White Dragon Lord

Chapter 142:.2 - Good Intentions

Chapter 142:.2 - Good Intentions

Time passed, and before dawn, the white dragon took the gray dwarf prince and landed on the island marked by Prince Raman.

This small island was located on the fringe of the overseas archipelago. It was separated from White Castle by Fulin Island, the second largest of the three main islands. The army of White Castle had not yet expanded here, and the island still maintained its original appearance.

Amos ignored the dire wolf trembling in the grass beside his feet, and placed the gray dwarf prince on the ground.

Soris stepped on the ground under his feet. The dwarves living in the ground seldom experienced the feeling of flying. This unreliable feeling of leaving the ground made him very uncomfortable.

"This is the island. Check out if there is anything worth noting."

"No problem. In exploring the land, dwarves are experts!"

On the way, the white dragon lord had already explained the situation to the gray dwarf. Soris knew that the Pavran Kingdoms proposal was full of suspicions, and the results of his own investigation would directly determine the outcome of this trip to Victoria Harbour.

"By the way, this is for you."

After receiving the gorgeous necklace handed over by white dragon lord, and feeling the aura of magical elements on the necklace, the gray dwarf looked at white dragon lord suspiciously.

"This is the spoils of war I captured before, a magic necklace with enchanted flight sequence spells."

At the end of the battle between the white dragon and the city of Bailey, under the pressure of the white dragon, the weapon master Gandalf presented a magic necklace. The necklace had been kept by the white dragon until today, and it was presented to the gray dwarf prince by the white dragon.

The prince of gray dwarves had lived in the subterranean world of remote overseas archipelago all his life. He had insufficient knowledge to judge the specific value of the flight enchanting necklace, but the light wind elements surrounding the necklace told him that this necklace must be valuable.

After taking a deep breath, the gray dwarf nodded cautiously to the white dragon, and turned to focus on exploring every inch of land under his feet.

Words were not what dwarves were good at. They preferred to use practical actions to express their feelings under the situation. Mining the secret mine, and then smuggling the secret ore away through the trade's transport ships, keeping the white dragon, who thought he had taken advantage of the situation, in the dark, stifling his fortune.

After thinking about it, Amos felt that he had been tricked by someone, and almost got the bait, his heart was furious.

"Soris, check out the specific location of the mithril mine and how much the reserves are."

The words of the white dragon lord revealed the situation.

"Master, the ore density of this mithril mine is average, and in terms of reserves, it is a medium-sized vein."

Amos calculated the value of this medium-sized mithril vein in his heart. The value of mithril, a very versatile and extremely rare magic metal, could no longer be measured by money.

According to his calculations, if the mithril of this vein was fully mined, it should be able to exchange three or four pieces of legendary equipment. Such high value was enough to attract the greedy eyes of any forces.

"Master, what shall we do? Do we still have to go to Victoria Harbour?"

Half an hour had passed. Amos completely calmed from the anger of being tricked, and began to think calmly.

Although now, he really wants to spray dragon breath on the smiling face of Prince Raman, and then kill all the insiders of the Pavran Kingdom's mithril mine, block the news, and then occupy this mithril vein alone.

It was a pity that with his current strength, he couldn't do this, so he could only think calmly about how to maximize his own interests.

Amos tone was plain.

"Go! Why not, knowing the existence of the mithril mine, then we should go even more."

Now, the insiders of the mithril mine were only the white dragon and the Kingdom of Pavran. If the white dragon intended to take advantage of the powerful sea power of the White Castle to occupy the mithril mine alone, then the Kingdom of Pavran would not mind and spread the news.

Hearing the news of mithril veins, the forces on the mainland would definitely be like sharks smelling the fishy smell, come to the door together and ask for a piece of the pie.

The white dragon, who had low strength, must either make a compromise and give up most of the benefits of the mithril vein, or contact the Nine Eyes Alliance, and give up most of the benefits so that the Nine Eyes Alliance could resist external pressure.

The result of tearing up the skin with the Pavran Kingdom would only hurt both sides, while negotiating with the Pavran Kingdom, Amos would get more benefits.

In terms of the combat power of the legendary level, White Castle was equal to the Kingdom of Pavran, and as for the marine combat capability, Pavrans naval fleet was not an opponent of the murloc army at all.

With its strength and home court advantage, the white dragon could definitely gain the upper hand in the negotiations with the Pavran Kingdom and gain the bulk of the mithril vein.

It was not difficult for any normal people to choose between the two options, an additional enemy with a smaller share of the mithril mine, and a friend to get more benefits.

The white dragon lord grabbed the dwarf and flew towards Victoria Harbour.

Victoria Harbour was the largest port in the Kingdom of Pavran. It was not only the place of commercial prosperity, but also the main station of the navy of the Kingdom of Pavran.

The huge white dragon flew close to the sea, and the wind pressure brought by the wide wings drew ripples in the calm sea.

Under the majestic dragons terrifying aura, the seabirds fainted directly, and those in the distance flapped their wings in panic, trying to maintain their balance, while screaming in mid-air.

When the white dragon flew over a warship with the flag of the Kingdom of Pavran, its wings shook, and the huge wind pressure sent out the entire ship trembling.

The soldiers on the deck panicked. Some soldiers thought that the white dragon was about to attack the ship, so they jumped into the water, looking at the white dragon going away in surprise.


The loud dragon roar resounded throughout Victoria, and the livestock in the city fled in panic when they heard the dragon roar.

On the road, horses pulling gorgeous carriages ran wildly, knocking over small stalls along the way, and fruits, vegetables and other commodities were scattered all over the place.

Inside the houses, domestic pets curled up in the corner and wailed.

People in the city were also frightened, hiding in their houses in panic, closing doors and windows.

The legendary wanderer, Hausmann Campbell, instantly activated his flying magic equipment and flew out of the window of the Linhai Castle.

The angry wanderer saw the gray dwarf in Amos' hand, and felt the powerful aura on his body. The anger in his heart was forcibly suppressed as if someone poured icy water on his head, and the scimitar in his hand was put away.

But due to responsibility, Hausmann bit the bullet and condemned.

"Your Excellency Amos! Is this your attitude as a guest?!"

Facing the reproach of the legendary wanderer, the white dragon lord stopped in the air and threw the mithril ore.

Hausmann took the thrown object accurately, opened his palm and looked at it, his pupils shrank and his tone was solemn.

"So, Lord Amos, is this a sign to go to war?"

Trouble, now in Victoria Harbor, with just one legendary professional himself, Hausmann was already planning to escape with Prince Raman.

"No! On the contrary, I came with good intentions."

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