thousands of miles, and almost captured all the land of the overseas archipelago!"

Everyone in the hall straightened their chests.

"The foolish people who are ignorant will either become corpses and rot in the dirty soil, or lay down their weapons and become a member of the rule of White Castle. This is all your credit!"

Everyone in the hall felt enthusiastic, and there was a kind of emotion in their hearts that only by shouting could they vent.

Glancing at the crowd below, the white dragon lord announced loudly: "I, the white dragon lord, am proud of you!"

The white dragon lord's voice seemed to pierce straight into their soul, and their master's acknowledgment made everyone excited, and they could no longer suppressed it.

The hall echoed with loud cheers, growls, and howls of wolves!

"Lord Amos!"

No one knew who took the lead. After the name of the white dragon lord reverberated in the White Castle's hall for the first time, everyone was out of control.

"Lord Amos! Lord Amos! Lord Amos!"

The white dragon lord spread out his huge wings. The huge dragon wings with a length of more than 30 meters occupied almost half the width of the vast white castle hall. The white dragon lord responded to the calls of his followers in this way.

The followers who received the response cheered even higher.

Below the White Castle, the surrounding soldiers heard the shouts from inside the White Castle. The beasts sitting on the ground talking and laughing, raised their heads, looked up at the White Castle. The fighters silently stopped, and turned around, also looking at the holy place above their head.

"Lord Amos!"

"Lord Amos! Lord Amos!"

"Lord Amos! Lord Amos! Lord Amos!"

Excited cheers were contagious, and more and more people joined the ranks of cheers.

On the edge of the platform, the ogre guards wearing armor and standing neatly at regular intervals saw the crowd shouting below. They looked at each other blankly, and finally, an ogre guard couldn't stand it anymore and turned to face the direction of White Castle, raised up the weapon in its hand.

"Lord Amos!"

One took the lead, and the remaining ogre guards also forgot their duties and turned to join the cheers.

The shouts that were originally scattered, gradually merged into one voice, and everyone sang together in unison

The voices shook the whole castle.

The name of white dragon Lord echoed all over the White Castle!

After a long time, the white dragon lord folded his wings, the cheering in the hall gradually ceased, leaving only the crowd outside.

The white dragon lord enchanted himself with sound amplification magic, and the voice of a dragon suppressed everyone's shouting.

"Now is the time to enjoy victory! Tonight! We will slaughter the livestock! Let's celebrate this memorable day together!"

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