White Dragon Lord

Chapter 140: The Prince's Proposal

Chapter 140: The Prince's Proposal

The monster leaders heard the confident words of the white dragon lord, and once again puffed out their chests with pride, but there was a little less impulsive arrogance clouding their eyes, and rays of little more rational thinking shone in them.

Amos nodded in satisfaction.

"Bucky Darkscale, the nightwalkers under you are best suited to scout for information. Arrange enough men to monitor all the ports of the Pavran Kingdom and keep a close eye on their naval warships! If you find anything unusual, report it to me immediately."


"Old Blind, Hogg River Claw, Roger Heavy Punch, no matter how you divide your troops and what means you use, within ten years, except for the three main islands, I want to see all the islands, submit at the foot of White Castle!"

"Yes!" x3

"Old Jimmy! You are responsible for the logistical supplies of each team. Gulgaru will remain in the White Castle, but he must be ready to fight at any time."


After the distribution of tasks, the white dragon lord announced the end of the meeting. With the exception of the White Castle's chief steward-Gulgaru, the monster leaders dispersed, while he summoned three meritorious murlocs in the White Castles hall.

After a while, three murlocs walked in excitedly.

Amos discovered that among the three murlocs, the strongest was only mid-level professional, and there was nothing particularly outstanding about them.

However, according to the regulations established by the white dragon lord, regardless of strength or racial status, as long as enough credit was made, one could obtain the qualifications of becoming a dragon's follower.

This time, it would naturally be no exception.

After the white dragon lord converted the murlocs into followers, he asked about the specific location of the mithril vein and sent the murloc away.

Only the white dragon and the two-headed ogre chief were left in the hall. The white dragon took out a piece of paper and gave it to the ogre chief.

"Gulgaru, contact the Chamber of Commerce of the Nine Eyes Alliance. We need all the medicinal materials recorded above, whether it's finished medicinal materials or seeds, we will collect as many as they have!"

Amos took out a medicine formula again.

"Copy multiple copies of this potion recipe, and together with the acquired herbs, distribute it to all the mages within the Mage Corps, who can configure potions, so that they can learn how to configure these potions in the shortest possible time, and raise the secrecy level of the potions, to the highest level."


Gulgaru also left the White Castles hall to execute the orders of the white dragon lord. The white dragon lord lay on the throne, thinking about the next course of action.

The mining and utilization of the mithril veins, the implementation of the teleportation node plan, the threat of the Pavran Kingdom, the magic research that caused him a headache, the mage tower plan The list was never ending, and he found that there was a lot of trouble waiting for him, and felt a little headache.

Amos hated trouble, but there was no way out. These troubles could play a huge role in promoting the development of White Castle, and enable the white dragons to survive in this dangerous world.

After Amos sent a message to the gray dwarf prince Soris through the Longfang family contract, he went to the second floor of the White Castle and felt two familiar and cordial breaths. It seems that Felicia was also back. Just the right timing.

The corners of Amos' mouth curled up, and he kicked open Erlong's room one by one.

"Willy! Get up, Felicia! Don't sleep! You have been sleeping for more than three years! Haven't got enough sleep yet?!"

The sound amplified by magic shook the entire White Castle. The ogre guards standing guard outside were scared and shrank their necks.

Willy was so scared that he jumped directly from the pile of gold coins.

"Oh, brother! What happened?!"

Felicia woke up suddenly, angrily rushed out from the pile of gold coins, as they scattered on the ground.

"Amos! You bastard! You interrupted my acceptance of the teachings of the Queen of Dragon! If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will, I will..."

Felicia remembered that she was not the opponent of her big brother at all, and couldn't think of an effective threat method for a while. She choked up suddenly, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

The white dragon lord raised his huge dragon head, and two white breaths spouted from his nostrils.

"You what?"

Felicia flashed her inspiration, and said weakly, "I will tear your bed and eat up your gold coins!"

Willy stood aside, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, but Amos was dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, the reason is absolutely satisfactory to you. Will the news of a large mithril vein let the honorable priest let me off the hook?!"

Felicia was stunned when she heard the words, and then reacted, and instantly put the unpleasantness of being awakened on the back of her mind.

"Large?! Mithril?! Mithril veins! Oh! Tiamat blesses!"

"Brother, are you sure you are right?! It's not a silver mine! It's a mythril vein?!"

Dragons had a complete inheritance, and of course they knew what a large mythril vein meant, so the dragon siblings couldnt believe it, even Amoss heart was not calm.

"Yes, a large mythril vein! It is hidden in the depths of a trench around Kumlinge. I plan to mine it out as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams."

Felicia was impatient, "Then what are we waiting for! Let's go."

Willy rolled his eyes, "Are you going to plow with your claws?"

"Isn't it?"

Amos: "Felicia, this is a large mythril vein, how long do you plan to plow it!"

Felicia thought of how hard the mithril ore was, and frowned, "Then what do you guys say? Murlocs? Don't be kidding, even if they smash the mining pick, they won't be able to dig a piece of ore."

Felicia was right. The hardness of mithril ore wasn't comparable to that of ordinary ore. Even if the murloc could reach it, there was no way to get hard ore.

After thinking slightly, Willy said, "Of course, ordinary mining picks can't get mithril ore, but if they are enchanted mining picks, then there is no problem. It's just that the White Castle doesn't have the relevant manufacturing process. If we buy it from humans, It must be done more secretly so as not to be discovered."

"No, we don't need to buy it from humans. During your deep sleep, I got the allegiance of the Gray Dwarf City-Darkforge. Their leader is still a legendary warrior."

Felicia and Willy were speechless for a long time, but this happened with their elder brother, so they could digest it, because, along the way, Amos gave them too much shock.

Felicia calmed down, "Well, Amos, what do we need to do?"

"Felicia, I need you to go to the Darkforge fortress in the dark territory, fetch the enchanted mining picks forged by the gray dwarves, supervise the murlocs as they mine the secret mithril ore, then transport the ore back to the Darkforge fortress, let the dwarves smelt the ore, and after refining the secret mythril ingots, find a hidden place in the dark territory to hide the mithril ingots that are not currently used."

"There are two legendary creatures on Kumlinge, but they can't fly, so your safety should be fine, but you still have to be careful to prevent accidents."

"Willy, you go with Felicia, the legendary warrior I'm talking about is the prince of the gray dwarf-Soris. He can't cross the ocean alone. You are responsible for bringing him back to White Castle. The Pavran Kingdom have eyes on the land of the overseas archipelago, and conflicts may break out at any time. We need his strength."


"Okay, let's go now."

On the balcony of the second floor of the White Castle, Amos looked at the distant silhouette of dragon siblings, lost in thought.

The key point of the teleportation node plan was to store the teleport crystals of the spatial path marker. In the Nine Eyes Alliance, the white dragon spent a lot of gold coins and purchased three teleport crystals.

It was not that Amos didn't want to buy more, but that the crystal transmission technology was complicated and an important strategic resource. Its value couldn't be measured by gold coins at all. The Nine Eyes Alliance only gave him three purchase rights.

Although the materials were all available, the location of the transmission crystal and the depiction of the magic circle required his own hands. However, in the current situation, he must sit in the white castle to prevent the war from happening.

Therefore, the transfer node plan could only be postponed.

After doing everything he could, Amos continued to study the soul magic books. This trip to the south of the mainland had given him lots of profits.


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